Five Essays on Time--Space Manipulation Techniques
by John Grau
Mara's Child
Here I will write a couple of pages about the force that is known as 'Evolving Awareness', sourced from a book called 'The Cry of the Eagle', which I would recommend that anyone that is interested in Godliness reads too. I'll start with a little background, and then take it from there. I should add that I will write a series of 'follow on' documents that will make more sense if read as a series. OK, here we go with Volume 1 of the set:
In 2002 the 'Guardians Of The Race' of Mankind [Masters if you like] approached a Toltec Elder in Capetown Africa, and instructed Him to release the true 'Tree of Life' to the masses. It had been decided by the 'Guardians Of The Race', that Mankind had 'come of age', and could now be trusted with such knowledges. The name of the Elder chosen for this important work was that of Théun Mares, who is known amongst other Toltecs as 'The Dragon-Wolf' Nagual. I won't get into the manipulation of 'The Tree' this time [though I will soon], for now let's just have a look a the structure of it - which is surely a sound foundation to start with.
Anyway, prior to the date of 2002, the true 'Tree of Life' was forbidden to be put into print, and was only passed on verbally from Elder to Elder. Of course, this left Aleister Crowley, along with pretty well every other witch in town, and many other 'occultists' all using one of two 'fabricated' 10 Realm versions put in place by the 'aristocracy'. The goal here was to prevent aspiring White Magicians, Yogis, and the like from making any sense of the methods of manipulating 'The Tree'. And of course to stop such Spiritual People from challenging the establishment.
Both of the 10 Realm 'fabricated' versions of the 'Tree of Life' were a minefield of misinformation. In both of these versions it was postulated that energies from the God-head Himself descended in an orderly progression of 'densities' [OK so far] from the Highest Realms of the God-head, down to the Earth-Plane itself. The Egyptians and many other such Eastern magicians all 'thought' this decent began in the Spiritual Realms of: [1] Pluto/ Kether, [2] Neptune/ Chokmah, [3] Saturn/ Binah, which were then 'flipped' into a more material state of being by passing through the Uranus 'portal' - before continuing their orderly descent via [4] Chesed/ Jupiter, [5] Geburah/ Mars, [6] Tipareth/ Sun, [7] Netzach/ Venus, [8] Hod/ Mercury, [9] Yesod/ Moon, and then to, [10] Malkuth/ Earth-Plane. In this system each Realm had an array of False-Gods to be called upon for 'this thing and that'.
I will 'side-step' slightly at this point and speak a little of Earth's [present] moon. Now, the writings of the Tibetan Lamas, via the works of the Master Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey from the 'Tibetan Foundation' tell us very clearly that: 'The decay of a moon has as great an evil effect upon all that contacts it, as a decaying body on earth has upon its surroundings. It is occultly 'offensive'... The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space - an undesirable form which must some day disappear". And so, in this light, we can SEE that any kind of 'magical' manipulation of 'The Tree' that involves a 'decaying body' will produce 'merry hell' - so to speak. In-fact many lower illuminati occultists still use this Egyptian system to this day, with the higher ranking members quietly laughing at them all in the background. "Tee He He".
Anyway, back to 'The Tree'. The occult 'modernists' took a slightly different stance, and yet came up with a second lunar-based 'Tree' that was just as construed as the first. In this model energies from the God-head Himself descended [once again] in an orderly progression of 'densities' from the Highest Realms down to the Earth-Plane. The occult 'modernists' all 'thought' this decent began in: [1] The Realm Of The Godhead/ Kether, [2] Zodiac/ Chokmah, [3] Saturn/ Binah, which were then 'flipped' into a more material state of being by passing this time through the Sirius 'portal' - before continuing their orderly descent in exactly the same way via [4] Chesed/ Jupiter, [5] Geburah/ Mars, [6] Tipareth/ Sun, [7] Netzach/ Venus, [8] Hod/ Mercury, [9] Yesod/ Moon, and then [1] Malkuth/ Earth-Plane. In this system each Realm had yet another array of False-Gods to be called upon, once again, for 'this thing and that'.
"NOT SO!", said 'The Guardians Of The Race', "it is actually far from either of these two 'versions' of 'The Tree Of Life' - and Mankind's Moon has little, or even nothing, to do with any of it".
The Dragon-Wolf Elder, Théun Mares, released the true 13 Realm 'Tree of Life' in His book 'The Cry Of The Eagle' in the year 2002 - and it is found to be a very beautiful thing indeed. Here what Sananda and John The Baptist [see Pheonix Journal 2] called 'The Creation' is referred to as 'The Unspeakable' or 'The Nagual', since it has no form that any man or woman can perceive. And, through a desire to learn more 'The Creation' makes It's first 'point up' Trinity triangle, which takes the form of [1] 'The Creation' Itself, [2] the male force of Intention, also called 'the known', and then [3] the female force of Mind, also called 'the unknown'. You can probably now SEE why 'The Creation' is known by Toltecs as 'The Unspeakable', since It is so formless it has no Intent [maleness], and nor does it have a Mind [femaleness]. How free that must be. And here I go, trying to speak about the 'The Unspeakable'!
What happens next, in the remaining 10 Realms, is a little more like the two 'Trees' we looked at before, when we were discussing [a] the Egyptian 'Tree', and [b] the 'modernists' version. Once again this second Trinity of energies is 'point up', only this time the Realm of Kether becomes the [1] Realm of 'Mara the Virgin', the 'Bride of Shiva/ ATON/ God-head', known also as 'The World Of Contemplation', the [2] Realm of Chokmah/ Bramah becomes the 'Realm of Inspiration' - the 'seed' of the God-head - where 'Mara the Virgin' becomes impregnated with the 'Inspired' desire to know more, which is also known as 'The World Of Creation', and the [3] Realm of Binah/ Vishnu becomes the Realm of 'Mara the Standing Mother', who, by now has been impregnated by the 'Inspiration' of the God-head. This Realm is also known as the 'World Of Silence', since Mara the Standing Mother silently ponders upon the best way to materialise the God-head's purpose. It turns out that this 'best way' is to manifest a Universe of Mind - which is a speciality of Mara's femaleness.
Next, we find a 'grain of truth' in the second of the two fake 'Trees' we looked at earlier, in that 'Mara's now formed 'Child' passes through the 'birthing channel' known by Toltec Masters as 'The Eye Of The Eagle': this being since it 'looks' like [though may not be] an Eagle when meditated upon. This 'birthing channel' does indeed seem to be attributed to the giant Sun Sirius orbiting below the Earth, and is known by many advanced occultists as 'The Realm Of The Masters', whereby non-material being is 'flipped' [like a pancake] into a condition of more material existence, by 'Master' chefs - "sacre blue"!
Since Mara's child is 'flipped', the next 'triangle' is a reversal of the top-most two, in that it takes a 'point-down' form, which is prevalent for the remainder of 'The Tree'. The Guardians Of The Race tell us that the reason for this 'reversal' of energies is because Mara's Child takes on the name of 'Evolving Awareness', which kind-a 'goes it's own way', like independents tend to do. The 'birthing room' is where the [4] Realm of Chesed becomes known as 'The World of Destiny' - and guess what?, Mara's Child, from it's parents perspective, is a girl. This being that the true secret of all gender is that if an energy form is smaller than it's progenitor, then it is considered female in relationship to it. This, of course makes men and women both female in relation to the much bigger Earth-Shan that we all walk upon - something for 'macho' guys to ponder over. You SEE they are all really 'macho' girls.
Anyway, I'm digressing a little. Getting back to the 'Tree' we find that the [5] Realm of Geburah becomes known as 'The World Of Assessment', since the only way of 'assessing' the female and 'unknown' Child of Mara is to send a 'probe' of the male 'known' to study it. After studying the unknown and female Child of Mara, the male probe decrees that this 'creation' which takes on the name of 'Evolving Awareness' must 'feel it's way' with it's heart - and NOT get lost on wordy descriptions. And here something fantastic happens. The Sun worlds [6] Tipareth [like our sun, for example] are 'spat' into being - representing a manifestation of the 'Force of Heart', and which are designed to accomplish this required 'feeling' of The Way. The suns are not physical at this point - though they do become so soon enough.
And so, armed with 'feeling' Mara's Child mimics that which her Mother did, and contemplates [dreams] upon what is to happen next. After all, a Child always copies it's mother, as any psychologist or counsellor can tell you. And the Child that is 'Evolving Awareness', through it's own meditations takes on Four Faces - or facets if you prefer. With these being that the [7] Realm of Hod [East and first 'face'] becomes the 'World of Transmutation', or more simply the 'Mental Plane' - the 'thoughts of Mara's Child. And the [8] Realm of Netzach [West and second 'face'] becomes the 'World of Beauty', or more simply the 'Emotional Plane' that so many meditators are fond of visiting.
I will 'side-step' a little here also, since it is here at the Mental Plane level that we find a vast array of the 'false Gods' that Mankind [the 'electrons' of Mara's Child] 'thought' into being. You may be surprised to hear that this is also the home of the 'Lunar Goddess', which is a 'thought-form' that has NOTHING to do with the Earth's Moon. Also here we find the Norse God Odin, who drank from Mimir's 'well of all-knowledges' only to find out that it was Mankind that was the collective 'God' that 'thought' him into being. Sneakily, as usual, Mankind did it 'afterwards' by spelling back in time to his birth with their collective belief and 'stories'. This left poor Odin with a sad facial expression [since we 'spelled' that too] for the rest of the Norse 'adventures'. You know, he never did tell the rest of them. In this way you can see why they called him All-Father, as he was worried about the sanity of the rest of the Norse 'gang'. Life everywhere huh.
Ok, back to the 'True Tree'. Following the 'feelings' and 'thoughts' [dreams in Toltec terms] of aeons of what Mankind would call 'time', Mara's third face, the [9] Realm of Yesod [South Face] becomes the 'Ever Infolding 4th Dimension', which looks like a 'rubix-cube' viewed from the inside which contains all probabilities and possibilities. Indeed it is here that SEERS write prophecies, since they may SEE what is forming, and about to happen next. The best of the SEERS may walk physically WITHIN this Realm, with those that can't still being able to visualise, imagine, or look upon it. Well, within this Realm what Mara's Child 'channelled' was a desire for physicality, meaning that all the vast pressure of Her thoughts and feelings became channelled through the Primary Points of space [atoms], which were designed by Her Mother to be capable of TWO expansions. The first expansion of each and every atom is that of a visualised form, sometimes that others can see. And the second expansion of each and every atom is that of a physicalised object, event, situation, etc, etc. Like pop-corn, two expansions made a 'POP POP' [actually it was more of an explosion - or a 'Big Bang'], and Mara's Child had 'birthed' a physical Universe of Mind - an achievement for Her parents to be proud of. And at this point the sun worlds and planets became physical. This, of course produced [10] the Realm of Malkuth - the dense physical Universe, the North and fourth face of Mara's Child.
Ok, that's enough here for now, my eyes are sore from this p.c screen. If no-body minds I will follow this up soon with a method of 'manipulating' the 'Tree of Life', called 'Talking With Angels'. I am not sure 'manipulating' is the best word here, since 'COMMUNICATING WITH' is actually a better way of describing it.
*** Oh, one final point. For those of you that enjoy reading the wonderful 'Urantia Book', I should make it clear to everybody that there are actually SEVEN Mara's ['Consorts'] representing the Seven Evolving Super-Universes. Here I just focussed on the Consort that is relevant to Mankind's localised area of time-space ['Mara The Virgin'], and upon Her child - that which the Guardians Of The Race have named 'Evolving Awareness'. You will find that ALL the various Cosmologies from all truthful publications AGREE WITH EACH-OTHER when 'over-laid'. And if you don't like to read everything in sight - then take comfort in the fact that I do! You could even say that it's my life's work. I may write something later on the other Mara's, should the guides that 'direct me' deem it wise to do so.
Take care everyone - don Juan Grau
[1] "The decay of a moon has as great." - From 'Ponder On This', a selection of writings by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, ISBN 0-85330-131-X, pages 272 ~ 273.
[2] Many references in my own words relating to the book: 'Cry of the Eagle', by the White Toltec Elder Théun Mares, 1997, ISBN 0 620 21198 9.
Talking With Angels - Making Use Of The Tree Of Life
The Ascended Master El Morya once said that He: "learned the way of Source and Source's laws by the inner geometry of the molecule, the atom - the Cosmos". Bearing this in mind, we can all see that there is much more to know about a single atom, or indeed a group of such atoms, than conventional scientists would have us all believe. So what did El Morya learn then - how did He come to the level of 'Mastery Of The Wisdom' by studying the geometry of a little old atom and it's component parts?
For those of you that have read the article I pasted recently called 'Mara's Child', you will now be aware that in 2002 a Master Toltec named Théun Mares, residing in Capetown Africa, released the true 'Tree of Life'. This followed an instruction from the 'Guardians Of The Race' [Masters if you like], to do just that. What this Toltec Elder did was to make clear exactly what El Morya learned when He studied the consciousness of the atom. The reason given for this 'release' of what was previously considered to be the highest of all occult secrets, was that the 'Guardians Of The Race' now believed that 'Mankind had come of age', and so could be trusted with such information.
You may be 'thinking' at this point: "So what can be so very important about a humble little atom?" Or even: "If I have 'come of age', then what am I supposed to be capable of - what is it that I am supposed to do?" Well, you see, the information that the Toltec Elder Théun Mares released enabled the 'reader' to interact with and manipulate the 'Tree of Life' Itself. Or to put it more simply to create, or transform time-space using exactly the same techniques as the Ascended Masters. Yes readers, if you have found this article, then you have also 'come of age', and you are now to be given the system of time-space creation and transformation.
Now, before I continue, I will say to all of you that the funny thing here is that all of us always did create and transform time-space. You will realise, as I continue, that everything I am about to impart to you, is nothing you don't do everyday anyway. The only difference is that of 'conscious' and 'worthy' creation of time-space verses 'automatic' as and 'unworthy' as many of us have been 'schooled' to do.
Of course, the units that create time-space are the atoms that 'make it up', and which are found to exist at all levels of the 'Tree of Life' in varying states of density. Please don't 'think' that we only find atoms at the Physical Plane level, as they exist, in exactly the same manner at the Physical, Spatial [4D], Emotional, Mental, Intuitional, Buddhic, and Spiritual Realms, etc, etc, as well. The only difference in the atoms of each level is in the rate of 'vibration' [density] which marks their position within such Realms. Another way of looking at all this, is to be aware that it is EXACTLY THE SAME ATOM, VIBRATING AT, FOR EXAMPLE, 10 QUABALISTIC RATES OF DENSITY, that is to be found in the various Planes. You see each and every atom is as multi-dimensional as we all are. As you may already know, the same 'model' also applies to a man or a woman, who also both have a variety of 'bodies' which vibrating at different densities, and which 'reside' in a variety of different Planes. "As above, so below", as the popular Hermetic axiom goes.
Now, many qabalistic magicians, shaman, yogis, and Ascended Masters have a name for such atoms. You see, they call them 'Angels', which, in case you were wondering, explains the title of this piece. In the case of the Physical Plane atoms, the name 'Ashim' is given. These are the Angelic 'Souls Of Fire' that work for the Arch-Angel Sandalphon, and which structure the Physical Plane itself. If you are interested in the names of the other atoms, just look for the listings of the minor angels working for the Arch-Angels at each qabalistic level of being.
So, let us all look at the component parts of any atom [Angel], in whichever Realm it may 'reside' at, and let us SEE what we can SEE.
At the simplest of levels each and every atom is defined by just two component parts. The first of these is the nucleus [the blob of 'matter' and arrival doorway], and the second of these is the orbiting electron or electrons [exit door or doors], depending on the type of matter considered. If we expand our model a little more, we find that the nucleus itself is divided into two parts. The first of these parts is the plastic neutrons, which are found to be 'inert' - meaning PROGRAMMABLE. And the second part is the 'charged' protons which INSTRUCT the neutrons WHAT FORM TO TAKE ON. More-so, each proton [which can move] departs from someplace in the 'Tree Of Life' by the electron [exit door], and then arrives in it's new place of residence by travelling through the 4th dimension [the cosmic 'mother-board], and then 'arriving' in the proton-half of the nucleus. After it arrives, it gives an instruction to the plastic neutrons [which stay put], and then these neutrons take on the instructed form. Easy huh!!! At this point, let us call a 'thought' or a 'word' sent my any man or woman a 'moveable proton'. I could go 'deeper' into the most minute of sub-atomic particles, but unless you are all fascinated by physics, I would probably bore you all to distraction.
At this point you are probably wondering: "So how do we INSTRUCT a group of sub-atomic particles such as protons to program the neutrons to take-on a particular form? Ok, everybody sit down and relax, as this might shock you all a little - you see the protons inside every single atom are 'told' how to program the neutrons by the method of [1] 'talking' to or about them, and/ or [2] 'thinking' to or about them. Quite a shock huh.
For those great 'thinkers' amongst you here on this forum, you may, at this point be starting to realise why top illuminati members DO NOT READ NEWSPAPERS, SPEAK OF NEGATIVE SUBJECT MATTERS, OR WATCH T.V. Or to put it another way, if they did they would steadfastly NOT BELIEVE a single word of it. You see, if you watch a terrible 'story' about some disaster or other, then all your 'thinking' about that particular subject heads straight for the atomic nuclei of the subject under consideration. And this, of course, means that if we were to 'think or 'talk' about some terrible thing that happened last Wednesday - then all our 'talking' and 'thinking' will head straight for last Wednesday. Indeed, our 'words' and 'thoughts' will depart from us via the electron [orbiting 'rip' or 'rips], travel through the 4th dimension [the Cosmic 'motherboard'], and then arrive in the nucleus of the thing, person or subject we were 'talking' or 'thinking' about.
This NOT to say that we can not watch any T.V, or read a newspaper. It does, however, mean we can NOT passively gaze at such a show or article and unquestionably believe what it is we are looking at, listening to, or reading. For example, at the four dimensional level of consciousness, we might look at a negative article in a newspaper, and [using our mind] protect the person, situation or scenario were are INTERACTING WITH. WE most certainly would NOT just passively absorb and believe whatever it was we were presented with.
Referring back to the 'Mara's Child' document I posted a while back, we find that the 'Four Faces' of the force that is known to the Masters as 'Evolving Awareness' [or more simply 'Mara's Child'] are [1] the Mental Plane/ East, [2] the Emotional Plane/ West, [3] Space Itself - including the 'ever-infolding 4th dimension/ South, and [4] the Physical Plane/ North. Of course the 'Guardians Of The Race', now that they have decided that 'Mankind has come of age' have told us that the Four Faces of Evolving Awareness are PRECISELY ORDERED. And by this I mean that 'thinking' always comes first; followed by an emotional response which always comes second; which is channelled through the 4th dimension [hiding behind every single atom] which always comes third; which then arrives [is pumped into] the atomic nuclei of the Physical Plane, which always comes fourth. THERE IS NO DEVIATION FROM THIS PROCESS FOR ANY REASON - INCLUDING MANKIND'S MISAPROPRIATED BELIEF OF LINEAR TIME.
To re-cap, if were to 'think' or 'speak' about last Wednesday, then my 'words' or 'thoughts' depart my aura via my own electrons, pass through the 4th dimension [Cosmic 'motherboard'] and then head for the [1] Mental Plane of last Wednesday; which then pass downwards into the [2] Emotional Plane of last Wednesday; which is then channelled through the [3] 4th dimension of last Wednesday, which in turn pumps into the protons of last Wednesday - WHICH PROGRAMS THE NEUTRONS OF LAST WEDNESDAY. And which, it turn, MAKES LAST WEDNESDAY. It's as simple as that. It's the same thing for 'next Tuesday', or any other apparent date [hook] we can 'think' of.
At this point the great 'thinkers' reading this piece will completely understand the language system employed by the upper illuminati member [the language of the warlock, barrister, lawyer, judge, etc, etc], when they say things like: "That disaster last Wednesday WAS INDEED TERRIBLE, and I 'hear' that a great many people WERE quite incensed about the whole thing". You SEE, there is no negative karma for speaking like this, since the disaster in question WAS INDEED TERRIBLE, and more-so, many people WERE INDEED QUITE INCENSED ABOUT THE WHOLE THING. There IS, however, a great deal of negative karma for [1] passively watching and 'believing' the news story about that terrible disaster last Wednesday, which 'made' part of last Wednesday, for [2] passively reading that news 'PROGRAM', which again 'made' part of last Wednesday, and for [2] passively going 'out and about' and telling 100 other people about it, which made a much larger part of it. On and on it goes, this process of 'group creation', by US THE GROUP. You SEE it has been ALL OF US that have been 'tricked' into making such things happen, whilst the upper illuminiati members only 'hear' that we 'do such things'. Wouldn't it be nice if they COULDN'T HEAR that we 'do such things'! That would be a very different thing.
