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Follow Your Deepest Aspirations

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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ll do nothing but bother those around you.'

And to someone who is thinking of starting a family I sometimes say: 'Study yourself carefully before making a decision. You don't seem very suited to marriage; right away you will feel tied down, and not only will you yourself suffer, but you will make the person you live with suffer as well.' Each of you comes to earth with a specific constitution, a specific temperament, and it is important to be aware of your deepest inclinations and not to take a direction that will lead you astray. As a result of your experiences in previous incarnations, each of you comes with a programme to fulfil which is related to your own possibilities. At this point it is not for you to decide on your deepest aspirations."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov