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Your Inner Work

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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ork with thought which would render them master of all situations. They count on an easy existence where nothing difficult or unfortunate will ever befall them. The Lord himself has a duty to protect them, to give them tranquillity and good health, and this is why they address their prayers to him. As for non-believers, they expect society to help and protect them. No, people must realize that they will never be completely protected and safe. They are on earth to learn and to develop themselves, and their difficulties and ordeals are there

precisely to force them to do so. They cannot escape. So instead of running here and there and demanding, protesting and complaining, you must each take up an inner work, for it is within you that you will find your remedies, your consolation and your hope."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov