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Israeli Etchings

Vi Ransel

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Two grim images from Gaza

acid-etched themselves

into my consciousness,

a little girls' head

and a baby's body.

It was odd to see

her tousled hair, her smudged small cheeks

on a pile of rubble as if asleep

at an IDF soldier's feet

severed from the rest of her

perhaps by the pressure waves

of limb-slicing, US-supplied

dense inert metal explosives,


But the charred lump was worse,

a charcoaled, partial baby

held aloft by a sobbing medic

in supplication

to the white phosphorus

which had made it

barely recognizable,

a sacrificial burnt offering,

featureless face

stumps of arms

below the waist

its baby legs

a shark-gnawed fish tail,

vestigial remnants of bones

blackened in a barbecue in hell.

All I ask

is that the war criminals who ordered this

see the same Israeli etchings

on the undersides of their eye lids,

one on the left, one on the right,

so they can

never again

close their eyes

as they try to fall asleep every night.

Olmert.  Barak.  Netanyahu.  Livni.

Bush/Cheney, Gates, Rumsfeld and Rice.

The Knesset.  The Senate.

The House of Representatives.

The Military-Industrial Complex

and the IDF should be sentenced

to see the results of their callous and casual crimes

'til they pluck out their own eyes

in an effort to go blind.

Authors Bio: Vi's works appear widely both in print and online. She conducts Poetry Workshops and gives readings in Central New York. Her latest chapbook is "Sine Qua Non Antiques (an Arcanum of History, Geography and Treachery).