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Part III - Mayan Elders Warning "The Sea and Beaches are Going to Burn

Mitch Battros (ECM) Earth Changes Media

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us the coming times will be very difficult. "The land will become very hot. There will be great loss of water". He also tells us "we are not alone here. There are great spirits all among us. They are in the animals, the plants, the stones, the water". He told us we are the keepers of the animals of life. If we allow them to die, we will follow. He tells us the ancient ones have contact with us, and we have to take care of their spirit as well as they live through nature itself.

Don Diego tells us "The weather is going crazy, we are going crazy. The Earth is out of balance, we are out of balance. The sea and beaches are going to burn. The beaches will burn so bad we will not be able to walk on the beach."We have to action to prevent the full extent of what is coming. We will not stop the changes, but we can gain mastery over them. It is up to us.

Coming Date of Ceremony

Carlos Barrios is setting up a time for gathering for all of us to take a moment of meditation, of contemplation, to create a ceremony by lighting a candle. The date will be April 27th. Don Diego, Carlos Barrios and many other Mayan Elders will be going into Ceremony on this day. He is requesting that we join him on this day to help bring balance to the Earth and to each of us.

Carlos continues to maintain contact with me. He tells me more information is coming in the next several weeks. I will bring this valuable information to you as I receive.