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Excerpt from Book: Bringers Of The Dawn

By Barbara Marciniak

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pter 1: Ambassadors through Time

Chapter 2: On Prime Creator's Journey

Chapter 3: Who Your Gods Are

Chapter 4: Memories in the Free-Will Zone

Chapter 5: Who Carries the Chord of Light ?

Chapter 6: Unlocking the History

Chapter 7: The Multidimensional Merge

Chapter 8: Outside the Ultimate Tyranny

Chapter 9: Profound New Boundaries

Chapter 10: A New Paradigm of Light

Chapter 11: The Name of the Game

Chapter 12: It's an Awesome Task to Carry Light

Chapter 13: Whose Purpose Are You ?

Chapter 14: Emotions-The Secret in the Chronicles of Time

Chapter 15: Earth's Initiation Through Integrity

Chapter 16: Heretics Ahead of Time

Chapter 17: The Language of Light

Chapter 18: Symphonies of Consciousness

Chapter 19: Igniting the Internal Flame

Chapter 20: Sexuality-A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness

Chapter 21: Your Commitment to Evolve in 3-D

Chapter 22: The Galactic Tidal Wave of Light

Chapter Seventeen

The Language of Light

Content of "Bringers of the Dawn", pg. 181 - 189, Chapter Seventeen.

The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light.

You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, which triggers certain information within you. It also facilitates, for those who work with you, the sending of information directly into your being. The large majority of you are implanted, and, if you are not now, shortly you will be if you choose to open and align yourself. No one is implanted who does not choose it. This structure of the Language of Light is a way of receiving information and energy to facilitate your development. It is a method of learning without doing it through books or through the intellect. It involves opening to the belief that there is indeed a hierarchy, immense beyond your comprehension, that has been working with humanity since the very beginning.

This hierarchy works with love, cherishes who you are, and has been able to see through the time mechanisms that are keyed into the planet to know that consciousness is ready for the evolutionary leap. There are 144,000 members of the spiritual hierarchy who are infused in the gridwork of the planet at this time. Each master has its own seal that represents one portion of the Language of Light, and you have 144,000 seals of energy that will eventually be infused within your being. To start with, you will work with the twelve forms that the body will be able to hold. Much later, once the transformation has occurred, there will be an infusion of the entire 14-1,000 symbolic language structures through your being. That will be an unfoldment that cannot even be explained in this lifetime.

This mutation is a process unfolding within you that will allow you to move into another realm of experience. Each person on the planet has the potential to move through this mutation. Many will stop the process because they do not have the desire to align themselves with higher consciousness. When you are aware of who you are, that is one thing. When you become aware of the divine consciousness that seeds this planet-an intellect that is vast, loving, and works with you-and when you call to that consciousness and ask to be a portion of it, that is when you are implanted with the geometric forms.

The forms that are implanted come in a variety of shapes such as the pyramid structure. Why is the pyramid so important? On this planet and throughout the cosmos, the pyramid structure is utilized to represent a great unity of consciousness. It is the structure that is the most difficult to create in all of its many facets, and yet it is a structure of perfection. It is a structure that gathers energy from Earth and sends it outward.

The structures of the sphere and the spiral will also be implanted inside you. The spiral is very dear to many of you because you have sojourned within cultures and societies where the spiral was utilized to communicate many ideas. There will also be implanted the structures of the parallel lines and the cube. And, of course, there will be the structure of the Merkabah vehicle, which is the five-sided figure.

The five-sided figure represents the figure of the human being in its most unlimited state the totally free human. Some of you know it as a symbolic structure called a Merkabah vehicle. It is the human design without any limitations. It is the human being able to fly, which is something that a large majority of you do not think you can do. This implant comes when you truly commit yourself to what was formerly not possible.

Which implant or geometric form will be implanted inside you will depend first of all on your request for alignment. It will also depend on your belief that these entities choose to be available to you if you choose to be available for them. As you begin to unfold and allow what are called miracles or magnificent events to manifest in your life, they will begin.

Many of you will start with the implant of the circle because it represents God-form, unity, and completeness. Some of you will select the pyramid structure to be implanted since you have had many lifetimes with discovered and still undiscovered pyramids all over the planet. You think your geography is known, but there are many things still undiscovered because they are slipping from one reality to another. Deep within jungles, there are many buried pyramids, often lying buried beneath mounds of earth. There are still many wonders to uncover.

Those of you who are willing to believe that there are truly no limitations will be able to take the Merkabah structure and move yourself off the planet with it while you are still living on the planet. The desire to do this must exist in you if you are to be implanted with the Merkabah. Already some of you have attempted to travel with it, and you know how it can be used in your being. When you truly call the Merkabah to yourself, and you are willing to get the feeling of what that truly means-to be unlimited consciousness that travels with your body, without your body leaving the planet-that is when implanting will occur. The Merkabah is not the highest implanting, as there are no highest or lowest implantings. Implanting comes when it will best suit your personal development. Once you have become implanted, there will be an unending process of new forms coming into your being.

You do not consciously choose the form that will be implanted in you. However, you choose the life you have, which opens you to the structures of the Language of Light. You choose what is important to you each day. That is your access to these forms. Through this marriage of energies, eventually you will all hold the alphabet of light inside your beings, and this alphabet of light will teach you. If you have dreamt of geometric forms, it is an indication that the forms are working with you. Or perhaps you loved studying geometry in school. If you wish to know what you have been implanted with, see which forms continuously come first or are larger than the others. There are many shapes that do not even have names. There will be shapes that you know and recognize that later will take new forms and new shapes that your consciousness cannot translate.

The spiral is one of the basic forms of the Language of Light geometry. It is a bridge, a teaching unto itself. The form of it is coded with information, and when you ride the spiral, it is seemingly nonending. This shows you that the journey into your self is nonending and that the journey outside of yourself is nonending. You, as a species, will be able to split your consciousness and go in both directions so that consciousness can be connected. By taking the nonending journey within and the nonending journey without, you link yourself up into a connected spiral in which there is universal truth. We have said that the cells in your body contain the entire history of this universe. Ideally, you will come to realize the existence of this golden library within yourselves during this lifetime and learn how to read what is there. Taking the spiral within is one part of the journey. The trick is to both go within and go without-and to realize that they are the same.

The spiral exists in many dimensions. When you visualize the spiral, you will feel that you have known it, yet at first you are only knowing one aspect of it. When you begin to grow with the spiral, you will realize that it has so many dimensions that you could spend the rest of eternity-to use your termexploring it. It grows. The spiral is the key to tapping into what is inside of you. Your DNA is in the form of a spiral. Spirals are all around you, and the Language of Light rides upon the lightencoded filaments that also descend in spiral form. This is something that is experiential, and it will grow for you. In your meditation, feel yourself riding a spiral like you would ride a tornado. Visualize yourself seeing a spiral approaching that is like a tornado. Then, instead of running from it, stand there and feel yourself whirled up inside of it. Ride it, for it is a doorway to other realities.

These Language of Light geometrical shapes and forms are collections of experiences of individuals who have incarnated on this planet, defied the human laws, awakened themselves to high abilities and then manifested themselves as language and geometric components. Once these energies existed as men and women on this planet. They have evolved themselves into geometric symbols, and they exist in their sphere of activity just like you exist in your body. These entities exist in a language system or a geometric system. There are universes of these systems, and there are visitations into your own universe from those universes at this time. There are circles and other shapes being put upon this planet in the grain fields that are inexplicable as far as you are concerned. These imprints are a frequency, not a process or action. There is a song or story or language that is being implanted on the surface of Earth with language symbols. These symbols come to establish a certain frequency, and they are going to increase.

Eventually, some of you will build houses that are geometric shapes that are not simply squares or rectangles. Many of the dwellings in the Pleiades do not have shapes as you know them, and it is understood there that shapes and angles hold energy. In astrology, it is understood that certain angles have power points and that certain things happen with certain angles. It is the same with shapes. The Great Pyramid is all about the use of angles and shapes. Energy collects in angles, in shapes, and in forms, and you can learn to create these shapes and live in and around them. Energies are formed and transmitted in this way. You will also discover that certain degrees have certain powers, and that some angles are very uncomfortable for you to be in. It is sometimes better to sleep in the middle of a room rather than having your bed jammed into a ninety-degree angle, because the ninety-degree angle creates an energy lock. In the middle of the room, the energy flows around you.

In third-dimensional reality, many portals are now being opened to bring about evolution upon Earth. At one time, the planet was sealed off and put in quarantine because there were forces that fought here. There have been incredible wars upon this planet, and some of the vestiges of these wars still exist as very barren areas upon the planet. This was the time of chaos and confusion when creator gods fought creator gods. During the most recent wave of the wars, about ten or twelve thousand years ago, Earth was sealed off because those beings who operated with light lost the battle. Light does not always win, you know. Light is not always the victor as you think of a victor, for light must learn to integrate with all portions of itself. Prime Creator is within all things, and light and dark are part of the Creator. Therefore, light must incorporate with the dark portion of itself.

