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The Paradoxman Speaks: The Last Shall Be First!

Ron Van Dyke

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. The sermons from most pulpits are devoid of acknowledging, let alone articulating the awakening that is happening before our very eyes—at least those eyes opened to see beyond, behind, and beneath the surface of approved news and commentary. For all those who do not see, especially those who refuse to see and say, I have a word: “The first shall be last!” Those who have ruled by deception, by secrecy, by conspiracy, by greed, by force, by intimidation, by violence, by treason, by cover-up, by scapegoating, by smearing, by perverting justice, and by the sheer arrogance of egocentric pride: your day is passing quickly into history. The last shall soon be first; and the shift will be obvious.

Like most others in the last brigade of this era, I have been up and down, excited and depressed, eager and frightened, thankful and worried, confident and anxious, along with a host of other contradictions. Sometimes, I’ve almost wanted to give up; but as one person reminded me, “almost is a big word.” As with others, the first-string team has managed to pull the rug out from under me more than once. I have had my ego bruised and battered. I have listened to the old programmed tapes playing in my conscious mind; and their messages have been less than inspiring. Yes, I have faced my own doubts and fears; the guilt of my seeming endless failure to measure up to my own highest ideals has plagued me to the extreme at times. I know what it’s like to see and feel myself at the bottom of the pile with what appeared to be insurmountable problems heaped on top of me. I’ve tapped into the collective unconscious of the human race; and, at times, it was not a pretty picture.

Guess what? Another picture of reality began to take shape on the screen of my inner visioning. Something else was brewing in that collective. Light was penetrating the cracks; and that Light was generating something else: hope. At first, the pictures weren’t very clear; and even when they were, they vanished almost as quickly as they appeared. It was hope all right, but a flickering hope. Gradually, hope was being replaced by something a tad bit stronger: faith. Yes, faith began to blossom like flowers on a spring day. Like a field of wildflowers, it was beautiful to behold—a rainbow of reds, yellows, oranges, blues and violets, all framed by greens.

Now, even the faith is moving, giving way to something stronger yet: knowing. This is perhaps the most difficult to put into words. It’s intangible, but only barely. One can almost taste it. Certainly those who are in touch with their feelings can feel it. It’s an assurance that brings rest to the soul, a certitude that reminds the mind: manifestation begins with thoughts; and thoughts change the world.

Sweeping changes! Oh, yes, the last brigade of the old energy, the old era of corrupt rule and rulers, will soon give way to the first wave of healing that will touch every living thing throughout the cosmos. A victory cry will issue forth from all Creation as the walls of the fortified miscreation fall. Even the mountains will give praise. The valleys will rejoice. The waters will cleanse with singing. The fires will purge with delight. The winds will blow away the chaff with an eerie peace. The animals on land, sea and air will find their very nature changed, allowing the lamb to lie down with the lion and other equally amazing transformations of nature.

You forgot people! What about us? Forget it. Forget the doubts. Forget the fears. Forget the guilt. Forget the pain. Forget the death. Forget the misery. Just forget it. We will have created the new earth; and brother, sister, there has never been rejoicing the likes of which we will soon experience. Talk about celebration, we will have the biggest party ever imagined. A heavenly host from around the cosmos will be present…and visible.

Ok, that’s where we are headed. Now, what does it take to get there? Not everyone sees it. To some, it is nothing more than a flight into fantasy, a Pollyanna-type dream. Thank God for the dreamers! Literally. That’s one of the things it takes to get there: thankfulness. Appreciation is vital. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for each of us. I know, it’s hard to give thanks for the do-do; but do-do is fertilizer. Give thanks. What about all the poisons they are putting into the air we breathe, the water, the land, and even the food? Give thanks. What about the injustice? Give thanks. What about the greed? Give thanks. What about the wars? Give thanks. What about the terror? Give thanks.

“Ron, you’re crazy!”

Who said that? Was it you? Oh, it’s irrational to you. I see. Too bad! The Gods must be crazy then; because they use the invisible things of this world to confound the wise, even the things that are not to bring to naught the things that are. Yes, that’s from the Bible.

You see, two realities are playing out simultaneously. There is an old, and also a new. For those wishing to maintain the old, the status quo, the world is coming to an end. That’s just the way it is. That’s why the first shall be last. Oh, some in this camp of diehards are working feverishly to stop the awakening, or at least slow it down and move it to another generation. Intuitively, they know. Why do you think they are so careless? Could it be they are showing signs of desperation? To those who see, that is the truth. Frantically, they plot and scheme and manipulate all they can. Money flows to those who play with them; money that they will never be able to keep. Those who chase money will be kicked out of the temple with the rest of the moneychangers. Money, as we have known it, has often been used to pervert justice; and wealth measured by money alone is poverty indeed. That world, the world of greed, is dying.

The new world is already here. Wealth in this world is measured by Love, Truth, Justice with Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, Compassion, Cooperation, Freedom, Individual Sovereignty, Tolerance, Understanding, and all the intangibles that are currency in the Kingdom of Heaven. We transmute poisons; knowing and exercising the reality that those who choose to harm others will not only receive that which they intend (the boomerang effect), but will also have their intended victims strengthened by the poison. I know that’s a stretch for some of you. You think poison is poison. Wrong! The belief in poison is poison. The belief that nothing can harm me is liberating. By grace, even full of personal doubt, I’ve seen this work. It’s real. It’s not automatic; one must ask from a sincere heart.

Humans are being transformed. Our very DNA is being changed. Switches that were turned off—the so-called “junk” DNA—are being reactivated. Abilities that have lain dormant in the masses are slowly but surely being recovered by a greater and greater percentage of the human family. Things once considered miracles are becoming more commonplace. Folks, we are being healed; and we ourselves, with the assistance of ETs (angels and other supposedly supernatural beings), are claiming wholeness as our natural birthright. The energy grids are opened. The pathways have had the obstacles removed. To those who knock on the door to Divinity, it is opened. Those who have sought and kept on seeking are now finding. Prayers that have long seemed unanswered are being answered.

Yes, I know personally what it’s like to feel as if my cries went no further than the ceiling. My heart mourned in separation consciousness. I experienced the pain, the sheer agony of feeling that I was alone without anyone to care. Like many of you, I, too, felt unworthy. I must not be good enough, I mused; why else would God abandon me? Nevertheless, all those feelings and experiences were but groundwork to make me more compassionate, to enable me to operate with grace and mercy at this time of quantum change that is upon us. Now, I can identify with those who struggle. Because I am experiencing restoration without condemnation, I can restore others to their full heritage as children of God.

We, the Lightworkers, have appeared last in this world’s scheme of things. Throughout the ages, we have been the scapegoats. Ridiculed, scorned, reviled, terrorized, robbed, threatened, and even murdered…all these things we have experienced throughout many lifetimes. Each chapter passed as the page was turned to the next drama in the play. We are still here, being ignored by the rulers as ever. They do not want to acknowledge that this is their last chapter. Because they continue to harden their hearts, they will plummet from their pedestals. All their ill-gained profit will be as dust; and their victims will transform their victimhood into victory. Truly it was written: The last shall be first. This is that day that the Lord has made. We rejoice! Namaste.