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Just What Is Ascension?

Libby Maxey

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ed, to ascend in full consciousness is a stupendous spiritual achievement. The Kryon teachings discuss the nature of an ascended human, a human who is personally real yet filled with Divinity. Someone who is realized. Someone who has, by her own willingness, embraced the full truth of who she is, and continually grows in realization, in wonder, in agape. This is a person who is beloved by others, someone who is sought out, someone in whose presence you feel safe and loved without condition or prejudice of any kind. This is someone who flows with Life.

Ascension is what all of us have been up to in our spiritual journeys: rising in consciousness through the progressive realization and experience of God. Ascension is as simple as growing in realization, and as complex as being willing to grow in realization! Ascension occurs and builds through loving as God loves; through living a life of active forgiveness; through compassionate caring and sharing with all; through resonance with all creation.

Jesus said "&and I, if I be lifted up, will draw all humankind to me." We have plenty of evidence that He and all the other masters are unfailingly lifting us up, drawing us into the consciousness of the Living Christ that is our inheritance as the children of God. Conscious ascension is the act of allowing yourself to be lifted into the Christ consciousness, into the heart of Christ, into a life of Christed beingness.

Ascension need no longer be a mystery. Ascension is our evolution! It is our next step, and is the process every person on earth is currently undergoing. Every person has the choice to ignore the process (and slow it) or ignite the process and embrace it in full consciousness. Ascension is opening and clearing and thereby ascending the chakras, one by one. We progress from survival consciousness in the base chakra (Sanskrit "muladhara") to absolute bliss consciousness in the crown chakra (Sanskrit "sahasrara"), a process that has taken many lifetimes for most of us.

Upon reaching the consciousness of the throat chakra "visuddha," we are able to manifest our mastery. "Visuddha" means purified, sanctified, or freed from doubt. Speak the truth and the truth will set you free! Visuddha is the chakra of miracles, for when the Truth is the spoken word expressed from an open, cleansed and whole throat chakra, that word will be fulfilled. An open third-eye chakra (Sanskrit "ajna") consciousness brings about the mystical marriage, the unification of masculine and feminine, and from this marriage are born celestial perception, clairvoyance, seeing auras, channeling, revelation, visions and prophecy. And it gets better!

After the third eye, ajna, is awakened, the soul must choose to open the crown chakra, "sahasrara." If full awakening is desired, the energy bridge from ajna (pituitary gland) to sahasrara (pineal gland) must be created. This is called the "antakarana," or Rainbow Bridge. This connection completes the cycle of energetic awakening, so the pineal gland releases the "nectar of immortality" (manifested in the physical as rejuvenating, revivifying hormones), and the soul is fully illuminated.

"Beyond form, beyond thought, beyond concepts of being or non-being, our individual consciousness plunges into the fathomless sea of the Clear Light of the Ascendant through the Golden Doors of Being in the crown chakra. As we integrate this ultimate experience, we begin to identify with the whole, living through its myriad parts. The individual body-mind recognizes that it is a conscious hologram of the entire Universe. There is nothing left to do but Be, allowing the flow of creation to pass through us unobstructed. This is the doorway to immortality, for the individual has become an incarnate expression of All-That-Is. A life of service and cooperation with Cosmic Forces begins and continues forever." - MSI, "Enlightenment: the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali"

The body, by now cleared of emotional and karmic wounds, responds to the direction of the mind, and the process of physical ascension can really begin, but only if physical ascension is the will of the illumined soul. Alas, in the infinite Universal Humor, the ascending individual is now completely unattached and unconcerned as to whether or not the body physically ascends! There is no longer any doubt of continuous, eternal Life in the mind of the individual, so "death" of the body is not perceived as a discontinuation of Life.

When physical ascension is the desire of the soul, guidance for rejuvenating, revivifying foods, supplements, appropriate exercise and other forms of cellular renewal will be made available to the individual, usually beginning with the opening of the throat chakra. Still, no person can know the day or the hour of physical ascension -- the "final step" promised by God in "A Course in Miracles," and only God really knows our true readiness. Even for this highest of human attainments, though, all we need to offer God is our willingness. Are you willing?