The Transformation of Heaven en Earth
Sheldan Nidle
The Great Dichotomy of Heaven
Many millions of years ago, the Great Lords of Heaven established in this galaxy a holy dichotomy that entailed the creation of both Beings of Light and forces of the dark. In a tremendous flash of holy Light, the Supreme Creator released into this galactic realm an almighty ‘diabolical’ entity whose assignment was to fashion a momentous sequence of dark forces. The two opposing elements, Light and dark, were born and immediately engaged themselves in seemingly endless struggles. Yet, these encounters did, indeed, a divine purpose as well as a divine outcome.
At the moment of their conception, the Supreme Creator (through Lord Michael) prophesied a time when the originator of the forces of darkness would issue an edict to its vast creations. The edict would state that a time for permanent peace in your galaxy had finally arrived. Such a future peace includes a joining with the forces of Light to form an even greater Light, the brilliance of which can forever change the ways of all physicality.
At the very heart of our extraordinary tale lies a special water planet which circles a small star located in one of the outer arms of this beautiful spiral galaxy known to your astronomers as the ‘Arm of Orion”. To its billions of inhabitants, this special blue and green water-world is called Earth. It is the third planet from the small, yellow-white star known to you as the Sun.
In the galactic home-worlds of ‘Anchara’ (as this dark Creator-Being called himself) were born entities enveloped in a great darkness. These newly formed ones were told to rule this galaxy by force, if necessary. To aid them, Anchara demonstrated the way of warring, the uses of deceit, and the methods of tyranny. He gave these beings mighty weapons that delivered blinding bolts of intense light and deafening rumbles of resounding thunder.
Then, about 35 million years ago, the children of Anchara began to explore their sector of the galaxy, looking for worlds to conquer. In their first ten million years of battle, they were undefeatable. Across the length and breadth of this galaxy, all opposing forces fell, beaten, in their path. Many dark empires formed. As part of their agenda, their Imperial Science Corps began to create many subservient slave races.
In a number of minor star systems (unwittingly overlooked by the dark hordes), there grew up a certain species of the Light. Guided in their divine purposes by the vast Lineage of Heaven, these noble Beings quickly grew into a mighty league of over 250 star-nations. This first league of the Light clandestinely moved its forces into a number of nearby star systems. Here, some 25 millions ago, they first encountered the numerous forces of Anchara. Thus began the many savage galactic wars fought between the smaller forces of Light and the vast hordes of darkness.
One bloody battle swiftly followed another. Battles grew into wars and wars into unrelenting campaigns, ravaging your galaxy. Many enormous voids, huge tears in the very fabric of space/time, remaining as insidious souvenirs in the wake of battle. One of the foremost places from which to observe these spectacular voids is located in what you call the Constellation of Orion. If entered, these large cracks in space/time can catapult you instantly from one part of the galaxy to another and could, occasionally, even flip you into a distant dimension from which you might never return.
As these enormous voids began to spread throughout your galaxy, its heavenly Administrations put forth an emergency call for a divine solution. That solution came from the many Orders of Elohim, those sacred Creator-Beings assigned by Heaven to protect and maintain your galaxy.
The solution of the Elohim was two-fold. First, by reordering the very fabric of galactic space/time, they stopped the damage of the many rips to its sacred material. Next, the Elohim established a series of new, inter-dimensional portals that permitted space/time travel. These solutions helped to safeguard the integrity and continuity of their sacred, mighty work.
As the wars grew in intensity, your solar system became the focus for numerous claims and counter-claims on each side. The prophesies of Lord Michael and of Anchara led both the Light and the dark to search for the place where Heaven might choose to end this unholy war. Many star systems were fought over, yet none seemed right.
Finally, the two opponents came upon your world. Colonies were put forth and many skirmishes fought. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, the combatants left in a swirl of mighty thunder and mass destruction. Heaven then decreed a temporary truce for your tortured solar system. The Angelic Domain had placed a protective cloak of blinding Light around it. No one, except certain peaceful travelers, could pass trough this sacred veil. Thus, for the next fifteen millions years, your star system was left to its own devices.
During this period of brief conflicts, three major sentient species that were isolated from their own home-worlds developed colonies upon your Earth. Surrounded by the positive reality that de many Councils of Angels who graced your world had created, the colonists gradually overcame their initial mutual animosities and lived in harmony for millions of years. In more recent times, many former galactic foes used this long era of interspecies harmony to validate the numerous sacred prophesies that are about to be fulfilled.
Since the time of the very first Legion of the Light, many such organizations have come and gone. Each contained those attributes that made it successful in carrying out its various objectives. We do not intend to give you a detailed account of their complex histories. However, we wish you to know that the way of the Light has long remained strong, focused, and committed. About four and a one-half million years ago, these valiant forces of Light came together once again to bring froth the sacred charter for another unique organization: the Galactic Federation of Light.
This action was taken in response to a bold move. The previously fractured forces of darkness have streamlined their many separate and embattled empires into one great body called the ‘ Alliance ’ of Anchara. This new confederacy now attacked the many forces of Light with an integrated battle plan. It was a significant maneuver as it mirrored closely the type of organization referred to in the celestial prophesies of Lord Michael.
These two diverse forces combined to fight the long prophesied final battle between Light and dark, the most brutal of this seemingly endless conflict. The length of time that would transpire before a final truce came about was then unknown. Yet, a thought existed that the ending of this unholy war was near at hand.
A priestess’ call to her creator, Anchara, had led to the rise of the Alliance . She asked what the fate of their dark empire was to be. Anchara answered with a prophesy, “Lo, my people need to be as one. They require the advantage of union before the battles for the sacred place of peace. These many battles are shortly to begin. Go! Tell your master!” A vast council of over 10,000 dark territories was thereby convened. The crucial deed was done. The Alliance was formed.
The Galactic Federation of Light was created as a response to the many unified fleets of dark ships that threatened to overwhelm the Light. The Light prevailed because of a series of great celestial prophesies given to them by Lord Michael. These predictions stated that de water-worlds near the edge of Orion’s galactic arm were a key to the future unification of the myriad star-nations in your galaxy. Many dark and Light battle fleets began to focus on acquiring and holding this prophesied, ‘holy’ ground.
During the next series of galactic wars, one star system ruled by a small yellow-white star (your ‘Sun’) came under very intense scrutiny. Elsewhere, star systems were composed mostly of large gaseous planets or nearly waterless worlds. This planetary system was highly unusual in that it contained four major water-worlds: Venus, Earth, Mars and ‘Maldek’. This fact made your solar system very desirable to aggressive colonizers.
In your galaxy, water was a rare commodity. Yet, here were four great water-worlds possessing dense atmospheres extremely abundant in oxygen. All forms of plant and animal life were thriving in their waters, lands, and skies. Among all others in this vicinity, these worlds seemed the most blessed. The time had finally arrived to decide if the blue-green orb of divine prophesy was contained within this solar system.
Sacred messengers were dispatched to all the worlds of Light, creating large processions of Light throughout the empire of darkness. A series of sacred rituals lasting nearly one and one-half million years was performed by the respective orders of priestesses and priests. At the right divine moment, Lord Michael and then Anchara confirmed that these worlds were indeed the site of the ‘End-Time’ prophesies. Much commotion was engendered by these holy words. Great crusades formed, with much attention centered on these precious water-worlds.
During the next half-million years, these four planets in your solar system became the prime focus for your galaxy’s many philosophies, battle plans, and most deeply felt desires. Many great songs, poems, and books were written based upon these varied subjects. As the divine controversies continued, some two million years ago, it became clear to all that the most favored of the four water-worlds was the planet you call Earth. From this time forward, it became the most desired jewel in the entire galaxy.
The two warring sides sent their greatest orders of sacred ones and their most committed colonist to Earth, armed with a great determination to succeed at all costs. Now, the Angels removed their great veils of Light from around your planet. A new solar system was revealed to be explored en to be won. Both galactic organizations laid claim to it. Each side viewed control of your solar system as a vital component in any partial or lasting peace treaty. Their struggle led to more battles and sorrow. Sadly, most of the water-worlds that surround Earth were severely damaged by what followed.
Some two million years ago (caught up in their deep rage against the Light), the Alliance vaporized the oceans and atmospheres of Mars and boiled off the surface waters of Venus. Even the outer planets of your solar system were not spared. The side-tilt of Uranus and the erratic orbit of Pluto (former moon of Neptune ) around your Sun attest to these senseless battles. Later, about 900,000 years ago, the Galactic Federation imploded the fourth planet from your Sun because it was the headquarters of the Alliance . This ill-advised action created what today your astronomers call the Asteroid Belt.
As our starship cruises in orbit near Earth, look out the aft portholes and view the time images from your past. Notice how these endless galactic wars created a vast rift in space/time which you see as strange looking, multi-colored blobs. Among other things, this rift was responsible for the First Flood and thereby became a major factor in the swift decline and fall of your prehistoric off-world-based civilizations. We are now starting to circle into a lower orbit that will bring us to the edges of this rather turbulent time rift.
As we pass above the final waves from the lost Empire of Atlantis, notice how these time waves seem to resemble a tsunami. We are now in a region festooned with irregular time shoals that are simply large solidified time particles deflecting the immense time waves. Occasionally, the can cause a temporary effect (similar to a meteorological ‘wind shear’) around their boundaries. These shoals are capable of knocking us off our course and marooning us in this time. Uh, oh! It feels like we have hit something!
The cockpit crew informs me that the navigation system is temporarily down. We will be marooned, only briefly, in this period of your prehistory sometime after the fall of Atlantis. The people who inhabit this epoch are in limited consciousness, as you still are today, and they lack the necessary skills to rebuild their disaster-ridden society. It is a most interesting period of your history for us to observe, Our reconnaissance team is now being prepared. If you are ready for an adventure, join us, and let’s go exploring!
As you look out of the portholes located to your right, you can see your destination. We have determined that you are on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea some twelve millennia ago. Off in the distance, far beyond the shoreline and on the other side of those adjacent forested hills, is a series of primitive villages. Our exploration team will depart by shuttlecraft in about twelve minutes. Please come with us!
Fellow explorers, take your seats in the rear passenger sections of our shuttlecraft. Our first stop will be the shoreline about three miles (or approximately 4.6 kilometers ) away. Look out the right side of the craft as we travel parallel to the beach. Notice that it is very sandy, devoid of animal life, and virtually deserted. Already, two fishermen have seen us and are headed, in terror, over the nearby hills. It is tome to cloak our vehicles. When we reach the beach, you will be issued special invisibility belts. Before we head inland, we will tour the ancient remains of Pamalaka, a former Atlantean city. It is a most interesting ruin. We ask that you go only where you are directed. When we depart this craft, keep together in a group.
We have arranged for Jolakarahm, the Atlantean scribe of Pamalaka’s former ruler, to guide you on our tour of the city’s ruin. He will meet us at the site. Exit through the rear doors of the shuttlecraft. When our three tour groups have formed, our reconnaissance team will guide you to the site of Pamalaka. The red belts located in the large bin on the right side of the exit doors are your invisibility belts. One size fits all. Enjoy the journey into your past!
Form into three groups of twenty and put on your belts with the blue circular panel facing the front. Watch us as we put on our belts. The green button at the top activates it. The yellow button at the bottom of the panel turns it off. Press the green button and follow us. Those persons wearing a belt can see the others when it is functioning. Don’t worry! We’ll know where you are at all times.
The site of the city is just a brief hike of less than one-quarter mile ( 400 meters ). You can see Jolakarahm, in his red and white jumpsuit, waving us toward him. The large, granite-like, stone blocks on your right are remnants of Pamalaka’s outer walls. The majority of this city was buried beneath the sands by the huge tidal waves that created the Mediterranean Sea .
Hello! I am Jolakarahm, your guide to the now-destroyed city of Pamalaka .
The first point of interest is to your immediate left. Out beyond the shoreline is a jagged outcropping of very large and strangely shaped boulders. Each boulder is over twenty tons in weight. They are part of the former enormous docks of this city. At one time, over two million people lived here. The great palace of Horuthep on your right is now a mere pile of sand and red clay. This hill extends along the shore for more than a mile (over 1.6 km ).
Such is the lost grandeur of Pamalaka. Behind the palace are ruins of the science laboratories and the large temples dedicated to Vasahuri, a rebel priestess from Alpha Centauri. She was in charge of the genetic alterations of people in this region. Her primary purpose was to build a vast race of slaves who would forever do her bidding. The children of these slave prototypes live in the village just over the hills to your left.
Let us now walk down the dusty path that leads to your left. This narrow path was once a main boulevard lined with acacia trees , the very heart of the business district that surrounded the palace of Horuthep . In less than two minutes, a series of tidal waves, 300 feet (approximately 91 meters ) in height, destroyed this section of the city. After its destruction, the Atlantian elite and their off-world cohorts went either to the Beta Centauri star system or stayed in this solar system. Those who stayed became the Anunnaki – the dark ones who rule this globe. The battle planet that you know as Nibiru serves as their headquarters.
After Earth’s former second moon (know to us as Nagash) was exploded en destroyed Atlantis, a great flood of water and dust engulfed the world. The surviving Atlantean elites fled, leaving their slave race without a master. These genetically altered people were now lacking all of their former, usable technology.
Most of these slaves, retaining only confused memories of what had been, died within the first few years. Thereafter, their masters returned in a new guise and with a new plan: to become the ‘gods’. In the centuries that followed, small pockets of a very primitive human society were established throughout the globe. The villages on the other side of the hills to your left are an example of this process.
It was fortunate for this slave race of the Atlanteans that the planned genetic alterations were never fully completed. The sinking of Atlantis stopped this project in its tracks. Consequently, these now primitive Beings retained the capability of returning to what they once had been – fully-conscious humans. Remember these facts when you go to their villages, for they are your ancestors. They are beginning the lineage that you are about to perfect.
Thank you, Jolakarahm. I am Sandara, your main tour guide. Gather around me, please.
The ruins of Pamalaka illustrate how the wars in your galaxy adversely affected the development of a galactic society upon Earth. Atlantis’ destruction began a period of historical adjustment that ended with the Great Flood some ten millennia ago.
The era between the end of Atlantis and the Great Flood is the foundation for your global mythologies as well for the opening chapters of Genesis in the Bible. Now, let us return briefly to our shuttles. On ten other side of these hills lies a meadow where you will be able to observe your ancestors more closely. Keep your belts turned to the ‘invisibility’ setting until you enter the shuttles.
As you can see, the villages are quite primitive. Look into the distance and notice the layout of a city of marble and granite. This city is to be used by the ‘gods’. Two things are occurring. First, the ‘gods’ are deeply divided and warring among themselves. Second, the villagers, used as common laborers in the construction of the city, are in fear and awe of these ‘gods’. They work only to appease their masters and do what the are told.
The are periods of war and of peace. We are now observing a period of war. When the ‘gods’ are at war, the villagers stay near their homes, obtaining food by fishing at the shoreline, hunting deer and small game in the nearby forest, and farming. The ‘gods’ have given them fire, bows, spears, fishing nets, and a few agricultural skills. The villagers, while not yet a great prize for the ‘gods’, embody a potential that the ‘gods’ cultivate.
The ongoing wars involve various elites form Atlantis who seek to either complete the now abandoned genetic projects or return Earth to the Golden Age of Lemuria. As we noted, this city, intended for the ‘gods’, is being constructed to support one of a number of firmament water temples in the region. These various temples hold up the last of the two layers of the firmament – a global sheet of ice particles suspended approximately 36,000 feet ( 11.25 km ) in the atmosphere. The eventual destruction of this global network of temples, as a result of these many wars, caused the Great Flood.
Two or more enormous crystals, of over 25 feet (about 7.6 meters ) in height, power the water temples. The ‘gods’ have also built a small landing strip in the city for their warships which carry laser weaponry and a number of low-yield atomic projectiles. Since the existing technology does not permit deep space travel, these warships are capable only of travel to and from the Moon.
We will land our shuttle within de next few minutes. It is important that you stay close to us and remain cloaked. Our ship’s main scanners have spotted the warships of the ‘gods’ in this area. If they see you, they can annihilate you. As we disembark, please form again into three groups of twenty.
Our first excursion will be to the beautiful marble city at the far edge of the meadow. To ‘gods’ and villagers alike, this city of stone and crystal is know as Makadu, ‘the place of the water rites’. Let us now embark upon our unique journey of discovery!
Following the protocol for such tours, we ask you to double-check that your cloaking buttons are on. The crystal city of Makadu is about a ten-minute walk across the meadow from our gathering point. As you enter the outskirts of the city, notice the great beauty of Makadu. Her structures presage the classical Grecian style. In the main building of the temple complex, note the splendid contrast of the peach-colored, tiled roofs against the ornate pink and white columns. Let us now form a circle around it and watch the huge crystals, located at its center, glow in every color of the spectrum. Note also that they emit a faint, barely audible hum.
Suddenly, two warships from the forces of the regional ‘gods’ appear overhead. Their bluish-green scanners flash around the temple and, as fast as the appear, they are gone. Our tour group is not detected. With our exploration of the crystal city complete, it is now time for us to cross the meadow and inspect the nearby villages. As we approach, the ‘world’ of the villages appears to be completely turned around and lacking in any sense of form. The many small communities are quite chaotic in their layout. Their simple huts, haphazardly piled together, are oblong wooden shacks covered with thatched roofs. Each tiny dwelling seems a temporary shelter, at best.
The villagers somehow sense us as we approach but are unable to see us. Alarmed by this uneasy feeling and the warning of the two fishermen who had seen us earlier, they are now attempting to calm their children and themselves. Our cloaked tour group comes upon the villagers outside their huts, animatedly recounting incredible mythological tales of the many wonders of the now-fallen kingdom of Atlantis . We overhear them speaking in a dialect of Atlantean taught them by the ‘gods’. The women and men are dressed in homespun cloth. Their social structure is formed around a chief, whose ancestors have been given this job through a formal decree of the ‘gods’.
