Two Realities Exist: Which One Are You Choosing?
By Dariel
What is really strange is that, in spite of Bush's personal and undeclared war against Iraq, things seem very peaceful to many of us right now. There are two separate and distinct realities co-existing side by side, and have you noticed how polarized people are over this issue?
On the one hand, we have the peace lovers, who yearn for the day when all of the weapons on the planet will be beat into plowshares. The other camp consists of those who desire revenge and plunder in order to satisfy some dark cravings inside themselves. According to the latest Dove report, that latter group is now in the minority, despite the lying polls of our mass media.
The peace lovers go about their lives and jobs, supporting every effort to secure peace and make this a better world for everyone. They mostly refuse to watch or listen to the endless stream of war propaganda coming from the televisions and radios. We were in a restaurant this weekend, waiting in the lounge for a table, and we felt very uncomfortable in that space due to the fact there were two TVs spewing out coverage of events in Iraq.
Peace lovers also take time to march in peaceful demonstrations to show their support for peace. They work diligently for the peaceful end to all institutions of slavery on the planet. They phone, fax, and email their elected officials about their distaste of what is occurring and telling these officials, "NOT IN OUR NAME". You have to admire what filmmaker Michael Moore did at the Academy Awards, standing up on national TV and declaring that Bush was wrong for invading Iraq. Bravo!
Peace lovers take time to pray and meditate and perform sacred ceremonies in order to call in the highest of energies to bring peace into physical manifestation. They gather in small and large groups to bring solidarity to their movement. They share ideas over the internet and lovingly poke fun at those of lower consciousness.
The other side of the coin shows a completely different picture. The lie continues to this day that Osama Bin Ladin was responsible for the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center, and millions of people still believe this lie. They believe we are completely justified in bombing and killing innocent people in Iraq in order to bring about a regime change to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. When will these people wake up and realize that Bin Ladin and Hussein were creations of our own U.S. government?
The truth is that the real reasons we are now conducting military exploits in Iraq is that the key players, Condoleezza Rice, former executive at Chevron Oil, Dick Cheney, formerly of Halliburton, and George Bush, Jr. all are seeking to make trillions off the oil reserves in the Caspian Basin, the largest oil reserve in the world. The other, equally important, reason is to further their lust for a New World Order in order to enslave the remainder of humanity in a gigantic fascist global dictatorship. You did know that George Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of the main supporters and financiers of Adolph Hitler, didnt you?
We are playing in a high stakes poker game, and the fate of the entire planet hangs in the balance. If these ruthless men and women of the Bush gang get their way in Iraq, they will continue their conquest until there is nothing left to conquer. Countries will fall like dominoes, until the entire world lines up in their camp.
Fortunately, people are waking up en masse, and Mr. Bush is doing an excellent job of waking them up. The peace demonstrations are getting larger each week, as millions of citizens all over the world, come to realize that war is not the answer. Yes, we should show our support for our military men and women by helping to bring them home! Tying yellow ribbons is not accomplishing a thing except to show ignorance of what is really going on.
Back to the two realities: we recently viewed the film, Contact, with Jodie Foster. In the movie, Jodie plays Ellie, an astronomer with a life-long passion to find extraterrestrial life. One day, she discovers a signal, originating from Vega, and the signal contains information on how to build a machine to travel in space. They build the machine (actually two of them), and Ellie gets to be the first one to travel in it. When the pod is dropped into the heart of the machine, Ellie is transported via multiple wormholes to a beautiful planet, where everything is really awesome and she meets her departed father, who explains to her all about the machine, how various civilizations have been coming there for eons, and how humanity must slowly evolve.
When she returns, which seemed to her like 18 hours later, she is shocked to find that the pod dropped straight through in a matter of seconds, and hardly anyone believes her story about being taken to this other planet. In her reality, she was gone for 18 hours and had this wondrous experience, but in other's reality, she never left the planet. It struck me that this is exactly what is going on right here, right now!
Each of us is now viewing this experience through the lens of our own filters. Those of us who know we are star seeds, sent here to assist in the planetary transformation, are like Ellie. We have each seen brief glimpses of the future Golden Age, and we resonate with Dove's messages of NESARA. We know that these fantastic changes are right around the corner, yet we must constantly challenge the skeptics and unbelievers who have no vision. We must lovingly wait for them to gently awaken, and allow the game to play out in divine timing.
Some visionaries have seen a second Earth, and this is a distinct possibility according to Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain. What is coming strongly to me is that the wheat and tares are being separated, just as predicted in the Bible, and this Iraq invasion is the big issue that is dividing us all. How appropriate! How divine! Everything is perfect!
Now, just how is an impartial God going to allow us Free Will Beings to play all this out? How are both sides going to be accommodated? Those of us who seek peace are uneasy with what is taking place in the Middle East, while those who support President Bush's "War on Terror" are whooping it up over the bombing. Who is right, and who is wrong?
We spoke with Messenger Victoria yesterday, and she is still holding to her vision of the parallel planet. This new holographic world, an exact replica of planet Earth, was seen in her visions to intersect the Earth we currently reside on, and as it draws away on its orbital path, it takes all those with minds that hate with it.
Two are standing in the field. One is taken, and one is left - a Biblical prophecy that describes perfectly the scenario in Victoria's visions. Since the "new" Earth is simply a hologram, it wouldn't matter much what the haters and warmongers do to each other and their new mother, now would it? How about oceans of blood running in the valley of Armageddon until Hell freezes over - - a fitting lesson to learn of the uselessness of war.
Those who are choosing peace and prosperity will simply go on with our current Mother, who desires to ascend into higher realms of consciousness with all who desire to go with her. We will have our NESARA, our prosperity, our peace, and all our other promised blessings. We will not judge those who chose the other path, but we will simply allow them to learn their painful lessons. Perhaps after they annihilate one another in their senseless lust for blood, they will come to the conclusion that is all an illusion, and will eventually rejoin the others later.
My advice is to choose your reality swiftly, and above all, choose wisely "For No Man Knows the Hour of His Coming"! May the Peace That Surpasses All Understanding dwell in our hearts until that glorious hour, is my humble prayer.
I Am Messenger Dariel