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A Friend

Charles Hanson Towne

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A Friend

In the light of recent life events, the following piece, a framed gift from uncle Bill to uncle Jim given many years ago, takes on added meaning. It hangs on Jim's wall and there isn't a time its read that tears don't come to the eyes. Is there someone you've been meaning to visit, invite over, write a letter to, or just call? Don't put it off.

Around the corner I have a friend,

In this great city that has no end;

Yet days go by, and weeks rush on,

And before I know it a year is gone,


And I never see my old friend's face,

For life is a swift and terrible race.

He knows I like him just as well

As in the days when I rang his bell


And he rang mine. We were younger then,

And now we are busy, tired men:

Tired with playing a foolish game,

Tired with trying to make a name.


"Tomorrow," I say, "I will call on Jim,

Just to show I am thinking of him."

But tomorrow comes - and tomorrow goes,

And the distance between us grows and grows.


Around the corner! - yet miles away . .

"Here's the telegram, Sir. . .

'Jim died today'."

And that's what we get, and deserve in the end:

Around the corner, a vanished friend.


- by Charles Hanson Towne

PS: Brother-in-law and close friend,Bill, and Jim, recent heart transplant recipient, both keep this thought in mind and no longer put off any opportunity to visit together, with understanding support from loving wives. "Thanks Betsy & Jay" - Bill & Jim.