Time has orchestrated and brought events together. A number of cycles were set to pass since the last wars, after which time the energy portals into the planet would again be opened so that light could enter. This is that time period. Light is being orchestrated to once again come onto the planet, and it is increasing daily. In order for energy to work its way through your consciousness, it must house itself on the planet. Intelligence penetrates in the form of waves making geometric shapes on Earth. It is not that a spaceship comes down, makes crop circles in the night, and then takes off. Although some circles have been caused by ship landings, intelligence can take the guise of any form it wants, and very often intelligence comes in the form of a wave. A time will come when there will actually be a wave of light that sweeps Earth. Intelligence is beyond the spoken word and beyond the written word, for it is frequency that sometimes comes in geometric shapes. Pythagoras had a beginning grasp of this, but his geometry was not understood by others. Geometry is an evolved intelligence, a collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of information. Actually, crop circles all over the planet are put there by sounds above human frequency to implement these language shapes. Many times, in the beginning, these shapes are circles. They will evolve into triangles, lines, and many other things.

The crop circles have been most prevalent in England and throughout Europe. However, they are also in the area previously known as the Soviet Union and in South America. They are even in the United States, although some people are doing a good job of pretending they are not there. We understand that some of your news broadcasters are planning upcoming shows about these crop circles. We will see how much they pretend they don't know about them. It is going to be interesting.

These geometric shapes are like hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs and pictographs carved in stone on this planet are a similar generation of intelligence. In other words, if one were to read the hieroglyphs based on the Rosetta Stone, the hieroglyphs would communicate one thing. If one were able to remember the secret language of the priests, the hieroglyphs would tell another story. And if one were able to understand the language of the creator gods, they would say something entirely different.

The circles and shapes being put on Earth are here to assist you in holding and managing your frequency and having the courage to live your light. They make frequency information available in a very subtle way, and no one can figure them out yet. These shapes are all connected to one another, and if they were all written out simultaneously on some farmer's field, something would happen to them immediately. They are spaced from one continent to another, and they move a frequency band around the planet that will help activate Earth's gridwork. They will allow you not to feel so weird with what you know and to feel more comfortable with the changes in frequency as they occur.

This is just a little bit of what the crop circles do. They are quite interesting. Many of them are designed and constructed by what some call Ascended Masters. There is also a joke behind them. You must understand that some beings, as they become very evolved, develop a tremendous sense of humor. They see the humor in all things.

As we have said, geometric shapes and forms are carriers of intelligence. They are frequency waves that can be modulated and changed. The shapes coming onto Earth are like energy gates or energy glyphs. They hold intelligence and are being set up to eventually connect and make an intelligent gridwork around the planet. This gridwork will have a frequency that humanity can use to evolve.

The whole language is not on the planet at this time. The glyphs come onto Earth as a result of a certain evolvement of consciousness. They work with places that are vortex centers that are now drawing them in. Over the billions of years that Earth has been in orbit, these centers have been covered over and buried. Some have gone into dormancy, and many of them are being reawakened because the seal around the planet has been penetrated.

The crop circles are phenomenological expressions of consciousness. They come into your reality to show you that the reasoning mind cannot control all of the data, much as it would like to. These events occur to intersect with the coding of consciousness of all human beings. Whenever reality cannot be explained, a certain niche is opened within consciousness. The crop circles are completely beyond the logical mind. Therefore, they force the consensus view of reality to expand, since reality, as formerly designed, cannot house these events as a possibility. They are a trigger. They force reality to move beyond its own limitations.

There are a number of reasons for the existence of the crop circles. Basically, they exist to force reality to move-to get you feeling rather than thinking. Most who explore these circles think their way through the circles rather than feel their way through them. Great Britain is having a rash of them because, in general, the British have a very logically oriented consciousness. However, the land of the British Isles is imprinted with megalithic spirals and stone forms that have intensely imprinted the intuitive faculties of the inhabitants.

This phenomenon has no logic to it. It is forcing a logically oriented society to recognize something that makes no sense, and it is being done in a very playful and obvious way without creating a threat to anyone's view of reality. If ships were to land everywhere, people would get upset. When corn lies down in concentric circles and doesn't even break or die, no one really gets too upset. Do you understand how energies play with you? It is necessary to do certain things so that you can' get it and figure it out without having your circuits overloaded.

This language is being introduced onto the planet as a story-a glyph of information that holds a frequency to assist you in holding your own frequency. As you awaken, it is easy for others to read you and recognize you. You are monitored all of the time, because there are devices that monitor the evolution and location of consciousness. Once consciousness has reached a certain place, assistance is brought from the outside to establish other realms of that frequency. In other words, say you open a restaurant, and it is a big hit. You run and maintain it and sell really good food. Then someone comes along and says, "How about franchising? Let's get you everywhere." These geometric shapes help you franchise the frequency by spreading it all over the planet and holding it. They bring you to a new level of attainment.