Now, if you have ever wondered how on earth the upper illuminati members manage to own massive houses, amass personal fortunes, and stay in power - then I have just told you the precise method of how they do such things. You SEE, they don't have the negative karma to be penalised - whilst WE ALL DO. A great example here would be the reason YOU may well be working for such a person - whilst he or she DOES NOT HAVE TO WORK. Some thing to 'ponder over' as the Tibetan Ascended Master Djwhal Khul was so fond of saying.
OK, I will give you a few quotes by a selection of Ascended Masters to reinforce the Universal Principles that we have just been examining. The first quote is by the Toltec Elder that was instructed to release all this knowledge, as His words are very relevant to our example of the 'language of the warlock'. In His follow-up book to 'The Cry Of The Eagle', called 'Shadows of Wolf Fire', the Dragon-Wolf Nagual Théun Mares tells us all:
"If I wanted to, I could live the most impeccable life of inclusiveness that would be so utterly politically correct that no-one would ever be able to fault me on any technicality. Yet such a life would be just that - politically correct, and technically faultless. But to what avail? Such a life has for me no human meaning, and in having no human meaning, it also has no heart to bring me warmth".
Yes, the 'language of the Warlock' is indeed 'technically' faultless, since they only ever 'hear' about what we all 'say', 'think' and 'create'. The 'untouchables', if you like, whilst we have all been 'the touched'.
Ok, time for a second quote, also by an Ascended Toltec Master [there are lots of kinds of Masters you know], this time by don Juan Matus from the Carlos Castaneda series of books. I am always drawn to this particular Master, since the techniques He made available have saved my life on countless numbers of occasions throughout the last five years or so. I thank you from the bottom of my heart don Juan Matus for the outrageously funny white sorcery techniques you have given the world, that have enabled many 'practitioners' to get out of pretty well any 'jam' that the Dark-Side can 'get you into'. This is not to say that 'that' series of books is less than serious in it's make-up, as it is not. In-fact this next quote is a very serious affair indeed. Here don Jaun says to Carlos Castaneda:
".in essence, the world that mankind's reason wants to sustain is the world CREATED BY A DESCRIPTION and its dogmatic and inviolable rules, which the reason learns to accept and defend".
You SEE everyone, THAT IS ALL THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION IS. It is a temporal 'thought' and 'language' based system of 'pumping' terrible probability into atomic nuclei - USING ALL OF US TO DO IT. If we 'pump' into last week, then that's where we 'send' to, etc, etc. And if we 'pump' into next week [NESARA well-wishers listen carefully], then that is where that energy is delivered too. Such a simple thing, and yet [apparently] so very hard to stop.
As an example of STOPPING IT, and by this I mean learning to talk and think in a four dimensional nature, I will now say something about the African Aids epidemic. I will 'say': "the Aids problem in Africa completely ended because it was removed at the sub-atomic level by a group of 4 dimensional 'thinkers' and 'talkers' that re-programmed the atomic nuclei of all those concerned". YOU'D ALL HAVE TO BELIEVE THIS to make it take effect, in much the same manner as many people UNQUESTIONLY BELIEVE the terrible 'stories' presented by the illuminati controlled mass medias. A great example of this principle is cited by the child prophet Ganymede in the ancient Druidic manual known as: 'The Body Of The Dragon', when He taught those present that: "belief imparts reality, and beliefs will continue to be real, so long as people pour energy into them by faith". And so, in this light, we can plainly SEE that 'saying' or 'thinking "well I kind-a get it" - IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
I will close here with one more quote from don Juan Matus the Ascended White Toltec Master, who on this particular occasion was responding to a question by Carlos Castaneda about just who the black magicians were:
". don Juan replied that it was our fellow men that were the black magicians, and that since I was with them, that I was a black magician too. I asked don Juan if I could deviate from the path that the black magicians had lined up for me. And he told me: 'No I couldn't. My thoughts and actions were fixed forever in other people's terms, which was slavery'.."
Of course, don Juan's comments here applied to 'times gone by', and NOT to a New Era whereby Mankind can take responsibility for everything he/ she looks at, speaks about, thinks about, and does. Yes - it's quite a change that is now required. And what's more, I strongly suspect that it is the very reason we are all having this 'pause' that Christ Michael speaks of in the more recent channellings by Candace.
Any 'time' you are all ready 'guys and galls' - you can start now, in a minute, next week, or even next year. Just make sure you DO START though. You might say that your new existence depends upon it.
When you DO start, if you watch T.V. you must move and/or alter subatomic particles to transform what you are watching. When people speak negatively, you must move and/or alter all of that too. This is no longer a 'time' for passivity. In-fact, as Patrick H. Bellringer has made clear to us all: "We are all returned masters and have earned the right to 5D, but unfortunately many people have not yet awakened to claim that right.". Well, in that case it is time to start [1] 'talking', [2] 'thinking', and [3] 'being' like a Master I say. Let us 'claim that right' NOW.
The examples here are endless. For example how about [1] interacting with U.S. forces and Arab weapons [e.g electical systems] and stopping them working or killing anybody. The opposite of all this would be to 'passively' read about and 'believe' that they did hurt someone, [2] bombarding AIDS victims with the radionics frequency that cures them [30 KHz - square wave] - instead of reading and believing that such people DO have Aids. You 'do' this with your mind, without the need for a radionics machine, [3] altering any sub-atomic programming that is stopping the atoms of NESARA from finalising, [4] healing yourself of whatever, [5] asking those missing and newest 'Pheonix Journals' to "come here to this web-site for download", [6] removing any black magic spells from your living space and/or person and putting them back into the 4th dimension as an 'un-required possibility' etc, etc. I could go on and on - bit I want YOU TO GO ON AND ON. Something else to 'ponder over'.
I have two final points to make here, concerning the coming 6th Muruvian root-race of Mankind. The first is a point made by the Capetown Toltec Elder Théun Mares, who makes clear just what a Toltec is. He tell us: ". although the Toltec teachings are the natural heritage of mankind, humanity in general has until now not been ready to receive them. Consequently, my people have acted as custodians of this tradition since time immemorial, and have thereby, fortunately or unfortunately, earned for themselves the dubious honorific of 'sorcerers'.
I included this quote just in-case anyone 'out there' got themselves incensed at my usage of Toltec quotations - you see there is NO SUCH THING AS A SORCERER. It's a just a name used for WHAT WAS the only handful of people left that knew how to 'Talk To Angels'. I am earnestly hoping this is all about to change now.
