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Biography of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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lt with in terms of how man can better understand himself and conduct his life.

And if the word can have such a reach, it is that he was himself, during all his existence, the most living illustration of his Teaching.

Other more detailed biographies are available in the following books:

OMRAAM MIKHAEL AIVANHOV A BIOGRAPHY, by Louise-Marie Frenette, Editions Suryoma


Editions Robert Lachance

Préface de "la deuxième naissance", (french) collection Complete Works, volume 1, Editions Prosveta


Small biography of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

1900 - Mikhael Ivanov was born in Serbtzi, a small village of Macedonia. He was a precocious child and early on became fascinated with spiritual matters.

1907 - The village Szerbtzi was been setted on fire by Greeks nationalists; the family moves to Varna, a town of Bulgaria lying near the Black Sea.

1916 - First spiritual experience which shall be the beginning of his spiritual studies during the twenty next years. At this time, he was plunged into a state of ecstasy in which he experienced everything bathed in, and suffused with, light; an experience that left a lasting mark on his understanding of the nature of existence.

1917 - In Varna, he meets the Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) who has grounded the school of the White Brotherhood in Bulgaria, has composed the songs relative to this school and the paneurythmy, and has given the basical methods and exercises.

By the side of his spiritual activities, after having accomplished his studies in the university in Sofia (1923-1931), Mikhael Ivanov becomes teacher, then director in a high school (1932-1935).

1937 - He settles in France, mandated by Peter Deunov to spread there the teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood and to save it from the communism. During approximately 50 years, he is teaching, giving thousands of conferences through the world (from which the first ones have been stenographied).

1938 - First conferences in Paris, and in Lyon.

1944 - Master Peter Deunov died.

Peter Deunov

(Beinsa Douno)

(1864 - 1944)

Grounder of the school of the White Brotherhood in Bulgary

Radio Bulgaria: Peter Deunov's philosophy, popular around the world

1945 - First conference given in Switzerland, in Lausanne.

1953 - First summer-congress in the centre Le Bonfin near to Fréjus.

1959 - He travels in India, where he visits numerous ashrams and meets several spiritual leaders. He was welcomed by several renowned Hindu Sages as an accomplished Master from Europe. One of them, Maharaja Nimcaroli Babaji, gives him the name: Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. From his return, in 1960, his improvised conferences are stored on magnetic tapes.

1971 - The Prosveta Publishings are grounded in Switzerland. Little by little, they publish the teaching of the numerous conferences. The books are little by little translated in numerous languages (beginning of translation of 77 volumes besides 32 languages). The collection "complete works" has been entierely supervised by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

1979 - The improvised conferences are now also stored on video cassettes.

1986 - Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov travels in the invisible world.

2000 - The school and the teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood are 100 years old.

Biography - Books

La vie d'un Maître en Occident

Editions Robert Lachance

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov a Biography

Editions Suryoma

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov i Peutiat na Svetlinata

Editions Kibea

by Louise-Marie Frenette

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WE thank Roger Schreiber for sending these Daily Meditations from the archive of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov to Fourwinds for posting.

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Go to the website above for links to further information on Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and his works.