Harmonic Concordance
Be blessed, be strengthened, and be healed on all levels of being,
If any of the above interests you, please read on. I am keeping this letter simple and basic. There are websites and other mediums which offer much more information on this same topic.
The Harmonic Concordance this November 5 through 11 comprises the most powerful energy shift which we have yet experienced. During this time, we literally have the power to consciously shift the way we are experiencing life at all levels. This is due, in part, to the fact that the Light/Dark balance quotient is giving a big lurch onto the side of Light. All of the Elemental energies of this planet, as well as the Angelic forces are shifting in all frequencies, which means that the support (even of money) is being pulled out from under the old structure of imbalanced consciousness and shifted toward the lightworkers and all of us who are working toward and for the love, harmony, and balance of our natural divine selves. This will not happen abruptly; however we are certainly going to begin to notice the difference. For some it may be dramatic. Now is the time to get our priorities straight. Otherwise more confusion may be a temporary experience.
This is a most powerful time supporting conscious choice. It supercedes the Harmonic Convergence or any previous shift which we have experienced. What this means is that we are here now to choose the optimal way in which we REALLY choose, in integrity, to experience LIFE, our own LIFE on this planet NOW. And thus consciously set the basic Blueprint Patterns for all life on this planet. This is the oportunity to claim Heaven on Earth for ourselves and all humanity, NOW. And we will do it! We are already doing it!!! The balance of ENERGY ON THIS EARTH is now in our favor and supporting us fully. One hundred and forty four thousand of us would now be able to co-create this shift; and yet I will tell you that now their are millions of us awake and choosing this new reality on Earth. It is inevitable.
This December will see a time for many of us who have already done our homework to move swiftly into the new reality imprint. Our path of action and co-creativity, both within and without, will at last begin to become very clear. We are the new planetary leaders and we will begin to move with calm certainty and with full celestial/terrestrial support, into our newly empowered positions of service and positive action. We will naturally begin to find funding, health and other issues and challenges more and more easily met and solved. With the Dark/Light balance shifted, the support in all of these areas is now also shifting toward those who are working with intent for the light and for Cosmic Harmony.
In a sense, this is the greatest single shift of All TIME on this planet and this shift will culminate around 2012. Ancient prophecies have centered around this timing as the END TIMES: the End of the Old and the Beginning of the New, in emerging experience on Earth, now.
This is the Time of the actual ascension of the Earth Consciousness into the fifth dimension. This is an easy time for us who have been flowing with these shifts of frequency and Light to make this shift also. We are not "splitting off" from the rest of humanity, however. Rather, each person who embraces this shift has the power through Osmotic Resonance to transmute the energies of 750,000 spiritually unconscious persons on planet Earth, who are still vibrating negatively.
So, it is time to LET GO OF THE OLD PERCEIVED BOX OF LIMITATIONS at all levels. If you feel like all the darkness of hell is emerging or that Heaven and ecstasy is happening, go with the FLOW. Your Higher Self and You know where you are going and the process which is required to get there. Let it happen and it will all be a lot easier and more enjoyable. This process is optimally experienced at all levels of being, Spirit, Soul, Mind, Heart, and Body.
Create your visions of Heaven on Earth, NOW, consciously. Outpicture the ways in which you prefer to experience life here and now at all levels. Create your dreams in integrity and know that you are creating for the planet as a whole, also. This is the time that your dreams will begin to come true in new and empowered ways, beyond anything you have seen before!
The Cities of Light which we are now establishing on our beloved planet have ignited a Torch of Light which will never go out!!! These Cities now exist on etheric levels and within our inner beings. NOW is the timing to anchor them and to begin to create the new level of Light in the physical dimension.
Certainly our challenges are not over. There is a great deal of work to be done. The mass consciousness of humanity is still largely asleep, yet not nearly so deeply as it was twenty years ago!
Just remember that this is the time to reclaim the power of Universal Love and Harmony and to anchor it through our own souls, minds, hearts, and bodies into this earth experience.
The fun and excitement for us wayshowers is just beginning.
There are many ways to anchor these new and powerful "Heart Chakra" frequencies. This is the time to make the shift consciously into our Hearts. It is from this Heart energy that we are empowered to shift and heal our mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
Light (Color) through visualization, Sound through toning, and sacred Form utilizing the Mandala, all play a crucial part during this shift. Sound is especially being emphasized, since this is the anchoring of these higher frequencies into the physical dimension. The healing of the Water element is also paramount. This is the Fountain of Life for all Biology.
The twelve Chakras and the twelve DNA layers or strands are now being activated. Deeper initiations are now available for those who are leading the way into the new dimensions of light, and beginning initiations are starting for all humans on earth. All are being impacted. If you have chosen to be here now, you have agreed to experience this; it is unavoidable.
I look forward to all of us sharing our experiences together in December and again early in 2004.
Make no mistake, the SHIFT IS HERE! It is tremendously exciting. It is absolutey REAL.
Yours for Cosmic Harmony on Earth,
Ronald Neil Quinn rvaastu@tds.net
You are invited to send a PRAYER OF PEACE to Katherine Cheshire of the Hopi Nation who will offer it to Mother Earth in ceremony at the HARMONIC CONCORDANCE. Her address is kc4behopi@thehopiway.com
During HARMONIC CONCORDANCE, Katherine Cheshire will be in ceremony for 48 hours in Southwest U.S.A. at a sacred water place where three mountains ranges meet, the San Juan, the Santo Cristos, and the Rocky Mountains.
Katherine sends a message to you and I have put it on the web site. http://www.globalmediations.com/katherine.htm
She will also be working on earth energy lines, ley lines, to help bring peace to the world. Her message explains a Hopi
prophecy about the benefit of energy lines running longitudinally. At the time of the HARMONIC CONCORDANCE, will you join her in energizing the thought form of energy lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole and vice versa?
November 8 - It's in the Fire
A friend asked me what insights or updates I have regarding the upcoming Grand Star formation on November 8. I expected to write a few sentences. Instead the following poured out, so I have decided to share. For those of you who feel I am preaching to the choir, thanks for singing.
If you are not familiar with what I am talking about, please look at the charts on the page http://www.harmonicconcordance.com/__TheChart.htm
The stage that has been set for this event (according to a consensus of several good writers and our own interpretation of the best) could be summarized as - we have shifted onto a path where everyone on earth has chosen to ascend together into the fifth dimension. This is a slower path than the alternate version that was true a couple of years ago - that the earth was splitting in two and those who did not choose to ascend would move out of our system. Those two 'earth aspects' have now (as of a year ago?) rejoined and all earthlings are now moving into the light realms. (Of course, individuals may still choose not to make any particular advancement, and they will go elsewhere eventually).
So, what this means is we have to clean up our mess. The lightworkers actually have more work to do. We truly have to see the unity of all as the divine truth, in order to harmonize with and facilitate the fact of ascension. We MUST stop seeing good guys and bad guys.
We have to give up all our judgments of others and replace them with only personal discernments - i.e., 'this is what feels like the right path for me.' Our focus must fully be directed toward building what we desire, trusting that God will give those persons their personal lessons to move into harmony at the right moments.
We are now on a path that may appear slower, but it is much more fundamental, inclusive of all. Stewart Wilde said a few years ago something like there is nothing that is going to come down like a genie and solve all of this for us. We have to do it for ourselves. At the time, I thought he was uninformed, which may be true, but the outcome is, he was right. It is happening slowly and gradually, from within ourselves, from within our governments, from within our businesses, corporations, and institutions. This is the best possible outcome, but disappointing, perhaps, for those of us who have been waiting for three days of darkness and the earth to start to rotate in the other direction.
The Grand Star is providing the energy of harmony. The double trine exhibits perfect balance between all polarities. November 8-9 will provide a huge opening for additional celestial energies which can only enter in through a harmonic gateway. Personally, I use my body for drawing in energy and anchoring it into the earth. Others use tools such as crystals, water, jewelry, or metal configurations to tune to it and preserve the vibration. A lot of light workers have their own way. I like to see the energy coming down in a column straight to the center of the earth, to her crystalline core, and then emanating in streams to each and every sentient being on the earth. November 8 provides a huge opportunity for such ceremonies, alone and especially in groups.
What will we wee in the outer? Alas, it depends on the observer. Some people will awaken the next day still hungry, still angry, still violent. Some of us will hold the harmonic vibration throughout the rest of the month, until the time of the next new moon. Then we may also slowly forget. But just as with every new opening of an energy portal, with every passing of a major gateway, the shifts are powerful, subtle, and irreversible. This one is the most powerful yet, and of an order of magnitude that we cannon fathom. I think the thing to get most is the incredible magnitude of this one.
It is up to each of us to hold the harmony, the peaceful way, the discerning way, moving steadfastly toward what is right and just. Never hanging on to being ‘right,’ just moving, inch by inch, toward harmonious solutions on every front.
There is a world-wide revolution underway at the grass roots level. It is so subtle that the powers that be do not yet even understand that it is there. Phenomena such as the poor of Bolivia ousting a powerful president and returning their country to democracy (last week) are like grassfires to the super-rich. But the fire that is blazing is in the hearts of every man, woman, and child, even if they are unaware of that fire, is blazing, growing, and tuning to the new energies. The Grand Star of November 8 will provide the perfect vibration for each person's heart to well up in resonance. I expect the grass-fire will illuminate the planet as never before.
Don't be mislead by what we see in the outer. Prosperity or collapse, war or peace, NESARA announcements or not, don't let the illusory world fool you into thinking the grass fire is of lesser importance. The material world will always conform to the vibration; it just takes longer. Predictions are not useful. Each individual is 100% at choice.
The shift is in the fire. The shift is in people's hearts. The shift will occur in each person’s harmonizing between heart and mind. As we speed on our way toward a unified, benevolent way of being, it is this new glow within a unified humankind that will light the way.
The fire will have shifted to a harmonic that is more pure and stronger. It’s like the difference between an oxy-acetylene welding flame, and the arc of an electrical welding device. We’ll now be blazing like that arc. It’s a blue-white flame of potent force. Since it will now reside in the hearts of all, those who dare to speak their truth toward compassionate and just values will resonate with those who hear, as never before. The resonance will be surprising. New ideas, bold ideas, will be accepted and acted upon like never before.
God has turned up the juice. It will be up to us to use this new power to steer the ship.
Excerpted from: This message was launched into cyberspace to The Circle Of Light Newsletter Egroup. Join My Egroup and receive an enlightening daily newsletter 365 days a year. To subscribe and set format preference go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheCircleOfLight/ and click on Join this Group.
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Love Light,
An Emissary of Light and Love
Blessed are the Peacemakers
(My name Isis means - IS-IS... IS ALL. In the 'IS', sameness and difference are one. The Isness of pure love and Light)
The Matrix - fragments - of my soul over the eons of Earth history has been known by 10,000 plus names. Yet has always been ONE. Isness that is, from before time, beyond time. All feminine icons Mary, Sophia, Isis, Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte, Ashera, and thousands of others come from the same soul - given the Yin or feminine frequency.