The last point is this. It's a line from don Juan Matus from the Carlos Castaneda series of books. This is a very appropriate quote, since it makes very clear exactly what is required for membership to the arriving 6th Muruvian root-race of Mankind. Here don Juan is telling Carlos Castaneda that his old self has to completely die. Don Juan says:
". Your sensation of nervousness is due to the subliminal realisation that your time is up. You are aware of it, but not deliberately conscious of it. YOU FEEL THE ABSENCE OF TIME and that makes you impatient. I know this, for it happened to me and to all the sorcerers of my lineage. At a given time, a whole era of my life, or their lives, ended. Now it's your turn. YOU HAVE SIMPLY RUN OUT OF TIME . YOUR WORLD IS COMING TO AN END", he said. "It's the end of an era for you. Do you think that the world you have known all your life is going to leave you peacefully, without any fuss or mess? No! It will wriggle underneath you, and hit you with its tail. DON'T GET SO WORKED UP OVER NOTHING", don Juan said calmly. "You already know that a whole era in your life is coming to an end, but an era doesn't really come to an end until the king dies".
So all you 'Kings and Queens' out there [which ever 'names' you employ].
Take care everyone - don Juan Grau
[1] "learned the way of Source and Source's laws." - >From 'Pheonix Journal 7', by the Master El Morya,, page 119, curtsey of Patrick H. Bellringer.
[2] Many references in my own words relating to the book 'Cry of the Eagle', by Théun Mares, 1997, ISBN 0 620 21198 9.
[3] "If I wanted to, I could live the most impeccable life." - From 'Shadows of Wolf Fire', by Théun Mares, ISBN 1-919792-04-X, page 26.
[4] "in essence, the world that mankind's reason." - >From 'Tales of Power', by Carlos Castaneda, ISBN 0-14-019237-9, page 98.
[5] "Belief imparts reality." - Available in 'The Twenty One Lessons of Merlyn, A Study in Druid Magic and Lore', by Douglas Monroe, 1992, ISBN 0-87542-496-1, pages 279 ~ 294.
[6] "don Juan replied that it was our fellow men." - >From 'Tales of Power', by Carlos Castaneda, ISBN 0-14-019237-9, page 26.
[7] "We are all returned masters.." - From the document titled: "Could You Please Share Your Views with Us With Respect To The Following Questions/Remarks?", by the ever insightful Patrick H. Bellringer, pasted on the web-site, dated 20-Nov-05.
[8] "although the Toltec teachings are the natural heritage." - From 'Return of the Warriors, the Toltec Teachings - Volume One - ', by Théun Mares, ISBN 1-919792-08-2, page 9.
[9] "Your sensation of nervousness." - From 'The Active Side of Infinity', by Carlos Castaneda, ISBN 0 7225 3937 1, pages 77, 87, 94 & 115.
The Power Of Believing
When I was a child, I very much enjoyed the 1970's 'Kung Fu' series where David Carradine played Kwai Chang Cain. You see I loved the Eastern philosophies that were taught to the young Cain by the Temple Masters in the Monastery he was raised in.
In one particular episode, my favourite of all, Cain was to deliver a very rare Holy Book to another location and was instructed by the Masters in the Monastery to set off on this important journey. On the way he met a thief that stole the rare book, after charming Cain with some witty and hypnotic banter.
Later, Cain had returned to the Monastery, and the Masters there had traced that thief easily, using their formidable occult powers. The thief was brought back to the Monastery for trial, and since it was such a serious matter the man was to be sentenced to 'execution' if the young Cain could identify him as the culprit. After all, it was a rare Holy Book that was taken from a Monastery - an object centuries old and beyond price.
When Cain was confronted with the thief in a 'line up' he was touched by the sad look in the thief's eyes and told the Masters present: "No this is not the man".
Later in the day the blind Monastic Master that always taught Cain named 'Po', who knew full well that Cain had lied, asked him: "What did that thief really take Cain?"
"Are you speaking of the book Master?" asked Cain.
"No", replied Po, "Something so delicate, that you weren't even aware that it was taken".
"I'm still not sure Master", replied Cain.
"YOUR INNOCENCE", answered Po. "He caused you to lie before the Elders, and he took your innocence". You SEE, the thief walked away FREE, whilst the young Cain had his mouth 'chained' by a demon. I am sure you can all agree that, in this light that Cain really did 'lose his innocence': and more-so, someone else 'got it'. At this point Po walked silently away, saying nothing more, and leaving the young Cain to his thoughts.
I guess this was my favourite episode, as it introduced to me the subject of SEEING. I found that many things I had never considered as tangible, in all truth, had an existence that was just as real as you and me. This meant, to me, that there was life and intelligence everywhere, even in the most non-obvious of things. Something else that I found very interesting was that 'Po' was physically blind - and yet he could SEE more than most other people could.
The White Toltec Master don Juan Matus, once gave an excellent definition of the art of SEEING to His apprentice Carlos Castaneda. On this particular occasion don Juan told Carlos: "Seeing is a peculiar feeling of knowing. of knowing something without a shadow of doubt". Don Juan continued saying: "Everybody falls prey to the mistake that seeing is done with the eyes. But don't be surprised that after so many years you haven't realised yet that seeing is not a matter of the eyes. It's quite normal to make that mistake".
You SEE the Monastic Master 'Po' in the 'Kung Fu' series simply KNEW that Cain had lost his innocence. He didn't have to look with his eyes. Indeed even his advanced third-eye function wouldn't have spotted such a delicate manoeuvre - he just KNEW WITHOUT DOUBT.
Ok, I am going to say that if it is possible to 'take a child's innocence', that it is also possible to 'take a person's belief'. Here I will use the example of the 'mass medias' of modern society, and by this I mean the television news programs, the radio news programs, the magazines, the periodicals, and Hollywood movies. Even the school, college and university syllabuses are included here.
Now, do you know, my family, and many of my friends 'think' that I'm a bit odd. You SEE as a child I didn't like to watch the T.V. news. I turned off the radio news when travelling in motor cars. I refused to ever look at a 'newspaper'. And most of the things discussed at the schools I [sometimes] attended made me feel quite ill. "You're a dreamer John", they'd all say to me, "You've got your head in the clouds". You see, I didn't like to believe in the horrible things that I always found in these medias and syllabuses. Stories of violence, tragedy, and prejudice. Tales of disaster and sadness. Accounts of wars in history classes. I decided that my 'belief' was not be lent to such things, and so I 'believed' in dragons, white magic, fairies, legends and mythical heroes - regardless of whatever anyone else said to me. In-fact, I still do.
