Harmonic Concordance, Yalaha, FL, Nov. 7-9, 2003
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
That was 16 years ago. Since then we have been through more ups and downs then we ever thought we could endure. Riding our lives bareback at full gallop we have held on for dear life and light for many years. No matter how loud we yelled 'whoa' our life would just not stop or slow down. Every one and every thing has tried to buck us off of this path of light and love constantly trying to discredit what was good about the spiritual movement. Humanity has maintained a vibration of love and hope through many years of good/bad, right/wrong, and light/dark.
On November 8, 2003 we have been issued another opportunity to move forward into what has been called the HARMONIC CONCORDANCE.
The dictionary defines harmonic and concordance as follows.
HARMONIC: harmonious combinations of tones/energies simultaneously heard in agreement or covenant. It is sometimes referred to as the 'vertical' aspect of sound, the parts agreeing with the whole.
CONCORDANCE: a harmonious state of things and their properties. Congruity of parts with one another and the whole. Agreement of opinions, a similarity between things.
The HARMONIC CONCORDANCE represents the Sound of the Soul and voice of humanity aligning in agreement and echoing throughout the universe. A day of discovery finding what has been missing on one's life and self. All is aligned top to bottom, side to side, human to human, and heart to heart.
On November 8, 2003 there is a full moon, lunar eclipse at 8:33:34 p.m. (Florida time) in a Star of David configuration. The moment of the eclipse, which was named The Harmonic Concordance by astrologer John Mirehiel, is thought to mark a time when masses of people will awaken to their divine origin. Many feel that a shared focus and collective intent can influence the field of consciousness to such a degree that resulting effects will be seen in physical reality.
The Star of David alignment activates within each cell of each person. A cellular encoding identifies the day as a signal and opportunity to move past what is limiting. Allowing humanity to embrace the future of planetary healing with such a zest and passion that all else pales in comparison. Hold your hearts desire within your minds eye during the eclipse. Knowing that this soul seed was given to you to be birthed. Never give up on what lives in your heart.
Some agree and some disagree with this equation of awakening and the stellar alignment. Does this planet count? Does this asteroid change the configuration? All confusion becomes obsolete as humanity awakens to the internal knowledge that this HARMONIC CONCORDANCE is a deep truth and remembrance felt on a cellular level.
A beacon is birthed and all eyes look up for the promised sign of a future that must go beyond the predictions of the past. We each come from the stars and when the heavens announce a doorway to open, it is felt on all levels seen and unseen. We cannot undo who and what we have been up to this day and thought, but we can allow the Harmonic Concordance Alignment to point us in a direction that leads home to our One heart.
For more info go to HARMONIC CONCORDANCE home site
Yalaha, Florida is the official site of the Harmonic Concordance Gathering in Florida for more info
Some Additional Info:
Yalaha Florida Chosen as Official Site for Harmonic Concordance
November 7 - 9, 2003 $75.00 includes event and all meals
Yalaha Florida is located on the serene Harris chain of lakes in Lake county
just 40 minutes north of downtown Orlando, Florida
Meals are included in the three-day ticket price of just $75. You will receive dinner on Friday evening, all three meals on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. (Meals prepared by the famous YALAHA BAKERY)
The Harmonic Concordance will commence at 6 p.m. Friday, November 7, until about 1:00 am Saturday evening. Then Saturday morning, November 8, 2003 the opening day of the SPIRITUAL GATEWAY we will begin receiving the energy around 5 am with prayer, meditation and the healing harmonic sounds of nature. Ongoing Events will continue throughout Saturday with live music, speakers, dance and more. At 12 noon on 11/8/2003 ceremonies will begin to gain energy and go throughout the entire night as we enter into the Lunar Eclipse opening an energetic Stargate that will last for six weeks. Gillian MacBeth-Louthan will assist in leading us through this energetic doorway as we are hooked up to a live broadcast from Egypt and the Harmonic Concordance event that will be taking place there. On Sunday after an evening of upgrading and downloading events will continue throughout the morning hours and will end at 2 p.m. 11/9/2003.
For info about tickets, hotel accommodations, vendors and scheduled events, contact Bates Reed at batesreed@yalahafoundation.org 352-324-0500 or www.yalahafoundation.org