you think?
Sometime around Wednesday or
Thursday of last week, I made the editorial decision to run, on this week’s
Front Page, Calvin Burgin’s excellent tutorial on the REAL state of our
world’s genetic engineering technology and applications of same—particularly
“political” applications which have been perpetrated right under
the noses of we-the-kept-dumb public for well over 20 years now.
Longtime readers of CONTACT and
the Phoenix Journals are well aware of this subject. Oh, are they ever. And
if they make the “mistake” of trying to explain this particular
subject to most of their friends, they are also brutally aware of the generally
heated and indignant controversy it generates because, “the Earth is flat,
don’t you know!!!!” Well, from some people’s perspective,
I guess that’s true. But the subject certainly pushes all kinds of emotional
buttons. And rightly so. Only that does not negate the truth of the matter.
So, I made the decision about
running Calvin’s piece about the middle of last week. The interesting
matter which has just sprung up and which I call to your attention, is what
has just been released, starting over the weekend, apparently (from what I’ve
been told) all over the various media sources from CNN’s Headline News
on television, to the Front Page of the Sunday February 23, 1997 Los Angeles
Times, and even to the faxed copy of the Montreal Gazette I have here in front
of me, Front Page, for Monday, February 24, 1997:
Door Opens To Human Cloning
is the headline. And the article’s bold-type tease line goes on to say:
“The successful cloning of a sheep means humans could be copied—but
at what cost? ‘The genie is out of the bottle,’ one ethicist says.”
Indeed, the genie is out of the
bottle! But such has been the case for quite some time. It’s merely that
we-the-people weren’t exactly told about this—probably for our peace
of mind or (hear “America, The Beautiful” playing softly in the
background:) for National Security reasons!
Right. Anyway, there was obviously
a need to push a button somewhere and turn on the “damage control”
machinery bigtime, right now—again, purely “””coincidentally”””
with our presenting this subject as this week’s Front Page story. Imagine
The public is slowly being conditioned
to come to grips with this reality. Those of you who monitor the X-Files television
program on a regular basis have observed, over the past several years of its
existence, probably the most blatant “””fictional”””
depictions of the facts which Calvin Burgin has assembled for your reading “enjoyment”
on this most important topic of genetic engineering—
the results of which are on almost
daily (except when they malfunction) display, especially in the most important
and visible of high public positions. After all, why trust to a human what you
can more reliably trust to a “machine”!?!
Perceptive readers can pretty much look between the lines of the media
blitz versions (dare I say “cloned” versions?) of this subject to
discern the inferences of what is already well developed. But, as I said already—for
the rest of the story, read Calvin’s outlay following this note.
— Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief
Calvin Burgin, 404 Gate Tree Lane,
Austin, TX 78745-3137 Feb. 12, 1997
by Calvin Burgin 2/12/97
“Man has always wanted to create
a being in his own image....We can do it now. We have done it! He was terminated,
however, because he couldn’t follow orders; he couldn’t shoot an
animal...We now possess techniques in a new type of genetic engineering, certainly
more than enough for the J-Type’s in vivo creation....We were taken in,
we scientists; we were thinking of underwater work and space exploration; we
wanted to believe and we believed. We allowed it to happen...Then, it is only
‘fictional’ [tongue in cheek] that a governmental group has cloned
a human.”
Dear Reader, I suggest you withhold
judgment until you read this whole document. Then, why make a judgment at all?
You KNOW what you KNOW, and you DON’T KNOW what you DON’T KNOW.
What you believe has little to do with Truth.
EQUIPMENT CRASHES—NINE KILLED by Rene Sanchez, Washington Post Staff Writer,
Monday, August 19, 1996; Page A04, The Washington Post: “A military cargo
plane that accompanied President Clinton on his vacation trip to Jackson, Wyo.,
crashed late Saturday night with nine people on board just after it took off
for New
York with presidential vehicles and
other gear, military officials said.
“Officials at the crash site, a steep mountainside in the Bridger-Teton
National Forest, said late yesterday that there were no survivors. Eight Air
Force crew members from Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Tex., and a Secret
Service employee were on board the C-130 cargo plane, which was headed to New
York City, where Clinton attended a 50th birthday celebration in his honor last
Later, the killed were identified as Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, Capt. Kimberly
Jo Wielhouwer, 2nd Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, Staff Sgt. Michael J. Smith Jr., Senior
Airman Michael R. York, Senior Airman Rick L. Merritt, Senior Airman Billy R.
Ogston, Airman Thomas A. Stevens and an unidentified person. Later, the other
person was identified as Secret Service agent Aldo E. Frascoia. A rash of other
plane crashes, train derailments, a fire at the White House, and numerous other
strange events occurred the same month.
Sherman Skolnick of Chicago has a TV program and daily telephone hotline in
which he discusses fraud and corruption, drug dealing, etc., involving high
level politicians and justice department officials. He has been investigating
cover-ups since the Kennedy hit. After the Jackson Hole crash, Skolnick, on
his telephone hotline (773-731-1100), had a recorded message (Aug. 24, 1996)
in which he stated:
“And the press liars cannot tell us of several plots, military and civilian,
to unseat Clinton because all situations are supposedly by ‘lone assassins’
and no conspiracies are allowed ever to be discussed. For example, they would
have to admit a high level oil industry CIA plot to blow away President Kennedy,
Bobby Kennedy, and others.
“And the press cannot admit what is already known by more well-informed
folks, that various dictators, royalty, presidents and such have doubles! Hitler
had 12 doubles. Some of them were bumped off by those seeking to stop the Nazi
leader. During World War II, Winston Churchill’s double was murdered by
a German commando. President Jimmy Carter had two doubles. President Clinton,
three doubles, one of whom reportedly died in the crash of a military plane
that took off near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, just ahead of the real Clinton’s
plane. Military sources, by the way, contend the military plane was hit by a
missile and crashed into a mountain.
“Funny thing, one of Clinton’s appearances in Chicago was actually
a double, same face and hair, but if you looked closely, he didn’t walk
exactly like Sledge Willie. TV network reporters knew the truth about such happenings.
For one thing, the secret service issues all credentials for reporters to come
to press conferences and to interview important public officials. Telling the
truth would cost you your job.
“Will the real Clinton step forward, please, so we can inspect your nose,
which has been rotted out by too much cocaine snorting. By the way, sex-accuser
Paula Jones would have the real Clinton identified by inspecting him somewhere
else, but we are far too polite to go into that. Another story suppressed by
the liars and whores of the press.
“In Chicago, see us on Cable TV,
Channel 21 Cable, 9 PM most Monday evenings.....Citizens Committee to Clean Up
The Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, IL 60617.”
What is this talk about clones and doubles? Is there anything to it?
In 1977, I saved an article from a magazine whose name I no longer remember.
The notations at the bottom of the pages say “SCI/DI May, 1977”.
It was the size of the old Science Digest magazines. On page 76 was the article
entitled “A New Ethical Question: Head Transplants?”
The article tells of Dr. Robert J. White and colleagues of the Cleveland Metropolitan
General Hospital doing successful head transplants on monkeys, removing the
head from one monkey and sewing it onto another monkey’s body. White was
known as the first man to remove a brain and keep it alive outside the body,
the first to succeed in transplanting and storing the brains of experimental
subjects. He was professor and co-chairman of neurosurgery at Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine, and director of the Department of neurosurgery.
This was twenty years ago. What has been accomplished since then, and what
has been done in secret, that they dare not tell us about? The evidence will
astound you!
Wisconsin Report newspaper, August 30, in 1979, had a front page editorial
article that said: “Many of our readers/subscribers are sending interesting
news items and clippings. For example, ‘Dr. Christian Bernard of So. Africa
says: “No to Head Transplant”.’ This was the local news last
week. It was first reported in Patriot News in June of 1977. This transplant
has already been successful in the U. S. for monkeys, gorillas, horses, cows
and mules. It has been successful for HUMANS in Russia for over 1 year already.
“The next item was ‘Clones are being developed in Siberia.’
There is a compound in Siberia in which human fetuses from a test tube are being
transplanted into the wombs of cows and gorillas. The gestation period is 9
months. They now have full grown adult Clones, that look like HUMANS. It only
takes from 2 to 3 years for a Clone to become full grown (like a steer or gorilla).
In five years, they will have an entire Army, Navy and Marine Corps of Clones.”
The book The Biological Time Bomb, by Gordon Rattray Taylor, copyright 1968,
on page 28, says: “Lord Rothschild, for long a Cambridge physiologist
and an international authority on the structure and action of spermatozoa, left
his bench and became a businessman, working for one of the largest chemical
concerns in the world. In this dual role, he is, one may assume, unlikely to
speak wildly or sensationally. Yet in 1967 he told the scientists at the Weizmann
Institute of Science in Israel that he regarded cloning people as a near possibility.
The problem he foresees is whether everyone should be allowed to clone themselves
if they wish, and he expects to see a Commission for Genetical Control established
to vet applications.”
There in 1967 you have a Rothschild expert, one of the most powerful men in
the world, announc
ing that cloning was a near possibility and that a Commission would be established
to oversee the consequences.
In the book In His Image: The Cloning of Man, in 1978, author David Rorvik
tells the story of the first known cloning of a human. The book tells of a Rand
Corporation report that Russia was experimenting with creating biocybernetic
guidance systems for implantation in air-to-air missiles. It tells of the Burden
Neurological Institute in Briston, England, working with hooking brains via
electrodes directly to computers, allowing thoughts to control the computers.
It tells about using electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) to cause subjects
to see and hear things that did not exist, to have false memories implanted,
to create great sexual desire, hatred, fear, etc. Cal Tech biologist Dr. Robert
L. Sinsheimer said in 1968 that it would be possible to clone a human being
in ten years. Dr. Kimball Atwood, professor of microbiology at the University
of Illinois, said about the same time that with a crash program, human cloning
could be achieved almost immediately. The book has many quotes from prominent
doctors and scientists at the time that said human cloning would soon occur,
but because of public resistance, the scientists stopped talking about cloning
when they started doing it. Rorvik aided in the cloning of a human, who was
two years old at the time the book was written.
We KNOW that cloning of humans has taken place, roughly twenty years ago, and
the question becomes, how far advanced has this technology become? Human (homo
sapiens) clone DNA gene sequences are even currently posted on the Internet!
(See for instance the search file “file:///d%7C/NETSCAPE/DOWNLOAD/CLONES/20MER—FA.HTM”.)
Oregon Statesman Journal, Jan. 13, 1996: “Gorilla gives birth to Human
test-tube baby. ‘Researchers say they’ve achieved an astonishing
medical breakthrough: A gorilla surrogate mother has given birth to the first
human test tube baby,’ according to a report in the Jan. 16 edition of
the Sun.
Chinese scientists say the gorilla carried the baby a full nine months. They
also say the day when human mothers will be freed from carrying infants full
term is near.
“‘Chinese women will no longer need to put aside their careers
to bear children,’ says Dr. Wong Shei, a zoologist connected with the
project. The gorilla mother, Bright Joy, and the baby are in good health, he
says. ‘This is truly a glorious event.’”
Glorious indeed. Now slave mothers will no longer have to take days off from
their slave labor to bear children. Brave New World!
·October 26, 1995, the Austin American Statesman, “Scientists
grow ears of humans on lab mice. Tissue engineering shows promise for replacing
damaged skin, cartilage, by Katharine Webster, Associated Press. BOSTON—It
sounds like something from a carnival side show: ‘The Mouse With Human
Ear On its Back’. But it’s real. It’s alive.
“That mouse, and others of its kind, are at the leading edge of a science
known as tissue engineering, which allows laboratories to grow skin and cartilage
for transplant in humans....”
·The New York Times, March 24, 1981, had an article which began: “Some
day there will probably be a library containing all the genetic information
needed to create a complete human being. This idea, alarming to some, enticing
to others, is no longer entirely a flight of science fantasy. New techniques
and automated machines are enormously increasing scientists’ ability to
spell out the message of heredity in living cells, to put together their own
artificial messages in the universal genetic code, and to analyze in complete
detail the proteins on which all life depends. New instruments promise to compress
into days or hours painstaking research that used to occupy weeks, months, or
·March 7, 1996. Researchers in Scotland have developed a technique for
cloning unlimited numbers of genetically undistinguishable sheep. Scientists
said it could open the door to mass production of gene-altered animals with
desirable traits, such as those with “humanized” organs suitable
for transplant. The technique could also reportedly be used to clone human beings.
In the first round of experiments, only 5 out of 250 embryos survived to birth,
and 3 out of 5 of those died within the first 10 days for unknown reasons (from
Leading Edge Research Internet site).
TO FINEST DAIRY COWS: SEND IN THE CLONES. Since this is a rather long news article,
I will leave you with just the headline. The article stated that cattle were
being cloned by ABS Specialty Genetics in DeForest, Wisc., and by Granada Biosciences
Inc. of Houston. What it does not cover is that the head of Granada was censured
by the stock exchange for fraud and he was involved with illegal dealings with
Texas A&M and there is probably much more to the story that I don’t
know about.
Cloning has become big business, and in June, 1980, the Supreme Court handed
down a decision that proclaimed that new forms of life created by man can be
patented. There were already over 100 patents pending on new life forms. (I
wonder if anybody has tried to look up the patents on what UFO researchers call
“Men In Black”? Just curious.)
·The Ecologist, Vol. 23, no. 6, November/December 1993, p.
226, article entitled: “The U.S. Library of Human Parts,” said (bolding
mine): “U.S. multinationals such as Pfizer, Bristol Myers and Merck now
hold several hundred patents on life-forms, many housed in the American Type
Culture Collection (ATCC) in Rockville, Maryland where there are some 60,000
patented or potentially patentable organisms.... Many of the samples stored
in ATCC involve tissue or cell lines scraped from living humans or exhumed bodies.
These include World Patent No. WO 9208784, or ‘human t-lymphotropic virus
type 2 from Guaymi Indians in Panama.’ This patent is claimed
by Ron Brown, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and joint U.S. negotiator at GATT,
where he is demanding global acquiescence to the patenting of life-forms.”
The World Council of Indigenous Peoples and the Guaymi General Congress are
protesting and calling for the banning of such practices. Brown later died in
a plane crash; I wonder who owns the patent currently.
Owners used to tatoo their slaves, I suppose now they will patent them.
In 1953, the double helix format of
DNA was discovered, by James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins, for which
they won the Nobel Prize. Soon test tube babies were a reality. This caused a
public outcry so the research was put under cover and many breakthroughs were
no longer announced. By the way, AmeriVox now offers telephone cards that are
tagged for authentication with a polymerized derivative of your personal DNA pattern
in a tracer seal on the card’s back. This type of tagging is planned for
your personal identification card, for everybody.
Dr. P. David Beter was a Doctor of Jurisprudence, author of the book Conspiracy
Against the Dollar, originator of the term “stagflation”, Intelligence
Specialist, practiced law before the U. S. Supreme Court, appointed to the U.
S. Export-Import Bank by President John F. Kennedy, etc. He had many intelligence
contacts, including some extremely high level (A-6 Classified) contacts.
On May 28, 1979, Dr. Beter made the following statements in his Audio Report
In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years
in biological syntheses—that is, artificial life forms; and according
to high intelligence, a stunning break-through took place in Russia some years
ago. The Russians refer to this break-through as a “providential discovery”,
something they learned almost by accident. They discovered the key to creating
what are known as “organic robotoids”. An organic robotoid is an
artificial robot-like creature; it looks and acts exactly like a human being
and yet it is not human. A robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it
is an artificial life form. Robotoids respond to conventional routine medical
tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they breathe, they
bleed if cut; and they can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think
only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any other computer, the brain
of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike
many electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses
an enormous memory. As a result, robotoids can be programmed to communicate
and think in such complex patterns that they act human.
Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks. They
don’t grow or reproduce but must be manufactured one by one in the desired
form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in months or even weeks,
depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism,
while it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient. A robotoid can be manufactured
on a very short notice, a matter of hours; but after a few weeks or months it
suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally. When that takes place,
the robotoid has to be removed from service and disposed of. To extend its useful
life as much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled down to slow its
metabolism between assignments. Organic robotoids are extremely expensive, troublesome
creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid capabilities do not exceed those
of human beings. All they can really do is simulate human beings; but, my friends,
for Intelligence purposes that’s all they have to do!