In the center of each village is a huge fire pit occasionally used to perform rituals but mostly employed for cook the food they eat. Life in a village appears to us to be very unimaginative – a purely survival-focused form of existence. Yet, there still exists within the villagers a remnant of their former, fully-conscious selves. This the barely flickering Light of consciousness that is now a steadily growing, gentle radiance within all of you. This potential is presently leading to your society’s climactic transformation.
These primitive villagers are the descendants of slaves who survived the last days of Atlantis and whom the Atlanteans treated quite badly. Any slight offense, offered to the ruling elites by the masses, led to a sentence in the dreaded holding cells behind the temple/science complexes of the Atlantean Empire’s major cities. Eventually, the Atlantean scientist/priests stripped each prisoner of their greatest treasure – full consciousness. Abhorring this extreme sentencing, certain factions of the elites’ children were eventually punished as well by banishment to the far-distant Ionian colonies. It is this long-standing karma that your present transformations are putting to an end.
The time has come, dear Hearts, to return to the meadow and board our shuttlecraft. As we depart along this partway, look to your right, and you will see a stone-like structure located at the edge of the village. This forlorn-looking pile of rocks is actually a ritual shrine to their ‘gods’, symbolizing the villagers’ total allegiance to them. The ‘gods’, however, are influencing the spiritual inclinations of their subjects by bending them to their own, self-centered will. And yet, it is a process that encourages these villagers to lean, ever so slightly, to the Light. This process is a crack in the door, permitting the Spiritual Hierarchy to gradually transform the legacy of Atlantis to the Light.
Look upon what you have seen here at the first baby steps toward transforming yourselves into fully-conscious Beings – glorious physical Angels. You have witnessed the ruins of Pamalaka. You have seen the state in which this ill-fated Atlantean Empire left your ancestors. Ahead of them loom the coming Great Flood and the start of your known history. This nightmarish land exists at the bottom of a huge ‘pit’ from which you are successfully emerging. Ahead lays our ship. Our flight crew informs me that all necessary repairs have been completed. Once we are all on board, immediately return to your seats, and we will be on our way.
This is your guide, Sandara.
As our spaceship leaves the Earth of twelve millennia ago and its orbit, understand these events with your heart. After the fall of Atlantis, your local Spiritual Hierarchy hatched a most ingenious plan for the eventual spiritual revitalization of Earth’s humanity. This process transforms you again into physical Angels and fully-conscious Beings of Light. In addition, Mother Earth herself has prepared some magic for her long-awaited transmutation into her fully-conscious self. This amazing process was put into high gear in the second part of your twentieth century.
In the 1970s and 1980s, while the dark Alliance of Anchara still dabbled with your planet’s secret cabals and their worldwide government allies, the forces of Light were preparing Earth and her global society for a most profound new paradigm. We intend to devote the remainder of our cruise to the understanding of this now-forming paradigm and its various consequences. Our cruise will be both informational and experiential in the fullest manner possible.
The forces of darkness have never had absolute supremacy over your world. Many nurturing institutions and brave individuals exist among you. Shrouded in a necessary secrecy, these brave women and men keep the Light shining on your planet. These organizations and individuals have performed many courageous and quite glorious actions for you. Soon, your planet’s population will know, indeed, what they have done and are about to do. However, the dark elites and their clandestine ways remain a stumbling block. Their secrecy has been responsible for many nefarious schemes during the last few of Earth’s decades.
Secret, exotic space programs and truly fantastic time-altering programs were in full force by the early 1990s. Your major surface governments, assisted by many shadowy off-worlders, were beginning to make inroads into controlling the development of your immediately future. These programs illustrate an important point about your society’s secret cabals.
Your planet’s covert rulers worship power like a drug addict worship heroin. Total power and control are their main goals. Continuous, absolute rule over Earth’s citizenry is their ultimate aim. To fulfill this intent, they are more than willing to utilize all of their ill-gained wealth. They have secretly amassed most of this enormous wealth over the course of your last three centuries.
The cabal’s secret government projects deployed special covert and off-world weaponry to defend their illegal claims for Earth’s moon and for Mars during the 1950s and 1960s. Indeed, your planetary cabals seemed, during these times, to be on the verge of pulling off some of their most complex and heinous schemes.
Nevertheless, they were about to be severely thwarted by divine forces that were beyond their influence to control. To effect a turning point, the galactic Spiritual Hierarchy had begun certain consciousness-raising programs designed to defeat your dark oppressors. These broad-based activities affected your world as well as your entire galaxy. This coming together of the physical Angels and their Lineage in Heaven has forever transformed your Earth’s 3-D, limited conscious reality.
An important aspect of this divine countermeasure program involved the rapid fall of the vast Soviet Empire. Since shortly after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union’s numerous communist minions had ruled Eastern Europe . Heaven’s divine consciousness programs began to achieve their goal by the late 1980s and the early 1990s. They freed a great many of your humanity from political oppression. This extraordinary drive toward liberty and self-expression created an atmosphere that recognized, and finally allowed them to see the light of the day.
Liberation permitted many important inventors and scientific innovators to come forward. Soon, their work will begin to manifest its magic upon your world. Yet, this breath of fresh air was meant to be only temporary. The darkness of your world elites, which had long surrounded your world’s governments, has once again engulfed them. Even in this overpowering shadow, however, the bright Light that then came forth still shines upon Eastern Europe . It is this same divine Light that is destined by Heaven’s magnificent Lineage to radiate brightly throughout your world.
Another aspect of the divine program greatly affected this galaxy. It concerns the very prophesy of the dark creator, Anchara. At the beginning of our story, Anchara sent forth a vast number of minions to rampage throughout the galaxy. Yet, even in this darkness, there was carried a spark of Light – a potential for galactic harmony.
In early 1994, Anchara’s most prophetic priestesses and priests delivered an transformative proclamation to the dark forces. They stated, unequivocally, the following great truth. The divine time had arrived, at long last, for a galactic truce! Anchara requested that the Galactic Federation of Light consider a permanent peace treaty. As a stipulation of this permanent treaty of peace, the dark forces of the alliance of Anchara agreed to finally relinquish its claims to Earth.