About five years ago I was very lucky, in that I acquired a copy of an ancient Druid book called 'The Body Of The Dragon'. One of my favourite parts was a lesson that the young Arthur was given way before he was King of England. Merlyn had led young Arthur to a meeting with the child prophet Ganymede, who had tutored Arthur on the very subject of 'belief'. Speaking of 'belief' Ganymede made several illustrations, which he concluded by saying to Arthur: "The Greek culture is another good example, with their complex hierarchy of gods and goddesses. While the culture thrived which molded these gods, so did the gods themselves - gods which were real, and which manifested real miracles: healing, fortune telling future events and so on. Through their collective belief and sheer will, the Greek nation actually forged their Gods on the Watery Seas of the Otherworld. Once this was done, it was a small matter for these god-forms to MANIFEST UPON THIS MATERIAL WORLD as well - and so they became 'real'. How? Because the law states that: BELIEF IMPARTS REALITY, and beliefs will continue to be real, so long as people pour energy into them by faith. And how do we know this for certain? Because once the Greek culture began to decline, so did the gods of that culture, since less and less belief was being put into them".
A powerful example, since here we learn that Mankind can actually INVENT something by 'believing' in it. You can SEE why the Masters often call the structure that we all incarnate in and out of a 'Universe Of Mind'. You SEE, this 'Universe Of Mind' takes on whatever form we collectively give it - whatever form we all 'BELIVE' in. Now, you may be asking, at this point: "How might a person, or indeed a group of people's BELIEF be 'taken' then?" And the answer I would have to give is BY THE MASS MEDIAS, of course.
The brave researcher Mr. David Icke, speaking of the illuminati controlled press, suggests that we: "Look at the structures of government known laughingly as 'democracy', the structure of law, economics, the media, and all the institutions you find in most countries today." He continues, saying: "So if it suits the Agenda to crash the US dollar or the Mexican Peso or bring down a government, or start a civil war, the branch managers in those countries 'go to work' through their financial, media and secret society operations to ensure that it happens".
You SEE, the illuminati use OUR BELIEF to MANUFACTURE REALITIES, in much the same manner as the ancient Greek civilisation 'thought' a race of super-human God-forms into being.
There is, however, more to understand about 'The Power Of Believing' than may at first meet the eye. You SEE, the karma of believing in such terrible things as wars and famines is terrible, and so the upper echelons of the illuminati would never 'believe' in such things themselves. THEY USE ALL OF US INSTEAD. This leads us all to the realisation that in much the same way as Cain in the 'Kung Fu' series had his 'innocence' taken, Mankind as a whole had their 'belief' taken, and then put to a terrible use.
There is a most excellent line in 'Pheonix Journal 7' that says: "Why cannot you walk the Earth as Christed ones? What is hindering your manifestation of this most wondrous state of being? It is only the ignorance, the banality, and the sleep of the ages; only because your media and your billboards are not constantly telling you that you can become that which ye desire in achievement. No, they tell you of the sensuality and desire of base pleasures which pull you farther from thy goal. Ye do become what ye vision and that which you are told and take within thyself as truth. You move with the banal energies for these energies flow within and upon the waves of mass consciousness, thus capturing you within the trap of hypnotic helplessness. Well, I tell you, the media were given unto mankind as a means of disciplining the self, selfhood, and of releasing to mankind the message of the Masters. So be it for thus do things come to be misused. Can you imagine if every time you turned on the television set the announcer said, 'YOU CAN BECOME CHRIST?' You would begin to believe it. It would become a common fact, no longer startling nor astounding".
There is one more point I want to make before concluding this brief article. I want to leave you all with a medical definition of the word hypnosis, which is listed as: "An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterised by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction". You SEE, to put it in simple terms, hypnosis may be defined as the art of making someone or a group of people BELIEVE something that isn't, or indeed shouldn't be true. And you KNOW what the child prophet Ganymede told the young Arthur about 'believing' - don't you.
Of course, if something has been 'taken', then why not 'take it back'?
I'm going to leave you all with a verse from a wonderful song performed by the singer Yolanda Adams. And I'm going to ask you to IMAGINE the sounds of the supporting gospel choir and the lovely sounds of the backing orchestra.
Take it away Yolanda. and all you IMAGINERS.
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night and day, Spread my wings and fly away, I believe I can soar, I see me running through that open door, I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly.
Take care everyone - don Juan Grau
[1] "Seeing is a peculiar feeling of knowing." - From 'The Fire From Within', by Carlos Castaneda, ISBN 0-684-81940-6, pages 4 & 54.
[2] "The Greek culture is another good example,." - Available in 'The Twenty One Lessons of Merlyn, A Study in Druid Magic and Lore', by Douglas Monroe, 1992, ISBN 0-87542-496-1, pages 279 - 294.
[3] "Look at the structures of government." - From 'The Biggest Secret', Chapter 6, 'Rule Britannia', ISBN 0952614766.
[4] "So if it suits the Agenda to crash the US dollar or." - From 'The Biggest Secret', Chapter 6, 'Rule Britannia', ISBN 0952614766.
[5] "Why cannot you walk the Earth as Christed ones?.." - From 'Pheonix Journal 7', by Paul the Venitian,, page 147, curtsey of Patrick H. Bellringer.
[6] "An artificially induced altered state." - From, Dec 28, 2005].
The Riddle Of The Ipsissimus
In many books on Magic, whether they be about White or Black Magic, we find that the highest of all grades is that of the Ipsissimus. The grade before that of Ipsissimus is called the 'Magi', who is defined as a: "Master of all Magick in its greatest and highest sense". With the grade of Ipsissimus being defined as: "beyond all this and beyond all comprehension of those of lower degrees". Of course, with the Age of Aquarius rapidly approaching us, a 'time' when: "all secrets shall be revealed in the light of the new day", it becomes apparent that we can ALL achieve this highest of Magical ranks. And so it will be most wise for all of us to find out just what an Ipsissimus is.
In his infamous book 'Magick in Theory and Practice' Aleister Crowley once defined Magic as: '. the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will'. A little later in the same book he also states that: "This technique of Yoga is the most important detail of all our work". And so it would follow that if Yoga is the very method of causing change in the world, that this subject deserves a very thorough investigation - after all, we are all seeking 'change' at this crucial point in the history of the planet Earth. So what is this yoga that is the founding principle of any Magical operation?
The Hindi dialect, which stems from ancient Sanskrit defines 'yogah' as the 'union': meaning a method of 'joining', quite perfectly, with some thing or other in this Universe that we all find ourselves in. And so, it would follow, that if we were to all understand Yoga, that we could 'join' with, and 'affect' anything that we set our minds upon. This would mean, as Crowley pointed out to us all, that we could cause 'change to occur in conformity with [our] will'. Of course, if we were to become experts in these principles, we would ALL achieve the esoteric grade of Ipsissimus - whether those that like to secretly guard the age-old temple secrets 'like it or not'. So how might we 'join' with things, and to make these 'changes' that we all need, you might ask? How do we apply this science of Yoga?
Well, a very good friend of mine called Peter, travelled to India some five years ago to learn all about Yoga. He met a great teacher, called Karmjit, but found out that many of the things he had expected to be 'esoteric secrets' were actually the simplest of matters. One day, whilst walking with his teacher in a market-place, Peter heard a young lady 'gossiping' [talking] to a small group of people. This young lady was complaining about other people that she knew, and suggesting to those listening that the harshness of her own life was all the 'fault' of everyone else.
