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Grid Changes

Jan Tober, with Lee Carroll

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to alignment with the Crystalline Grid — the new grid of the new world that is being formed at this moment. The clearing, activation, and setting of the Crystalline Grid began in March 2003. Completion will continue until 2012.

We are starting to feel a shift from the electromagnetic energy to the new, nuclear energy that is coming in with the Crystalline Grid. Nuclear energy is a combination of electromagnetic energy and nuclear fusion. This new energy will enable us to step into the next dimension. This is not the destructive energy we have associated with nuclear power in the past. This type of nuclear power will enable our strands of DNA to make the shift into the 5th dimension.

This energy is called "adamante," which refers to the tiniest subparticles of life, or the "life force energy." This energy will allow humans to return to their original blueprint, increasing the lifespan and perhaps even bringing immortality.

The most important thing to remember about the Crystalline Grid is to stay anchored. But we must also stay flexible. We want the energy to remind us of who we really are. And we want to allow the grid shift, as well, to be both flexible and anchored.

These changes are making many things happen. For example, our archetypes are changing. Male and female roles are changing. Many of us feel anxious, fearful, or depressed. The body is experiencing profound changes as we move from one dimension to another. Change is becoming a constant. There are major changes as the old paradigm is falling away.

We don't have to feel anxious. We need to feel with our consciousness that the new change is to be loved and embraced.

Aligning with the Inner Child

One thing we can do now is to work with the Divine Inner Child. This is important because we can learn self-love in this way. Self-love is one of the most important steps to take in the new paradigm. The Inner Child resides in the Heartspace, and this is the place we all need to be working with — the space behind the heart. We need to disconnect our Inner Child from its earth parents, i.e. our physical parents, and connect it with Divinity.

One way to do this is to see your Inner Child reconnected with the God/Goddess or sacred Father/Mother. See the Inner Child being embraced by the God/Goddess in the Heartspace, and bring in feelings of peacefulness. Breathe in, and really work in the heartspace. Talk with your Inner Child and find out what she/he wants. Connect lovingly. And above all, listen.

The techniques for relating to Indigo Children also work with your Divine Inner Child. The Indigo Children are advanced souls that have come to bring in new energy at this time.

So we must learn to work with the Inner Child. None of this is easy — but it's what's here for every person. The whole evolution of beings is changing. We must learn to co-exist with the Indigos, and the only way that we can do this is to be our authentic selves and learn to experience the feeling of self love.

You have to learn how be authentic with the new Indigo Children, and you have to use the same method of communication with your own Inner Child. For instance, it's wise to always allow the Indigo Child choices, and you can do this with your own Inner Child.

You can negotiate. If you are working a lot, your Inner Child may feel smothered and need a break. You can ask to finish what you're working on, and then agree to have fun or play.

Here's an exercise from the Indigo Children book I co-wrote with Lee Carroll: Simply write a question with your dominant hand and answer it with your non-dominant hand! You can receive incredible information in this way.

It is possible to really connect with your Inner Child to create at the optimum level. Through this connection, we can truly learn self-love. When you learn to feel an emotional, warm love for your Inner Child, and will start finding it natural to honor yourself. You will find that you will keep your promises to this Divine Inner Child and protect it from being tired or hurt through a loss of boundaries.

Boundaries are very important to the Inner Child. You will be a mess in these times without learning to hold your boundaries. It's important to hold your boundaries so that others cannot push you, either consciously or subconsciously. Be aware of this and heighten your awareness.

It would also help to release anyone who you allow to take your energy in any way. Eliminate the energy takers in your life. If you feel tired or drained after talking to someone, examine that. Don't let it go by. If they are friends, you still must let them go. Making this decision in these times is important. Everyone needs to look at the cast of characters in their movie, their life — because the movie is changing.

The Braided Breath and

Platinum Ray Visualization

There is one technique, called the Braided Breath which, together with the Platinum Ray Visualization, can make the shift a little easier for anyone who practices it. It is simple and effective. It is a DNA-shifting technique. This technique was channeled through Source by Ellen Kaufman Dosick, Karen Wolford, and myself in May 2003. We are working together on channeling information for the Crystalline Grid and documenting it for an upcoming book.

Here is the meditation that came through for the three of us:

Braided Breath

Inhale 2 counts — count as "one thousand one, one thousand two..." Don't fully expand the lungs, but breathe deeply into the Tan Tien (the area just below and behind the navel).

Hold for 1 count — count as "one thousand one."

Exhale for 2 counts — "one thousand one, one thousand two..."

Hold for 1 count — "one thousand one."

This breath should be repeated eight times. Eight represents infinity, and works well for this exercise. The Platinum Ray visualization below should follow the breathing part of the exercise.

The Platinum energy has been anchored into the planet with the opening of the Crystalline Grid. The Platinum Ray is a silver ray with tinges of blue that works with the healing of duality.