These amazing announcements from Anchara’s oracle planets reverberated throughout the Alliance like a major earthquake. They left little for the many dark territories to ponder. A great anger remained within them as well as a reluctance to relinquish all that they had fought for. Many fierce battles were fought among the confused and rebellious fleet of the dark Alliance of Anchara.
When the anger finally cleared, the forces on the side of the galactic truce had won an overwhelming victory. The few remaining dark fleets retreated to their home-worlds on the far side of the Milky Way Galaxy. Clinging to the last remnants of this rage, this small group now regrouped and bided their time. They still wished, wholeheartedly, to attack this newly joined fleet of Light.
In late 1994, the victorious elements of the former Alliance fleets asked for permission to negotiate a permanent treaty, allowing them to join the Galactic Federation of Light as special members. Included in these new arrangements was the promise of the former Alliance star-nations to integrate their huge fleets into those of the Galactic federation. The previous dark fleets now agreed to abide by the rules that the ancient charter of the Galactic Federation of Light had put forth.
The only sticky point was how they would go about giving up their ancient claims to planet Earth. Not wishing to lose their access to this most sacred water-world, the former Alliance members requested that a series of special ambassadors be permanently stationed on Earth. These special ambassadors were only to be put there after Earth and its people returned to full consciousness. At that time, Earth’s transformed society was to become a fully functioning member of the Galactic Federation of Light.
In another part of this treaty, the former Alliance members promised to abolish several secret treaties with the major surface governments of your world. To demonstrate their sincere belief in Anchara’s decrees, the former Alliance members quickly withdrew their many ambassadors, technicians, and scientists from Earth. Over the next two years, most of these off-world scientists and technicians left your planet. The effects of these many secret treaties upon your freedom have been immense. Their sudden departure was another crack in the evil that surrounds your world.
The tiny crack soon became a gaping hole when your secret worldly cabals’ former masters, the Anunnaki, made a surprising and very fortuitous move. The elites’ extraterrestrial mentors had unexpectedly switched sides and joined the Galactic Federation of Light. Now known as the ‘Annanuki’ (spelling changed to indicate their ‘new’ direction), they had long been both the masterminds behind your global cabals’ actions and their chosen cruel and autocratic rulers. As the Annanuki, they currently serve the Light. Their knowledge of the elites’ sinister ways has become a true sword of Damocles hanging above the collective heads of your evil oppressors.
The Annanuki’s program is to use their former influence to send your many interlocked cabals down a new path. To date, some degree of progress has been made. However, while slowly changing, the many global cabals retain a deep desire to rule with their accustomed tyranny. Thos obsession for control has caused them to temporally fragment around the need to react to the Annanuki’s bold requests. It has also generated a number of odd petitions from your planet’s covert rulers to their former masters.
A sudden series of major reversals rocked the foundations of your many covert rulers. To use a simple analogy, the interlocked secret cabals were forced to undergo some major brain surgery! The highest levels of their formerly rock-solid command structure were now in various states of chaos. Numerous elements of their global structure were engaged in an all-out, clandestine war against each other. This extremely vicious shakeup continued, in various forms, well into the first half of your year 2000.
As these many amazing transformational events work their magic and help to distract your planetary cabals, your local Spiritual Hierarchy is preparing you to become fully-conscious Beings. Since the early 1970s, your local Spiritual Hierarchy has been moving your body frequency upward. Part of this immense endeavor is a joint undertaking of your inner Angelic and body guardian councils, under the full supervision of your local Spiritual Hierarchy. This shared project is also focusing on the transmutation, in every cell of your body, of its RNA/DNA protein strings.
One result of these complex transformations has been the global rise of a vast spiritual renaissance. This is the first time in your recent history that such a large segment of your world population has been so interested in Angels, all types of ‘channeled’ materials, and the origins of and reasons for, the imminent arrival of off-world spacecraft. Herein, you may reflect upon the fact that you are being readied for a first contact, along with the holy return of Heaven’s divine rule.
While your cells’ genes rapidly mutate, your body’s energy (or chakra) systems are also being altered. You move from a seven chakra system to one that encompasses thirteen chakras. Currently, these multifaceted energy centers regulate the life force as it moves within your body. When integrated into your body, these new chakras will allow any part of your body to more easily communicate with its other parts.
This majestic alteration and integration can transform you into an extraordinary Being of Light. (For a fuller description of these amazing processes, see chapter 3 – Making The New You.) This special Light Being is what can be called a physical Angel. All fully-conscious Beings are really physical Angels. They act as the mediators between the physical and spiritual Angels. They act as the mediators between the physical and spiritual universes. This wondrous Light Being (or ‘New You’) has a significant role to play in the daily existence of your fully-conscious planet – the new Mother Earth.
By the use of conscious group ritual, physical Angels regulate the various planets and stars to which they are assigned. This remarkable group ritual has the ability to activate and balance the various nodes (intersecting energy point, like the meridians of your body) of any celestial body’s magnetic of gravitational grids. In so doing, the planet or star is continually brought to life and allowed to operate at its peak efficiency.
Such fully-conscious Beings regulate the frequency of a planet’s electromagnetic fields. This admirable activity is accomplished by changing the frequency of a physical Angel’s own body to the one most conducive to the planet and to its biosphere.
Consequently, physical Angels assist a planet in maintaining optimal conditions for its many plant and animal life forms (a planet’s biosphere). Physical Angels also act as a planet’s guardian species. Here, they create a special song or necessary vibratory pattern which maintains the reproductive capabilities of the planet’s many plants and animals.
Clearly, physical Angels play an important role in the life of any fully-conscious celestial body. (To learn much more about physical Angels, see chapter 6 – Physical Angels.) This fact leads to the second point in our brief outline. All celestial bodies are alive! They are a very unique life form. Their life force is electrogravitic, while yours is electromagnetic. Here, we need to stress that electrogravitic life forms need electromagnetic ones in order to function most efficiently. One requires the other in order to survive. When both life forms are operating at maximum efficiency, the complement each other.
Besides all of the marvelous developments we have just described, yet another crucial element in playing out its own unique role in this tale. It is a celestial phenomenon that preciously has caused much turmoil in your sector of the galaxy. Its is a positive forerunner of, and a vehicle for, your many divine transformations. To do it justice, let us now gather around the ship’s old ‘holographic’ campfire. There, assisted by Washta, I will once more resume our story.
Eons ago, when the Milky Way Galaxy was created, it was bequeathed a most magnificent belt of Light by the great Lords of Heaven. From its inception, this belt of Light has retained a complete orbital cycle of approximately 26,000 solar years. The photon belt is a massive ring of inter-dimensional photon (Light) energy that is approximately 15,000 light years across or almost one-sixth size of the Milky Way Galaxy. The torroid, or ring of the photon belt, is divided into two sections: a razor-thin null zone and its main section. The membrane-like null zone in an area that both collapses and drastically recalibrates electromagnetic energies.
The photon belt visits your solar system every 12,000 – 13,000 years. It was scheduled to pay you another visit by the end of the Gregorian year of 1996 (during the galactic year of 5 Eb, at the end of the galactic month of Mol). This particular visit was to be the vehicle by which a number of very wondrous changes were to be presented to the people of Earth. However, some surprising occurrences in 1986 and in 1995 altered this scenario. (Later, we will explain these extraordinary events in more detail.)
A photon particle is a tiny, subatomic particle that results from a split-second collision between an electron and a positron (a positive or anti-electron). This contact causes the two extremely tiny particles to cancel each other out. The resulting mass from this collision is converted into pure energy that registers as photons of light particles. In 1961, a U.S. government satellite scanning deep space near the Pleiades star cluster in the Constellation of Taurus re-discovered the photon belt.
The research that its secret American discoverers were working on contained the previous findings of Paul Hesse, Edmund Halley, and Frederich Wilhelm Bessel. Paul Otto Hesse closely followed the discoveries of Edmund Halley (the 18th century discover of Halley’s comet) and Frederich Wilhelm Bessel, a 19th century German astronomer. Hesse had studied the Pleiades in the first half of the 20th century. He detected a photon belt, or large manasic ring, the diameter of which was approximately 2,000 light years. This belt, or ring, was at absolute right angles to the movement of the stars in the Pleiades.
Paul Otto Hesse also believed, based on the movement of the photon belt, that it periodically caused vast changes in Earth’s civilizations. These changes date back to the very early days of human habitation. Some 26 years after the photon belt’s discovery, another extremely important element was added to our story illustrating how the people of Earth and the Galactic Federation can all work together.
In the early spring of 1987, there occurred a nova (an exploding star), labeled Nova 1987A, in the region of the Magellanic cloud. A massive internal explosion subsequently reduced it to a neutron star that is now called Avalus. Most importantly, the blast created a large pinwheel composed of photons, gamma rays, and an immense number of anti-matter particles. It was carried along on a gravity wave from the star’s explosion and headed toward Earth’s solar system at a very high rate of speed. Grave concern about the nova’s offspring (this pinwheel) led your scientists to a formal re-discovery of the main photon belt in 1995.
Due to the amount of gamma radiation, a worldwide ring of telescopes was unable at first to establish whether the phenomenon was an inter- or an extra-galactic event. Due to extremely high energy outbursts, the rarity was beyond the competence of our radio telescopes. But, by the early 1990s, use of new instrumentation had allowed the discovery of its exact position. This technology, initially invented for the U.S. nuclear weapons program, was then specially adapted for deep space radio telescopes.
By late 1995, astronomers determined that de rapidly moving celestial object (the pinwheel) was destined to collide with your solar system by the end of 1996. This incoming astronomical body had the capacity to rip off your planet’s atmosphere and utterly destroy Earth’s biosphere.
Using their newly installed instrumentation (special designed color spectrometers), Earth’s scientists discovered the greatly increased power of the photon belt. They established that de photon belt would reach the solar system at virtually the same time as the much smaller pinwheel.
Many scientists in the top secret photon belt project became seriously concerned that the end of 1996 was to signal the total extinction of all life on planet Earth. To learn what was really going on, they began to search for anyone who had the ability to contact benevolent ET’s.
In the summer of 1996, Earth’s astronomers were able, through an intermediary, to contact some Galactic Federation scientists who were part of the Galactic Federation S&E fleets that were observing your world to ask them about the two celestial objects. The most important question was if, indeed, humanity had only until the end of the year before disaster struck.
The Galactic Federation scientists replied that de nova-born pinwheel would neutralize the main photon belt at the end of the year. Earth’s scientists agreed to cooperate by providing the intermediary with pictures, videotape, and other critical information gathered through this secret black project about the two incoming celestial objects.
By late Fall of 1996, the secret photon belt project team verified what their Galactic Federation counterparts had told them. The pinwheel belt was indeed to collide with the larger photon belt just before it reached the solar system. This event was scheduled to commence at 23:45 hours GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on December 31, 1996, with the main photon belt encountering this solar system at 03:00 hours GMT on January 1, 1997. The pinwheel was to drill a ‘void’ about one and one-half times the diameter of the solar system into the main photon belt (see figure 5).
Most of the remaining radiation from this collision was dissipated by the planetary magnetic fields of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter proved especially useful in this endeavor. In the summer of 1994, the many collisions of the strangely fragmented Schumacher-Levy Comet had changed the natural resonance of its gravity and magnetic fields. In this altered mode, Jupiter readily dissipated the pinwheel’s deadly radiation. Earth received only enough of this radiation to affect its atmosphere very slightly.
As expected, the two large objects collided just before midnight GMT on December 31, 1996. The void created by the pinwheel’s collision with the main photon belt permitted the solar system to enter the main photon belt on January 1, 1997. The greatly reduced radiation of the pinwheel entered Earth’s atmosphere in the early morning hours of January 1, 1997.
By January 7, 1997, any residual damaging radiation had been alleviated by its natural interaction with Earth’s atmosphere. Major side effects included the phenomena of red skies, remarkable aurora effects in the upper atmosphere, and the advent of extra cold weather worldwide. On January 11, 1997, your solar system moved from the edge of the ‘void’ created by the pinwheel into the main pocket of the ‘void’ located inside the photon belt.
Just before you entered this miraculously created void, special Galactic Federation teams, assisted by many Orders of Elohim, placed you in a new hologram. Its purpose was two-fold.
First, it was designed to mask the effects of the main photon belt. This was accomplished by the use of special inter-dimensional grids and other light fields that link us to a masterful illusion that all is well.
Second, the hologram was designed to come apart, when you enter the photon belt proper, by exiting the special created void.
As part of the next phase of your coming photon belt scenario, the Creator arranged for the solar system to enter an inter-dimensional stargate that will thrust you out of the photon bent, through the fifth dimension, and into a position three light years from the Sirius star system. Sirius is approximately 8.3 light years from Earth. Your solar system is scheduled to reach this stargate on December 21, 2012 A .D. (see figure 6).
Once in the photon belt proper, a ‘photon light shock’ occurs, and the veil of limited consciousness around you drops. This shift into full consciousness will happen relatively quickly. Photon light shock acts as a signal, alerting your Full Self and all of your components to ‘unzip’ what has not yet been re-calibrated. The body then follows an implicit order or blueprint. Zap! It is done quite instantaneously. You are truly sentient Beings, living in the reality of the Light.
Your physical and psychic gifts can then return to you, and your homecoming process can be completed. The last part of this procedure is a first contact with the Galactic Federation of Light. We are, in truth, your elder brothers and sisters. We will come because the prophesied time for our return will have arrived.
When you leave the photon bent proper, you are shifting from a largely third-dimensional world to a fifth- or multi-dimensional reality. You can then begin to understood why this limited consciousness episode occurred in your history. Your society stands on the threshold of a Golden Age which many religious prophecies have foretold over the past six millennia.
This new Golden Age is one in which Earth and her peoples have the opportunity to become all that they were meant to be. This almost thirteen thousand year period, since the end of Atlantis and the beginning of your strange 3-D Earth experience, is now nearly over.
The role of the Spiritual Hierarchy is to oversee all of these happenings and to make sure that your transformations expand your true inner joy. Their spiritual activities are being carried out for one sacred purpose: to reveal to you the Creator’s divine plan for Creation. These holy energies exist in the physical universe to allow your planet to be in balance. All humans are here to achieve their purpose. It is essential that you accomplish these required transformations freely and, most importantly, in joy.
Many of you deeply sense the magnificent process that is now going on both in and around you. This feeling has given some of you a need to come together in a global network to raise your society’s consciousness. We ask that you listen to these inner voices and gather together. Use your many community and global organizations to support your planetary kin. Utilize this growing network and the many centers that your Planetary Activation Organization (see special section on PAO in the back of this book) will provide. Their mission is to educate and to assist you in completing these marvelous transformations.
Q: In this chapter, you discussed the darkness in which this galaxy has been engulfed. How did it become so dark?
A: During the shaping of physicality, the Creator designated this galaxy as an arena for a major conflict between the Light and the dark. In this cosmic drama, it had to seem as though the dark forces would triumph. Yet, according to the divine plan, they were to be miraculously transformed to the side of the Light.
Many billions of years ago, highly ethereal Beings of the Light and of the dark were dispatched to this galaxy to carry out this plan. Some 100 million years ago, after seeding many star systems with their progeny, Beings of the light left this galaxy to their dark counterparts. These dark Beings gradually incorporated themselves into an entity known as Anchara. As noted in this chapter, Anchara brought forth limited conscious Beings some 35 million years ago. This dark collective employed sinister methods to provoke the great galactic wars, resulting in an enormous period of darkness within our galaxy.
Q: How do the divine prophecies of Lord Michael fit into our galaxy’s history?
A: This galaxy was created through a series of divine intentions issued by the local Orders of the Elohim. It was designated a ‘wayshower’ galaxy. That is, it has all the major elements of physical Creation within it. The High Councils of Heaven wrote a sacred script that featured all of these elements. Through the unfolding of its plot, all the desired goals for this Creation can be accomplished.
Heaven formed your world, and especially this galaxy, into a most divine place – one that has been continually watched over by fully-sentient physical Beings from this and many other dimensions. In effect, you are witnessing and participating in a divine act – the merging of dark into Light – in such a way that the Light is totally transformed. This new and more powerful divine Light is the foundation for the next, or seventh, Creation of the Creator’s divine WILL.
Q: What kinds of new powers come with full consciousness? Is education necessary?
A: Full consciousness allows you limitless manifesting capabilities as well as greatly enhanced, new, interpersonal abilities. These can overwhelm you if you are not properly prepared. Hence, you need to learn appropriate consciousness etiquette. Humans can adapt quickly to full consciousness and its parameters. They do have memories. To employ a simple analogy, it is almost as if you had a deep amnesia and forgot how to drive your car. All of a sudden, you find yourself again in the driver’s seat, and you remember. You recall the little things that you had forgotten even if you barely know what they are.
To regain your memory, you require careful instruction. It is as if you had been involved in, say, a serious car accident. In a short while, you begin to recover, but, due to severe injuries, you require rehabilitation. You will need to practice how to do those things you have forgotten and will do them, perhaps, in a slightly different way. You will need to go through this learning process. The Galactic Federation of Light counselors plan to assist you during this period of transition.
Q: What about people who are resistant to change? What will happen to them?
A: The Pleiadean Star League has a number of solar systems that are proficient in assisting people who are resistant to change. There, specially trained technicians can help these individuals learn about such changes and practice methods that can quickly transform their reality. When it is considered appropriate, they will return to Earth. Others who wish to remain in this present reality can be switched to another more appropriate solar system where a reality exists that is similar to the one they now know.
Q: A great deal of channeled information is being circulated about physical Ascension. How do those models fit in with this one?
A: Physical Ascension is a reunion with one’s Light Body. It is the bringing forth of the ability to take de density of this physical vehicle and change it into one that resonates with the Light Body. When you become one with your Light Body, you can go wherever you desire in Creation. The process of physical Ascension (or physical transformation) is part of the whole process of restoring to full consciousness.
A Light Being who exists in full consciousness is a Being who knows that its Light Body and its physical body are one and the same. This enlightened individual regulates her/his Light Body as required. The physical Ascension process is really part of this physical transformation into full consciousness.
Q: Most of us have at least an idea of what spaceships look like. Describe an Angel to us.
