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There Are No Such Thing as a Satellite ~ Whistle Blower CONFIRMS Satellites Are A HOAX!!

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The origins of satellites came from the mind of famous science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications.  Arthur C. Clarke was a high level Freemason as well as a homosexual and self-professed pedophile, throw in satanism and you’ve got a heck of a guy. Arthur C. Clarke was writing science fiction stories along with other notable sci-fi writers Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. Arthur C. Clarke did initially claim to know Hubbard, however later he denied that statement and thought L. Ron Hubbard to be completely crazy. That link to Hubbard had to be broken, all out rebuke works well.

There is a seven year overlap between 1945 to 1952 when Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Arthur C. Clarke were all alive and were witness to the Science Fiction industry exploding into the eager minds of young people. I find the Roswell crash in July 1947 quite timely and it certainly propelled the interest in space to mania levels.Hollywood didn’t miss the cue since they’re owned by the Khazarian Rothschilds. Hollywood started cranking out sci-fi movies by the truckload. At the top of the Sci-Fi movie heap was the great undiscovered frontier — Space 

The Khazarians saw an opportunity to make a ton of money by pushing the space meme. At some point a scheme was hatched to fake launch satellites into space for profit. NASA also became a tool to constantly remind humans of our insignificance in the boundless cosmic order. NASA has been beating the divinity out of us with pseudoscience, propaganda and spiritual delineation. In other words “control” Pre-NASA had accumulated and assimilated the intellectual property from Jack Parsons to the point where he was no longer needed or wanted.  Sputnik 1 was launched first in 1957 shocking fooling the world and Explorer 1 soon followed in 1958 the year NASA was created. NASA was also created to militarize space and the atmosphere below it, but why?

Satellites Don’t Exist

Simple, in order to conceal the deceptions of the Khazarian Mafia and their Freemason minions, the Khazarians needed to “secure” the perimeter and operate above any jurisdiction. All information above our heads skyward was now in the hands of NASA as the “official” source, in other words the propaganda machine wasum-file="h/span> It’s laughable when you realize we’re solely reliant on just one source for all information regarding the cosmos–NASA. Along with the Controlled Major Mass Media NASA is free to dispense as much GGI/Pixar/Photshop fairy tales as fast as we can gobble them up. I guarantee the satanists of NASA have been laughing along time about their ruses, however they’re being exposed more than ever as incompetent pseudoscience degenerates when real scrutiny is applied.

Seemingly unrelated, in 1959 the Antarctic treaty was signed and is now totally off limits backed by military force. The North Pole is also militarized, though no formal multilateral agreement exists. Still any attempt to traverse either will result in immediate military expulsion and possible jail-time. To date no human has ever traversed Antarctica, EVER!! Think about that for a moment and consider the absurdity of it. There’s still a continent that has never been explored and we’re not allowed access to it! Why?

I have obtained some audio of an alleged satellite maker who over sees the creation of satellites. he claims to have worked his way up the business of satellite manufacturing. he ended up being the ceo and in charge of the whole company eventually. thats when things got strange. he ended up being approached by “the illuminati” and was told that he was now in a need to know situation. he had made it so far up the ladder in the satellite business that he had to be informed of how satellites recredit&quo

i looked into the information after listening to the interview and was able to confirm my previous videos of how satellites work. i covered the issue nearly a year ago when i discovered that the white alice project in alaska that launched the satellite business began by bouncing signals off the ionshpere. that set off red flags in my head and you will have to watch the video to see what i discovered. to make a long story short. the whistle blowers message aligned perfectly with my original take on how satellites work on a flat earth dome firmament structure.

Although i can not confirm the authenticy of this whistle blower…the information led me to more revelations about project fishbowl and how the satellite hoax was being perfected during the mission using the dome firmament as a giant satellite dish. the secret to control the return signals was charging the dome with elector magnetic stimulation that would last years.

The space age began on October 4, 1957 with the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik one, This tiny spacecraft lasted only three months in orbit, finally burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere.

operational satellites in orbit around the Earth. 50 percent of which were launched by the United States.There are many satellites in Low-Earth Orbit, just a few hundred kilometers above the surface. Some of the most notable of these include the International Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope, and many Earth observation satellites.

The rest are in geostationary orbit, at an altitude of almost 36,000 kilometers.

If we could see these satellites from Earth’s surface, they would appear to hang motionless in the sky. The fact that they remain over the geographic same area means they provide the perfect platform for telecommunications, broadcast or weather observations.


But there are many many more artificial objects orbiting the Earth. In this collection of space debris we’re talking spent boosters, dead satellites, and even misplaced gloves. According to the United States Space Surveillance Network, there are more than 21,000 objects larger than 10 cm orbiting the Earth. Just a small fraction of these are operational satellites. It’s estimated there are a further 500,000 bits and pieces between 1 and 10 cm in size.

It makes me wonder why the international space station, does not have any sealing hatches, what would happen if one of those half million pieces of debris smashes into it, with the space station hitting a piece of debri at 17,500 mph, I would expect a major alacticfreor NASA. But we hear nothing of any accidents the entire time its been up there.

According to the Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space maintained by United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, there are currently 4,256 satellites currently orbiting the planet.

According to NASA, There are around 22,000 objects in orbit that are big enough to track,

Many are ‘space junk’ such as old rockets and abandoned satellites, It is estimated as many as 370,000 pieces of space junk are floating in Earth’s orbit, travelling at speeds of up to 22,000 mph.

According to space dot com, there are more than 35,000 satellites now in orbit around Earth.

Nobody seems to have any clue how many we actually have orbiting the earth.

They also state, several hundred satellites can be spotted with the unaided eye. These are the satellites that are large enough (typically more than 20 feet in length) and low enough (100 to 400 miles above Earth) to be most readily seen as sunlight reflects off them.

Is it me, or am I missing something here, I can not see a single satellite reflecting off the sun, and I purposely used images taken from the I S S of the sun rising so that the light would not flood the camera, there are no satellites to seeetent pseu nothing up there to reflect from the sunlight except the moon, you never ever see a satellite from the space station

Where are all the several hundred satellites that can be spotted with the unaided eye, lets take a look at the moon, here are some video feeds, and I would like to point out, there is nothing between us and the moon, not a single satellite, nothing to see here. No low earth orbiting satellites, and no geostationary satellites. You cannot see them becuase they are all more than likely, hanging from high altitude weather baloons.