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The Mayan Calendar Ancient Cycles Of Change And Their Impact On Man’s Future

Rick Martin

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Feb. 14, 2012

Spectrum Newspaper, Nov. 2, 1999

10/22/99   RICK MARTIN 

We  are  living  in  very  interesting  times,  dont’t  you  think?    Black  is white,  white  is  black,  and  everything  in  between  has  been  (or  is  being) turned  upside  down  or  inside  out—or  both!    These  current  times  have been  the  subject  of  very  important  prophecies  and  ancient  prophetic information  encoded  into  time  lines  which  would  be  recognized  as calendars  of  sorts—such  as  that  associated  with  the  Great  Pyramid  of Giza or various Native American cultures, especially the Hopi.

However,  there  is  one  source  of  such  prophecy,  coming  from  theancient  Mayan  culture,  which  stands  out  for  special  attention—both because  of  the  merit  and  sophistication  of  the  information,  as  well  as because  it  is  not  widely  known.    Moreover,  there  exists  (as  you  might expect)  some  measure  of  disagreement  among  those  who  study  and interpret  this  prophecy;  but  that  only  lends richness   to   the   overall   interest   of   the information—like  interpreting  a  poem—and puts  the  job  onto  YOU  to  discern  for  yourself whatever you may derive from what I am about to  share.    Without  question,  however,  there  is much food for thought.

Why  would  I  be  presenting  information  atthis time about the ancient Mayan calendar, and what is the relevance to these transitional times in  which  we  find  ourselves?    The  Mayan calendar  becomes  a  kind  of  a  cornerstone  to many  prophetic  remarks  about  this  current planetary  transition  time  and  there  is  a  certain kind  of  curiosity  generated  because  of  this cornerstone role it seems to play.

After  reading  materials  presented  by  DavidWilcock,  and  after  reading,  listening  to,  and speaking  with  Native  American  Robert  Ghost Wolf,  it  becomes  very  clear  that  the  Mayan calendar   and   the   Mayan   prophecies   are IMMEDIATELY  relevant  to  this  very  specific time  in  history.    We  are  living  through  the period  of  the  Seven  Thunders.    It  is  a  time  of planetary  transition  on  an  unprecedented  scale, a time of dimensional change, spiritual turmoil, self-examination and metamorphosis, as well as a time for separating the wheat from the chaff. It is a time of upheavals, geophysical as well as personal.  It is a time of cleansing and honesty in  confrontation  and  exposure  of  longstanding lies—both  on  a  personal  level  and  on  a  much larger planetary scale.

In  conjunction  with  all  of  this  “cleansing”activity, there is a great thirst for Truth.  In that context  the  full  extent  and  urgency  of  this information  becomes  readily  apparent  as  you read on.

As   stated   in   the   last   edition   of   The SPECTRUM,  in  the  article  titled  “Sunspot Cycles:  Their  Profound  Effect  On  Man  & Planet  Earth”,  the  great  solar  cycle  is  upon  us, and   this   coincides   directly   with   Mayan prophecy.

With this in mind, I have chosen to present a  compilation  from  several  sources  on  thesubject,  including  another  chapter  from  David Wilcock’s  book  Convergence,  titled  “The Amazing  Synchronicity  of  Chatelain’s  Mayan Calendar”.

Further, as a result of a very favorable face-to-face  conversation  I  have  recently  had  with Robert  Ghost  Wolf  (who  was  well  aware  of and  highly  complimentary  toward  the  teaching mission  of  The  SPECTRUM),  I  hope  to  speak directly  with  him  about  these  and  other  urgent matters    in    an    upcoming    interview    for SPECTRUM  readers.    In  the  meantime,  I  am presenting some relevant materials from his web site (which may be found at:  and  is  reprinted  here  with generous permission.

To  begin  our  plunge  into  this  subject,however,  as  much  needed  background,  let  me first  share  with  you  an  article  written  by  John Major Jenkins back in 1995, also reprinted with permission.

Mayan Cosmogenesis:Cosmic Mother Gives Birth April,1995    


In  recent  years,  several  books  have  beenpublished  in  England  with,  especially  in  the U.K.,  a  good  deal  of  success.    Robert  Bauval and  Adrian  Gilbert  wrote  The  Orion  Mystery (1992) and, in addition to becoming brief media celebs, turned Egyptology on its head.  Graham Hancock  produced  Fingerprints  Of  The  Gods (1995)  and  injected  some  old  ideas  about Atlantis  rising  with  some  intriguing  new perspectives.    Most  recently,  Adrian  Gilbert with    Maurice    Cotterell    published    the disappointing   Mayan   Prophecies  which presumed to tell us why cataclysm will occur in A.D.  2012.

Hancock  and  Bauval  are  presently  workingtogether on another book about Egypt.  Gilbert, Bauval,  Cotterell,  and  Hancock  pursue  the often   unrewarding   path   of   independent research,  striving  to  present  compelling  new ideas  which  tenured  academics  are  too  thick- skulled  to  acknowledge.    Like  England’s  other Fab Four, these independent researchers say we want a revolution, and offer us one.  They have all  at  some  point  struggled  to  identify  what  is so  astronomically  special  about  the  opening  of the  new  millennium.    They’ve  discussed sunspots  and  pole  shifts,  magnetic  field reversals and the movements of Orion, but their solutions are in disagreement and are generally unsatisfying.    They  have  all  narrowly  missed finding the “key”.

As    pin-pointed  by  the  end-date  of  theMayan  calendar,  the  turn  of  our  millennium  is attended  by  a  rare  celestial  alignment  between the  Sun  and  our  galaxy,  one  that  has  been slowly  converging  for  thousands  of  years. The  winter  solstice  Sun  will  align  with  the Milky   Way   in   A.D.   2012.      Mountain Astrologerpublished my article on this topic in their  December  1994  issue.    Since  then,  I’ve written   a   110-page   monograph   detailing evidence for my thesis.

Without  mincing  words,  I  feel  that  thissimple alignment is the answer which all those writers  sought.    The  irony,  perhaps,  is  that  the impending  solstice-galaxy  alignment  was  first mentioned   back   in   1969   in   Giorgio   de Santillana    and    Hertha    von    Dechend’s groundbreaking  book  Hamlet’s  Mill.    My  own research starts where they left off.  It has taken 25  years  to  clarify  how  the  Mayans  are involved  in  all  this  and  to  understand  how  the alignment  marks  the  beginning  of  a  new precessional  cycle  in  humanity’s  spiritual  and cultural work

The alignment which I believe is so criticalto  understanding  Mayan  creation  mythology  as well  as  our  own  impending  shift  also  has  the benefit  of  being  a  straightforward  fact  of astronomy; it’s not the product of a labyrinth of convoluted  speculations.    What  I  offer  is  a synthesis of two simple facts: the astronomical alignment  itself  (which  targets  the  opening  of the  new  millennium)  and  the  established  end- date of the Mayan calendar in A.D. 2012.

The  ancient  Mayans  apparently  understoodthat    the    future    alignment    would    have apocalyptic effects,  and  designed  their World Age  mythology  to  remind  us  of  something essential.    Myth,  legend,  or  ancient  message, whatever  it  is,  clearly,  it  means  we  must  all remember   where   we   come   from,   where everything  comes from: Mother.

What  follows  is  a  brief  synopsis  of  theauthor’s  research  into  the  Mayan  calendar  and Mayan  creation  mythology.    An  exciting breakthrough is described which is so basic, yet so  startling,  that  many  Mayan  scholars  have thus far refused to acknowledge it.

John  Major  Jenkins  is  an  independentstudent  of  Mayan  Time.    He  is  the  author  of articles  for  Mountain  Astrologer,  Iron  Feather Journal,  Zeitgeist,  Scenezine,  World  Explorer Magazine,    The  Borderlands  Journal,  and  five books  on  Mayan  cosmology  including  Tzolkin: Visionary  Perspectives  And  Calendar  Studies (1994)  and  the  forthcoming  The  Center  Of Mayan Time(1995).

We  are  living  today  in  the  Mayan  endtimes.    The  Great    Cycle  of    the  Mayan  Long Count  calendar  ends  on  the  winter  solstice  of 2012  A.D.,  less  than  18  years  from  now. Following  Mayan  concepts  of  cyclic  time  and World  Age  transitions,  this  is  as  much    about beginnings   as   endings.      In   fact,   it   was considered by the ancient Mayans to signify the creation of a New World Age.


Scholars    today    are    recognizing  thatMayan    mythology  is  intimately  related  to  the celestial  movements  of  stars,  the  Milky  Way, and  certain  constellations.    The  sources  of Mayan mythology are found in the sky, and the timetable of Creation Day is pinpointed  by  the end  date  of  the  Mayan  Great  Cycle.    My research into the nature of this date reveals that a  rare  celestial  alignment  culminates  on  it. Generally   speaking,   what   occurs   is   an alignment  between  the  galactic  and  solar planes.      Specifically,  the  winter  solstice  Sun will conjunct the Milky Way, which is the edge of  our  spinning  galaxy  as  viewed  from  Earth. Furthermore, the place where the Sun meets the Milky  Way  is  where  the  “dark-rift”  in  the Milky  Way  is—a  black  ridge  along  the  Milky Way  caused    by    interstellar  dust  clouds  (see diagram 1).  This is a feature of the Milky Way anyone can see on a  clear  midsummer’s night, away  from  the  light  pollution  of  industrial society.

At  dawn  on  the  winter  solstice  of  A.D.2012, the Sun will be right in this dark-rift, and the orientation is such that the Milky Way rims the  horizon  at  all  points  around.    Thus,  the Milky  Way  “sits”  on    the  Earth,  touching  it  at all points around, opening  up  the cosmic  sky portal.    The  galactic  and  solar  planes  are  thus aligned.  “Sky portal” is just a term to describe the  “opened  sky”  scenario  apparent  when  the Milky Way rims the horizon.  This  is not to be confused with the “dark-rift” itself.

In  Mayan  myth,  the  winter  solstice  Suncorresponds    to    the  deity  One  Hunahpu,  also known  as  First  Father.    The  Mayan  Sacred Book,  the  Popol  Vuh,  is  all  about  setting  the stage  so  that  the  Hero  Twins’  father  (One Hunahpu) can be reborn, thus beginning  a new World  Age.    The  dark  rift  has  many  mythic identities:    it    is  the    Black    Road;    it    is    the xibalba be (the Road to the Underworld);  it is a crevice in the branches of the cosmic tree (the Milky  Way);  it  is  the  mouth  of  the  Cosmic Monster (often portrayed as a frog, jaguar, or snake  with  tree-like  features);  it  is  the  birth canal  of  the  Cosmic  Mother.    Overall,  the dark-rift is best understood as the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother, who we may call First Mother, to complement First Father.

In  this  way  we  can  trace  how  thesevarious   metaphors   are   found   in   Mayan Creation  Mythology.    And  the  date  of  this alignment  is,  again,  the  end  date  of  the  13- baktun Great Cycle—a cycle of approximately  5125  years.    This  all  suggests that  the  ancient  Mayans  were  aware  of  the impending  alignment  and  considered  it  to  be of  such  importance  to  be  a  major  transition point, the Creation of a New World Age.  In mythological  terms,  this  event  is  about  the union  of  First  Father  with  First  Mother  or, more accurately, the birth of First Father (the winter  solstice  Sun—the  New  World  Age ruler)  from  First  Mother  (the  dark-rift  in  the Milky  Way).    The    headline  appropriate  for the upcoming event is:



The  slow  process  by  which  the  wintersolstice Sun comes to conjoin the dark-rift in the    Milky    Way    is    a    function    of    a phenomenon  known  as  the  precession  of  the equinoxes.    This  involves  the  slow  wobbling of  the  Earth’s  axis,  which  causes  the  stellar frame  to  slowly  shift.    To  observers  on Earth,  it  causes  the  position  of  the  winter solstice  Sun  to  slowly  move  in  relation  to celestial  background    features  such  as  the Milky  Way.    A  full  cycle  is    completed  in roughly  26,000  years.    Approximately  2100 years    ago,  when  both  the  Long  Count calendar and the Popol Vuhwere  devised by the  early  Mayans,  the  dark-rift  in  the  Milky Way  could  be  observed  some  30  degrees above  the  dawning  winter  solstice  Sun  (see diagram 2).

When  these  early  skywatchers  discoveredprecession,  they  realized  that  with  every winter  solstice  the  cosmic  birth  canal  was moving    closer  and  closer  to  the  dawning Sun.    The  winter  solstice  Sun  was  called  the First  Sun,  the  First  Lord  or  First  Father, because  it  is  the  first  day  of  the  year,  the beginning  of  the  Sun’s  annual  rebirth  into increasing  daylight.    They  calibrated  the process,  and  fixed  their  Creation  Mythology to the future alignment as described.

Monuments  from  the  early  Mayan  site  ofIzapa clearly portray, by way of mythological  iconography,  the  anticipated astronomical  alignment  of  the  Long  Count end  date  (see  diagram  3).    In  this  way,  the Long   Count   calendar   and   Popol   Vuh Creation  Mythology  (portrayed  on  Izapan monuments  and  elsewhere)  work  together  to describe  the  future  astronomical  alignment. Furthermore,  scholars  believe  that  Izapa,  an unassuming early-Mayan cultural center near the  Guatemalan  border  in  Mexico,  is  where both  the  Long  Count  calendar  and  the  Popol Vuhmyth originate.


Based  upon  these  simple  facts,  ancientskywatchers in Mesoamerica were apparently aware  of  a  subtle  celestial  process,    the precession  of  the  equinoxes.    Knowledge  of that  process,  and  the  fact  that  a  major alignment  in  that  process  culminates  at  the end  of  their    Great  Cycle,  strongly  suggest  a cosmological    understanding    which  modern scholars  have  yet  to  explore.    While  today the  conjunction  is  hidden  behind  the  rays  of the  solstice  Sun,  to  early  skywatchers  the future  convergence  would    have  been  the focus  of  intense  calendar  calculations  and eschatological  myth-making.      As  it  says  in the  Popol  Vuh:  “by  sheer  genius,  by  sheer accuity, they got it done.

People  interested  today  in  the  scope  ofancient Mesoamerican knowledge inescapably    must  incorporate  these  recent findings into their thoughts.  In doing so, we can  better  appreciate  the  profound  scale  of the cosmological understanding possessed by ancient   New   World   cultures,   to   which millions  of  present-day  Indians  in  Middle America are heir.


Understanding   this   aspect   of   Mayancosmogenesis  may    also  help  us  understand our  own  impending  millennial  milestone. What  is    going  on  in  the  world  today?    Is this   alignment      having   some   kind   of influence?    The  precession  of  the  equinoxes is,  after  all,  primarily  an  Earth  rhythm. Whether  we  call  it  Mayan  or  millennial,  we are  living  today  in  the  shadows  of  a  rare celestial   juncture   which   parallels   the increasing  interest  in  “New  World  Orders”, “post-historic”  thinking,  and  a  major  shift  in world economic structure and what it means to be human.  The Mayan  myth seems  to remind us  that  all  life  springs  from  the  Great  Mother. The  transformation  of  cosmic  recreation  is already  occurring.    Perhaps  we  should  look closely at  this  celestial  alignment, imagine its meanings, and determine what this transformational  shift    means  for  future humanity.  For the ancient Mayans, on the far- future  Creation Day which for us arrives soon, First  Mother  and  First  Father  join  forces  to engender a New World Age.


Diagram 1:The  sky  on  December  21,  2012  A.D. showing  a  rare  astronomical  alignment—the winter solstice Sun is right in the “dark rift” in the Milky Way.


Diagram 2:Winter  solstice  sunrise  from  the  early Mayan  site  of  Izapa,  50  B.C.    Notice  the  dark rift  in  the  Milky  Way,  the  celestial  birth  canal of  Cosmic  Mother,  some  30  degrees  above  the rising Sun.


Diagram 3:Stela 11 from Izapa shows Cosmic Father in the  “mouth”  of  Cosmic  Mother,  the  “dark  rift” or  “birth  canal”  in  the  Milky  Way.    This  is  an image   of   the   celestial   alignment   which culminates in A.D. 2012