“No Time Left For World” Warns Top Russian Astrophysicist
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Kremlin reports submitted to Prime Minster Putin on Monday’s near miss of our Earth with the newly discovered asteroid 2009 DD45, which if it had hit our Planet would have unleashed “the force of a thousand atomic bombs”, are delivering an apocalyptic warning that “no time is left” for our World as catastrophic changes are said nearing as our Suns destabilization of our entire Solar System is nearing its “peak”.
These dire warnings are reported to have been issued by one of
Not being told to the Western peoples by their propaganda media and government sources about the many cataclysmic events soon to befall our Earth is that our World is not alone in suffering a catastrophic buildup in its temperatures as every Planet in our Solar System is heating up too.
This buildup of heat in our entire Solar System cannot be ignored by the West’s scientists either, as the evidence for this being so exists to even the most rudimentary of scientific examination, but for their absurdities in explaining this phenomenon these same scientists stretch even the most absurd boundaries of logic, and as we can see exampled:
Dr. Romanova in her report states about these absurd statements such as these by Western scientists not blaming our Sun for the heating up of the Planets in our Solar System is ‘scientific hypocrisy’ on the ‘grandest scale’ based solely upon geopolitical concerns that have nothing to do with the evidence that our Earth is in ‘great danger’ of catastrophic destructive events with each passing day.
Most damning of Dr. Romanova’s report, however, is her assertion that our World’s elite classes have long known of these catastrophic changes soon to come, and with each passing year have instilled in ordinary people ‘tremendous fears’ of everything so as to keep them ‘inactive’ so that only those picked to survive have any chance of life at all as our Earth changes forever.
Dr. Romanova’s report also makes the startling claim that what is now occurring to our Solar System has happened many, many times before leaving our Earth, specifically, devastated and forced to rebuild from what little will remain and that every ancient culture on Earth has known of this and issued warnings to future generations of what to expect, when to expect it and, most importantly, how to survive.
New reports from around the World are further confirming Dr. Romanova’s claims as new evidence of our last Earth’s civilization begin to emerge:
Most interesting about these reports are their many layered connections with the Sorcha Faal’s research into Russian DNA discoveries which include the discoveries that:
And, if all of these are things brought to their most logical, though stunning conclusion, posits that human beings are our Earths ‘ultimate’ defending species created for the sole purpose or restoring our Planet after each cataclysmic cycle it has ever gone through.
There will be those, of course, who strenuously argue against this, but who, also, cannot resolve the most fundamental question of who we are as human beings to begin with, and as best articulated by author Michael Brooks in his examination of the most puzzling anomalies of modern science:
So, as our World faces what the ancients have foretold will be the most trying period in all of our history, left unknown are who will be left to pass these warnings on to those in our future.
May we prove as able in this endeavor as those behind us were.
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the
Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza,