I AM - March 10, 2007 "Steps To Existence"
Alvin Mattila
Alphnon a gaseous element we call sunlight.
Alphnon, the gaseous element leaves the (Sun) a round shape ball of gas into all directions.
Our Earth is one of many planets in our Solar System that receives this gaseous element Alphnon.
Christ Michael is the mediator (Earth’s Maintainer).
The Element Alphnon contains every known and unknown element in existence and is the source of our sustenance for life.
Mother Earth our producer converts the gaseous elements into concentrated forms to create the various elements found on Mother Earth, thus she becomes the producer of all our needed provisions.
When the Element Alphnon leaves our Sun it is a hot gas, traveling at such super speeds in the subfreezing open space it is unable to solidify, upon reaching Earth’s atmosphere the gaseous Alphnon encounters resistance and begins to warm up. (Example) Elevations of (25 and as low as 15 thousand feet is still cold enough to maintain snow coverings year round over these maintains, but when it gets down to elevations as low as Death Valley the resistance will raise the temperature to read around 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
Under the peeled violent eyes of the Master Walter Russell I zealously considered the aggregate of his annotated discoveries and descriptive attributes of all elements known and in the categorize phylum of missing copulas left space for the unknown, unnamed existence of new complements.
The Creator’s foresight left no uncertainty that His Creation would unbendingly scrutinize the chasms to bring into finalization every molecule/atom to show completion of His Creation.
Every known Element can be categorized by visualization, by crystal structure, then by numerical value as Atomic Weight, Atomic number, then by torridity by it’s boiling point, melting point and then cohesiveness (it’s density), then a given name and symbol.
In examining the known elements, the variations in chasms create questions and commanding adventures in the ensuing scrutinizing.
Every natural subject,(God Aton, The Great I AM) created, or any unnatural subject (man created) has a foundation based upon the parent gaseous element Alphnon. Every element encountered by sufficient torridity will return to it’s natural state of being a gaseous element.
Every subject whether animal, vegetable or mineral in whatever elemental form is created from a variation of elements which can be tested in full complementary assurance and in the completion will prove without question under conditions of torridity to be based on a foundation of a gaseous substance, known as Alphnon.
Whatever man creates and be successful he must first acknowledge that he is subservient to the Creator’s creation and if he subjects his own creation to torridity of sufficient degrees it will again become as it’s origin as supplied from Alphnon.
Esa Emmanuel Jesus Sananda is our spiritual guide. By His words we are encouraged to follow the Laws of Righteousness of forgiveness, love, fellowship and the commandments as established by Creator God Aton!
Our Guardian Angles, our protectors when called upon will be there to move on our behalf providing the call is covered by the Laws of Righteousness!
Ascension that will apply to us and as applied here has no spiritual connotation but is used as a description in form of travel in an upward direction: