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The Trick of the Master Illusion

Ron Van Dyke

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As if separation was even sensible;

But we were determined to try it...

Results have proved reprehensible!

We began by creating amnesia,

Forgetting the truth of our being,

Forming bodies of flesh and blood,

And reality based upon seeing.

Oh, how solid our substance.

How separate we each could appear.

How powerful we had become

In creating our world of fear.

Safety was sacrificed next,

With the freedom relinquished to be

Connected in physical bodies

By means we could no longer see.

Dimension’s perceptions evaded.

How far could we drift from our Source?

We were free to experience whatever

As we set a new journey and course.

Feeling unaided, abandoned,

We struggled as aliens alone.

We feared what we didn’t understand;

Lost all ideas of home.

Some killed while others submitted,

Each taking turns in these roles:

First victim, then victimizer;

Each soul now paid all the tolls.

A price was extracted for living

In a world where all could be free.

Again, we had chosen amnesia,

So our dramas became tragedy.

Our Father in Heaven forgotten;

Our Mother, the Earth, was abused;

And we who had died in our birthing

Now lived our whole life so confused.

We created so many diversions

To escape from the pain deep inside,

To numb profound isolation,

And to find somewhere to hide.

Many relished the role as a leader,

Sadistically proving their power;

While others most gladly relinquished

Their sovereignty hour by hour.

Acquiescing was now seen as normal:

The way it was destined to be.

Life became mere survival,

Surrender to passivity.

And passive, we drifted still further,

Storm-tossed on the waves of the sea,

Meandering, aimless, forsaken;

And death was the way to be free.

Our separate world a disaster:

Terror, tribulation and woe.

The freedom we had been given

Made Life our horrendous foe.

Oh, how grand the illusion!

The experience, was it not real?

Could it be we weren’t really separate?

Did we manufacture this deal?

Yes, some of us did awaken,

Saw that it all was so true:

We’d created a master deception

As if from out of the blue.

We, not some other outside us.

Yes, we wrote the script for our play.

Indeed, we did trick ourselves;

Yet thought it didn’t seem that way.

Truth remembered, seemed awful.

Still, we knew it was so;

But so long we played the victim...

Now what do we do since we know?

We begin again at beginning,

Starting over by seeing the One;

And knowing that Love is abundant;

We can heal and join in the fun.

We work through all of our feelings,

Learn lessons from the sad and the bad,

Rising from where we descended,

Our hearts transforming to glad.

Embracing our acts of creation,

Thankful for even the viral,

Reversing the flow of destruction,

And rising in uplifting spiral.

The frequency of our vibration,

Going upward, higher and higher,

Transmuting experienced illusion,

Burning away dross in the fire.

Standing alone at the crossroads,

A decision all must now face:

Do we see the world created,

As a world we can embrace?

Or do we maintain the delusion

That we can be separate indeed,

Rejecting the Love of the Cosmos,

Remaining alone in our need?

The trick of the master illusion

Is a journey offered to all

With courage to expand in awareness

And pay heed to the infinite call.

While the risks seem awfully fearful,

The destiny staggers belief:

Creating new worlds while knowing

Is bound to be a relief.

We can master illusion,

Or allow it to master us.

It’s all in our choice to be loving,

And to stop the resistance and fuss.

Since we are here it is certain:

We already joined in the fray,

Right here, right now in this world,

Our nighttime soon can be day!

© By Ron Van Dyke

March 8, 2008