Platinum Ray Visualization

After you have completed Braided Breath eight times, see your own crystal before you filled with the Platinum Ray and the irridescence of the Crystalline Grid.

Simply step in the center of this crystal and stay for a while. This helps to anchor your energy and keep you centered.

The exercise may be used as little as once daily or repeated many times during the day.

Changes for Health

It's important for us to pay careful attention to our health at this time. The body needs to be de-toxified and cleansed. Each of us must find the answer that works for our own body, but it is important to have plenty of protein, from whatever source is appropriate for you. And please drink a great deal of water, but only in small amounts at any one time.

Also, we need to focus on releasing stress. Turning off the television and electronics in the house whenever possible is one important stress reduction technique.

There tend to be challenges with the back — specifically the spine — bones, and blood sugar. I recommend that everyone see a holistic practitioner of some kind — a chiropractor or homeopathic doctor — who will really look at your body. Find out what you need to do for your body. Everyone should take his or her health very seriously at this time. Take a look at all of the stress in your life and focus on eliminating it.

For working with your bones, I suggest running Emerald Green Light into those areas. We have found this to be effective.

Managing Your Vibrations

Color and sound will help us make a shift in our feelings. I have a CD available on my website that helps. It works the colors of the chakras using tones. The new irridescent colors of the Crystalline Age will be coming into the aura.

Also, you may want to make certain adjustments to your aura when you go out in public. This is a time of high security in the world because of the planetary changes, so if you are a person who holds a "higher charge," you may want to imagine a rainbow filter (ask for Rainbow Light) when you go out. You won't attract as much attention, and it will easier to travel through public places.

Most public places, especially government buildings, are very third dimensional. You may ask the building's permission — just as the Native Americans asked the plants before taking leaves — to encompass the building with the Rainbow Light, and if it agrees, then you can do this and enter more comfortably. And also remember to wrap yourself in the Rainbow Light.

The Rainbow Light makes us seem peaceful and familiar to other people. The rainbow filter allows other people to see us as being similar to them, and so they are more comfortable. People also will get what they need from the rainbow, since its colors are plugged into the Earth. It's better not to imagine White Light around one's self. That's a little overwhelming to others just now.

There are also two books that I recommend — Toll's Power of Now, which reminds us of the importance of taking breaths and being in the NOW, not in the past or future; and Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn. Grabhorn's book is a mainstream version of Abraham's teachings. It teaches that wherever you are, you are magnetizing. This is important because what we magnetize can make us feel crazy. You have to learn to clear the garbage, because it keeps coming back, and this is because you're magnetizing it through your thoughts, emotions, and subconscious intent.

You have to learn what your triggers are, and once you can identify the area of triggers, you can truly begin to clear.

Recent Energy Changes

I'd like to talk some of the changes that have taken place. On April 14 and 15, 2003, there was an acceleration of the energy, an invitation to the Indigos. A door opened for the Indigos to step into the 5th dimension completely. Many of them may have received their life map or syllabus at this time, because Indigos are born without a syllabus.

Everything on the planet was speeded up, and it was a very emotional time. Many people made a decision to step into the 5th dimension.

There are also some channelings I would like to share. I ask that the reader listen and feel from the heart. Don't accept this or anything as gospel unless it is something your heart accepts.

The Feminine Messiah energy was anchored in on April 15. In October, the Male Messiah aspect was anchored in. The partnering of people at the highest soul level will then begin take place. The actual new relationships will be real — they will not be based on karmic situations.

The 5th-dimensional energy is also bringing in group souls. We are rapidly making connections with the souls in our group. The energy this brings is very profound and quickening, and in some cases may even be uncomfortable.

Also, part of the channeling of Ellen, Karin, and myself centered around the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The energy at this point in Jerusalem has always acted as a centrifuge — it has been the umbilical cord of the planet. It spun and made peace very difficult. That energy has been cleared, transformed, and has become a pure Love energy that resides in Ground Zero in New York. This will allow the opportunity for a New Jerusalem and create a Love vortex at Ground Zero. It will stimulate a new center that has a great effect on our country and the world.

We're all explorers. We need to observe and be aware of who we really are — the golden God/Goddess. We need to be aware of our responsibility for the Divine Inner Child. We can find deep and real self-love through the Inner Child. Through this, we can come together as a blazing light of Love on the planet. But we must start with the self.

Once, we could change, go away, or be the same. Those options are no longer available. However, the grander picture is this: With the help of the Crystal Grid, we are changing the history of Planet Earth.

Jan Tober, with Lee Carroll, is a channel for Kryon. Jan also channels the Council of Thirty-Three.

She has three CDs that are all channeled pieces. The intent of the channeled music is to help anchor the DNA activations. They are "The Journey Home," "Teknicolour Tapestry," and "Color Sound." They co-wrote the book Indigo Children.

Jan may be reached through the Kryon website, Jan Tober at