A: In many ways, an Angel looks like the Angels you can visualize. Most persons who have had near-death experiences describe Angels in either the traditional way – with their flowing white robes, large, gossamer wings, and radiant faces – or as those who have no visible wings yet still possess many ethereal qualities. They describe Angels that look exactly like us.
As cosmic energy forms, Angels are able to shape themselves to fit any concept we have of them. Every Angel is a point of Light as are we. Rather, it is our beliefs that determine their appearance. Each individual is seeing only what she/he wishes to see. This holy vision is based upon their own internal perception of what Angels are supposed to look like,
Q: Can we somehow sense, with these individuals, a special energy or a presence that allows us to place more trust in the experience?
A: Yes. What happens is a magnification of this process. On an almost still day, many people occasionally feel sudden breezes across their bodies or a peculiar sense of being touched. These particular sensations are just their own Angelic guardian councils attempting to communicate with them. This communication will occur in a much larger and more magnified way during first contact. It is a magnificent reality that the Spiritual Hierarchy is preparing for you. Al the time of formal first contact, we will easily hear, feel, and see our Spiritual Hierarchy.
Q: Did the planet’s radio telescope network see the photon belt and the pinwheel approach?
A: Yes. They saw it. Occasionally, brief articles about this event appeared in obscure publications. For example. In the late 1990s, scientists were seeing large sources of Light in your galaxy near to you in this galaxy, and this confounds them. Massive amounts of gamma radiation, originating from known sources, are occurring daily in this galaxy and are being reported. While astronomers are giving out little, itty-bitty hints, they have yet to come out and say that a photon belt exists and its outline is such and such. If these astronomers did that, they could instantly acquire a very controversial reputation for themselves and quickly lose their grants as well as their positions.
Q: If they saw it, why was it not reported widely in the media or acknowledged by the world’s governments?
A: Government security organizations and scientific granting organizations initially restrict public knowledge of any new information if they feel it can lead to world panic. In the case of UFOs, this procedure has become part of an immense cover-up. Its sole purpose is to shield the public from what is really happening around them.
Q: There is a question in my mind about the photon belt and its null zone. There are some scientists who raise concerns about the nature of the photon belt itself. They sincerely feel that the immense amount of gamma radiation in the photon belt can destroy all life on Earth. Is this true?
A: To begin with. The photon belt contains multi-dimensional Light. These unique forms of Light exist simultaneously at many different frequencies and in varying energy states. Consequently, those scientists with special meters on their radio telescopes detect dangerous amounts of gamma radiation emanating from it. This energy, coming from a certain region of space, has been measured as giant bursts of radiation or as a massive wave of very high frequency energy. At first, it may appear deadly. However, it is not.
Once you enter the photon bent, you will notice that this multi-dimensional Light encompasses highly unusual qualities. At that point, you will perceive it differently. It will appear and feel almost as a biblical ‘Light of Lights’. Utilizing your new Light Body, you will easily resonate with this higher frequency photon energy. It will actually vivify you as it is truly a life-giving energy! Consequently, it increases life span as is described in many of the religious books and various mythologies found around this planet.
Q: Currently, I exist in limited consciousness and relate to our technologies. I find it difficult to imagine the capability of the Galactic Federation scientists to protect an entire solar system by employing a holographic envelope. Will you please comment?
A: First of all, it is beyond the ability of the Galactic Federation of Light scientists to carry out this amazing operation alone. The cooperated with many divine aspects of Heaven. These holy aspects (the Orders of Time Lord, the Elohim, and the Angelic Realms) brought the necessary energies from the eternal sources of Heaven to those dimensions that surround us. Their assignment was to set up the sacred apparatus of inter-dimensional flux ‘lenses’ as well as some other rather miraculous equipment. It was a mutual and divine effort, accomplished on many levels, which created this immense hologram.
Q: Did the Galactic Federation of Light know that this task was an enormous undertaking?
A: Most certainly. The Galactic Federation of Light realizes that the population of Earth is having its physical frequencies increased, regularly, by the local Spiritual Hierarchy. They also know that many Galactic Federation of Light personnel have now volunteered to experience lifetimes on Earth. These facts are taken into account when formulating the overall operational plan. Furthermore, all fully-conscious and divine parties currently involved understand that two great obstacles remain – the surface governments of Earth and the large amount of fear now held by Earth’s humans.
Q: When we move into full consciousness, will we have a remembrance or memory of what out former mortal life was like?
A: Yes. We will have that memory. The Akashic memory is open to a fully-conscious Being. Fully-conscious Beings are in complete contact at all times with their spiritual guides. They are able to understand the processes involved. With the proper counseling, each individual also has a full remembrance of any particular lifetime.
Q: What is the timetable for these extraordinary events?
A: Keep in mind that it is all programmed to happen at the right divine moment. The divine blueprint of your Spiritual Hierarchy is based upon a certain set of energy patterns. These patterns have to do with how consciousness is transformed on planet Earth. As your society’s consciousness moves in erratic spurts toward its highest potential, it moves the D-day (Divine Day) either a little forward or a little bit further back. Every fluctuation causes the exact date to become more nebulous.
As you can see, Earth’s human population has the final say in the timetable. How you respond, how you develop, what you do, and how much love you generate – all this is vitally important! It is for these reasons that the commitment we have spoken about is so significant to the final act. This commitment determines how this scenario is to be played out. YOU cast the last bit of critical input – your ‘response-ability’ as individuals and the ways in which your society develops.
This is important to the entire process, and, yet, you also have a destiny. It is the reason you chose to be here at this most propitious time. Many people on your planet, which we like to call the ‘Great Amnesia Zone’, are becoming aware of precisely why we are all here. These individuals need to wake up the rest of humanity at the right time to assist everyone in remembering who they really are.
The Galactic Federation of Light requires your committed actions in order to successfully complete the next part of our mutual sacred mission. Everyone’s consciousness is increasing! The Galactic Federation of Light and your Spiritual Hierarchy are in great joy as they observe this transformational process. It combines a heavenly mixture of the divine plan, a mutual co-creativity by all parties, and the movement of your society’s potential to its fullest levels. The successful blending of these factors determines the actual timetable.