"If you listen to her 'spells', you will become part of them", said Karmjit to Peter, "let's move away quickly, and find somewhere more tranquil".
At this point Peter had what the psychologist Sigmund Freud called a 'catharsis', meaning a large portion of his brain became reorganised, leaving him with a pleasant light-headed feeling for days afterwards. You see Peter had found out that in Yogic terms there is no such thing as 'talking' par se - THERE IS ONLY SPELLING. And we ALL already KNOW that all of Magic is dependent upon Yoga.
"Wow!", thought Peter, "If every single thing we say is a 'magic spell', and if Yoga is the founding principle of all Magic, and if 'spelling' is nothing more than speaking: then whatever I say will join with the very thing I am speaking of". A year later Peter returned to England and taught ME all about 'spelling', and now I am telling you.
I broached the subject of 'spelling' with a meditation teacher in England, a short time after my great friend Peter had returned from India and had told me what he had found out about 'speaking'. The name of the meditation teacher was Paul, who told me: "It's worse than that John, as everything you 'think' is also a 'spell'. This left ME with what the psychologist Sigmund Freud called a 'catharsis', meaning a large portion of MY brain became reorganised, leaving ME with a pleasant light-headed feeling for days afterwards. It also made me much calmer and quieter, since I rarely 'say' or even 'think' anything these days. If I do 'say' or 'think' anything at all, it tends to be something like "OH YES YOU CAN!", or perhaps "OH THAT WILL BE EASY!" Let us look at what the now Ascended Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul has to 'say' on the subject of 'speaking', to SEE if what He says reinforces the words of Paul the meditation teacher. The Master Djwhal Khul tell us that:
"One of the greatest instruments for practical development lying in the hands of small and great, is the instrument of SPEECH. He who guards his words, and who only speaks with altruistic purpose, in order to carry the energy of Love through the medium of the tongue, is one who is mastering rapidly the initial steps to be taken in preparation for initiation. Speech is the most occult manifestation in existence; IT IS THE MEANS OF CREATION and the vehicle of force. In the reservation of words, esoterically understood, lies the conservation of force; in the utilisation of words, justly chosen and spoken, lies the distribution of the love force of the solar system - that force which preserves, strengthens, and stimulates. Only he who knows somewhat of these two aspects of speech, can be trusted to stand before the Initiator and to carry out from that Presence certain sounds and secrets imparted to him under the pledge of silence".
Serious stuff huh. And something for those that love to bombard the various forums on the internet with negative articles, as well as for those that love to 'gossip', to STRONGLY CONSIDER.
I'd 'say' that a definition of 'thought' is now called for, since Paul the meditation teacher also told me that 'thinking' is very much a very similar affair. Speaking of the power of 'thought', the now Ascended Master Djwhal Khul says that:
"Thought is the integrity of the inner man". Speaking of the esoteric disciple the Master Djwhal Khul goes on to add: "He therefore acts on that assumption, and with care he watches and guards his words, and controls his thoughts so that no overt act, unnecessary word or unkind thought will break the rhythm which he believes has been set up". The master Djwhal Khul concludes here, saying to ALL OF US: "Unless the basic rule is grasped, that 'ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT', it is inevitable that dire results must eventuate".
Dire indeed. Do you KNOW, since finding all this out, I have now [almost] completely stopped insulting anybody! If I do get angry [I still do sometimes] I use the Toltec technique of remedying the situation immediately [or sometimes a little later when I have calmed down], by the method of 'saying' or 'thinking' some opposing nice 'words' or 'thoughts' to undo what I JUST MADE. For example I will 'say' or 'think': "I am saying some positive words to undo any negative words I have directed at my friend *****, and which may have attached to their auric totality. These words will take effect through all Seven Evolving Super-Universes; throughout all Seven Eternities Of Time; and throughout all 'past', 'present', 'future' and 'parallel' incarnations". The other Toltec variant of this mantra would be to 'think': "I am thinking some positive thoughts....." You see, in occult terms, a 'word' can undo the effects of another word, whilst only a 'thought' can undo the effects of another thought - since 'words' and 'thoughts' are two different mediums of energy.
You can probably SEE why upper illuminati members do NOT read newspapers or watch television news 'programs', since the karma of doing so can be quite terrible. Indeed, to remain karma free you'd have to undo every single negative thing you 'looked at' or 'listened to' with the above Toltec undoing mantras. Incidentally I DO 'do' this sometimes, I apologise to the Universe Of Mind on behalf of everyone that has read a negative story, and who does not know how to do this, whilst scanning through the terrible 'stories' [spells] in a popular newspaper.
Hmm, let's look at the power of one man or woman's 'words' and 'thoughts' verses the large amounts of 'thoughts' and 'words', made by huge groups of peoples that all 'say' and 'think' the same appropriate or inappropriate things.
Well, the 'Universe Of Mind' works in AMOUNTS, and does NOT perceive the linear version of 'time' that Mankind has [up until now] decided was true. We can speak ['spell'] into a person, situation, organisation, object or event 'before', 'during' or even 'after' the very thing we are speaking about. But make no mistake, whatever we 'say' will head straight for the very thing we are speaking about, since that is where we are directing our words [mantras]. If I 'speak' of last Tuesday, my 'spells' head straight for last Tuesday, and If I speak of next Friday, then my words will head straight for that 'date' [hook] too.
If it is just me that 'says' [spells] something into last Tuesday, or even next Friday, then I will 'contribute' the AMOUNT of one. And if a thousand people all listen to me, and BELIEVE what I say, then I will augment a 'contribution' to the amount of 1000. You can now SEE why researchers such as David Icke take great interest in the fact that all of the mass medias are owned by the illuminati families - a subject I discussed in some detail in the article I posted called 'The Power Of Believing'. You can also SEE why it might take an Ipsissimus [a Master of Yoga] to 'counter' a massive series of negative and ill-founded comments [spells] about YOU, by a large group of people - when there was only one of you to 'prove them wrong'. Incidentally such a thing can be done, and I have discussed the techniques in the document 'Talking With Angels'.
You SEE, the mass medias [including 'gossips'], in Yogic terms, create the biggest temporal 'power spells' that any Magician can ever possibly hope to make - and this, of course, is due to the vast coverage of such 'stories'. Let's look at a revealing statistic from the web-site which is all about the amounts of peoples that these mass medias reach in the UK. I am sure that similar statistics will apply to the USA, or any other Westernised culture if you the reader were to check. Anyway - the Simon Waldman web-site tells us:
"No other people on earth are such avid readers of newspapers as the British. For good or ill, close to THIRTY MILLION NEWSPAPERS, national provincial, morning and evening go into British homes on every working day; ON SUNDAYS EVENM MORE. Most of them are read by more than one person, some by three or more. Many of those who read newspapers, although by no means all, read at least two a day - one in the morning, one in the evening - some read more. All in all nearly 90% of the adult population of this island reads regularly at least one national morning paper every day, which means, if statistics of national intelligence are correct, practically all those who can read. No other product of modern civilisation has achieved so complete a saturation of its potential market".
Well, it doesn't take a mathematical, or a Magical genius to figure out that if I were to own a chain of popular newspapers that I could easily direct a 'power spell' that would 'contribute' the power of 30,000,000 [in the UK alone] - should some person, situation, organisation, object or event offended my own personal aims: whatever they might be. We also know, by now, that because of the way that this Universe Of Mind operates, that if I owned a chain of popular newspapers, that I could direct a 'story' from 'after' that headed straight for 'before'. And, of course, the same 'generalisation' can be made about any other mass media, such as television news 'programs', radio news 'programs', and the like. And if we the 'gossip factor', meaning many of these people will repeat such a 'story' to people that didn't even read that newspaper, then we can really understand the 'power of the press'.
Do you know, I now believe that I have solved 'The Riddle Of The Ipsissimus'. You see, with all of our singular and collective 'talking' and 'thinking' - we were ALL masters of Magic all along: we just forgot. In the case of a non-verbal single person, we always were the masters of 'contributing' the AMOUNT of one to whichever person, situation, organisation, object or event we were 'speaking' or 'thinking' about. In the case of one person that loves to 'gossip', we always were the masters of 'contributing' the AMOUNT of several hundred. Whilst in the case of the upper illuminati members that control the mass medias and education systems [the biggest 'gossips' of all]; well, they 'were' the masters of 'contributing' the AMOUNT of 30,000,000 [in the UK alone] by using all of us to 'do it' for them.
A natural conclusion of all of this, is that a 'White Yoga Newspaper' is now called for - something that's been 'on my mind' for a while now. You SEE we need to 'counter' the power of 30,000,000 [just in the UK] in much the same way as that Toltec 'undoing anger mantra' I mentioned earlier works. Indeed I am considering a tour of the UK with such informations very soon - possibly Mar/Apr 2006. Should anybody want to help me out with this venture please feel free to contact me by P.M. on this wonderful forum. I am looking for ONE TRUSTED SECOND - and be-aware that this is a FULL TIME VENTURE.
OK, all this leaves me to say to you all is that if anybody ever asks you about Yoga - just tell them that you have now achieved the level of White Ipsissimus in this subject. And that if the person that asks you is interested, tell them that they can also achieve this grade in 'round-a-bout' the time it takes to read a couple of short essays. Or to attend a couple of lectures in the coming New Year
Now you all be 'fantastically successful' in everything that you do - don John Grau [the White Ipsissimus]
[1] ".Master of all Magick in its greatest." - From 'Magick in Theory and Practice', by Aleister Crowley, page 231.
[2] ". beyond all comprehension of those.." - From 'Magick in Theory and Practice', by Aleister Crowley, page 231.
[3] ". all secrets shall be revealed" - From 'Pheonix Journal 7', page 44, of the web-site, curtsey of Patrick H. Bellringer.
[4] ".causing Change to occur in conformity with Will' - From 'Magick in Theory and Practice', by Aleister Crowley, page XI.
[5] "This technique of Yoga." - From 'Magick in Theory and Practice' Aleister Crowley, by Aleister Crowley, page 201.
[6] Definition of Yoga - From, Dec 28, 2005.
[7] Definition of the Yogic term 'spelling' - Verbally imparted by the Indian teacher of Yoga 'Karmjit', 2000.
[8] Newspaper coverage statistic - Courtesy of the web-site, Dec 28, 2005.
[9] Definition of 'Speech' - From 'Ponder On This', a selection of writings by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, ISBN 0-85330-131-X, pages 382 - 385.
[10] "Thought is the integrity of the inner man." - >From 'Ponder On This', a selection of writings by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, ISBN 0-85330-131-X, pages 70 - 73.
[11] '.controls his thoughts.' - From 'Ponder On This', a selection of writings by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, ISBN 0-85330-131-X, pages 82 - 85.
[12] '.energy follows thought.' - From 'Ponder On This', a selection of writings by Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, ISBN 0-85330-131-X, pages 156 - 162.
Deja Vous - An Essay For The Druids
We all 'get it' - that odd feeling that we have been someplace before, or perhaps met a person before. It leaves a nagging sensation on the 'tip of your tongue', and a kind-a wrenching feeling within our minds. I'm always 'getting it'. I 'get it' when I touch things. I 'get it' when I travel to supposedly new places. And I 'get it' when I met people for [apparently] the very first time.
The Westernised psychologists do 'admit' to the phenomenon of 'Deja Vous', but they never really seem to solve exactly what it is. Let's have a look at a psychological definition by a social scientist called Mangan, who says:
"I would maintain that the 'Deja Vous' experience occurs when. feelings of familiarity and novelty become superimposed for some reason. This is a striking case of a general capacity of MORE THEN ONE. EXPERIENCE TO OCCUPY CONSCIOUSNESS AT THE SAME TIME."
Hmm, so the psychologists 'think' that this 'Deja Vous' phenomenon occurs when 'more than one. experience becomes superimposed'. This is a very interesting proposition.
What if this 'more than one sensory experience' involved ANOTHER PART OF US. What if there are really more parts to a man or a woman than the physical body that we are all aware of. For one thing, it is quite possible that we have all visited places and met people in various dream and meditational states - which would be one explanation for 'Deja Vous'. But, what if we could even have MORE THAN ONE PHYSICAL BODY. Wouldn't that be a thing?
For sure, such things ARE possible. In-fact doña Soledad, one of the female 'freedom warriors' [sorceress] in the Carlos Castaneda series of books had actually discovered an entrance to a parallel dimension [a 'gap' between the worlds], and then found her own parallel being, before leaving 'this' Earth-Plane to GO AND LIVE WITH HER. Recounting all this to Carlos, the female 'freedom warrior' [sorceress] Florinda Donner had told Carlos that a parallel being of any person is another person of the same sex who is "ultimately and inextricably joined to the first one", and who coexists in the world at the SAME TIME frame. Of course, as another extension of US we would naturally share 'thoughts' and 'perceptions' with such a person. And this would naturally contribute to the sensation of what psychologists call 'Deja Vous'.
As a further verification, I have read a lot of new transpersonal psychology on the subject of 'parallel lives' where it is postulated that each 'time' we make a bad decision that a 'split-off' portion of us is 'forms' in a parallel 'Realm' that NEVER DID MAKE SUCH A MISTAKE. And, to this end the psychoanalyst Arnold Goldberg has written: "For patients with 'errant selves'. the psychodynamics. have shaped development to the point that they end up living parallel lives with different values, ambitions, and goals". And this, of course, would mean that whilst it was indeed a great feat of sorcery for doña Soledad to find her Heroic 'parallel self', that the fact remains that if she had perfected herself a little more, that such a creature wouldn't have been there to be 'found' in the first place.
I guess this would be, for one thing, a great reason for us to all understand that we really need to STOP MAKING BAD DECISIONS - since it DE-POWERS AND FRAGMENTS US. Of course, such parallel selves would also account for 'one' of the se