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Initiatic vs. Occult Sciences

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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"Initiatic Science is not to be confused with the occult sciences,  in which the light of spiritual knowledge is used mainly for dark ends. Out of their desire to use this knowledge to obtain money, women and powers, many who have steeped themselves in the occult sciences have come to a very bad end. Books on the occult abound, and they make many promises: thanks to this perfume, that talisman or a certain magic stone, you will obtain all you desire. And people dabble in it, hoping to find quick and easy ways of satisfying their desires. This is why black magic is so widespread throughout the world, whereas white magic, theurgy, has few candidates. In fact, the goal of  initiatic Science is to teach us how to rid ourselves of our lower desires and enter into contact with the divine world, so that we can perfect ourselves and help the whole of humanity. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov