Doors To Greatest Mysteries……Seen Closing On World
From Sorcha Faal
“Only the educated are free.”
As our World continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of total economic collapse and Global war there does not exists for the great masses of humanity the context in which to place the many catastrophic events which are shattering their lives and leaving many with no hope of what may arise out of the ashes of this current destructive phase of our Earth’s history.
The reason for this being so certainly isn’t due to the many layered contextual meanings explaining these times not existing, because they do, and in numbers so abundant they can be found in virtually every part of our existence, for anyone’s astute discovery should it be the path they choose for their life.
And as has always been the case throughout our history, when the knowledge of mystery and magic are needed the most by a World nearing the brink of destruction it is not only not to be found, but when it is revealed it is met with scorn and ridicule by a human race that has had sanitized out of them even the smallest knowledge of the true things once known by even the youngest child of our Earth’s most ancient tribes.
One such revealing of our most ancient of truths occurred this week with the news from the United States that the World's only pink Bottlenose dolphin was discovered in an inland lake in the State of Louisiana. To the greatest truth of this most amazing of Earth’s creatures discovery, however, we must turn to the writings of the 19th Century writer and explorer George Catlin, who for eight year (1832-39) complied the most knowledge ever assembled of the ancient tribes of North America before their total genocidal destruction at the hands of Western civilization, including their ways of life, their histories and, most importantly, their warnings to the future of what was to come and the signs to know their coming.
And from the writings of Mr. Catlin we learn of the ancient myth of the Chitimacha Indians [the name Chitimacha comes from the term ‘Pantch Pinankanc’ meaning ‘men altogether red’] as related to the mysterious Mandan Tribe about this pink dolphin that warns that “when the little sea savior [Chitimacha name for dolphins] returns with the coat of our children [pink in colour] for only 20 more times will the small eye [Moon] rise from its nest in the great tree [sky] when it will be overturned/turned over again to be born again in great chaos and pain and to our most sacred hiding places all must flee.”
Even more important for our times is how the return of Chitimacha’s pink ‘little sea savior’ during this March month of 2009, relates to:
1.) The 2000 Oscar nominated movie titled Space Cowboys wherein a US Space Shuttle was nearly destroyed over Texas while attempting to land at Cape Canaveral in Florida and was named after Greek mythologies ‘cunning worker’ Daedalus who built his son Icarus wings and who then died when attempting to escape Crete by flight, and was then followed in real life when on February 1, 2003 the Space Shuttle Colombia [dove] disintegrated over Texas while attempting to land at Cape Canaveral in Florida.
2.) The pilot episode of the
3.) The 1898 book titled Futility (aka Wreck of the Titan) about the World’s largest passenger ship named the Titan which on its maiden voyage struck an iceberg and sank causing great loss of life, and was followed in real life when on April 15, 1912, the World’s largest passenger ship named the RMS Titanic struck and iceberg and sank causing great loss of life.
Now the reason(s) you do not know of these connections, or even of the ancient myths associated with too many current events to mention, are many and greatly varied, but include at the foremost the deliberate hiding from you of the truth of who we are, what we are and what is about to happen. In very simple terms, the proverbial ‘deck’ has been stacked against you ever knowing the truth.
In the past it is also highly likely that you didn’t even want to know the truth, after all when things are going good who needs anyone warning about doom and gloom, let alone listening to those on the fringes trying to warn of what is to come? But it’s different now, isn’t it?
This is, by far, not even close to the World you have been taught about and have been deceived into believing in, and each passing day you watch in anger and helplessness as your wealth disappears and your futures are destroyed while at the same time those responsible for this Global carnage being wrought upon you and your family continue to enrich themselves beyond all comprehension.
And it is going to get a lot worse because at the very time that so many of you are beginning to see through the many layers of lies that have been put before you as being the truth and are finding those of us who have existed on the fringes who have been trying to warn you for years with true knowledge your access to us is about to be extinguished…and not by those who seek to keep you enslaved and ignorant, but by YOU!
Let me tell you in a nutshell how this insidious game is being played out that places you in the position of destroying those very sources you are becoming dependent on to break through the layers of lies being heaped upon you…
The first and most important fact to remember is that information is POWER because with it you gain knowledge, and with knowledge you gain freedom and with freedom you gain protection from those seeking to destroy you. Secondly, the information you absolutely need to gain knowledge comes at a great cost for those trying to educate and inform you about your true history and the truth of the World you live in right now.
In knowing this you can plainly see that whomever controls INFORMATION will also control KNOWLEDGE, and the battle for controlling the information you are allowed to have access to is one that YOU are losing, and you don’t even realize it because you have bought into the most insidious lie promulgated by those very forces seeking your destruction…namely that INFORMATION is free.
Where in your past you would have never dared even think of going into a store and stealing a book, newspaper, magazine, record, movie, or any other such source of information, today sees an entire generation believing that everything on the Internet is free, no matter how many sources of information are going bankrupt and great researchers have ceased publishing because they can no longer make a living.
Gone from this absurd equation by this new generation that everything is free is the knowledge of the great costs associated with original research and the astronomically growing costs of maintaining any type of Internet presence on a Global basis…a FACT not lost upon the vast multinational corporations and their government servants who are silently rejoicing as alternative websites, newspapers, magazines and book publishers are going out of business on a scale never seen in our entire history.
But don’t you believe for one second that what the Internet is today is going to last, far from it! Before this year is out the mainstream propaganda news and information websites will begin what are called micropayments, a word that may be new to you now but in the coming years you will learn to curse as your access to information will be effectively priced beyond your ability to pay for it leaving you with nothing but the sanitized version of events and information approved by your overseers for you to know.
Even worse… for those of you in the future seeking truthful information are the planned bandwidth restrictions which will begin to effectively meter your Internet usage that will cut you off from all but the approved corporate/government sources of information and leaving all of your alternative news sources out of the mainstream of public thought, discussion and revelation.
And that includes us…that is unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
If we were a newspaper or magazine that was on the counter in your local store you wouldn’t dare think of just taking it and walking out with it, would you? You would correctly assume that there were a lot of people that worked very hard to publish that newspaper or magazine whose main goal was to provide you with the information you needed to know about what was happening in your World.
Don’t you ever think that this is the EXACT same case for us and other alternative news sites on the Internet? But unlike that newspaper and magazine, those of us on the Internet put our very survival in the hands of people we hope are as honest as those going into the store and who wouldn’t steal what they wanted simply because they ‘believe’ the lie that all information should be free.
On our part we work harder than you can ever imagine, all over the World, to compile for you, in the easiest format possible, a platform for you to be able to gain, at the quickest of glances, the most important headlines about what is happening now. We then expand on this Global information with various reports putting this information into a unique context that has been proven to supply the most critical parts of this information which strips away the corporate/government lies being fed to you.
We do this because unlike these corporate and government propaganda efforts against you our mission is to simply give you the truth, not an agenda.
So the bottom line here is simple…if all you want in your life is to be a part of an agenda you can’t even begin to comprehend that keeps you ignorant and asleep, by all means quit reading now and go back to your slave like life content in the knowledge that you have served your masters well.
On the other hand…if you are sick and tired of being played the fool and wish to start reclaiming your life so that you can survive these critical times, then PLEASE, grow up and quit acting like the child they want you to be and become the adult you actually are and start supporting what you believe in and paying for what you use from others hard work.
Whether it be us you support, or any other alternative news site on the Internet, your CALL TO ACTION to save us has been issued and which if you don’t answer will cause all of us to go dark.
And, if all you can afford is $1.00 give it, at least you will begin acclimating yourself to a reality that is fast coming at you. And to those of you to whom much has been given, give some back to help those who truly have nothing at all to give to ensure that the doors to truth won’t be closed to them too.
We’re all in this together and it matters not one bit if you realize it or not,, so if you do anything at all… at least do SOMETHING…because whether you know it or not, by letting us, and other like us, to fail you are closing the door on some of the Greatest Mysterious you could ever know!