To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to have a pattern to go by.
The pattern required is that of genetic coding taken from a few cells from the
body of a human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like cloning,
but the technique itself is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid
is produced within a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor at his
current age. Like any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect
copy of the human that is to be simulated; there’s always small discrepancies
in appearance and behavior, but these are seldom great enough to arouse any
When the initial Russian break-through in robotoids took place years ago, the
Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was still functioning. The [Orthodox?] Christian
group who now rule Russia [in 1979] were already secretly more powerful than
the Bolsheviks, but the final overthrow had not yet taken place. When the robotoid
break-through took place, they moved quickly to minimize the amount of information
obtained about it while those Bolsheviks still retained positions of power.
They also tried to prevent information about it from leaking through Intelligence
channels to the CIA, nevertheless partial information did reach the CIA and
the late four Rockefeller brothers. By early 1975 the Russians were known to
have successfully created at least one organic robotoid in the laboratory. Meanwhile
the CIA was coordinating a feverish research effort aimed at accomplishing the
same feat. Up to now, robotoid technology in the United States is far behind
that of Russia. The American capability in robotoids is not even close to being
operational, whereas the Russians are deploying them right now.
.....Last month I revealed that an Intelligence war of “doubles”
had erupted in the United States. President Carter, Vice-President Mondale,
and their wives had fallen victim to this war of “doubles” as their
Easter breaks away from Washington were ending. Now I’m sorry to report
that Amy Carter, Billy Carter, Lillian Carter, and Hugh Carter all died soon
after Jimmy and Rosalyn did. All of them, including Amy, have been replaced
by “doubles”; but instead of the Bolshevik “doubles”
who had been waiting in the wings, those we are seeing are Russian organic robotoids.
The voice of the Jimmy Carter “double” which was reproduced last
month in Audio Letter No. 45 is the voice of a robotoid. That robotoid was the
one who was dazzling everyone with his vigorous new image. Only a few months
ago Carter had been limping around with what we were told were severe hemorrhoids;
but now, out of the blue, here was a Carter who was a powerhouse—hiking,
fishing, and jogging ten miles a day....
[Later Beter said:] The Intelligence war now going on is intense, and the situation
is changing daily. Bolshevik strategies have been badly jolted by the Russians
using their robotoids, and as a result the Bolsheviks are not sure what propaganda
line to feed to the public right now. A major shock to the Bolsheviks in recent
days has been their loss of the “ad hoc gang of four”. First, I
can now report that Brzezinski was with the Bolshevik “double” for
the late Vice-President Mondale last month on April 20. They were aboard Air
Force II which crashed in the North Atlantic, as I reported last month. Then
on May 13 the other three were eliminated—Blumenthal, Brown, and Schlesinger.
All four were promptly replaced with Russian robotoids, as has been done with
the Carters and the Mondales. A number of other top officials have also been
removed and replaced by Russian robotoids. Last month Secretary of State Cyrus
Vance was replaced; and on the 1st of May, May Day, the American Association
of Newspaper Editors were treated to speeches supposedly by Vance and Brzezinski.
In the past, Vance and Brzezinski have always been noted for being at loggerheads
on every issue; but this time, as they spoke of the need for a new diplomacy
by America, it was as if they were both thinking with the same mind. Many observers
were surprised but no one suspected the truth.
As there begin to be more and more Russian robotoids in key positions of the United
States Government, there will be more and more surprises. One key public personality
I would urge you to watch very carefully now is Walter Cronkite in his television
broadcast on CBS Evening News. During this month of May he left on what was said
to be a vacation. Today, May 28, he resumed broadcasting. If you are accustomed
to watching the Cronkite news program, I suggest that you watch carefully now,
look for a change in the slant given the news—it will be subtle, but it
will be there.... (END OF QUOTING)
Beter said that robotoid switch-outs took place in the Russian Embassy in Washington
and at Camp David. When a quick, secret trip was needed to Moscow or, say, the
Robotoid headquarters at Novosibirsk for instance, the procedure was to take
a plane to the Bangor International Airport in Maine. From there a flight would
be made to the Cosmosphere landing site in east central Quebec Province, Canada,
on the north edge of Manicouagan Lake. From there, the Cosmosphere, usually
flying at an altitude of about 100 miles and a speed of 9,000 miles per hour,
would go to the landing site near Moscow or Novosibirsk or wherever.
In previous writings we have talked about when Russian Cosmos Interceptors
destroyed America’s spy satellites in 1977. I was working for Control
Data Corporation at that time, doing paperwork for the people who programmed
those satellites, and billing Lockheed Skunk Works stealth aircraft development
people for using CDC computers (such as the Star 100). Beter revealed that John
Paisley, the head of the CIA whose body was supposedly found floating in Chesapeake
Bay on October 1, 1978, near the same area when former CIA head William Colby’s
body was found floating later, was the one who provided Russia with orbital
data and information on which of our satellites were spy satellites. Paisley
then was taken to Odessa on the Black Sea for a vacation, and was later living
in Leningrad. From there he went to Jerusalem, Tehran, Riyadh, and Cairo and
met with Harold Brown, Jimmy Carter, David Rockefeller, Cyrus Vance and others,
all robotoids, resulting in the Iranian Crisis and the run-up in gold prices
in 1979-1980. I quit Control Data and became a gold dealer in July, 1979. No,
I am not wealthy, just wiser.
In June 1979, Beter said the following (QUOTING):
The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is remarkable from head
to foot; but the most astonishing thing about them is their ability to simulate
human beings—not just in appearance but in behavior. In other words, the
most crucial and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its
biological computer brain. The developments that were destined to lead to Russia’s
breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years ago, in 1947. In that
year a Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make
three-dimensional photographs called “holograms.” It was a revolutionary
scientific discovery, and it was destined to lead to theNobel Prize for Dr.
Gabor. He did not receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then,
holograms were a reality in numerous laboratories world-wide; and yet most members
of the general public still had not heard of holography. And even today, more
than three decades after Dr. Gabor’s original discovery, holography is
still unfamiliar to the public as a whole. In 1947 Dr. Gabor’s theory
pointed the way toward holography, but at that time holograms could not actually
be made. What was needed in order to make them was something called “monochromatic
light”—that is, light of just one wave length. No one knew how to
create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960 the situation suddenly changed—that
was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are discussed in public, attention
is usually focused on just one of their amazing characteristics—that’s
the ability of a laser to produce a narrow, intense beam of light. The beam
can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing. Lasers pointed
the way toward energy-beam weapons, among other things; and as I revealed long
ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly spawned America’s crash
program to get to the moon in 1961. But the reason laser beams behave the way
they do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are made to
order for generating holograms. Like lasers, holography has led to developments
that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian breakthrough
in biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, you’ll
understand why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace.
A hologram is a very unusual kind of photograph. To make one, the film is exposed
using a laser and a set of mirrors and lenses; and to make the holograph image
on the film visible later on, laser light must again be used. When you look
at a hologram, it is as if you were looking through a window at the real object.
You can move back and forth, up and down, and see it from different angles in
three-dimensional detail. By contrast, of course, a conventional photograph
is flat and looks the same from all angles. Holograms are also different in
another way. If you tear a normal photograph into several pieces, you ruin it.
Each piece contains only a disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with
a hologram. If you cut up a holographic film into several pieces, each piece
still contains almost the entire image. There is some loss of detail but basically
it’s all there. It’s this fact that led years ago to the Russian
breakthrough in biological computer brains for their robotoids.
For quite some time, scientists in the Intelligence Community world-wide, studying
the human brain, have known one very important fact. That fact is that a portion
of a human brain can be removed through accident or surgery and yet the person
still retains most of his original memory, so in this respect the memory in
a human brain is like a hologram. Nowadays the relationship between holography
and human memory is beginning to be understood in the West. For example, Dr.
Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist at Stanford University, wrote about it recently
in the magazine “PSYCHOLOGY TODAY.” As he pointed out, the implications
of holography are enormous, both for brain research and for computers; but this
relationship was first recognized not in America but in a research laboratory
at Russia’s Siberian Science City, Novosibirsk.
[Beter was speaking in 1979. Since then, there is much more recognition of
the importance of
holograms to the understanding of the Universe. See for instance the current best-seller,
The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot.]
The reason the Russians have scooped the West in many recent scientific discoveries
is not that they are supermen while we are mental midgets; instead it has to
do with the way they organize their efforts in science and technology. This
organization is totally different from that in the West, and it’s turning
out to be far more efficient. For one thing, when it comes to research, communications
in Russia are far superior to those in the West. There are more than 5,000 research
centers and laboratories in Russia doing research and development of all kinds,
and they are all linked together by vigorous communications—not only within
each scientific field, but between different fields. There’s also a fundamental
difference in what is discussed in Russian technical literature, as compared
with the West. In the West, a scientist usually publishes a technical paper
only to report a success of some kind. If he carries out a research project
that fails, he generally publishes nothing about it; but in Russia, many failures
and problems are discussed very openly in the technical literature. As a result,
many areas of research meet a very different fate in Russia than in the West.
Here in America an elaborate and expensive scientific project may come very
close to success but fall through because of a key missing ingredient. When
that happens, very little is published about it; but in Russia, the researchers
describe their problems and failures; and among the thousands of other scientists
nation-wide, one might have the answer. So the Russian system, which is built
around cooperation, often produces success; but the Western system, especially
in America, is built around jealousy and it often leads to failure. It’s
happened many times, my friends, and it happened several years ago in robotoid
brain development.
Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids,
which are almost exact carbon copies of real human beings. This is done by a
process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be copied. It sounds
a little like cloning, but it’s not. A clone of a human would itself be
a human, but an organic robotoid is NOT human. It’s an artificial life
form, like an animal in some ways but like a computerized machine in others.
Every Russian robotoid has what is called a “holographic brain”.
This brain duplicates essentially the entire memory of a person being copied.
The key to doing this is a new technique called an “ultrasonic cerebral
hologram”. Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete
three-dimensional picture is made of a person’s brain. This is a painless,
non-destructive process; and under the proper conditions it can be done without
the person even being aware of it.
Last month I revealed that the Russians are using Nelson Rockefeller’s
“Hit List” to weed out Bolsheviks here in America, and for roughly
three years they have been preparing for this day. They have been secretly making
cerebral holograms of the people on the list at every opportunity. This has
been done to every person on Rockefeller’s list who has visited Russia
or Eastern Europe in the past three years.
When an organic robotoid is made to simulate, for example, our late President
Jimmy Carter, two major factors are involved. One is the genetic coding required
to simulate Carter’s appearance, voice, fingerprints, and so on. The other
is a holographic image of Carter’s brain. This image is a complete record
of the neuron patterns which existed in Carter’s brain at the moment the
hologram was made. Therefore it contains all of the memory and knowledge Carter
had up to that moment.
When a Carter robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused
to form according to the holographic record of Carter’s brain. However,
certain portions of the robotoid computer are caused to deviate from the holographic
record. The end result is a biological computer which has to be programmed but
which contains essentially all of Carter’s memory, involuntary mannerisms,
and the like. As a result, a Carter robotoid will automatically do certain kinds
of things without the need for specific programming. For example, a Carter robotoid
will seem to recognize old friends. That’s because the computer memory of
the robotoid reproduces Carter’s memory of that friend. The holographic
process puts it there automatically without the Russian programmers even having
to know it’s there.
Organic robotoids are such amazing creatures that they are still a subject
of questioning and debate. This is true even among the Russian scientists who
made them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have no true instinct for
self-preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they
are told to do. By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct
for self-preservation. Robotoids can be programmed for self-preservation, but
they are equally willing (if “willing” is the word) to perform suicide
missions, exploratory one-way trips into space. I’ve only one example
of this: if a space mission looks too dangerous to risk the life of an experienced
cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used. The robotoid copy of the cosmonaut is
already trained the moment it’s made, thanks to its holographic memory.
Organic robotoids look and act so much like human beings that it’s hard
for us to get used to the idea that they are not human; but the Russians decided
several months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ them, and so the
silent Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under way. (END
In light of the above, think about this quote from Strategic Investment, April
24, 1996, p. 8: “Clinton is not only gifted at escaping scandals that
would overwhelm less nimble men, he is also a formidable campaigner. He has
the skills that Nightingale Conant, another purveyor of Personal Development
products, promises to buyers of its Mega Memory program...’Imagine meeting
50 individuals and remembering all their names.’ Clinton does that regularly.
He has the ‘photographic’ Mega Memory that many people who attend
large meetings and wander into stray cocktail parties will pay $69.95 to match.”
Books have been written by White House insiders that tell that Clinton seems
to be all things to all people, his stories keep changing day to day, he has
an astounding memory for some details and a surprising lack of memory for others,
talk show hosts and comedians have made jokes about his hair and appearance
OF U. S.
[Another QUOTE from Beter continues:]
Last spring, as I revealed in AUDIO
LETTERS Nos. 45 and 46, the Russians began seizing control
of the United States Government. Key
officials from President Jimmy Carter on down have been replaced by doubles, and
these doubles are not human beings in spite of their appearance and behavior.
They are artificial, robot-like living beings called “Organic Robotoids”.
When I first revealed these things, I braced myself. I knew that many of my listeners
would be unable to absorb them; but my reason for doing it was the one I stated
then: Without knowing about the robotoids, events would become impossible to understand.
Since that time, robotoids in key positions of power have been causing many surprises
in the news these days. The strangest surprises of all have been caused by the
Jimmy Carter robotoids [This is still happening, as you know if you pay attention
to the news]. In AUDIO LETTER No. 48 two months ago, I detailed the major instability
problems the Russians are having with their Carter robotoids. The holographic
computer brains of the robotoids include instabilities which were present in the
real Carter brain in a way that exaggerates those instabilities. As a result,
every so often a Carter robotoid does something so unpredictable that it is dangerous
to the Russians. An example was the famous so-called “killer-rabbit incident”
of a few weeks ago. A Carter robotoid told the press in all seriousness that he
and his family had been attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing. Can you imagine?
The Russians want to rid themselves of the nerve-racking problem of the unstable
Carter robotoids. Earlier this month, on September 15, an attempt was made to
do just that. The alleged President Carter was entered in a foot race, of all
things, in the Catoctin Mountains near Camp David. It was a strenuous six-mile
course which included much uphill running. Carter robotoid No. 14 was programmed
to run at maximum speed and not to let up for any reason. The Russian strategy
was simple: Runners who over-exert themselves and who do not stop and rest when
danger signs appear can do themselves serious harm. Sudden overheating, dehydration,
and heart failure can take place abruptly in extreme cases. Robotoids, as I
have explained in past tapes, embody a crude facsimile of human metabolism,
their hearts are relatively weak, and they live for only a few weeks or months,
depending on the stress problems. They have no self-preservation instinct, so
Carter robotoid No. 14 was programmed to run like the wind. It was expected
that suddenly without warning he would suffer complete heart failure, collapse,
and die on the spot. If the robotoid died before aid could reach him, everyone
would just accept it as a tragic accident, and the Russians would be rid of
the problem of unstable Carter robotoids. But the day of the race dawned cooler
than it had been expected by the planners. Carter robotoid No. 14 did collapse,
but did not expire instantly. His face turned a deathly greenish-gray, and he
was moaning and incoherent; and yet when the Secret Service men picked him up,
his legs kept running as programmed. Finally an ambulance arrived, but Carter
robotoid No. 14 did not use it. Instead the robotoid was bundled off in a car
to Camp David, and there robotoid No. 14 finally died—too late, and out
of public view.
The purpose of the race had been to eliminate the Carter robotoid problem in
a way that would leave no questions—that is, sudden death on the spot.
But there would have been a storm of questions if Carter’s alleged death
had been announced after help arrived and took him away. So after the race,
Carter robotoid No. 15 showed up to reassure everyone. He looked nothing at
all like the deathly figure who had collapsed just a short while earlier in
the race. He looked like a new man, and in a sense he was. The contrast between
the dying robotoid No. 14 and the fresh robotoid No. 15 is something you can
see for yourself. Just get a copy of Sports Illustrated magazine for September
24, 1979. On pages 16 and 17 you will see the pictures of robotoid No. 14—stricken,
stumbling, mouth agape. Then look at the fresh, smiling picture of robotoid
No. 15 handing out
trophies on page 19 only a short while later, and then ask yourself: Is this the
The September 16, 1996, issue of U.S. News & World Report on page 22 has
a “before” picture of President Clinton with a tumor on his neck,
and an “after” picture of him after it was removed. It you pay attention
to the photos, and notice the nose, ears, chin, eyes you can see that these
are pictures of two different individuals. A controversy developed about this
time when Bob Dole challenged Clinton to make his medical records public. Clinton
is the only President, I am told, who has never made his medical records public.
According to a filmed statement by Clinton’s brother, Clinton is a cocaine
At the time Clinton introduced Madeleine Albright as the next Secretary of
State, how many of you noticed that Clinton was red-faced, his face was puffy,
one eye was swollen more shut than the other, his eyes were blurry, his nose
was red and he had trouble with his speech. When I saw him a day or two later
on TV, he looked like a fresh, young 28-year old Clinton. Start paying attention
to his appearance, and see for yourself!
Soon after the CIA found out about the Russian Robotoids and went on a crash
program to catch up, Beter said of this (QUOTE):
In AUDIO LETTERS 46 and 47 I reported that robotoid technology in the United
States is far behind that of Russia, but now the Bolshevik and Zionist enemies
of Russia have achieved their own surprise. The Rothschild interests, which
control both movements, have for many years been deeply involved in biological
research of all kinds. They have not succeeded in learning the secrets of the
Russian robotoids, but they have achieved success with something similar. They
are called “synthetic automatons” or simply “synthetics”.
A Rothschild synthetic is similar to a Russian robotoid in certain ways. Each
is an artificial life form designed to simulate a human being, but synthetics
also differ from robotoids in important ways. For one thing, they are generated
by radically different techniques. Both utilize genetic samples from actual
humans as their starting point, but beyond that everything is different.
The Russian process is a close relative of recombinant DNA techniques involving
bacteria. The details of the process are shrouded in great secrecy, but it enables
robotoids to be generated from scratch very rapidly. The Rothschild process,
by contrast, does not start from scratch. Instead, certain tissues extracted
from cattle are the starting point. The synthetic is then generated in a process
that changes the genetic make-up in order to simulate a person being copied.
It is the outgrowth of a discovery made 20 years ago in France. The experiment
involved two species of ducks called khaki Campbells and white Pekins. The landmark
duck experiment of 1959 was reported in a book titled THE BIOLOGICAL TIME BOMB
by Gordon Rattray Taylor.
[In March, 1979, Beter said, QUOTE:] Two months ago on the evening of January
26, the life of Nelson Rockefeller ended abruptly. As I revealed five days later
in my Audio Letter No. 42, he was murdered—shot once in the head. Last month
I reported that Rockefeller’s murder had been only the beginning of a pattern
of events. The pattern is that of the Bolshevik purge—that is, a bloody,
yet secret, coup d’etat. In the space of only a few weeks, the secret rulership
of the United States changed hands. The coup began on January 26 when, as the
Bolsheviks put it, Nelson Rockefeller was liquidated; and by February 17, the
coup d’etat had been achieved because by that date both David and Laurance
Rockefeller had also been executed. Meanwhile, the purge had also eliminated several
persons who knew too much about Nelson Rockefeller’s murder. These included:
Megan Marshack, Ponchitta Pierce, and Rockefeller family spokesman Hugh Morrow.
But there was one disappearance last month that was not according to the Bolshevik
As I reported in Audio Letter No. 43, Dr. Henry Kissinger was to be the key
man in the new Bolshevik power-group. Kissinger had conspired with others for
Nelson Rockefeller’s murder and was positioning himself to pick up the
reins of Rockefeller power; but on February 5 the private jet carrying Henry
and Nancy Kissinger with their five body guards from London to the United States
disappeared over the North Atlantic. I can now reveal that the Kissinger jet
suffered a mid-air explosion. The crippled airplane crashed into the sea at
the navigational coordinates 54 degrees, 40 minutes, 57 seconds North; 26 degrees,
40 minutes, zero seconds West. No one escaped from the plane, the remnants of
which sank in approximately 8,000 feet of water. The exact fate of the Kissinger
jet was not immediately known last month but it did soon become obvious that
Kissinger was gone for good. As a result, the Bolsheviks here in America were
thrown into turmoil. The plans Kissinger had helped set in motion to dispose
of the Rockefellers were carried forward. Meanwhile, the ad hoc gang of four
emerged as the guiding force of the secret new Bolshevik revolution here in
America. These four men have only a small fraction of the power formerly wielded
by the four Rockefeller brothers—but they are very dangerous men indeed!
These men are: National Security chief ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, Treasury Secretary
W. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL, Defense Secretary HAROLD BROWN, and Energy Secretary
JAMES SCHLESINGER. Together they are working feverishly toward a complete take-over
of America’s industry, banking, agriculture, EVERYTHING; and beyond that
their goal is NUCLEAR WAR with Russia—an act of national suicide for the
rest of us!
As of now, the Bolshevik coup d’etat—that is, the change in ruling
circles—has already been accomplished. What still lies ahead is the full-fledged
open revolution to transform American society as a whole into a Bolshevik HELL.
Using the excuse of a deliberate war-crisis in the Middle East and resulting
oil shortages, the Bolsheviks plan to start closing down American freedoms in
a declared ‘National Emergency’. From there the Bolshevik grip around
our necks will steadily tighten, gradually choking and strangling us into total
submission. As the last gasp of free air is squeezed from our lungs, the blackness
of BOLSHEVIK DICTATORSHIP will gather itself around us. Then, those who have
been content to ‘Wait and See’ will realize too late that IT CAN
In Audio Letter No. 14 I described some of the valuable lessons the four Rockefeller
brothers had learned from their clandestine support of Adolf Hitler. One of
these lessons was that a revolution is best carried out with, and not against,
the full power of a nation’s government; and that lesson is not
lost on the Bolsheviks here in America—the former allies of the Rockefeller
brothers. Using the excuse of crisis conditions, they will use their governmental
authority for revolutionary purposes: Businesses large and small will be nationalized
as the Bolsheviks take over America’s means of production. The banks will
be closed, cutting off access of millions of people to their life savings. Both
corporate and private farms, ranches, orchards, and vineyards will be taken away
from their owners nation-wide and collectivized. Engineers of all types will be
put to work wherever the government puts them in all-out preparation for war—and
the prelude to this is already visible in the job market of today. People without
special skills will be herded like cattle from one location to another for agricultural
or other tasks; and Millions who are troublesome for various reasons will be sent
to Concentration Camps—of which 13 already exist in America in various states
of condition.
These things, my friends, are what the Bolsheviks—including the new ad
hoc gang of four—have in mind for us very soon. All they have to do is
to hold on to their present power until the coming Middle East crisis unties
their hands. Until then they cannot unleash the DICTATORIAL EMERGENCY POWERS
they want—and so they are vulnerable. While they are waiting for their
hour to come, they know they must not let the American public realize anything
about the Bolshevik coup d’etat that has taken place.
Last month I revealed intelligence that the disappearances of Henry and Nancy
Kissinger, David and Laurance Rockefeller, and others were all connected to
the Bolshevik coup d’etat, so the Bolsheviks dare not let you know that
any of these people have dropped out of sight. That is why I said last month:
“Doubles or look-alikes may begin to appear on the scene for these people.
What is amazing, especially in the case of Kissinger, is that they have been
able to stifle public questions for so long in his absence.” (END QUOTE)
[Beter said, in his January 1980 letter, QUOTE:] The Bolshevik Synthetics are
programmed by a technique completely different from that used by the Russians
with their Robotoids. It is not as good, but it also does not require a cerebral
hologram. Bolshevik agents in New York had been able to obtain the genetic samples
needed, and on Saturday December 15 there was a new surprise regarding the Shah.
He was said to have left Texas that morning for a small island off Panama. Then
the invisible Shah seemingly reappeared in the form of a Synthetic, and since
that time the Shah’s image has been utilized by the Bolsheviks. As I told
you earlier, it was a Synthetic that was seen in the David Frost television
interview four nights ago. What happened to the late Shah of Iran is only part
of a much larger pattern of recent days.
The Bolshevik deployment of Synthetics began in earnest three months ago, as
I reported in AUDIO LETTER No. 51. As a by-product of this, bizarre cattle mutilations
are once again taking place in North America. A few years ago there was a rash
of these incidents in the western United States. At that time the earliest large-scale
experiments were under way with Synthetics. Now, after a lull, the Synthetics
are being deployed operationally, and the cattle mutilations have resumed. Right
now, however, they are taking place primarily in Canada to minimize attention
to them here in the United States. My friends, the cattle mutilations are nothing
more than a modern twist on cattlerustling. The Synthetic process uses certain
glands and tissues of cattle as raw material, as I explained in AUDIO LETTER
No. 51. To obtain these raw materials, the cattle involved have to be destroyed
in a very wasteful manner; so the Bolshevik agents who are manufacturing Synthetics
do not use their own cattle, instead they let others suffer the losses involved
in slaughtered herds. The cattle mutilations may turn into an epidemic that
is too big to ignore, because during the past three months the Bolshevik circles
have started deploying Synthetics in great numbers. (END QUOTE)
The mutilations DID turn into an epidemic. Linda Moulton Howe and others have
gathered many thousands of reports of cows and horses being strangely mutilated.
An FBI report, quoted on page 104 in The UFO Coverup by Lawrence Fawcett and
Barry Greenwood, stated: “According to some estimates, by 1979, 10,000
head of cattle had been mysteriously mutilated. Of the states that have been
affected by this phenomenon, New Mexico has been unusually ‘hard hit’.
Since 1975, over 100 cases have been reported. The New Mexico reports, like
those from other parts of the country, describe the mutilations as being characterized
by the precise surgical removal of certain parts of the animal, particularly
the sexual organs and rectum.”
Some people, listening to the absolute idiotic nonsense that comes out of the
mouth of Henry Kissinger, have stated that Kissinger is a horse’s...ah,
er, rectum. Well, they are right. Kissinger IS a horse’s rectum.
When you begin to have an inkling of the magnitude of the problem, you will
be overwhelmed. If you want to deal with the problems of today, you must face
the facts. There IS a GOD, but He is probably not who or what you have been
taught. When you begin to wake up to reality, you may wonder what happened to
God, where is God in all this? I will now offer you more information on this