Part III - ‘From Human to Higher Human’
Mich Battros
All scientific and ancient text documents tell us change is upon us and it will accelerate. Yes, the Earth and Humans will be different in the very near future. Some think this is bad, others can’t wait for the shift. To which notion do you aspire?
As early as five years ago one would be hard pressed to find a scientific body or research team to make public announcements earth changing events are on a sharp rise. Natural events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, and droughts are increasing. The term “freak weather” is now used often when reporting various forms of storm activity. So how is it ECM/ECTV had been reporting of a coming sharp rise in cyclical events for over eleven years?
The answer to this question does not lie in the present, but in the past. Our ancestors have been telling us of ‘this time’ for centuries. Science is just now catching up to ancient wisdom. Some years ago I wrote a simple phrase which has now caught on and used around the world.
“It is when we understand the past, which tells of the present, will we know the future” (mitch battros)
Little did I know this very simple phrase would be so telling. It was just a natural flowing assembly of thought which came to me as I was writing an article. Perhaps it was just a natural concurrence with the shows pre-amble: “Earth Changes TV, where we bridge the gap between science and the esoteric. Never before have the two worlds of science and ancient text joined together with such unity and precision, outlining a pathway of discovery.”
I remember saying my pre-amble in the late 90’s and holding my breath that my guest from NASA, NOAA, ESA or any number of esteemed scientific bodies would not hang up or walk out of the studio. Today it’s a much different story. I often have my distinguished guest tell us “live on-air” they use ancient text data as part of their formula and projections. That’s right, NASA, NOAA, ESA, AAS and others have been on the show and now freely speak of current scientific data of which ancient text has been utilized.
There is a theme which loudly plays when reviewing today’s research and yesterdays ancient documents. It says this---- “What has happened in the past; will come again.” It is currently often referred to as the science of “cycles”.
How the Sun Will Change Humans to Higher Humans?
I believe it is the action of “charged particles” emitted from the Sun in the way of solar flares, cme’s (coronal mass ejections), and coronal holes and its interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field which is the ‘lynch pin’ of our evolution. This could be a wonderful spiritual experience, or it could be a heavy burden. Our Mayan elders tell us it will depend on how close we are to our personal integrity. If we are in alignment with our beliefs and actions, this should be a very pleasant ride. However, if we have attached ourselves too greatly to external affirmations which do not match our true essence, it could be a very bumpy ride.
An example of this might be holding money, power, position, cars, homes, toys as a sign of achievement. Perhaps more importantly would be the means to this goal which have been inconsistent with your internal truth. Our ancestors tell us the coming time will be an ‘adjustment’ or ‘purification’. In this context the word ‘purification’ is meant to say ‘bringing forth your integrity’. But as we know, our greatest spiritual lessons often come from painful experiences. I believe the coming energy wave is not meant to punish us; it is coming to help bring us back into alignment with our true selves.
In my teachings and practice as an N.A.D.A. certified acupuncturist, we are taught early on of the magnetic grid that surrounds the body. When this energy field is disturbed and becomes out of balance, it manifests as challenge or illness (both physical and mental). The very basis of acupuncture is the study of the human gird or energy field and its connection to our anatomy. The largest part of an acupuncturist study is identifying and defining the energy points which network through the human/animal body. These energy points are known as "meridians". Meridians are a network of bio-magnetic grids (energy points) that run through all living things. When the life force energy i.e., "Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia, The Force" is out of balance, it manifest as challenge or illness. What an acupuncturist will do is manipulate certain meridians, depending on the ailment, to bring balance back to the body and mind.
I guess one could say I am suggesting the Sun is acting as the ultimate acupuncturist and the Earth and Humans are its patient. The goal is to bring us back into harmony at which time our higher human self will manifest.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) - Modern science has now confirmed what our ancestors have been telling us all along. We are coming into an accelerated period of energy waves. Some believe this will usher in the coming ‘shift’ or ‘transition’ as described by our Mayan friends in the coming years. Science tells us they have recently discovered a possible “4th dimension” which can be traced and followed by “gamma ray burst”.
Most recently the medical community has been experimenting with high gauss magnetics placed on the human cranial for the treatment of physical and mental disorders. This confirms that energy waves or magnetic waves, has a direct affect on humans, animals and most likely all living things. Those of us in the alternative medicines, or Chinese medicines have known this for some time.
As announced 'live' on the ECM/ECTV by NASA scientist Dr. Mausumi Dikpati, Cycle 24 is predicted to be 50% stronger than its predecessor. On July 31 we shifted from ‘Cycle 23’ to ‘Cycle 24’.This solar cycle will begin to ramp-up in 2007 hitting its "apex" (maximum) in 2011/2012. As we all know it just so happens to be the exact time the Mayan Calendar ends. Is there a connection? I’ll leave the answer to you-----------
Mitch Battros
Producer – Earth Changes TV
Author "Solar Rain"