Patrick H. Bellringer
From: JG
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:44 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Sender Message:
I saw Paulson on tv cnbc @ 2pm est sitting next to bush. this should put and end to this Paulson death nonsense. please be advised
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 4, 2008
Dear JG:
I have been slammed with e-mail from doubters like you about U.S. secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson's death being a hoax, and that I am a liar for claiming that Henry is now dead, because you saw him today on T.V. sitting with President G.W. Bush and V. P. Cheney.
I ask, what did you see? Did Henry move? Did he speak? Did you see his eyes move? Were you looking at a video made by the CIA in their Hollywood studio? Where you looking at a human clone, a look-a-like (see the movie, "The Saint"), a holographic image or even a solid hologram?
I have presented cloning information to Fourwinds readers that you either have not read or choose not to believe. The technology that our secret world government has is beyond belief, as they always stay at least one-hundred years ahead of the knowledge of the common people. In 1979 the Russian's cloning technology had advanced so far, that they were able to replace with human clones the major players in the U.S. Government, including Carter, Bush, Sr., Mondale, Kissinger, and Rockefeller and their wives among others.
When President Bush, Sr. left office he was clone number 34 and when President Clinton left office he was clone number 21. Today, an adult human clone can be produced in less than 36 hours, and the brain is then down-loaded with the desired information.
Is Henry Paulson dead? My military sources, some of whom participated in the incident in which Paulson was killed, say this is true. I have been informed that the Henry Paulson family are now making funeral arrangements for him. Why is this so, if he were alive?
In case you have not yet figured it out, Fourwinds is an alternative news site. We present the Truth, which the lying public mainstream media refuses to do. You must choose whom you are wiling to believe. As Christopher Story has said, "You cannot have it both ways. Make up your mind which sources you trust, but don't, please, burden us with your unbelief".
On last time I am presenting some of the cloning information found in the Phoenix Journals and my "Hello, Central! section. Study and learn!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
Robotoids/Synthetics/Cloning Sources
2. PHOENIX JOURNAL #28 Chapters 8 and 9
3. PHOENIX JOURNAL #29 pp. 13-16
4. PHOENIX JOURNAL #106 pp. 33-36
5. PHOENIX JOURNAL #126 pp. 1-23
6. PHOENIX JOURNAL #197 Chapter 14, pp. 89-113
7. "Hello, Central!" (Oct. 24, 2007 "How Can One Tell A Human Clone From A Souled-Being?
8. "Hello, Central!" (Nov. 9, 2007) Mukasey is a Clone!
1. PHOENIX JOURNAL #24 pp. 92-94
How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity. I have spoken of this procedure prior to this and will not take precious time to repeat and repeat for those who simply do not wish to go back and effort at gaining the information. You see, I, Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you understand the mechanism by which it works. You are “willing victims” of the lie and YOU will awaken or sleep on—it is up to you. Our commission is to outlay the Truth unto you—YOURS IS TO CONFIRM AND ACKNOWLEDGE—OR NOT, AS YOU WISH. There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. They are comprised totally of physical “matter” manifested into what you perceive as physical coalition of these physical matter particles coalesced according to the DNA/RNA holographic blueprint whereby the re-creation will be a projection of that which is being copied at the time of replication.
The most obvious clue to replication is that the “new” entity will always be fresh and more youthful than that which you will have seen just prior to replacement. This is why you must have control of all your media in order to pull off the subterfuge. Even under strict control of photography and make-up technicians—the replication will often differ—usually in reversal of character habits or muscle actions—i.e., there will be a reversal of a “lop-sided” smile—thusly, “talking out of the other side of the face”, so to speak. The reversal of these traits is all but impossible to eliminate. So, too, are features which do not respond to stress changes as will a “haggard” or fatigued face pattern. Therefore, the structure and location of the ears, nose foundation and eye socket location must be perfected from viewing to viewing through cosmetic illusion and can never be EXACTLY duplicated. The whole ability to fool the public is the absolutely accepted “absurdity” of such a possibility of scientific achievement and your lack of attention. Do you not note that often, even as with Bush, that Barbara is programmed to note that “...the reason George appears different and weary is that he is getting very little rest as he must ponder ....” You ones pick it up, give sympathy to poor Mr. Bush and beat his drum more loudly for all his pressures. No, the replica simply showed the deviations from the prior entity.
The replicas become weaker with each reproduction and do not stand up under stress. Further, any outstanding negative traits of personality in the original will become exaggerated and unpredictable in actions. There will be wide memory gaps and erratic personality projections. If you ones would pay attention, you could rapidly bring this subterfuge to a halt and the truth would flow across the land like a blinding light. However, you ones prefer to persecute the bringers of the Truth of it and allow the replicas to continue to hold your very existence in their mechanical hands.
Your most effective block to insight is that which is thrust upon you from the pulpits of the churches who tell you to turn away from “this or that” material for it is of Satan. Phoo! They have just effectively caused you to be allowed no insight to the truth of it. You react like obedient puppets and cast stones at the Truth-bringers and bow unto the puppet-master who just insured your allegiance to his continued evil projections.
All you really have to do is listen to what those so-called teachers of Christ and God tell you about the ten commandments laid forth as Laws. Refresh your minds—for instance—”thou shalt not kill”—that, dear ones, does not mean thou shalt kill only sometimes, etc. “Thou shalt not commit adultery”—that doesn’t mean that thou shall do so if your hormones tingle and lust strikes you. “Thou shall have no other Gods before ME” doesn’t mean on Sunday morning when you must decide whether or not to contribute to the preacher! and have all other gods before thee except God all the rest of the time—!! and so on it goes. You have allowed the rewriting of the Laws and accepted them and, when you are told that Cosmic brothers come in service to Satan and you are going to be whisked away through the suffering of a “savior” with no consequence for your own behaviors, you lap it up like the starving beast at the water trough. GOD GAVE YOU THE GRACEFUL GIFT OF THOUGHT AND REASON THROUGH FREEDOM OF CHOICE—YOU “FOLLOW” LIKE PUPPETS TIED UPON THE STRINGS TO BE MANIPULATED AND DANGLED AS THE WORM UPON THE HOOK.
Ah ye who feel smug as ye cast down your brother and neighbor had best bend in pleading for forgiveness of that one you damage for the Truth is at hand and ye shall reap that which ye sow.
YE SHALL NOT SLAY GOD’S REPRESENTATIVE AGAIN, OH MAN OF EARTH. YOU ARE AT THE GATE OF CHOICE—THE TIME OF CONFRONTATION AND YOU WILL BE IN THE CHOOSING FOR NONE SHALL ESCAPE OF IT. Stand to the side, Dharma, so we will leave this now, for man to ponder carefully for the crimes upon man are about to begin in fullness. I petition for mercy that you might be given into the seeing and hearing for I KNOW OF THAT WHICH IS NIGH AND IF YE CHANGE IT NOT, IT IS WORSE THAN ANY CAN CONJURE FOR YOUR NIGHTMARES.
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
To clear, please. Good morning.
2. PHOENIX JOURNAL #28 , Chapters 8 and 9
THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 2:56 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231
Dharma, it is well worth the time to duplicate that which was sent to us by R.S. of S. CA. (for his own identification). I shall always protect our contacts for we will all need to be very much “alive” if we are to reverse the tide sweeping you away. We also need to be united in understanding and goal intent; therefore, we will simply have to share and re-share information until we all come into comfort and it will be through the sharing of “proof” confirmation as it flows unto individuals which shall unify the nucleus sent forth for specific purpose and allow the unseeing to gain insight. Do not spend time in great concern for the blindness of children, friends, etc. As God makes his Truth the unvarying foundation of our work—so shall ones simply come to see.
I am in receipt of a letter this very day, from one who not only withdrew from me but called me many, many quite unsavory names and pulled several away, temporarily, fortunately, as he went in anger and confusion. Today he comes to say, again in brotherhood, “thank” you that although learning “silence” is hard, he is so doing and is working diligently to be worthy of coming again within the fold as student rather than as “know-it-all”-better than God. We rejoice as the lambs come home. It is GREATNESS in the human who finds errors, recognizes errors and rectifies same—for I care not for name-calling (I have at least five feet of very resilient shoulders—with great bounce-back capability). Dharma is a bit more fragile and often thinks she must protect ME—she is quickly learning that I have plenty of room for her beneath my wings for the whole of us, and she often trusts me enough these days to come on in out of the storm. I have plenty of room aboard for all of you and us too.
Now for R.S.’s correspondence:
Dear Commander Hatonn: (March 20, 1991)
First of all let me say that I welcome and accept everything you have written. I have received and read all of the Phoenix Expresses, but am 2 books behind on your Phoenix Journals—but trying to catch up. I find the material alternates between intriguing, engrossing, absorbing, shocking, and discouraging as I read with squeamish fascination. I make extensive notes on each page of both Expresses and Journals and put my notes on my computer so I can search and seek out information on any particular subject. [Hatonn: Thank you, that IS what we mean by “proving” truth and testing us. The more you “test” in this manner the better for us for in the sharing comes the confirmation to your brothers as well.]
Of all the subjects you have covered I believe I can say the most astonishing is in regards to robotoids. I note that when a question comes to you on this subject you indicate that the answer can be found by reviewing the existing Expresses and Journals which have covered this subject. With that in mind I have gathered all the material I could find and placed it on the enclosed 9 pages which I am sending along containing verbatim all the references and explanations. [This is such a mind-boggling subject and the hardest for ALL of you to receive and accept that I have almost dreaded the day we would sit to write a dissertation on the subject in full. I believe you can all understand the very grave jeopardy in which this one subject, carelessly handled, can place, even destroy, our entire mission; so, please, I ask indulgence when I say that I simply may not give you step-by-step methods to create a “duplicate”. I will, however, effort to give you a bit more fundamental “HOW” it is done, how you can rapidly create an “adult” or “any stage of growth” body development, etc.]
No where in these 9 pages can I find a precise statement of how the robotoids are created. However, I have noted your explanation below which appeared on page 93 of “Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal” which seems to be as close as I could come:
“These `genetic/holographic’ DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity.
“There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. They are comprised totally of physical “matter” manifested into what you perceive as physical coalition of these physical matter particles coalesced according to the DNA/RNA holographic blueprint whereby the re-creation will be a projection of that which is being copied at the time of replication.”
I believe I can speak for the common man of the street, since I am a common man of the street, when I say that the underlined and bold-faced sentences in the above two paragraphs leave us with a very blank stare. This may be why you are getting so many questions on this subject as you have indicated. It might have some meaning to the laboratory scientist but to us men in the street it is just gobboldy-gook.
Please don’t mis-understand, we are not looking for a step by step how-to-do-it-yourself kind of description; we would merely like a couple of sentences explaining how a full sized replica can be produced from one cell or fragment, and where does the matter come from which is multiplied to produce a full-sized man or woman? Also what is done with the bodies of robotoids which are being replaced? How are they able to get this holographic image of those who may have been destroyed before the holographic fragment or cell was obtained?
“There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses.”
Are you at liberty to reveal what some of these advances are which you indicated by the statement above?. If I had to guess I would suspect some might be midgets, dwarfs and/or giants with grotesque features which would be pawned off as space aliens by the Elite when they try to pull off the mock attack by space aliens which you have mentioned from time to time.
It goes without saying that your expresses and journals are my primary reading. I only wish my 40 year old son was not such a skeptic and would take an interest. Thanks for being our window on the world and giving us this marvelously comprehensive and fascinating (and sometimes disheartening) view of our life here on earth. Respectfully, R.S.
My observation is that there will be many readers who still have no idea what we are talking about and will object if I do not give fill-in and therefore, though it be tedious—R.S. has done our real work for us, and that is in pulling out that which we have already covered. Then it becomes easy to fill in some blanks for you. If this is repetition for most of you, I still ask that you study it carefully for it is, as I have said—the very hardest concept to accept and yet, you shall see that it is one of the easiest, if understood, to accomplish.
As Referenced In The Phoenix Expresses and Journals
Phoenix Express Vol. V, No. 11 & 12 Pg. 7 (The Robotoid Mind)
I would like to say, prior to the reader’s intake that we shall be writing in depth regarding what are known as genetic doubles and robotoids as referred to lately. These are new entities and we shall be speaking of such in this upcoming writing but I would prefer to delay further description until later for we are so stacked up with urgent material.
The robotoid mind has no ability to comprehend danger from the larger perspective. It can comprehend its own possible demise, but there is no “Soul” connection to God. Survival is a most elementary emotional connection to God and in times of great stress (i.e. “all men in a foxhole wholly believe in God”) this is through the Soul. Since the robotoids do not have this connection, they simply intensify what ever activity they are focused upon, unless concerned for their own bodily survival.
Thus we have men in high places who are “soulless” and beyond the reach of normal reasoning process. We speak Truth unto them as to what the consequences are of continuing this insane push and it does not penetrate, for the focus is only intensified. So, the maneuvering goes on in attempts to strike what they believe to be our vulnerable point, the crystal and our ground crews. It behooves all ones of this group to stay close within the area and to stay in constant focus of maintenance of your shields. ’Tis not the time to question the validity of what is going on about you as to reality, but to come into understanding that it is real and that you do play a most crucial and critical role in the sequential playing of God’s hand in the game being played out.
Though we have all manner of scanners and do track and monitor key players, even then we are also somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satan’s challenging us directly at this stage, but we must all remember that man’s plunge into evil has carried him far beyond even that which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he going to put a stop to one of his humans that would carry his plan forward with the creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he make any effort to protect or salvage these ones. They are way out there on a limb of their own projection; if robotoid, it is a distortion within the original human being that is being followed into manifestation.
The discussion is so that you ones may perhaps grasp the degree of danger that not only you as focused group for God face, but humanity as a whole, for few grasp, accept or even have an inkling of what they are facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well as the presence of those Soulless ones that cannot be reached by God for there is no connection. God does not sanction war or death for it is destructive to the Soul to participate in such, however for those that are soulless there is the dilemma of man as to what to do when one such as this becomes focused upon the destruction of God’s real children. How indeed do men of God handle such a situation? How does man know when indeed one such “being” is confronting him face-to-face? One such test is the challenge, “If you are not of Holy God, I command that you stop this instant.” A Soul-connected being will hesitate, even if only for a split second. If you identify yourself with Holy God, then you had better be prepared to defend self, for a robotoid is programmed to destroy that which is of God. It is part of the process. They have not the connection with God that human has with which to identify each other, so they cannot be sure until you declare yourself, unless you are already known to them. That does not mean that you, if you are walking within the shield of God, are left defenseless in a moment such as this. The Presence shall be right at your shoulder and you will be given to know that which you are to do—if you are not in such fear and panic that you cannot instinctively know. Here you could hear words, but the reaction time would not serve you, instead there is a survival instinctual connection that allows for instant perfect action. Thus we encourage you to constantly acknowledge and recognize the Presence within you and without you. It is within this Presence of Spirit that you live, move and have your entire experience. I can assure you if, in a moment of confrontation, your mind takes you back to a Rocky or a Clint Eastwood scenario, instead of connection to your own instinctive God connection that you have cultivated and prepared by holding self in the present moment, your body is either a write-off or you will have lots of incarceration time to ponder your error in not being prepared as you are being given direction to do.
Phoenix Express Vol. VI, No. 4, Pg. 4 (We Are Ruled By A Robotoid Army)
I am not, herein, going to outlay who is who and what is what—watch, and you will be able to discern. Is Bill Cooper with his 9 foot alien picture real or false? Would he know if he were not? Likely not!
The “Big Boys” are getting ready to SHOW YOU a whole bunch of very “Earthly” spaceships and little and tall aliens. They are going to even bomb some of your cities to bring you into terror of our presence—for they know that with our presence—GOES THEIR DOMINANCE! Through causing the mass of mankind to fear God’s hosts, you bring further confusion and destruction upon selves.
Phoenix Express Vol. VII. No. 6 & 7. Pg. 1 (Bush Is In His 28th Cycle of Robotoid)
Herein you will simply have to believe me when I tell you that there are replacement ones for your top leaders—and hundreds of “not so top” personages. The 28th George Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January at Camp David. He was tested and “smoothed” on the 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NOT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God—he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-masters—right out of Moscow—would not be monitored. I ask that, for the moment, you accept this which I tell you and then we can discuss how this can be true for, of course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has been given to you-the-public as far back as 20 years past—regarding genetic/holographic robotoids which bear identical memory patterns but are subsequently “programmed”. I have written of it in one of the more recent Journals but will repeat the information as I have time. Suffice it for now, please accept that which I tell you is not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads of instances—right now!
There are several places of top security where these transferences are made and replica holographic information is garnered for necessary multiples. Camp David has been the prime location for it is used as the Presidential Retreat and often social gatherings, such a birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplomats, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your government seems so indisposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia.
Phoenix Express vol. VII, 8 & 9, Pg. 15 (Genetic Duplicates, holographic/cellular duplication, the programming mechanism.)
Perhaps later today (1-21-91) we shall have time to discuss a bit of information regarding genetic duplicates and holographic/cellular manifestation of new bodies and the mechanism of programming. The concept is so simple that I am almost embarrassed to discuss it for, as with all things scientific in “nature”, you will find total simplicity. [Sorry about that—we obviously did not find extra time that day.]
Phoenix Express Vol. VII, No. 11, Pg. 3 (Programmed robotoid humanoids)
You cannot, as Americans, understand that which is happening and you stand strong for that which you have been “told”, afraid to speak out and appear bigoted or “against” anything regardless of how heinous the actions. Why? Because you are at the point of open warfare in the form of Psychopolitical actions called “brainwashing” and the citizens of a government run by robotoid humanoids programmed to do exactly that which they are doing.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 4 & 5, Pg. 9 (The world’s leaders are Replicas, Ronald Reagan was slain.)
You say, “...but there was to be one `slain’ only to rise again and call himself God and THEN we would know by the sign.” There is no way to slay the leaders, dear ones, they are replicas of the originals and there are dozens to take their places and you will never know. You killed Ronald Reagan and yet, you know not that he was dead! All the signs were there, including the running of your important and critical government by astrologers and still, you missed of it.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg 12 Robotoids: The world is inhabited with reproductions of programmed evil. The world is inhabited by reproductions of programmed evil with density of darkness and no lighted souls to traverse the heavens for they are birthed of the whore of Babylon who rests her feet upon the heads of God’s precious creation/creations and laughs at the blindness of the lambs. Man realizes not that he walks and serves that which bears no soul essence within the breasts—he follows reproductions of genetic fabrications in blindness. He realizes not that simply through Truth and confrontation with that Truth shall the evil replicas fall to the wayside.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, NO. 6 & 7, Pg. 13 (Robotoids)
The lies become so blatant that it astounds that even the dense of dense cannot see—but in many ways the entire masses have been mesmerized by the hypnotic repetition of the robotoids who have been placed in your command to control you.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14 Robotoids:
Your top military leaders go forth to the “front”? They basically go no-where. How is it that your military hierarchy are still in Washington in the war room? They cannot get very far from Camp David is “WHY”. Look at the evil cover-up—even calling the Camp of Evil replication, “DAVID”.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14 (Bush is now in his 30th replica)
(Note: Also appears on Pg. 92-93 of “Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal”) [Thank goodness the items “match”—I probably owe a portion of this to Oberli who keeps me on my tippy-toes.]
Even a robotoid who comes within the lighted places of God Truth, shall be given soul by that Grace abounding. An awakened humanity can SEE the robotic replicas as produced by Satanic instruction. For instance—compare the one Cheney and that one, Powell—as they meet with their brother, the 30th replica of Bush on the morrow. All have been wined, dined and exchanged at Camp David whilst you believe them to be “studying the military situation” in Saudi Arabia. The flaws in the replicas are so obvious that you do not even have to look carefully. These ones are programmed to tell you exactly that which will pull you into the beast’s claws as dead-ahead as a machine can move.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 8 & 9, Pg. 2, (Robotoids - Puppet Masters)
Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time—a new twist of sick humor perhaps—”the puppet pulling the human’s strings!”
Let us take a short break.
THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1991 5:06 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 231
Pg. 192 Robotoids:
When I get opportunity to remind you about Russian Robotoids, you will perhaps stop calling us kooks and “your enemies”—we outlined, in the 1970’s, the entire picture and availability of Russian Robotoids and duplicates. [Ah ha, you caught me! Yes, we had some receivers as far back as that and one of the best, which I shall still leave unnamed a bit longer—was killed for his efforts.] If your leaders are of Russian control, dear hearts—you will come under the control of Russia, no more and no less—and, you already have placed in your councils—controlled substitutes. These ones are further programmed by pulsed beams and will function according to the overall Global Plan 2000. [I ask that someone in the group send R.S. copies of the tapes of our meeting when W.H. was with us for I believe it was at that session I discussed Yeltsin/Gorbachev. One reason that there is so much confusion in the Soviet Union this day is because Gorbachev is a many times replaced robotoid and Yeltsin is NOT. This infuriates the Khazar Elite and they will destroy the world along with Russia if that is what is required to gain control. I shall not go into this further for it is like a death contract on my people. I would hope that you ones can figure some manner in which we can make available some of our sessions such as the ones when “visitors” are in our midst. The load is simply too great for me to insist so please bear with us for our staff is at the breaking point and I am vastly increasing output, as you can see. I must leave it to the publisher to decide what to do about the problem of such quantities of material. Dharma and I plan to continue as fast as we can pour it out upon you.]
Pg. 83 Genetic Replicas of Humans:
In the late part of the 1970’s the existence of man-made genetic replicas of human beings was made public. The revealers were locked away instantly and the key tossed. It was disbelieved although motion pictures were made as sci-fi and the subject buried under threat of penalty of death to disclosers. They, however, did (and do) exist and were pressed into service right before your eyes. You didn’t even blink at them—no sir, you just gobbled up the lie, chewed it and swallowed it in total.
When first revealed to you they were referred to as “Synthetics” and in honor of the daring Truth-Bringers we shall continue to label them as such. I request that herein you not ask me for details of the replicas for they are not the point of my story and they will be covered at a more appropriate writing—just know that they DO exist and currently they are used continually to cover the shadow/parallel governments of your nations. Suffice it here to simply state that they do exist and were utilized in the April launch. One reason the preparation time of early astronauts was so lengthy for public consumption was to facilitate perfecting duplication of all segments, including the astronauts. Actually, the duplicates need not be perfect for plans are well laid in case of discovery an alteration can be instantly orchestrated if necessary. People cannot describe a suspect if at the scene of a murder, on oath—you certainly are not paying attention to anything that would cause you to suspect illusion if it remotely resembles the real thing.
“Little Gray Aliens” in underground secret bases? Oh, my friends, you have no conceivable idea what wondrous secrets are in your underground secret bases. Tuesday morning, April 14, genetic replicas called “Synthetics” of the then late astronauts, Young and Crippen, were readied at White Sands. They were programmed to take a computerized ride on the training shuttle “Enterprise”. The Young and Crippen entities boarded the Enterprise which was mounted on top of the launched 747. After rocket fuel was loaded for the shuttle, the 747 took off and headed west, avoiding commercial air traffic. The launched 747 headed out over the Pacific until it was several hundred miles west of Los Angeles. Then it turned back east toward the California coast. On television you were told that the non-existent Columbia was re-entering from orbit.
Pg. 212 Humanoid Robotoids/RNA, DNA Doubles (Genetic)
George asks me to comment a bit more on this subject for his group meeting in Florida. I have already written sufficiently—most recently, regarding how the doubles are created from holographic projection and DNA cellular reproduction. Please do not ask Dharma to spend time in repetition. With some 14 of you reading this material daily, surely at least one of you can locate the writing bearing this information—if not, sic sic!
I will, however, tell you when the Bolshevik use of these “doubles” became mandatory and proliferation blossomed. Now, in addition, you always desire speaking of the “little gray aliens”—OK, get ready, for this is wherefrom came the technology for reproduction of the robotoids. It is NOT like the projections the UFO “crowd” pronounce nor are the secret Majestic 12 uncoverings truthful (the documents are total fabrication).
When I tell you that the problem of “little gray aliens” on your place is not coming this day from the cosmos—believe it. It is the evil on your own placement—now locked into your Earth density, which is your problem. Your immediate perpetrators and expressionists are the Zionists in dispersement throughout the governments and financial communities, along with, of course, the scientific.
Any more recently “transported” “little gray aliens” which are seen regularly and reported by ones who see them and cannot be denied, are mostly reproductions. You are watching the very duplicates made functional by Satan himself come to, what appears, life. It is not the same kind of “life” given through Creator in soul manifested, physical matter. Therefore, KNOW that he can reproduce replicas ad nauseum from genetic blueprints and programming but he still only has robotoids and robotoids continually give him a great deal of trouble for they are easily identified once people realize there is such a thing. It is the ignorance of the fact of it that keeps the secret secure. You witness, say, Mr. Bush acting in a such and such manner and looking particularly young—then over the weekend he is changed and appears either more youthful or older—but definitely “different”. You simply mark it up to “a bad night’s sleep or too much to think about or responsibility” or any number of excuses for the change. Even your magazines and newspapers note the changes and simply comment on the incredible duplicity of the man. No, you are now encountering your 29th replica of George Bush. And with him must come a new Barbara Bush lest the show be spoiled. These duplicates become weak in strain and, under stress, are incapacitated quite rapidly as would be a “growing organism” placed in a stressed environment.
Henry Kissinger is another one to watch closely—he is changed-out frequently, also, for he bears the responsibility of orchestrating the Plan for New World Order. So, if Kissinger is a biggie and is also robotoid, WHO is the PUPPET-MASTER? You guessed it! The prince of deceivers, himself. You were told that—in the ending—Satan would be given total rule over the planet and you now have a very real entity deceiving you as a mass populace of the planet.
“Well, why don’t you do something about it—you who claim to be of the Light?” We are—we are bringing you Truth just as fast as you will accept it—for when you know and accept Truth—you will also be given to know how to counter that which is imitation of life. You who are creations of God Source are not “imitations of life” but experiencing fragments of the Creator’s Self. Satan’s army is now land-locked; unfortunately, it is on the same land upon which God’s Creations are also experiencing. So be it for it is the schoolroom of soul progression. You are simply living out the prophecies as you perceive them to be.
You see, even the prophecies of one Nostradamus are coming into focus—the Mongol in the blue turban, let us say—this represents the Khazar element of the anti-Christ with the flag colors of blue represented by the “turban” (which was the color, or flag, of identification in the ages past). The Soviet Union appeared to have been killed and is now to rise again more deadly than ever. Even the Pope of Rome is a duplicate playing the role of deceiver.
Ah, but WHEN did it become necessary to begin to bring doubles into public perfection? With the death of David Rockefeller.
SHROUDS OF THE SEVENTH SEAL, JOURNAL: (The Anti-Christ Whore of Babylon)
Pg. 93 Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas:
How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity. I have spoken of this procedure prior to this and will not take precious time to repeat and repeat for those who simply do not wish to go back and effort at gaining the information. You see, I, Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you understand the mechanism by which it works. You are “willing victims” of the lie and YOU will awaken or sleep on—it is up to you. Our commission is to outlay the Truth unto you—YOURS IS TO CONFIRM AND ACKNOWLEDGE—OR NOT, AS YOU WISH. There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison - - - [and the rest of the document is repetition.]
END OF QUOTINGThank you, friend, you have done a lot of work and, also, have saved me work in reconstruction. One problem is that, somehow, some of my prior information IS still missing and therefore, I can only assume it to be in one or two of your missing Journals. It is not sufficient to stop me from responding for I have not yet told you HOW you grow so fast, at any rate.
Know that you will read my discussion (or it got omitted which I think not probable) that there are already working duplicates of, for instance, cattle. There are also the projects in research to clone “body parts” for identical transplantation of heart, limbs, etc., without rejection of the attachment for it will bear identical genetic structure and the body will not recognize the difference. Now to a bit of specific technology to consider.
There are two kinds of cells in the body—the germ (the sperm cells and the egg cells, which produce the next generation) and the soma (the cells of the blood, brain, muscles, and everything else).
Each somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes in its nucleus. When it divides into two cells, all the chromosomes double, and each daughter cell receives a complete double set. But when the eggs and sperm are formed, by a process called meiosis, the two sets of chromosomes are broken up, and only one set goes to each of the daughter cells. Each egg cell and each sperm cell carry a random mix of half of an individual’s traits; the only time they have a complete set of chromosomes is when their nuclei come together during fertilization. At the moment of fertilization, life begins anew with an individual that is identical to neither its mother nor its father but rather is a 50-50 combination of both.
Starting out as a single cell, the embryo grows rapidly, not in size but in number of cells—first two cells then..... The growth begins when the nuclei come together during fertilization. The point then, of replication is to introduce two identical nuclei from the same entity. Upon integration they will multiply identically as above stated for it represents fertilization—the cell recognizes no difference. And thus begins replication of an identical clone.
As the cells multiply the embryo is a mulberrylike cluster of cells called a morula, scarcely bigger than the fertilized egg. As division continues, the morula turns into a hollow mass called a blastula (blastocyst in mammals), which is first hundreds, then thousands of cells strong.
In the event of “artificial cloning” it is much like a test-tube embryo except that it is completed in a medium which allows the nutrients of life to be utilized. While this is happening—there is a holographic image available for alteration as necessary for duplication of the finished entity.
In the early division, all the cells of the embryo are indistinguishable from one another. But later some of the cells begin to specialize, and the process of differentiation begins. As development proceeds and the embryo takes on shape and form, more and more cells become committed to a particular pathway, changing in form and function. The blood cells make hemoglobin, the muscle cells make a muscle protein, and so on. The facts are, and research now shows—every single cell in a body contains all the necessary things to reproduce a replica.
It must be noted that adult differentiated cells and egg cells, are on two very different time tables for division. The egg is on the fast track, ready to spring into action about an hour after fertilization if left absolutely alone, while the far slower differentiated cell is programmed to divide every two days or longer. So when the nucleus of an adult cell is placed in a recipient egg, it is forced to divide before it is ready. Chromosomes get left behind or are torn apart. The result is that some of the clones have chromosomal abnormalities and may be genetic “monsters”.
Now it gets more technical and tedious. Several things must take place to reproduce a “well-rounded” duplicate. As the cells are growing there must be introduced something which will accelerate growth and reproduction. You have in each body a functioning gland called the pituitary (I think is your label) which regulates growth. If something happens, say a tumor, in an adult wherein the pituitary gland becomes hyperfunctional, a disease, which I believe you call something like “acromegaly” which is chronic hyperpituitarism marked by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face - -, occurs and within very short periods of time the body will simply outgrow itself—become huge and because the bone structure cannot house it the monstrously rapid growth can simply kill itself from overgrowth. So, if the pituitren from the gland is introduced in increased amounts during the early formation and duplication of cells—the growth rate is incredibly rapid. As the body reaches proper proportion and the cells mature into proper function in the proper placement—the hormone is decreased and additional amounts stopped completely. Understand that this is oversimplification of a rather complex mechanism—however, once the duplication process has been accomplished once or twice, the amount of additives is pretty well decided and the duplication becomes indeed rote.
I believe you can understand that as these reproductions are created they become less stable and much less sturdy although they will replicate even to the age category depending on giving additional hormones or withholding same. Then what is not perfected by “natural” growth and aging can be surgically altered.
So, what have you? You have a body functioning as a machine and a pretty empty mind of a womb-infant. It becomes very easy to down-load information from one brain to another—especially if there is no preconceived ideas or thoughts in the recipient brain. It becomes simple to place the outgoing replica or “person” into a state of imaging and the images in response to questions and input guidelines are extremely rapidly “read off” just like a rapid-fire computer system. Don’t be fooled by that which you are not told much about—but there are cameras which can now photograph thoughts—down-loading a mind is nothing and can be completed in only a few brief hours. During this same period of time programming for current and future functioning is integrated. “Flaws” in personality will most often be continually exaggerated and this is that which becomes the problem—that of keeping the entity under control.
What happens to the original? It goes where all first creations go—the soul departs and goes to its proper placement for progressive experience. The clones, when no longer useful, are simply “dumped”. If the expression within the essence is recovered and given again the gift of soul entrance through Grace (and there is no other way, beloved ones) then the “clone” becomes a functioning “whole” and separate entity but will bear the mental rememberings of the original and will pretty much continue the original’s experiences. Hence comes the term of terms—”walk-in”. Now I remind you ones who like to consider yourselves “walk-ins” for God—forget the concept. Clones are of evil beginnings by any measure of the term. Replacement of energy form into an existing body is indeed of evil. God needs no such fabrications. If God needs a body, He creates one—remember, “Satan” as you call him, cannot create—he must utilize that which is already created—havoc is all that evil one can create.
So you see, it is not even longer speculative among the scientific community. By combining the techniques of nuclear transfer with those of in-vitro fertilization, the technology for cloning human embryos is now on-line. Using the same basic technique of serial transfer, scientists can duplicate the same embryo over and over again thereby cloning not just embryos but human adults.
Scientists have long been able to trick adult body cells, normally differentiated to perform specific tasks, into going backward in time to an early embryonic stage when all the genes were fully turned on and all things were possible. The researchers reached the power to turn back the clock, so to speak, making an adult cell young or duplicating a being at any age level through manipulation.
You must understand that in the beginning of this idea it was set forth as wondrous to be able to have a second set of organs, etc., if ever needed for individuals. Well, of course one secret thing led to another until they were taking a cell from an individual, transferring it into an enucleated egg, growing the embryo in culture for a few days, and then putting it into a surrogate uterus. After about six weeks into the embryonic development, the collection of primitive cells called the telencephalon, the forerunner to the higher brain, would be removed and frozen. In this way the body clone “would never develop a brain capable of anything more than secreting hormones and commanding the most basic vegetal bodily functions. It would never perceive pain or love. Without any portion of the higher brain, the body clone would be less human than the fish that graces your dinner table.
Once the body clone would be grown to the appropriate size by intravenous feeding and hormone injections, it could serve as the equivalent of a brain-dead organ donor, only in this case there would be no rejection of a transplant. Since the clone would have exactly the same genetic makeup as the person from whom it was derived, all its parts—from the facial features to vital organs—could be replaced as though they were the person’s own—which they would be. If now, the desirability isof having a functioning higher brain, then the additional steps would need to be taken to re-establish the telencephalon.
The problem that many scientists face in cloning is that in the reproducing much of the “personality” which makes a human sexual is lost and also it gets rid of all the very characteristics that are enjoyed about a human. As a matter of fact, as dangerous as the actual cloning of beings is what is happening already on a massive scale—the brain control which causes everyone to act in various controlled manners. How is it that a hundred million Americans watch the Super Bowl, or millions of people buy little plastic disks with scratches on them? Basically this is worse for the perfectly good and functional gifted mind is wasted. The potential for abuse is incredible and so it has become a fact.
The fact that contents of a brain can be transferred only requires knowledge of the psychochemical way in which memory is stored—and you have known how memory is stored in a computer. With the proper psychochemical balance it is merely a matter of transfer as from one computer disc onto another. With cloned brains and memory transfer, the individual is raised to the nth power—but without the capacity of moral conscience as given unto man in the form of soul. You see, the purpose is not to just serially immortalize but to produce parallel infinity.
Please allow this to be sufficient for this sitting as I have a very weary scribe who is wishing I would just clone her a little bit more time and a few more fingers.
I thank you for your inquiry and I hope I have been complete enough to satisfy without overburden. I am sorry to leave out any of your questions but I simply may not jeopardize my beloved counterparts by speaking of the other advanced technical achievements at this time. Too much information makes you targets and I refuse to allow that as my scribe, for instance, is marked like a neon sign already and therefore I give her nothing more than any of you have in access for if there is nothing to gain from her, she is left alone and our adversaries know that she is given nothing for they glean exactly that which I give her—right as she writes it on this apparatus.
Our sole mission is to “awaken” mankind—not invent new or re-invent old technologies and man’s problem, already, is that his technology is far advanced of his ability to socially survive. Know that as things are acceptable, proper ones will be given into knowing the information in proper sequence. God does pretty well at planning—and remember—HE WINS! THAT, BROTHERS, MEANS WE WIN!
Close this out, Dharma. I want to share the other information and confirmation received from A.B. regarding Egypt, etc., but we are too fatigued for this day. Thank you, chela, for relentless service and know, dear one, that when we pull this off—then you can go clean your cupboards. In great love beyond your knowing, I humbly bend in appreciation to you precious ones who struggle along with us in this journey acting as alarm clocks—the rewards shall be grand indeed for the promises of God are always met although you rarely have perceived them properly. Even so—they are always more wondrous than you can imagine.
In brotherhood and friendship I take leave this evening.
Hatonn to clear, please.
3. PHOENIX JOURNAL # 29 pp. 13-16
I don’t even have the proper language to further discuss this subject with you for it is obvious that the general public is so uninformed that I hardly know where to begin. Therefore, in light of that which I gave you a week or so past, I shall try to move back in years to incidents and utilize descriptions as we move along. An excellent place to begin is, say, around your years 1978 and 1979 because robotics were on the scene, having moved from “doubles” and “look-alikes” into robotoids and then on into synthetic automatons which are referred to as “synthetics”.
Doubles had been utilized frequently and with astounding results for some years prior to 1978 but in Spring of ’79 Russia had begun to deploy this astonishing new Intelligence weapon. Those were the “organic robotoids”—artificial robot-like living creatures that simulate human beings. By introducing the robotoids, the Russians were able to make a shambles of the Bolshevik plans then in progress moving fast for a new Bolshevik socialist revolution right there in the United States, but the Russian robotoids stopped it cold. The major problem—then as now—the Zionist Elite have no real loyalty to any cause save their own so that which comes forth is utilized in any manner necessary to gain their own desires and the “host” factor is usually done-in while the wolf hides behind the lead-sheep’s wool. Even more importantly, the joint Bolshevik and Zionist Middle East War plan was temporarily thwarted. This prevented the Bolsheviks from going ahead with the rest of their plan for an American nuclear first strike against Russia and so, the next attempt of serious magnitude was set up for 1982. Yes, you read exactly that and if you know not of which I speak—please go read the Journals for I cannot repeat it all.
After that time, the Russians pressed forward with their robotoid infiltration and take-over of the United States.. Within mere weeks, the year-and-a-half SALT II stalemate vanished and the treaty was signed in Vienna; for months major surprises showered the news which were the direct result of Russia’s robotoid “invasion”. At the time there were ones on your place who were being fed information right out of the Rockefeller Cartel and the CIA regarding these beings and it was being written, censored by the media and you the public tossed it aside like limp popcorn. Well, the two major resources were silenced and you were the loser. As we have bits of time on this subject, I shall back up and give you some scenarios which you can confirm, i.e. Sen. Church’s strategy (robotoid) to undo the Cuba crisis and to save SALT II. But this story is for 1979 because it is so important in magnitude.
A most important case in point was to do with America’s new relationship with Red China. In 1978, the Carter Administration was in a state of panic over Russia’s newly deployed crushing military power in space. The so-called China-card policy was the result. America suddenly dumped Taiwan and recognized Red China but the Russians were working fast to unravel the ties between the United States and China. Russia was determined to re-establish her own working relationship with China. In October talks were continuing between Russian and Chinese officials in Moscow with that goal in view. Suddenly a Federal District Judge ruled that it was illegal for President Carter to breach the treaty with Taiwan. Instead, he said, Congress must be consulted. In June the same Judge had refused to rule in the case, but the Russian robotoid take-over in the U.S. had changed things forever. Out of the blue came the surprise thunderbolt of the ruling. It could hardly have been better calculated to shake Chinese confidence in the United States, and it came at the very moment when Red Chinese negotiators were staring across the table at their Russian counterparts in Moscow.
In every possible way, the Russians were trying to make use of their robotoid advantage while they could, because there was a lesson which ran throughout military history and the Russians knew it well. That lesson was that when one side in the conflict developed a new weapon, the other side would soon counter it with a similar and often, better, one. A new weapon can decide a conflict only if it is used quickly.
The United States was far behind that of Russia in robotoid technology as well as space technology, but then the Bolshevik and Zionist enemies of Russia had achieved their own surprise. The Rothschild interests, which controlled both movements, had for many years been deeply involved in biological research of all kinds. They had not succeeded in learning the secrets of the Russian robotoids, but they had achieved success with something very similar. Those developedments were called “synthetic automatons” or simply “synthetics”. A Rothschild synthetic was similar to a Russian robotoid in certain ways. Each is an artificial life-form designed to simulate a human being, but synthetics also differ from robotoids in important ways. For one thing, they are generated by radically different techniques. Both utilize genetic samples from actual humans as their starting point, but beyond that everything is different.
The Russian process is a close relative of recombinant DNA techniques involving hormones and other life forms which could be loosely described as bacteria, simply for lack of better description. The details of the process were shrouded in the greatest secrecy of anything in historical reference—but the process (and I have already described it at any rate) enables robotoids to be generated from “scratch” very, very rapidly. The Rothschild process, by contrast, did not start from scratch—ah ha! Instead, certain tissues extracted from bovine (cattle) were the starting point. Are the lights flickering, L. Howe?
The synthetic is then generated in a process that changes the genetic make-up in order to simulate a person being copied. It is the outgrowth of a discovery made in the 1950’s in France. The experiment involved two species of ducks called khaki Cambells (go look it up right after the shock goes away), and white Pekins. The landmark duck experiment of 1959 was reported in a book titled THE BIOLOGICAL TIME BOMB by one, I believe, Taylor, Gordon R. It was published around the late 1960’s by the New American Library, New York, N.Y. Taylor described the experiment in these words, quote: “They had extracted DNA from the cells of the khaki Cambells and had injected it into the white Pekins, thinking that just possibly the offspring of the latter might show some character derived from khaki Cambells. To their utter astonishment the actual ducks they injected began to change. Their white feathers darkened, and their necks began to take on the peculiar curve which is a mark of the khaki Cambell.” Beginning with that clue, the Rothschild synthetic process continued to be developed—in great secrecy and by the late ‘70’s, synthetics were beginning to appear on the scene.
I do not wish to frighten Dharma but she must become aware that it was known that she would write these documents from onset of her time here on the planet—only she did not know.
Her brother was in a very high-level military intelligence position; he was replaced at the time of his original “heart attack” and several times since. For your confirmation, chela, remember that they would not allow you to visit—you were also told by astonished ones that when they first saw him afterwards his hair had turned snow white in a matter of hours—from the research medications. “They” usually do not make such errors in presentation but were caught off guard by a persistent wife who stumbled in prior to having the preparations fully under control. The one who came to visit last summer via Nellis Field and Edwards Air Force Base was quickly identified by you but most people will not even question and will attribute changes to aging and “whatever”. Please KNOW, chela, that we wrap you in love and will see you through this journey for it has indeed been a painful walk for you. Don’t concern about your father, child, for he has long ago moved on, but it was necessary to have a “body” in his place perchance you went to visit—it would make it far easier to keep you in surveillance. Your brother even remembers a lot of his experience and departure and became quite confused in your presence—it is indeed typical and the clues were all over the circumstance.
On October 9, 1979 Carter robotoid No. 18 was scheduled to hold a news conference. Three days earlier, Brezhnev No. 2 had made his proposals in East Berlin for military reductions in Europe. Robotoid No. 18 had been programmed to react positively to the proposals but instead your alleged President said, quote: “I think it’s an effort designed to disarm the willingness or eagerness of our allies adequately to defend themselves.” The Russians were totally dumbfounded. This was a fresh robotoid, surely the recurring instability problem could not be showing up so rapidly. After the news conference, he was bundled off for examination and testing, and that produced the second big surprise. It was not robotoid No. 18 at all, but a total synthetic. The synthetic was then transported to Novosibirsk for further study. There, robotoid scientists were able to establish an important and unpleasant fact: the source of the genetic material used in generating the synthetic had been robotoid No. 18; and whereas the Russian robotoids vary somewhat from one to another, the synthetic was virtually identical in appearance to the missing robotoid No. 18. But an important favorable fact was also discovered—the synthetics are inferior mentally to the robotoids. It wasn’t clear at the time how fast the Bolsheviks would be able to deploy the synthetics, but the guerilla war between the Rothschild synthetics and the Russian robotoids was underway.
Dharma, allow us to leave this for it is now too lengthy for an Express. I hope that you ones tune in same time tomorrow for the ongoing saga of THE TURNING WORLD. No, day after tomorrow as Dharma has to go to depositions regarding their property. I hope I have whetted your appetite for learning for we have only just begun!
In love, appreciation and gratitude for audience, I stand aside for clearance.
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
4. PHOENIX JOURNAL #106 pp. 33-36
Author: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton
Phoenix Journal #106, pp. 33-36
We have now spoken along rather technical lines regarding development of robotoids and synthetics but by far the most numerous and the strain of beings mostly present of the “developed” strains are the neutrals—for lack of better description.
Remember, the leadership of a nation must be replaced if total control is to be had. We will talk of soul essence later but let us get some detail down first. If the robotoid reproduction gets out of line then it is either replaced or in this more current time is synthesized for more capable programming and handling—but, this is a weak machine oftentimes as the reproduction process often presents exaggerated flaws in the genetic structure—but that is not the case in point in this dissertation. Now, you can present a group of people with a replaced leader but if all the people are bright, they will see through the facade—just as some are not fooled by the imitations now—such as you who write having made your own observations and witness to the total absurdity of the cover-ups. Therefore, there must be capability of enhancing the masses with ones of neutral programming so that the NUMBERS in a MAJORITY RULE DEMOCRACY can carry the votes, so to speak. They do not necessarily have to remain in a state of neutral—they just usually do. Why?
Because, they are developed by artificial cross breeding and breeding out the immortal or “Spiritual” of the being. All you have to do is introduce programmed beings having been artificially programmed, artificially gene spliced and then send those ones out to reproduce—almost in a frenzy of sexual drive activities. Since there is no spiritual wholeness, the entire societal structure will break down within two full generations and by introducing leader species within groups, whole groups of homosexually deviant beings are produced, whole groups of addiction-prone and emotionally driven individuals are produced and you will, further, through breakdown of moral attitudes, have reproduction of confused, misplaced beings.
Now it becomes easy to see how—after the first generation—if enough beings are constructed to have another generation by simply breeding of the beings and by the third generation you have compounded the neutral elements. But what of the first developed generation? That is more interesting and will explain a lot of things you UFO and ABDUCTION reviewers and even animal/people-mutilation are misinformed about. Again, the programming is absent spiritual development and is mostly focused on simple existence or thrust into the more “satanic” or deviant attitudes having been deprived of spiritual nurturing.
The seed-beds were laid (I mean no humor) many decades past. And to fully understand this, you must know that the product is resultant of integrated research and development by human persons right on your physical placement with input and technical thrust from outside your physical plane but that which did, in fact, manifest onto/into your physical status.
The instigators infiltrated into that which was the Elite of the Khazar tribes as they were again gaining power and thrust for ultimate One World control. The most advanced of the scientific production came out of the Nazi/Zionist Khazar coalition. But, the whole Elite machinery was financed by the powerful Elite Bankers of the same general species. If you can’t remember about these coalitions—go back and read the portions regarding the Nazi development of discs, rockets, robotics and finally translation to the Antarctic regions as security measure. The agreements were already in place, however, for the information and technology to be utilized in the foremost nations of your globe, i.e., Russia for the Khazar Elite Zionists were Khazar Communists. Then the Bolshevik/Zionists group in America brought the whole mess within your own borders, America. In fact the Atomic bombs dropped on Japan were made in Germany by Communist scientists.
At the same time the Elite plan was coming into final phases of orchestration to insure take-over by year 2000 and heavily intense research and development went forward to perfect genetic duplication and synthetic production. But that was only one phase.
The phase of the most interest herein is the development of purely “physical” beings through devious methods. The intent would be to be able to develop surrogate parents, multiple production without duplication or synthesizing to avoid identification problems and to likewise render the public terrified of possible alien arrivals. What happened next was mind boggling even if expected of the species.
As hover craft was developed with proper capabilities, many abhorrent actions began to take place. To develop enough neutral people there need to be massive research and follow-up and therefore the encounters began and the interchanges frequent and pretty clumsy at best. Most of the encounters were actually with robotic little replicas of first arrival creatures from off planet. But, the replications were developed by your human scientists as was the research and development carried out by your own human scientists. Now, all the major government Elite knew all about the experiments and intention. You see, to do that which was needed only required a few female eggs and male sperm; then these could be crossed artificially into myriads of genetic interchanges which would develop offspring with individual characteristics—but only in physical nature. These beings would have capability of soul bearing but being developed devoid of higher spiritual input they would be easily programmed and controlled.
In the early part of the intervention into population/species control it was necessary to have incubators. Often pregnant women would suddenly turn up “unpregnant” and other strange phenomenon. Then as the beings implanted in wombs were birthed and grew, they had to be monitored continually. It was found that a fetus could be surrogate-mothered within for a beginning period of time within the womb of a sheep (rather unsuccessfully) or if the implant were treated with bull sperm secretion would adhere and initially grow quite well within a cow womb. That meant that as the fetus was then extracted it required a slow replacement of blood and nutrients to artificial solutions which therefore required a blood supply or the fetus would have a violent and usually fatal reaction to the change. Then as study group members were suitable the babies were appropriately placed for maturing within a mother human host destined for normal delivery. These hosts would be given total mental blockage to all which transpired.
Now, what you have is an increasing population of social deviates (I did not say “bad”, I said “deviate” which means deviation from the “accepted norm”.) These “persons”, however, could easily be given altered genetic structure which would hormonally produce a programmed drive for homosexual desire. Team that with an ever more confusing set of biological standards and social thrust toward deviant behavior and you have ones experiencing that which they are birthed to expect. The other human characters get simply sucked into the movement of the mass either for seeking whole experience or finding no satisfaction within the ruptured family structures—try anything and everything—just blindly going along with “what’s in”!
As with all cover-ups you have to have the tracks covered and to cover them properly the cover-uppers must not know they are covering up anything—so enter the satanic worshippers and mutilators. They actively participate in the opposite of the Laws of God and they have literal blood baths, drink blood and even slay humans for some of their rituals. They mostly are the bred beings who have no sense of conscience what-so-ever for they are the development of evil—not the creation of God with immortal soul energy.
After you know that which to look for, it is easy to recognize the decoys, but in the beginning you cannot know who is what, why, when or where. Many of these developed beings are mystically gifted and have powerful energy patterns but usually turn ultimately to madness, fanatical irrationality in certain areas of behavior and usually refuse to hear any sort of reason which would pull them from their worldly path. They are cold, erratic beings usually or totally seemingly devoid of much emotion or sporadic losses of control. They are usually terrified by Truth and most often violently oppose its presence in any form.
Mostly these ones are set loose on the public well programmed with misinformation and narrow groups of cliques who feed each other’s need for support of stories and continue the cover-up rather than allow egos to be damaged—remember, mostly ALL these ones have with which to function is the ego for they are ONLY physical and can in no way deal with that which is spiritual in Truth. They will always give the party line of any story—even if they know the difference. They know good from evil but simply have no response to the knowledge. When these beings do see the Truth, however, and have ability to work within lighted centers—they are truly birthed anew and since the leader-persons are usually genetically superior species as to brilliance and intelligence—are incredible workers and through reason and sheer daring will destroy the presentations of the adversary.
The next logical question is: can the ones involved know what and who they are? Of course not—do YOU know exactly that which you are? Did you not come in a rather logical manner onto the planet—OR DID YOU? Ponder that a bit as you move about your daily life.
Most of you of our workers with more spirituality than most humans are birthed in about the usual manner. We follow you of our species in love and gentleness, disciplined and special—awaiting the proper timing for enlightenment. But you ones innately KNOW THAT YOU ARE FROM GOD AND “OUT THERE SOMEWHERE”. The developed human physical has no direction, no roots and no aspirations—they will take, leave or screw God, country and mother. Moreover, they will attach to the more “whole” human and if that one can be pulled down—will do so for it cannot long endure the presence of spiritual light—it is simply an alien feeling which is not understood. It is not necessarily evil; it is simply existing and will respond and act as programmed, braintrained or with the masses as parrots.
Now comes the valuable input regarding these ones. They react very badly against those who have developed them and then misuse them. They will become violent against ones who “treat them unfairly” and/or effort to “control” them. Most of the “masses” of functioning physical developed are not greatly intellectual so that they are not given to “thinking” on technical or political grounds—they are kept usually below average and bred accordingly with full intent of the puppet-masters to integrate them into groups which are marked for extinction in great numbers. These are called the “first expendables”. These ones may even dutifully take their own offspring off to whatever church pleases them and where they can feel socially at “home” with no input as to spiritual upliftment past shaking hands with the preacher at the door. The offspring of these ones see the total absurdity of the show and become even more incorrigible and rebellious. This is why most churches have been intentionally corrupted for the preacher will say “don’t read this or that for it is evil”, and all the good little developed sheep throw the object in point away or burn it or whatever. They treat Truth like an asp that will surely kill them—for they know they have no ability to think for selves and fear totally the unknown which is drilled into them day after chaotic day. These are walking, talking, physical machines, for lack of better description. They simply have no conscious—or subconscious—connection with Creator, they simply ARE! They will usually show conscience only when convenient or serves their purpose—they function basically for themselves in a “me” oriented world and rarely move outside that “me-ness”. They can only see every occurrence as to how it impacts “self” and all seems to be accepted as deliberate attack upon their being—personally.
Now don’t go crazy, dear ones, you have all been brainwashed through every type of media—if these shoes fit, be careful that you don’t err—MOST of you don’t fit the pattern so don’t try this route as a “cop out”. There is nothing wrong with the huge majority of you except you have been sleeping while everything was happening—now it is time to wake up and see that which IS and set it to rights. This world DOES NOT HAVE TO END IN AN ARMAGEDDON.
The cover-up has been massive and the attempt to terrify you and panic you at the arrival of the brotherhood from the outer cosmos has been even more massive—and THEY aren’t by any means through. There will be staged incidents to cause you to believe your space brothers have attacked you—nay, nay. The beast will kill all of its own to preserve its power—I hope you will not be so gullible.
May we walk in peace and brotherhood lest the journey be too burdensome, remember that the spiritual connection with Creator sets ye above thine enemies—and dear ones, GOD WILL PREVAIL—EVEN THE EVIL TAMPERERS HAVE PROMISED YOU AS MUCH! SALU.
Hatonn to clear. Thank you for your attention. Good day.
We will discuss this much, much more but I have my scribe at this keyboard much too long this day and I beg your patience—she must have rest.
5. PHOENIX JOURNAL #126 pp. 1-21
Unpublished Phoenix Journal #126
Editor’s note: Near the middle of the third column of the writing on p.2 Commander Hatonn asked us to share a bit about the Jimmy Carter entity presently hopping around the globe like some brilliant international peace-meister and social gadfly in high places.
Well, as we rummaged around for that material, we discovered it was very interwoven not only with what we have covered these past 3 weeks with the Bolshevik-Zionist antics of the early Space Shuttle missions, but also with the incredible subject of biological doubles or genetic duplicates.
Realizing that we have never yet offered you a focus article on this subject, we decided to put together, from some of Commander Hatonn’s earlier writings, a bit of a “refresher course” on a matter—ahem—not well covered in our Biology textbooks, for some reason.
I always hear that this subject is THE most incredible and difficult to accept of all our far-out topics, yet the clues, to the actual progress that has been made in Genetic Engineering, are all around us if we but keep our eyes open for the relevant news tidbits.
Moreover, as you read the following, harken back to the final episode, for last year’s first season, of the wildly popular TV show called The X-Files, and remember those large vats of growing bodies featured prominently in that season finale episode. Wherefrom do you think that show derived its story line—from fiction or fact? Better read the following before answering that one!
These writings are extracted from Journals #28, #29 and #52, containing information from writings that go all the way back to November 30 of 1990! Nothing has changed—except improvements of these technologies to a level truly almost beyond belief.
Yes, as the old phrase goes, looks CAN be deceiving, especially where various world leaders in the New World Order pageant are concerned. Moreover, you’ll probably never be able to look at a cow in quite the same way again, either!
— Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief
4/4/91 #2 HATONN
Allow us a break for lunch and then, before moving back to the subject of national disarming and weapons control, I will respond as briefly as possible to inquiries stacking up regarding robotoids. Please understand that I will not jeopardize the safety of ones in service by giving other than general terminology or concept. You, the readers, must become comfortable, however, with the knowledge that this is a pretty well-perfected technology. I am not deliberately evasive about the subject; it is that we take things out of sequence and context and then we have myriads of scattered fragments which often cause more concern than giving solutions to acute problems and malfunctions. For instance, it is better to act and start shutting off the fuel supply to whichever is in POWER OVER YOU AND YOUR NATION than to fully understand the details of the beings themselves. These beings in charge, these days, feed on power and control, and the fuel for their actions is supplied at YOUR permission and contribution.
I particularly wish to share with you a letter which came this hour to my attention. This person has gone far beyond that which we could hope and I want to respond to him. This man has taken all save two of the Journals and all of the Expresses and has computerized subject matter for reference purposes. We will reprint his letter and then I will effort to give a little more intelligent response. Thank you all for your patience.
4/4/91 #3 HATONN
Dharma, it is well worth the time to duplicate that which was sent to us by R.S. of S. CA. (for his own identification). I shall always protect our contacts for we will all need to be very much “alive” if we are to reverse the tide sweeping you away. We also need to be united in understanding and goal intent; therefore, we will simply have to share and re-share information until we all come into comfort and it will be through the sharing of “proof” confirmation as it flows unto individuals which shall unify the nucleus sent forth for specific purpose and allow the unseeing to gain insight. Do not spend time in great concern for the blindness of children, friends, etc. As God makes his Truth the unvarying foundation of our work—so shall ones simply come to see.
I am in receipt of a letter this very day, from one who not only withdrew from me but called me many, many quite unsavory names and pulled several away, temporarily, fortunately, as he went in anger and confusion. Today he comes to say, again in brotherhood, “thank” you that although learning “silence” is hard, he is so doing and is working diligently to be worthy of coming again within the fold as student rather than as “know-it-all”-better than God. We rejoice as the lambs come home. It is GREATNESS in the human who finds errors, recognizes errors and rectifies same—for I care not for name-calling (I have at least five feet of very resilient shoulders—with great bounce-back capability). Dharma is a bit more fragile and often thinks she must protect ME—she is quickly learning that I have plenty of room for her beneath my wings for the whole of us, and she often trusts me enough these days to come on in out of the storm. I have plenty of room aboard for all of you and us too.
Now for R.S.’s correspondence:
Dear Commander Hatonn: (March 20, 1991)
First of all let me say that I welcome and accept everything you have written. I have received and read all of the Phoenix Expresses, but am 2 books behind on your Phoenix Journals—but trying to catch up. I find the material alternates between intriguing, engrossing, absorbing, shocking, and discouraging as I read with squeamish fascination. I make extensive notes on each page of both Expresses and Journals and put my notes on my computer so I can search and seek out information on any particular subject. [H: Thank you, that IS what we mean by “proving” truth and testing us. The more you “test” in this manner the better for us for in the sharing comes the confirmation to your brothers as well.]
Of all the subjects you have covered I believe I can say the most astonishing is in regards to robotoids. I note that when a question comes to you on this subject you indicate that the answer can be found by reviewing the existing Expresses and Journals which have covered this subject. With that in mind I have gathered all the material I could find and placed it on the enclosed 9 pages which I am sending along containing verbatim all the references and explanations. [H: This is such a mind-boggling subject and the hardest for ALL of you to receive and accept that I have almost dreaded the day we would sit to write a dissertation on the subject in full. I believe you can all understand the very grave jeopardy in which this one subject, carelessly handled, can place, even destroy, our entire mission; so, please, I ask indulgence when I say that I simply may not give you step-by-step methods to create a “duplicate”. I will, however, effort to give you a bit more fundamental “HOW” it is done, how you can rapidly create an “adult” or “any stage of growth” body development, etc.]
Nowhere in these 9 pages can I find a precise statement of how the robotoids are created. However, I have noted your explanation below which appeared on page 93 of Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal which seems to be as close as I could come:
“These ‘genetic/holographic’ DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity.
“There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. They are comprised totally of physical “matter” manifested into what you perceive as physical coalition of these physical matter particles coalesced according to the DNA/RNA holographic blueprint whereby the re-creation will be a projection of that which is being copied at the time of replication.”
I believe I can speak for the common man of the street, since I am a common man of the street, when I say that the underlined and bold-faced sentences in the above two paragraphs leave us with a very blank stare. This may be why you are getting so many questions on this subject as you have indicated. It might have some meaning to the laboratory scientist but to us men in the street it is just gobboldy-gook.
Please don’t mis-understand, we are not looking for a step by step how-to-do-it-yourself kind of description; we would merely like a couple of sentences explaining how a full sized replica can be produced from one cell or fragment, and where does the matter come from which is multiplied to produce a full-sized man or woman? Also what is done with the bodies of robotoids which are being replaced? How are they able to get this holographic image of those who may have been destroyed before the holographic fragment or cell was obtained?
“There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses.”
Are you at liberty to reveal what some of these advances are which you indicated by the statement above?. If I had to guess I would suspect some might be midgets, dwarfs and/or giants with grotesque features which would be pawned off as space aliens by the Elite when they try to pull off the mock attack by space aliens which you have mentioned from time to time.
It goes without saying that your Expresses and Journals are my primary reading. I only wish my 40-year-old son was not such a skeptic and would take an interest. Thanks for being our window on the world and giving us this marvelously comprehensive and fascinating (and sometimes disheartening) view of our life here on Earth. Respectfully, R.S.
My observation is that there will be many readers who still have no idea what we are talking about and will object if I do not give fill-in and therefore, though it be tedious—R.S. has done our real work for us, and that is in pulling out that which we have already covered. Then it becomes easy to fill in some blanks for you. If this is repetition for most of you, I still ask that you study it carefully for it is, as I have said—the very hardest concept to accept and yet, you shall see that it is one of the easiest, if understood, to accomplish.
As Referenced In The Phoenix Expresses and Journals
Phoenix Express Vol. V, No. 11 & 12, Pg. 7, 11/30/90 (The Robotoid Mind)
I would like to say, prior to the reader’s intake that we shall be writing in depth regarding what are known as genetic doubles and robotoids as referred to lately. These are new entities and we shall be speaking of such in this upcoming writing but I would prefer to delay further description until later for we are so stacked up with urgent material.
The robotoid mind has no ability to comprehend danger from the larger perspective. It can comprehend its own possible demise, but there is no “Soul” connection to God. Survival is a most elementary emotional connection to God and in times of great stress (i.e., “all men in a foxhole wholly believe in God”) this is through the Soul. Since the robotoids do not have this connection, they simply intensify whatever activity they are focused upon, unless concerned for their own bodily survival.
Thus we have men in high places who are “soulless” and beyond the reach of normal reasoning process. We speak Truth unto them as to what the consequences are of continuing this insane push and it does not penetrate, for the focus is only intensified. So, the maneuvering goes on in attempts to strike what they believe to be our vulnerable point, the crystal and our ground crews. It behooves all ones of this group to stay close within the area and to stay in constant focus of maintenance of your shields. ’Tis not the time to question the validity of what is going on about you as to reality, but to come into understanding that it is real and that you do play a most crucial and critical role in the sequential playing of God’s hand in the game being played out.
Though we have all manner of scanners and do track and monitor key players, even then we are also somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satan’s challenging us directly at this stage, but we must all remember that man’s plunge into evil has carried him far beyond even that which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he going to put a stop to one of his humans that would carry his plan forward with the creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he make any effort to protect or salvage these ones. They are way out there on a limb of their own projection; if robotoid, it is a distortion within the original human being that is being followed into manifestation.
The discussion is so that you ones may perhaps grasp the degree of danger that not only you as focused group for God face, but humanity as a whole, for few grasp, accept or even have an inkling of what they are facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well as the presence of those Soulless ones that cannot be reached by God for there is no connection. God does not sanction war or death for it is destructive to the Soul to participate in such, however for those that are soulless there is the dilemma of man as to what to do when one such as this becomes focused upon the destruction of God’s real children. How indeed do men of God handle such a situation? How does man know when indeed one such “being” is confronting him face-to-face? One such test is the challenge, “If you are not of Holy God, I command that you stop this instant.” A Soul-connected being will hesitate, even if only for a split second. If you identify yourself with Holy God, then you had better be prepared to defend self, for a robotoid is programmed to destroy that which is of God. It is part of the process. They have not the connection with God that human has with which to identify each other, so they cannot be sure until you declare yourself, unless you are already known to them. That does not mean that you, if you are walking within the shield of God, are left defenseless in a moment such as this. The Presence shall be right at your shoulder and you will be given to know that which you are to do—if you are not in such fear and panic that you cannot instinctively know. Here you could hear words, but the reaction time would not serve you, instead there is a survival instinctual connection that allows for instant perfect action. Thus we encourage you to constantly acknowledge and recognize the Presence within you and without you. It is within this Presence of Spirit that you live, move and have your entire experience. I can assure you that if, in a moment of confrontation, your mind takes you back to a “Rocky” or a Clint Eastwood scenario, instead of connection to your own instinctive God connection that you have cultivated and prepared by holding self in the present moment, your body is either a write-off or you will have lots of incarceration time to ponder your error in not being prepared as you are being given direction to do.
Phoenix Express Vol. VI, No. 4, Pg. 4, 12/13/90 (We Are Ruled By A Robotoid Army)
I am not, herein, going to outlay who is who and what is what—watch, and you will be able to discern. Is Bill Cooper with his 9 foot alien picture real or false? Would he know if he were not? Likely not!
The “Big Boys” are getting ready to SHOW YOU a whole bunch of very “Earthly” spaceships and little and tall aliens. They are going to even bomb some of your cities to bring you into terror of our presence—for they know that with our presence—GOES THEIR DOMINANCE! Through causing the mass of mankind to fear God’s Hosts, you bring further confusion and destruction upon selves.
Phoenix Express Vol. VII No. 6 & 7, Pg. 1, 1/15/91 (Bush Is In His 28th Cycle of Robotoid)
Herein you will simply have to believe me when I tell you that there are replacement ones for your top leaders—and hundreds of “not so top” personages. The 28th George Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January 1991 at Camp David. He was tested and “smoothed” on the 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NOT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God—he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-masters—right out of Moscow—would not be monitored. I ask that, for the moment, you accept this which I tell you and then we can discuss how this can be true for, of course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has been given to you-the-public as far back as 20 years past—regarding genetic/holographic robotoids which bear identical memory patterns but are subsequently “programmed”. I have written of it in one of the more recent Journals but will repeat the information as I have time. Suffice it for now, please accept that which I tell you is not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads of instances—right now!
There are several places of top security where these transferences are made and replica holographic information is garnered for necessary multiples. Camp David has been the prime location for it is used as the Presidential Retreat and often social gatherings, such a birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplomats, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your government seems so indisposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia.
Phoenix Express Vol. VII, No. 8 & 9, Pg. 15, 1/21/91 (Genetic Duplicates, holographic/cellular duplication, the programming mechanism.)
Perhaps later today (1-21-91) we shall have time to discuss a bit of information regarding genetic duplicates and holographic/cellular manifestation of new bodies and the mechanism of programming. The concept is so simple that I am almost embarrassed to discuss it for, as with all things scientific in “nature”, you will find total simplicity. [H: Sorry about that—we obviously did not find extra time that day.]
Phoenix Express Vol. VII, No. 11, Pg. 3 (Programmed robotoid humanoids)
You cannot, as Americans, understand that which is happening and you stand strong for that which you have been “told”, afraid to speak out and appear bigoted or “against” anything regardless of how heinous the actions. Why? Because you are at the point of open warfare in the form of Psychopolitical actions called “brainwashing” and the citizens of a government run by robotoid humanoids programmed to do exactly that which they are doing.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 4 & 5, Pg. 9 (The world’s leaders are Replicas; Ronald Reagan was slain.)
You say, “...but there was to be one `slain’ only to rise again and call himself God and THEN we would know by the sign.” There is no way to slay the leaders, dear ones, they are replicas of the originals and there are dozens to take their places and you will never know. You killed Ronald Reagan and yet, you know not that he was dead! All the signs were there, including the running of your important and critical government by astrologers and still, you missed of it.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg 12, 2/10/91 (Robotoids: The world is inhabited with reproductions of programmed evil.)
The world is inhabited by reproductions of programmed evil with density of darkness and no lighted souls to traverse the heavens for they are birthed of the whore of Babylon who rests her feet upon the heads of God’s precious Creation/creations and laughs at the blindness of the lambs. Man realizes not that he walks and serves that which bears no soul essence within the breasts—he follows reproductions of genetic fabrications in blindness. He realizes not that simply through Truth and confrontation with that Truth shall the evil replicas fall to the wayside.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 13, 2/10/91 (Robotoids)
The lies become so blatant that it astounds that even the dense of dense cannot see—but in many ways the entire masses have been mesmerized by the hypnotic repetition of the robotoids who have been placed in your command to control you.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14, 2/10/91 (Robotoids)
Your top military leaders go forth to the “front”? They basically go no-where. How is it that your military hierarchy are still in Washington in the war room? They cannot get very far from Camp David is “WHY”. Look at the evil cover-up—even calling the Camp of Evil replication, “DAVID”.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, Pg. 14, 2/10/91 (Bush is now in his 30th replica.)
(Note: Also appears on Pg. No. 92-93 of Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal) [H: Thank goodness the items “match”—I probably owe a portion of this to Oberli who keeps me on my tippy-toes.]
Even a robotoid who comes within the lighted places of God Truth, shall be given soul by that Grace abounding. An awakened humanity can SEE the robotic replicas as produced by Satanic instruction. For instance—compare the one Cheney and that one, Powell—as they meet with their brother, the 30th replica of Bush on the morrow. All have been wined, dined and exchanged at Camp David whilst you believe them to be “studying the military situation” in Saudi Arabia. The flaws in the replicas are so obvious that you do not even have to look carefully. These ones are programmed to tell you exactly that which will pull you into the beast’s claws as dead-ahead as a machine can move.
Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 8 & 9, Pg. 2, 2/1/91 (Robotoids-Puppet Masters)
Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time—a new twist of sick humor perhaps—”the puppet pulling the human’s strings!”
Let us take a short break.
4/4/91 #4 HATONN
Pg. 192, Robotoids:
When I get opportunity to remind you about Russian Robotoids, you will perhaps stop calling us kooks and “your enemies”—we outlined, in the 1970’s, the entire picture and availability of Russian Robotoids and duplicates. [H: Ah ha, you caught me! Yes, we had some receivers as far back as that and one of the best, which I shall still leave unnamed a bit longer—was killed for his efforts.] If your leaders are of Russian control, dear hearts—you will come under the control of Russia, no more and no less—and, you already have placed in your councils—controlled substitutes. These ones are further programmed by pulsed beams and will function according to the overall Global Plan 2000. [H; I ask that someone in the group send R.S. copies of the tapes of our meeting when W.H. was with us for I believe it was at that session I discussed Yeltsin/Gorbachev. One reason that there is so much confusion in the Soviet Union this day is because Gorbachev is a many-times-replaced robotoid and Yeltsin is NOT. This infuriates the Khazar Elite and they will destroy the world along with Russia if that is what is required to gain control. I shall not go into this further for it is like a death contract on my people. I would hope that you ones can figure some manner in which we can make available some of our sessions such as the ones when “visitors” are in our midst. The load is simply too great for me to insist so please bear with us for our staff is at the breaking point and I am vastly increasing output, as you can see. I must leave it to the publisher to decide what to do about the problem of such quantities of material. Dharma and I plan to continue as fast as we can pour it out upon you.]
Pg. 83, Genetic Replicas of Humans:
In the late part of the 1970’s the existence of man-made genetic replicas of human beings was made public. The revealers were locked away instantly and the key tossed. It was disbelieved although motion pictures were made as sci-fi and the subject buried under threat of penalty of death to disclosers. They, however, did (and do) exist and were pressed into service right before your eyes. You didn’t even blink at them—no sir, you just gobbled up the lie, chewed it and swallowed it in total.
When first revealed to you they were referred to as “Synthetics” and in honor of the daring Truth-Bringers we shall continue to label them as such. I request that herein you not ask me for details of the replicas for they are not the point of my story and they will be covered at a more appropriate writing—just know that they DO exist and currently they are used continually to cover the shadow/parallel governments of your nations. Suffice it here to simply state that they do exist and were utilized in the April launch. One reason the preparation time of early astronauts was so lengthy for public consumption was to facilitate perfecting duplication of all segments, including the astronauts. Actually, the duplicates need not be perfect for plans are well laid in case of discovery an alteration can be instantly orchestrated if necessary. People cannot describe a suspect if at the scene of a murder, on oath—you certainly are not paying attention to anything that would cause you to suspect illusion if it remotely resembles the real thing.
“Little Gray Aliens” in underground secret bases? Oh, my friends, you have no conceivable idea what wondrous secrets are in your underground secret bases. Tuesday morning, April 14, genetic replicas called “Synthetics” of the then late astronauts, Young and Crippen, were readied at White Sands. They were programmed to take a computerized ride on the training Shuttle Enterprise. The Young and Crippen entities boarded the Enterprise which was mounted on top of the launched 747. After rocket fuel was loaded for the Shuttle, the 747 took off and headed west, avoiding commercial air traffic. The launched 747 headed out over the Pacific until it was several hundred miles west of Los Angeles. Then it turned back east toward the California coast. On television you were told that the non-existent Columbia was re-entering from orbit.
Pg. 212, Humanoid Robotoids/RNA, DNA Doubles (Genetic):
I have already written sufficiently—most recently, regarding how the doubles are created from holographic projection and DNA cellular reproduction. Please do not ask Dharma to spend time in repetition. With some 14 of you reading this material daily, surely at least one of you can locate the writing bearing this information—if not, sic sic!
I will, however, tell you when the Bolshevik use of these “doubles” became mandatory and proliferation blossomed. Now, in addition, you always desire speaking of the “little gray aliens”—OK, get ready, for this is wherefrom came the technology for reproduction of the robotoids. It is NOT like the projections the UFO “crowd” pronounce nor are the secret Majestic 12 uncoverings truthful (the documents are total fabrication).
When I tell you that the problem of “little gray aliens” on your place is not coming this day from the cosmos—believe it. It is the evil on your own placement—now locked into your Earth density, which is your problem. Your immediate perpetrators and expressionists are the Zionists in dispersement throughout the governments and financial communities, along with, of course, the scientific.
Any more recently “transported” “little gray aliens” which are seen regularly and reported by ones who see them and cannot be denied, are mostly reproductions. You are watching the very duplicates made functional by Satan himself come to, what appears, life. It is not the same kind of “life” given through Creator in soul manifested, physical matter. Therefore, KNOW that he can reproduce replicas ad nauseam from genetic blueprints and programming but he still only has robotoids and robotoids continually give him a great deal of trouble for they are easily identified once people realize there is such a thing. It is the ignorance of the fact of it that keeps the secret secure. You witness, say, Mr. Bush acting in a such and such manner and looking particularly young—then over the weekend he is changed and appears either more youthful or older—but definitely “different”. You simply mark it up to “a bad night’s sleep or too much to think about or responsibility” or any number of excuses for the change. Even your magazines and newspapers note the changes and simply comment on the incredible duplicity of the man. No, you are now encountering your 29th replica of George Bush. And with him must come a new Barbara Bush lest the show be spoiled. These duplicates become weak in strain and, under stress, are incapacitated quite rapidly as would be a “growing organism” placed in a stressed environment.
Henry Kissinger is another one to watch closely—he is changed-out frequently, also, for he bears the responsibility of orchestrating the Plan for New World Order. So, if Kissinger is a biggie and is also robotoid, WHO is the PUPPET-MASTER? You guessed it! The prince of deceivers, himself. You were told that—in the ending—Satan would be given total rule over the planet and you now have a very real entity deceiving you as a mass populace of the planet.
“Well, why don’t you do something about it—you who claim to be of the Light?” We are—we are bringing you Truth just as fast as you will accept it—for when you know and accept Truth—you will also be given to know how to counter that which is imitation of life. You who are creations of God Source are not “imitations of life” but experiencing fragments of the Creator’s Self. Satan’s army is now land-locked; unfortunately, it is on the same land upon which God’s Creations are also experiencing. So be it for it is the schoolroom of soul progression. You are simply living out the prophecies as you perceive them to be.
You see, even the prophecies of one Nostradamus are coming into focus—the Mongol in the blue turban, let us say—this represents the Khazar element of the anti-Christ with the flag colors of blue represented by the “turban” (which was the color, or flag, of identification in the ages past). The Soviet Union appeared to have been killed and is now to rise again more deadly than ever. Even the Pope of Rome is a duplicate playing the role of deceiver.
Ah, but WHEN did it become necessary to begin to bring doubles into public perfection? With the death of David Rockefeller.
SHROUDS OF THE SEVENTH SEAL (The Anti-Christ Whore of Babylon), JOURNAL
Pg. 93, Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas:
How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity. I have spoken of this procedure prior to this and will not take precious time to repeat and repeat for those who simply do not wish to go back and effort at gaining the information. You see, I, Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you understand the mechanism by which it works. You are “willing victims” of the lie and YOU will awaken or sleep on—it is up to you. Our commission is to outlay the Truth unto you—YOURS IS TO CONFIRM AND ACKNOWLEDGE—OR NOT, AS YOU WISH. There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison - - - [and the rest of the document is repetition.]
Thank you, friend, you have done a lot of work and, also, have saved me work in reconstruction. One problem is that, somehow, some of my prior information IS still missing and therefore, I can only assume it to be in one or two of your missing Journals. It is not sufficient to stop me from responding for I have not yet told you HOW you grow so fast, at any rate.
Know that you will read my discussion (or it got omitted which I think not probable) that there are already working duplicates of, for instance, cattle. There are also the projects in research to clone “body parts” for identical transplantation of heart, limbs, etc., without rejection of the attachment for it will bear identical genetic structure and the body will not recognize the difference. Now to a bit of specific technology to consider.
There are two kinds of cells in the body—the germ (the sperm cells and the egg cells, which produce the next generation) and the soma (the cells of the blood, brain, muscles, and everything else).
Each somatic cell has two sets of chromosomes in its nucleus. When it divides into two cells, all the chromosomes double, and each daughter cell receives a complete double set. But when the eggs and sperm are formed, by a process called meiosis, the two sets of chromosomes are broken up, and only one set goes to each of the daughter cells. Each egg cell and each sperm cell carry a random mix of half of an individual’s traits; the only time they have a complete set of chromosomes is when their nuclei come together during fertilization. At the moment of fertilization, life begins anew with an individual that is identical to neither its mother nor its father but rather is a 50-50 combination of both.
Starting out as a single cell, the embryo grows rapidly, not in size but in number of cells—first two cells then..... The growth begins when the nuclei come together during fertilization. The point then, of replication is to introduce two identical nuclei from the same entity. Upon integration they will multiply identically as above stated for it represents fertilization—the cell recognizes no difference. And thus begins replication of an identical clone.
As the cells multiply the embryo is a mulberry-like cluster of cells called a morula, scarcely bigger than the fertilized egg. As division continues, the morula turns into a hollow mass called a blastula (blastocyst in mammals), which is first hundreds, then thousands of cells strong.
In the event of “artificial cloning” it is much like a test-tube embryo except that it is completed in a medium which allows the nutrients of life to be utilized. While this is happening—there is a holographic image available for alteration as necessary for duplication of the finished entity.
In the early division, all the cells of the embryo are indistinguishable from one another. But later some of the cells begin to specialize, and the process of differentiation begins. As development proceeds and the embryo takes on shape and form, more and more cells become committed to a particular pathway, changing in form and function. The blood cells make hemoglobin, the muscle cells make a muscle protein, and so on. The facts are, and research now shows—every single cell in a body contains all the necessary things to reproduce a replica.
It must be noted that adult differentiated cells and egg cells, are on two very different time tables for division. The egg is on the fast track, ready to spring into action about an hour after fertilization if left absolutely alone, while the far slower differentiated cell is programmed to divide every two days or longer. So when the nucleus of an adult cell is placed in a recipient egg, it is forced to divide before it is ready. Chromosomes get left behind or are torn apart. The result is that some of the clones have chromosomal abnormalities and may be genetic “monsters”.
Now it gets more technical and tedious. Several things must take place to reproduce a “well-rounded” duplicate. As the cells are growing there must be introduced something which will accelerate growth and reproduction. You have in each body a functioning gland called the pituitary (I think is your label) which regulates growth. If something happens, say a tumor, in an adult wherein the pituitary gland becomes hyperfunctional, a disease, which I believe you call something like “acromegaly” which is chronic hyperpituitarism marked by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face—, occurs and within very short periods of time the body will simply outgrow itself—become huge and because the bone structure cannot house it the monstrously rapid growth can simply kill itself from overgrowth. So, if the pituitren from the gland is introduced in increased amounts during the early formation and duplication of cells—the growth rate is incredibly rapid. As the body reaches proper proportion and the cells mature into proper function in the proper placement—the hormone is decreased and additional amounts stopped completely. Understand that this is oversimplification of a rather complex mechanism—however, once the duplication process has been accomplished once or twice, the amount of additives is pretty well decided and the duplication becomes indeed rote.
I believe you can understand that as these reproductions are created they become less stable and much less sturdy although they will replicate even to the age category depending on giving additional hormones or withholding same. Then what is not perfected by “natural” growth and aging can be surgically altered.
So, what have you? You have a body functioning as a machine and a pretty empty mind of a womb-infant. It becomes very easy to down-load information from one brain to another—especially if there is no preconceived ideas or thoughts in the recipient brain. It becomes simple to place the outgoing replica or “person” into a state of imaging and the images in response to questions and input guidelines are extremely rapidly “read off” just like a rapid-fire computer system. Don’t be fooled by that which you are not told much about—but there are cameras which can now photograph thoughts—down-loading a mind is nothing and can be completed in only a few brief hours. During this same period of time programming for current and future functioning is integrated. “Flaws” in personality will most often be continually exaggerated and this is that which becomes the problem—that of keeping the entity under control.
What happens to the original? It goes where all first creations go—the soul departs and goes to its proper placement for progressive experience. The clones, when no longer useful, are simply “dumped”. If the expression within the essence is recovered and given again the gift of soul entrance through Grace (and there is no other way, beloved ones) then the “clone” becomes a functioning “whole” and separate entity but will bear the mental rememberings of the original and will pretty much continue the original’s experiences. Hence comes the term of terms—”walk-in”. Now I remind you ones who like to consider yourselves “walk-ins” for God—forget the concept. Clones are of evil beginnings by any measure of the term. Replacement of energy form into an existing body is indeed of evil. God needs no such fabrications. If God needs a body, He creates one. Remember, “Satan” as you call him, cannot create—he must utilize that which is already created—havoc is all that evil one can create.
So you see, it is not even longer speculative among the scientific community. By combining the techniques of nuclear transfer with those of in-vitro fertilization, the technology for cloning human embryos is now on-line. Using the same basic technique of serial transfer, scientists can duplicate the same embryo over and over again thereby cloning not just embryos but human adults.
Scientists have long been able to trick adult body cells, normally differentiated to perform specific tasks, into going backward in time to an early embryonic stage when all the genes were fully turned on and all things were possible. The researchers reached the power to turn back the clock, so to speak, making an adult cell young or duplicating a being at any age level through manipulation.
You must understand that in the beginning of this idea it was set forth as wondrous to be able to have a second set of organs, etc., if ever needed for individuals. Well, of course one secret thing led to another until they were taking a cell from an individual, transferring it into an enucleated egg, growing the embryo in culture for a few days, and then putting it into a surrogate uterus. After about six weeks into the embryonic development, the collection of primitive cells called the telencephalon, the forerunner to the higher brain, would be removed and frozen. In this way the body clone “would never develop a brain capable of anything more than secreting hormones and commanding the most basic vegetal bodily functions. It would never perceive pain or love. Without any portion of the higher brain, the body clone would be less human than the fish that graces your dinner table.
Once the body clone would be grown to the appropriate size by intravenous feeding and hormone injections, it could serve as the equivalent of a brain-dead organ donor, only in this case there would be no rejection of a transplant. Since the clone would have exactly the same genetic makeup as the person from whom it was derived, all its parts—from the facial features to vital organs—could be replaced as though they were the person’s own—which they would be. If now, the desirability is of having a functioning higher brain, then the additional steps would need to be taken to re-establish the telencephalon.
The problem that many scientists face in cloning is that in the reproducing much of the “personality” which makes a human sexual is lost and also it gets rid of all the very characteristics that are enjoyed about a human. As a matter of fact, as dangerous as the actual cloning of beings is what is happening already on a massive scale—the brain control which causes everyone to act in various controlled manners. How is it that a hundred million Americans watch the Super Bowl, or millions of people buy little plastic disks with scratches on them? Basically this is worse for the perfectly good and functional gifted mind is wasted. The potential for abuse is incredible and so it has become a fact.
The fact that contents of a brain can be transferred only requires knowledge of the psychochemical way in which memory is stored—and you have known how memory is stored in a computer. With the proper psychochemical balance it is merely a matter of transfer as from one computer disc onto another. With cloned brains and memory transfer, the individual is raised to the nth power—but without the capacity of moral conscience as given unto man in the form of soul. You see, the purpose is not to just serially immortalize but to produce parallel infinity.
Please allow this to be sufficient for this sitting as I have a very weary scribe who is wishing I would just clone her a little bit more time and a few more fingers.
I thank you for your inquiry and I hope I have been complete enough to satisfy without overburden. I am sorry to leave out any of your questions but I simply may not jeopardize my beloved counterparts by speaking of the other advanced technical achievements at this time. Too much information makes you targets and I refuse to allow that as my scribe, for instance, is marked like a neon sign already and therefore I give her nothing more than any of you have in access for if there is nothing to gain from her, she is left alone and our adversaries know that she is given nothing for they glean exactly that which I give her—right as she writes it on this apparatus.
Our sole mission is to “awaken” mankind—not invent new or re-invent old technologies and man’s problem, already, is that his technology is far advanced of his ability to socially survive. Know that as things are acceptable, proper ones will be given into knowing the information in proper sequence. God does pretty well at planning—and remember—HE WINS! THAT, BROTHERS, MEANS WE WIN!
Close this out, Dharma. I want to share the other information and confirmation received from A.B. regarding Egypt, etc., but we are too fatigued for this day. Thank you, chela, for relentless service and know, dear one, that when we pull this off—then you can go clean your cupboards. In great love beyond your knowing, I humbly bend in appreciation to you precious ones who struggle along with us in this journey acting as alarm clocks—the rewards shall be grand indeed for the promises of God are always met although you rarely have perceived them properly. Even so—they are always more wondrous than you can imagine.
In brotherhood and friendship I take leave this evening.
Hatonn to clear, please.
4/17/91 #1 HATONN
Dharma, it is long past lunch time and we need a break. Then I wish to discuss a few more points regarding robotoids for I seem to have stirred up the hornets. You will note however, that you now have first-hand information from one who is on the “inside” and knows the CIA very, very well and you got confirmation, precious—even moreso you learned that the replications coming out of Japan are even more superbly crafted than those coming prior to now.
Also please note the newly coming co-ventures and meetings with Gorbachev of Japan’s top people—in Japan. Also note that within the week Gorbachev requested 500 million dollars in additional food credits—FROM YOU AMERICA—and got it! That means that all the prior is used up and now the flow will be quite steady. Pray for a good grain crop this year, chelas, for all your reserves are gone! So be it. Let us take a rest, please. Thank you.
4/17/91 #2 HATONN
I don’t even have the proper language to further discuss this subject with you for it is obvious that the general public is so uninformed that I hardly know where to begin. Therefore, in light of that which I gave you a week or so past, I shall try to move back in years to incidents and utilize descriptions as we move along. An excellent place to begin is, say, around your years 1978 and 1979 because robotics were on the scene, having moved from “doubles” and “look-alikes” into robotoids and then on into synthetic automatons which are referred to as “synthetics”.
Doubles had been utilized frequently and with astounding results for some years prior to 1978 but in Spring of ’79 Russia had begun to deploy this astonishing new Intelligence weapon. Those were the “organic robotoids”—artificial robot-like living creatures that simulate human beings. By introducing the robotoids, the Russians were able to make a shambles of the Bolshevik plans then in progress. Preparations were moving fast for a new Bolshevik socialist revolution right there in the United States, but the Russian robotoids stopped it cold. The major problem—then as now—the Zionist Elite have no real loyalty to any cause save their own so that which comes forth is utilized in any manner necessary to gain their own desires and the “host” factor is usually done-in while the wolf hides behind the lead-sheep’s wool. Even more importantly, the joint Bolshevik and Zionist Middle East War plan was temporarily thwarted. This prevented the Bolsheviks from going ahead with the rest of their plan for an American nuclear first strike against Russia and so, the next attempt of serious magnitude was set up for 1982. Yes, you read exactly that and if you know not of which I speak—please go read the Journals for I cannot repeat it all. [See the early Space Shuttle missions we just repeated in the last 3 issues of CONTACT.] After that time, the Russians pressed forward with their robotoid infiltration and take-over of the United States. Within mere weeks, the year-and-a-half SALT II stalemate vanished and the treaty was signed in Vienna; for months major surprises showered the news which were the direct result of Russia’s robotoid “invasion”. At the time there were ones on your place who were being fed information right out of the Rockefeller Cartel and the CIA regarding these beings and it was being written, censored by the media and you the public tossed it aside like limp popcorn. Well, the two major resources were silenced and you were the loser. As we have bits of time on this subject, I shall back up and give you some scenarios which you can confirm, i.e. Sen. (robotoid) Church’s strategy to undo the Cuba crisis and to save SALT II. But this story is for 1979 because it is so important in magnitude.
A most important case in point was to do with America’s new relationship with Red China. In 1978, the Carter Administration was in a state of panic over Russia’s newly deployed crushing military power in space. The so-called China-card policy was the result. America suddenly dumped Taiwan and recognized Red China but the Russians were working fast to unravel the ties between the United States and China. Russia was determined to re-establish her own working relationship with China. In October talks were continuing between Russian and Chinese officials in Moscow with that goal in view. Suddenly a Federal District Judge ruled that it was illegal for President Carter to breach the treaty with Taiwan. Instead, he said, Congress must be consulted. In June the same Judge had refused to rule in the case, but the Russian robotoid take-over in the U.S. had changed things forever. Out of the blue came the surprise thunderbolt of the ruling. It could hardly have been better calculated to shake Chinese confidence in the United States, and it came at the very moment when Red Chinese negotiators were staring across the table at their Russian counterparts in Moscow.
In every possible way, the Russians were trying to make use of their robotoid advantage while they could, because there was a lesson which ran throughout military history and the Russians knew it well. That lesson was that when one side in the conflict developed a new weapon, the other side would soon counter it with a similar and often, better, one. A new weapon can decide a conflict only if it is used quickly.
The United States was far behind that of Russia in robotoid technology as well as space technology, but then the Bolshevik and Zionist enemies of Russia had achieved their own surprise. The Rothschild interests, which controlled both movements, had for many years been deeply involved in biological research of all kinds. They had not succeeded in learning the secrets of the Russian robotoids, but they had achieved success with something very similar. Those developments were called “synthetic automatons” or simply “synthetics”. A Rothschild synthetic was similar to a Russian robotoid in certain ways. Each is an artificial life-form designed to simulate a human being, but synthetics also differ from robotoids in important ways. For one thing, they are generated by radically different techniques. Both utilize genetic samples from actual humans as their starting point, but beyond that everything is different.
The Russian process is a close relative of recombinant DNA techniques involving hormones and other life forms which could be loosely described as bacteria, simply for lack of better description. The details of the process were shrouded in the greatest secrecy of anything in historical reference—but the process (and I have already described it at any rate) enables robotoids to be generated from “scratch” very, very rapidly. The Rothschild process, by contrast, did not start from scratch—ah ha! Instead, certain tissues extracted from bovine (cattle) were the starting point. Are the lights flickering, L. Howe?
The synthetic is then generated in a process that changes the genetic make-up in order to simulate a person being copied. It is the outgrowth of a discovery made in the 1950s in France. The experiment involved two species of ducks called khaki Cambells (go look it up right after the shock goes away), and white Pekins. The landmark duck experiment of 1959 was reported in a book titled THE BIOLOGICAL TIME BOMB by one, I believe, Taylor, Gordon R. It was published around the late 1960s by the New American Library, New York, N.Y. Taylor described the experiment in these words, quote: “They had extracted DNA from the cells of the khaki Cambells and had injected it into the white Pekins, thinking that just possibly the offspring of the latter might show some character derived from khaki Cambells. To their utter astonishment the actual ducks they injected began to change. Their white feathers darkened, and their necks began to take on the peculiar curve which is a mark of the khaki Cambell.” Beginning with that clue, the Rothschild synthetic process continued to be developed—in great secrecy and by the late ’70s, synthetics were beginning to appear on the scene.
I do not wish to frighten Dharma but she must become aware that it was known that she would write these documents from onset of her time here on the planet—only she did not know.
Her brother was in a very high-level military intelligence position; he was replaced at the time of his original “heart attack” and several times since. For your confirmation, chela, remember that they would not allow you to visit—you were also told by astonished ones that when they first saw him afterwards his hair had turned snow white in a matter of hours—from the research medications. “They” usually do not make such errors in presentation but were caught off guard by a persistent wife who stumbled in prior to having the preparations fully under control. The one who came to visit last summer via Nellis Field and Edwards Air Force Base was quickly identified by you but most people will not even question and will attribute changes to aging and “whatever”. Please KNOW, chela, that we wrap you in love and will see you through this journey for it has indeed been a painful walk for you. Don’t concern about your brother, child, for he has long ago moved on, but it was necessary to have a “body” in his place perchance you went to visit—it would make it far easier to keep you in surveillance. Your brother even remembers a lot of his experience and departure and became quite confused in your presence—it is indeed typical and the clues were all over the circumstance.
On October 9, 1979 Carter robotoid No. 18 was scheduled to hold a news conference. Three days earlier, Brezhnev No. 2 had made his proposals in East Berlin for military reductions in Europe. Robotoid No. 18 had been programmed to react positively to the proposals but instead your alleged President said, quote: “I think it’s an effort designed to disarm the willingness or eagerness of our allies adequately to defend themselves.” The Russians were totally dumbfounded. This was a fresh robotoid, surely the recurring instability problem could not be showing up so rapidly. After the news conference, he was bundled off for examination and testing, and that produced the second big surprise. It was not robotoid No. 18 at all, but a total synthetic. The synthetic was then transported to Novosibirsk for further study. There, robotoid scientists were able to establish an important and unpleasant fact: the source of the genetic material used in generating the synthetic had been robotoid No. 18; and whereas the Russian robotoids vary somewhat from one to another, the synthetic was virtually identical in appearance to the missing robotoid No. 18. But an important favorable fact was also discovered—the synthetics are inferior mentally to the robotoids. It wasn’t clear at the time how fast the Bolsheviks would be able to deploy the synthetics, but the guerilla war between the Rothschild synthetics and the Russian robotoids was underway.
Dharma, allow us to leave this for it is now too lengthy.
4/21/91 #1 HATONN
I believe I left you at the point that Russia was in possession of Carter No. 18. The Russians in Novosibirsk discovered that the “Rothschild” synthetics had actually appeared and now were in service. This was expected but, even at that, it was a surprise maneuver on the occasion of the first big public display. Since the Russians had been expecting duplication abilities they were both pleased and a bit disgruntled to find that the synthetics were more perfect in visible duplication but alas, were mentally inferior to the robotoids.
For that reason, the Russians were immediately turning their resources to a re-emphasis of their other weapons in their battle against the Bolsheviks in America. Remember now that this portion continues from the one in prior writings which were staged in 1978 and ’79.
At that time, by the Fall of 1979, they were beginning to use geophysical warfare again as part of their overall campaign to whittle away at the danger of nuclear war. In October Chairman Hua of China was in France, trying to buy Mirage Fighters among other things; but the Russians sent a very clear message to both France and China that they should forget that little transaction. On October 9 a Russian geophysical warfare weapon was set off in an undersea trench in the Mediterranean off Nice, France. It produced a sudden ebb tide, followed by a tidal wave that smashed 36 miles of the French Riviera. Surely you ones remember this for it was prominent in all the world’s news except yours which covered it in less than two broadcasts. This was an entirely new experience for the French, but not for Chairman Hua. The Russians had used geophysical warfare to give him a message more than a year prior.
For you Americans, it was now coming closer to home for, prior to this, THERE WERE IN PLACE SOME 46 BOMBS UNDERGROUND FOR EARTHQUAKE GENERATION IN CALIFORNIA. Dear ones, I didn’t place the bombs—I am simply reminding you that they were in place as far back as the mid-seventies and in 1979 the Russians began detonating those bombs by use of the beam system from Cosmospheres. On August 6 the strongest quake in 68 years—5.9 on the Richter scale, shook San Francisco, and in October (15th) a Richter 6.4 quake was set off in Southern California.
The Russians had become convinced that their robotoids would not be enough to stop the Bolsheviks. They had encountered some problems with them and now the Rothschild element had created replacement synthetics for the robotoids. So rather than allow the Bolsheviks to regroup and launch nuclear war, the Russians turned once again to geophysical warfare, including weather warfare. The West Coast, as with the earthquakes, was a prime target because of the heavy concentrations of aerospace and military activity there. They knew they could (and have done so) control the amount of rainfall and devastate the growing fields and water supply for the “garden” valleys. The big question remains—WHEN will they unleash the great man-made catastrophe on America’s West Coast? They continue to this day to give you warnings at regular intervals and you keep ignoring them and spitefully effort to set yourselves up for nuclear strike against them. Gorbachev is nothing but a puppet of the Bolshevik Elite (Khazar Zionists). The non-robotized leaders of the world do not like you, America, and are aiming to shut you down—would it not be better to stop this insanity on your own account? You could then turn into a world working together in freedom without “World Enslavement”.
Even though I recently wrote on the subject of cloning of cows, etc., I believe you need more current, factual information for you didn’t REALLY accept the first go-through. Let us just name some names and places for you now have synthetic cattle, turkeys, etc. In many ways it is far easier to consider using these synthetics as a food resource but it should be most serious that actual duplication is not only present but working. This, however, is not that which has brought the Hosts of the Cosmos—for the Khazars have also invented a method [scalar beam weaponry] to cause “death” and I speak of soul energy fragmentation which actually destroys the structure of soul essence. This is unacceptable! [And why the Hosts came to babysit—because of the antics with these scalar beam weapons.]
I am going to just give you an example on this subject from that which is already published in your own data avenues—not from technical papers as much as outlined in layman language for better comprehension. Don’t get hung up on intercellular structuring from Hatonn for I shall not jeopardize the position of my scribe, and you of John Doe, ball-game watcher or awakening quarterback in God’s ball game, do not have to clone anything so allow us to accept that which is already available. It is understanding that you need—not specific experimentation in your bedrooms. You have done enough damage in misuse of your bedrooms!
Let us start with milk-giving cows. Biologists can clone a large number of very superior cows from a single embryo. The cows, which are designed to be excellent milk producers, will not be clones of their parents, because they will have genetic material from both: They will be genetic replicas of each other.
Let us follow the path from one through eight steps:
1. A superior milk cow is mated with a superior bull—through test-tube fertilization.
2. After six days, the resulting embryo has developed up to some 32 cells.
3. One cell is removed from the embryo.
4. An unfertilized egg is taken from a donor cow.
5. The genetic material is removed from the egg.
6. The cell from the superior cow is inserted into the egg and a jolt of electricity is applied to fuse the cell inside the egg.
7. The egg is then inserted into a surrogate mother where it is allowed to develop normally.
8. Additional cells can be taken from the original embryo and inserted into other surrogate mothers to create numerous genetically identical cows.
Do you now see that you can duplicate unlimited clones? Do you also now see why a few years back (very few) there was started a sperm bank with only contributors of those considered the most Elite and brilliant “Nobel” prize winners? The sperm cells (or cells) would be utilized from the “chosen few” who would father the offspring through a “chosen select female” and clones made from the offspring—thereby theoretically creating a super-brilliant race! Do you actually think it different from Hitler’s Nazi experiments? Foolish chelas! Moreover, now there is not even a need for surrogate mothers for the entire system can be handled from small artificial wombs and “thriving” containers.
But back to the cows for these are the type of articles which miss your attention—while also readying you for accepting major information as we “spill the beans”. They can then tell you that “...no, we are only working with turkeys and cows”—and that is a very good time to utilize the term B.S.!
Dharma, just copy the article. It is so outdated that I am embarrassed for you but none-the-less, the readers need this input to prepare for the other Truth possibilities.
[QUOTING: STAR TRIBUNE (Minnesota) 3/24/91:]
It’s roundup time in the petrie dish, where Michelle Sims is herding the cattle of the future.
“Here’s a two-cell. That’s good,” she said of one Holstein embryo. “These have died.” she said, rejecting others.
The critters are mere polka dots, microscopic abstractions of the black-and-white cows they are genetically destined to become. But each has everything it needs to ultimately develop hooves, hairy hide and all the other features of the classic milker.
And each is a carbon copy of the others. This is a herd of clones, genetically identical reproductions.
And there is no limit to the number of additional copies Sims can make at the University of Wisconsin, where she is a research supervisor.
The science fiction of the early 1980s—is at the barn door of the 1990s. Since sheep and cattle embryos were first cloned in the mid-1980s, Sims and other researchers have pushed the technology to the point that companies in Texas and Canada are selling elite breeding cattle from cloned embryos. Another company in Wisconsin is planning commercial sales on farms this decade.
Now embryo cloning—with other new biotechnology in the works—is driving the $57 billion-a-year cattle industry toward a new era. Barnyard sex has been out of vogue for decades as farmers have found ever more sophisticated technology for impregnating animals. Even with the technology, a superior cow could produce only about five offspring. Unromantic as the mating may have been, they still were subject to the myriad of chances that occur when genes from males and females meet in the old-fashioned way. Offspring might inherit the superior qualities of their parents—or they could be duds.
With cloning, scientists envision a future when a dairy barn could feature cows with guaranteed identical genetic traits. And the farmer could have additional copies in the form of frozen embryos, to be thawed as replacements are needed. That freedom from genetic variations would move farmers toward the kind of management precision and quality control found in factories.
For example, dairy farmers can dramatically boost milk yields by giving a cow exactly the right feed. But because each cow is different, the optimum feed mix must be calculated animal by animal through trial and error. In a cloned herd, much of the guesswork would be gone.
Meanwhile, research into animal cloning has application off farms, said Robert McKinnell, a professor of genetics and cell biology at the University of Minnesota. A pioneer in cloning, he has worked with frogs to learn more about humans. Animal cloning research is unlocking secrets about the subtle functioning of cells, he said. Among other things, the findings are useful in understanding cancer.
But cloning also is controversial. A key worry is the potential for losing genetic diversity of farm animals. Suppose that a nation’s herds gradually evolve toward clones from a few superior parents. Some rare disease accidentally is imported, and this line of cattle carries hidden genetic vulnerability to it. Oops, the nation’s meat and milk supplies are threatened.
The concern is shared by scientists, including Steen Willadsen, who led the world into farm animal cloning, announcing in 1986 that he had produced sheep from cloned embryos in Great Britain. Willadsen is now a professor at the University of Calgary and research director for Alta Genetics Inc., one of the three companies known to be developing cloning for commercial sales.
While Willadsen expressed enthusiasm for the potential in cloning, he worried that cattle production might follow trends in the poultry industry in which a handful of companies own most of the breeding stock.
“We have three companies sitting on the genetic basis for most of the commercial turkeys...Insofar as cloning could be used in that way, which at present it can’t, so we could run into a similar situation here,” he said.
But Neal First, the University of Wisconsin scientist who reported in 1987 that he had produced the first cattle from cloned embryos, said the problem already is being addressed. Among other things, a national program is being established to catalog and freeze germ plasma that could be used to recover lost varieties of animals, he said. There are other ethical concerns, including the potential for cloning humans from embryos. Theoretically it’s possible, although cattle, sheep and rabbit embryos are much easier to clone than humans, pigs and rodents, First said.
May Tacheny, who coordinates rural concerns for the Minnesota Catholic Conference, said important ethical questions haven’t been addressed because religious thinkers haven’t kept up with the explosive growth in new biotechnology.
“We’re changing the whole manner of things that creation so wonderfully is empowered to do,” she said, “We know about the ability of nature to create surprises and the natural way of producing new species...You have to wonder why we are trying to do it.”
Ultimately economics probably will drive the decisions about how far animal cloning goes on farms. Most scientific pieces are in place, said Paul Miller, a vice president at ABS Specialty Genetics in DeForest, Wis., another of the three companies that are developing cloning.
“It’s just a matter now of getting the price down and the success rate up,” he said.
Miller estimates that cloned embryos will be widely used on farms when they can be sold for $500 to $1,000. Right now the cost is “a long way” from that range, he said.
“It’s a lot like producing an electronic calculator”, he said, “The first one may cost $1 million. But by the time you make millions of calculators, that development cost is down to about 10 cents a calculator.”
A key step in mass marketing will come when a company can guarantee the genetics of its cloned lines, which will take years of cloning, testing and recloning, Miller said.
Here’s why: No one knows the genetic value of a given calf until it grows up and starts producing milk. But adult cows can’t be cloned. The process works only with embryos whose cells haven’t “differentiated”, or specialized for individual traits. In cattle, differentiation starts about six days after conception, after embryos have 32 cells.
So researchers must clone some of the cells from an embryo and freeze the rest before they differentiate. Cows from the first cloned cells can be evaluated as milkers. At that point, the remaining frozen embryo cells can be thawed and cloned.
But it takes more than six years to prove those first clones.
The process is underway at ABS’s Wisconsin research facilities, where cloned cattle in the barns match cells being held in freezers at 320 degrees below zero, said Marvin Pace, ABS director.
“We have a lot of bulls sitting around this place,” he said last week pointing toward the ABS barns outside his window. “You make this mating of superior animals, but the recombination of genes is such that you don’t know what the result is going to be...Out of 200 bulls we sample every year, only one in 10 or one in 15 shows up superior.”
With cloning, he explained, “For the first time in the history of animal breeding, we will be able to sell a person a genetic KNOWN...to say we’ve got an animal here that is in the elite end, genetically.”
The cloned cattle at ABS are carefully guarded secrets. Barns are off limits to visitors. The firm, also a major player in traditional breeding, is racing with Granada Biosciences Inc. of Houston to claim ownership of the technology and to develop commercial markets.
Pace wouldn’t say what ABS has invested in cloning , but it was enough to build research laboratories, hire 20 employees and finance basic research at the University of Wisconsin, where Sims and First conduct their experiments. Scientists on the leading edge of the new biotechnology say the full impact of cloning will come when it is combined with other developments. For example, researchers are honing techniques for analyzing genes in cattle embryos to predict traits they’ll possess as adults, First said. That would eliminate a lengthy step in the process of evaluating clones.
Other researchers are manipulating the genes of cows to give their milk qualities that would help cheesemakers, he said.
Anybody feel a bit queasy yet? Well, go take a breath of air, get a candy fix or whatever, for we are going to come back and I am going to give you a bit of a rundown on cattle mutilations, vampiring “little grays” and consider asking you to ask Whitley Streiber what else he might like to share with this nation. NO “LITTLE GRAYS” FROM OUTER SPACE, BROTHERS—NO CRIMINAL EVIL ALIENS—CLONING, CATTLE SURROGATE MOTHERS AND NOW VAT-PRODUCED ADULTS—ALL RIGHT ON YOUR PLACE AT THE LOVING HANDS OF THE ELITE SATANIC BROTHERHOOD SET TO TAKE OVER YOUR WORLD. HARKEN UP FOR YOU HAVE NO REAL IDEA OF WHAT IS OUT THERE!
Hatonn to clear until you are ready to begin again, Dharma. Thank you, chela, we are going to “get-there”, precious, and you remain ever in my shelter. Man must face the truth of his circumstance and then he will do that which he will do and we shall have filled our mission.
4/21/91 #3 HATONN
I am going to put the abduction cases, contacts of little aliens and blood-sucking mutilators to rest. NONE of the tales, as told, are true as presented within the “UFO” community of disinformation-bringers. It is not necessarily true that the stories are deliberate fabrications (although in most instances they are such), but ones can only conclude, incorrectly, that the activities are perpetrated by etheric or alien beings.
It makes for good science fiction, but dear friends, you will find, when the wash is out and hung in the sunlight, that Truth is far stranger than is that fiction.
The evil Anti-God was on your place and busy at his work long before any being called Adolf Hitler entered the scene. Further, it was through the coalition of the Khazar Zionists and the Nazis headed by Adolf Hitler that the “master race” was presented and all the experimenting began and quite frankly was pretty well functioning. From then until now it has been one big cover-up after another while the Elite move to take your planet.
My intent is not to cause any of you any great disappointment but I can assure you that if you are telling ones that you are a “walk-in”—you are in for some real surprises yourself. What you are actually saying is that you believe yourself to be a fully fledged clone or reproduction with new programming. That is not a state to be taken either lightly or with great joy. GOD DOES NOT PRESENT ONES WITH WALK-INS AND IF A NEW CREATION IS NEEDED—HE CREATES. ON THE OTHER HAND—THE EVIL BROTHERHOOD MUST WORK FROM THAT WHICH IS ALREADY MANIFEST AND NOW, WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE YOU WHO CLAIM TO BE WALK-INS? Does this mean that somehow you are lost and have no ability to reclaim self? No, but you must recognize the truth of it and demand that the tampering cease, the false energies depart, require that God regain control—clear your space and recognize what has happened, either mentally or physically or both.
As gene splicing and synthetic reproduction has been experimented on during the past decades there were two thrusts present at all times. One was to totally terrify the populace by the activities in remote places, etc. Secondly, much experimenting had to take place in remote places to coincide with the research going on in laboratories. The “scientists” had to have several things with which to carry on research—male/female reproductive ovum and sperm, cells for biological splitting and cloning, places for surrogate incubation and ability to control the subjects.
At first the most efficient method of research was simply for the host carrier to act as the carrier—no more and no less. Then it was found that cattle cells made excellent host structure for the beginning of the splicing and reproduction and far quicker than simple reproductive growth even with hormone rapid-growth substances. Also it was found that if the host cell was, say, bovine—the cow could then carry the fetus for a period of time without rejection and abortion and without any impact on the fetus. Therefore a fetus could be begun (the clone started) and simply carried within the cow as a surrogate mother device until species differences would cause spontaneous abortion. This method is no longer even necessary to produce fully adult duplicate synthetics.
Now, as for the number two cause of cattle and sheep experimentation—you have strains of viruses which are in what are referred to as walking reservoirs—i.e., there is a strain of smallpox which has no publicly known cure which is “on hold” in “walking reservoirs” of bovine and sheep. The bovine leukemia and sheep visna viruses are the most tampered with of the viral family of death dealers, i.e., HIV (AIDS), etc. You see, death is not from the HIV which is a lazy, almost worthless virus but rather from the diseases allowed to take over the body due to the inhibited immune system of the host. The virus itself will mutate with every carrier—but can be stopped from mutating by taking a cell from the already mutated cell and reproducing it—in other words, cloning the mutant. A vaccine possibility? Indeed, but not as you might think—you must first find a subject which has a disease which can be treated, clone the disease and transmit the treatable disease into the host and therein treat the treatable disease, building immunity to any other assault on the system. You don’t even have to touch the HIV sleeping in the nice comfy T-cells. The experimenting can easily be carried out in sheep and cows and most certainly has been to ad nauseam extent.
Now, for the miserable part of the human social experience, there comes forth the Satanic worshippers, witches and those who practice wicca magic while calling it white magic, etc., and the Zionist Elite sacrificial dallyings and other blood-letting ritualistic nonsense, and soon you have groups in the actual state of evil worship through the blood baths and supping and ritual killings of both animals and humans. Part of the intent is the terror involved and the other is the simple stupidity of human ritual to evil with no intent otherwise. Please do not be foolish in your translation, dear ones—you who think you practice divine magic while practicing wicca had best think again for unless you are a truly HOLY MAN you will get yourselves trapped, for wicca, by its pure meaning, is taken from the word “wicked” which means: Evil in principle and practice; vicious; sinful; depraved; akin to “wicca”. Now, let us take it a bit further in definition: “Witch: a person who practices sorcery; one having supernatural powers, especially to work evil and usually by association with evil (wicked) spirits or the devil.” “Wicce” witch is the feminine of “wicca” wizard. So—when a beautiful young minister gives you equal billing with speakers for “Wicca”, I think I would probably consider that there is not great discernment as to that which should be allowed to enter into the sanctuary of God acting under the guise of a “Christian” church. Further, to place my “Command” (Hosts) on the same level of “dark” controversy is a bit on the “much” side. I serve only Holy God of Light and furthermore, a wicca wizard wouldn’t last ten minutes in my presence for I will simply ask him to take leave in the name of God.
7/29/92 #2 HATONN
Let me tell you ones that it is not always EASY working with you—you had best be glad it was GOD who invented “humor”.
I have had to take an hour to settle Dharma enough to work again—she gets “visions” and regales into peals of laughter. Chelas, there is only “good” in seeing the humor in every situation because it is ultimately that which will save your sanity. But, leave it to be obvious that we space-cadets also have great need for patience and understanding at that which unfolds before us. Monty Python or Benny Hill or Mel Brooks could do wonders with any of this material and make a billion dollars. Truth is inherently more funny than is a dreamt up sit-com.
Remember the story (TRUE) about Carter and the “killer rabbit” on his outing trip? Python had a ball with that one as his group went in search of the Holy Grail. Editors: please see if you can locate the cartoon about the misadventures of Mr. Carter.
[Editor’s note: There are several stories. Carter was changed out so early in the game as to actually end up embarrassing the thugs to bits. He talked of attack rabbits, only “lusting inside” and thus and so. He was supposed to die in one of his “runs” at Camp David—in public—but instead he simply collapsed while “running in the air with his legs never missing a beat” and DID NOT DIE. It was necessary to take “that image personage” inside Camp David and outfit a nice new one who came out and gave out awards as if nothing had happened but couldn’t even recognize where he was. Now this is all documented, readers, so don’t go saying I have gone bonkers!.]
6. PHOENIX JOURNAL #197 PP. Chap. 14, pp. 89-113
The Cloning of Man, Or I Wonder Who's Kissinger Now?
CHAPTER 14 - Phoenix Journal #197
Well, what have we here? I’m sure it is merely the most accidental of “””coincidences”””—don’t you think?
Sometime around Wednesday or Thursday of last week, I made the editorial decision to run, on this week’s Front Page, Calvin Burgin’s excellent tutorial on the REAL state of our world’s genetic engineering technology and applications of same—particularly “political” applications which have been perpetrated right under the noses of we-the-kept-dumb public for well over 20 years now.
Longtime readers of CONTACT and the Phoenix Journals are well aware of this subject. Oh, are they ever. And if they make the “mistake” of trying to explain this particular subject to most of their friends, they are also brutally aware of the generally heated and indignant controversy it generates because, “the Earth is flat, don’t you know!!!!” Well, from some people’s perspective, I guess that’s true. But the subject certainly pushes all kinds of emotional buttons. And rightly so. Only that does not negate the truth of the matter.
So, I made the decision about running Calvin’s piece about the middle of last week. The interesting matter which has just sprung up and which I call to your attention, is what has just been released, starting over the weekend, apparently (from what I’ve been told) all over the various media sources from CNN’s Headline News on television, to the Front Page of the Sunday February 23, 1997 Los Angeles Times, and even to the faxed copy of the Montreal Gazette I have here in front of me, Front Page, for Monday, February 24, 1997:
Door Opens To Human Cloning is the headline. And the article’s bold-type tease line goes on to say: “The successful cloning of a sheep means humans could be copied—but at what cost? ‘The genie is out of the bottle,’ one ethicist says.”
Indeed, the genie is out of the bottle! But such has been the case for quite some time. It’s merely that we-the-people weren’t exactly told about this—probably for our peace of mind or (hear “America, The Beautiful” playing softly in the background:) for National Security reasons!
Right. Anyway, there was obviously a need to push a button somewhere and turn on the “damage control” machinery bigtime, right now—again, purely “””coincidentally””” with our presenting this subject as this week’s Front Page story. Imagine that.
The public is slowly being conditioned to come to grips with this reality. Those of you who monitor the X-Files television program on a regular basis have observed, over the past several years of its existence, probably the most blatant “””fictional””” depictions of the facts which Calvin Burgin has assembled for your reading “enjoyment” on this most important topic of genetic engineering—
the results of which are on almost daily (except when they malfunction) display, especially in the most important and visible of high public positions. After all, why trust to a human what you can more reliably trust to a “machine”!?!
Perceptive readers can pretty much look between the lines of the media blitz versions (dare I say “cloned” versions?) of this subject to discern the inferences of what is already well developed. But, as I said already—for the rest of the story, read Calvin’s outlay following this note.
— Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief
Calvin Burgin, 404 Gate Tree Lane, Austin, TX 78745-3137 Feb. 12, 1997
by Calvin Burgin 2/12/97
“Man has always wanted to create a being in his own image....We can do it now. We have done it! He was terminated, however, because he couldn’t follow orders; he couldn’t shoot an animal...We now possess techniques in a new type of genetic engineering, certainly more than enough for the J-Type’s in vivo creation....We were taken in, we scientists; we were thinking of underwater work and space exploration; we wanted to believe and we believed. We allowed it to happen...Then, it is only ‘fictional’ [tongue in cheek] that a governmental group has cloned a human.”
Dear Reader, I suggest you withhold judgment until you read this whole document. Then, why make a judgment at all? You KNOW what you KNOW, and you DON’T KNOW what you DON’T KNOW. What you believe has little to do with Truth.
MILITARY PLANE CARRYING PRESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT CRASHES—NINE KILLED by Rene Sanchez, Washington Post Staff Writer, Monday, August 19, 1996; Page A04, The Washington Post: “A military cargo plane that accompanied President Clinton on his vacation trip to Jackson, Wyo., crashed late Saturday night with nine people on board just after it took off for New
York with presidential vehicles and other gear, military officials said.
“Officials at the crash site, a steep mountainside in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, said late yesterday that there were no survivors. Eight Air Force crew members from Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Tex., and a Secret Service employee were on board the C-130 cargo plane, which was headed to New York City, where Clinton attended a 50th birthday celebration in his honor last night.”
Later, the killed were identified as Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, Capt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, 2nd Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, Staff Sgt. Michael J. Smith Jr., Senior Airman Michael R. York, Senior Airman Rick L. Merritt, Senior Airman Billy R. Ogston, Airman Thomas A. Stevens and an unidentified person. Later, the other person was identified as Secret Service agent Aldo E. Frascoia. A rash of other plane crashes, train derailments, a fire at the White House, and numerous other strange events occurred the same month.
Sherman Skolnick of Chicago has a TV program and daily telephone hotline in which he discusses fraud and corruption, drug dealing, etc., involving high level politicians and justice department officials. He has been investigating cover-ups since the Kennedy hit. After the Jackson Hole crash, Skolnick, on his telephone hotline (773-731-1100), had a recorded message (Aug. 24, 1996) in which he stated:
“And the press liars cannot tell us of several plots, military and civilian, to unseat Clinton because all situations are supposedly by ‘lone assassins’ and no conspiracies are allowed ever to be discussed. For example, they would have to admit a high level oil industry CIA plot to blow away President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and others.
“And the press cannot admit what is already known by more well-informed folks, that various dictators, royalty, presidents and such have doubles! Hitler had 12 doubles. Some of them were bumped off by those seeking to stop the Nazi leader. During World War II, Winston Churchill’s double was murdered by a German commando. President Jimmy Carter had two doubles. President Clinton, three doubles, one of whom reportedly died in the crash of a military plane that took off near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, just ahead of the real Clinton’s plane. Military sources, by the way, contend the military plane was hit by a missile and crashed into a mountain.
“Funny thing, one of Clinton’s appearances in Chicago was actually a double, same face and hair, but if you looked closely, he didn’t walk exactly like Sledge Willie. TV network reporters knew the truth about such happenings. For one thing, the secret service issues all credentials for reporters to come to press conferences and to interview important public officials. Telling the truth would cost you your job.
“Will the real Clinton step forward, please, so we can inspect your nose, which has been rotted out by too much cocaine snorting. By the way, sex-accuser Paula Jones would have the real Clinton identified by inspecting him somewhere else, but we are far too polite to go into that. Another story suppressed by the liars and whores of the press.
“In Chicago, see us on Cable TV, Channel 21 Cable, 9 PM most Monday evenings.....Citizens Committee to Clean Up The Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, IL 60617.”
What is this talk about clones and doubles? Is there anything to it?
In 1977, I saved an article from a magazine whose name I no longer remember. The notations at the bottom of the pages say “SCI/DI May, 1977”. It was the size of the old Science Digest magazines. On page 76 was the article entitled “A New Ethical Question: Head Transplants?”
The article tells of Dr. Robert J. White and colleagues of the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital doing successful head transplants on monkeys, removing the head from one monkey and sewing it onto another monkey’s body. White was known as the first man to remove a brain and keep it alive outside the body, the first to succeed in transplanting and storing the brains of experimental subjects. He was professor and co-chairman of neurosurgery at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and director of the Department of neurosurgery.
This was twenty years ago. What has been accomplished since then, and what has been done in secret, that they dare not tell us about? The evidence will astound you!
Wisconsin Report newspaper, August 30, in 1979, had a front page editorial article that said: “Many of our readers/subscribers are sending interesting news items and clippings. For example, ‘Dr. Christian Bernard of So. Africa says: “No to Head Transplant”.’ This was the local news last week. It was first reported in Patriot News in June of 1977. This transplant has already been successful in the U. S. for monkeys, gorillas, horses, cows and mules. It has been successful for HUMANS in Russia for over 1 year already.
“The next item was ‘Clones are being developed in Siberia.’ There is a compound in Siberia in which human fetuses from a test tube are being transplanted into the wombs of cows and gorillas. The gestation period is 9 months. They now have full grown adult Clones, that look like HUMANS. It only takes from 2 to 3 years for a Clone to become full grown (like a steer or gorilla). In five years, they will have an entire Army, Navy and Marine Corps of Clones.”
The book The Biological Time Bomb, by Gordon Rattray Taylor, copyright 1968, on page 28, says: “Lord Rothschild, for long a Cambridge physiologist and an international authority on the structure and action of spermatozoa, left his bench and became a businessman, working for one of the largest chemical concerns in the world. In this dual role, he is, one may assume, unlikely to speak wildly or sensationally. Yet in 1967 he told the scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel that he regarded cloning people as a near possibility. The problem he foresees is whether everyone should be allowed to clone themselves if they wish, and he expects to see a Commission for Genetical Control established to vet applications.”
There in 1967 you have a Rothschild expert, one of the most powerful men in the world, announc
ing that cloning was a near possibility and that a Commission would be established to oversee the consequences.
In the book In His Image: The Cloning of Man, in 1978, author David Rorvik tells the story of the first known cloning of a human. The book tells of a Rand Corporation report that Russia was experimenting with creating biocybernetic guidance systems for implantation in air-to-air missiles. It tells of the Burden Neurological Institute in Briston, England, working with hooking brains via electrodes directly to computers, allowing thoughts to control the computers. It tells about using electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) to cause subjects to see and hear things that did not exist, to have false memories implanted, to create great sexual desire, hatred, fear, etc. Cal Tech biologist Dr. Robert L. Sinsheimer said in 1968 that it would be possible to clone a human being in ten years. Dr. Kimball Atwood, professor of microbiology at the University of Illinois, said about the same time that with a crash program, human cloning could be achieved almost immediately. The book has many quotes from prominent doctors and scientists at the time that said human cloning would soon occur, but because of public resistance, the scientists stopped talking about cloning when they started doing it. Rorvik aided in the cloning of a human, who was two years old at the time the book was written.
We KNOW that cloning of humans has taken place, roughly twenty years ago, and the question becomes, how far advanced has this technology become? Human (homo sapiens) clone DNA gene sequences are even currently posted on the Internet! (See for instance the search file “file:///d%7C/NETSCAPE/DOWNLOAD/CLONES/20MER—FA.HTM”.)
Oregon Statesman Journal, Jan. 13, 1996: “Gorilla gives birth to Human test-tube baby. ‘Researchers say they’ve achieved an astonishing medical breakthrough: A gorilla surrogate mother has given birth to the first human test tube baby,’ according to a report in the Jan. 16 edition of the Sun.
Chinese scientists say the gorilla carried the baby a full nine months. They also say the day when human mothers will be freed from carrying infants full term is near.
“‘Chinese women will no longer need to put aside their careers to bear children,’ says Dr. Wong Shei, a zoologist connected with the project. The gorilla mother, Bright Joy, and the baby are in good health, he says. ‘This is truly a glorious event.’”
Glorious indeed. Now slave mothers will no longer have to take days off from their slave labor to bear children. Brave New World!
·October 26, 1995, the Austin American Statesman, “Scientists grow ears of humans on lab mice. Tissue engineering shows promise for replacing damaged skin, cartilage, by Katharine Webster, Associated Press. BOSTON—It sounds like something from a carnival side show: ‘The Mouse With Human Ear On its Back’. But it’s real. It’s alive.
“That mouse, and others of its kind, are at the leading edge of a science known as tissue engineering, which allows laboratories to grow skin and cartilage for transplant in humans....”
·The New York Times, March 24, 1981, had an article which began: “Some day there will probably be a library containing all the genetic information needed to create a complete human being. This idea, alarming to some, enticing to others, is no longer entirely a flight of science fantasy. New techniques and automated machines are enormously increasing scientists’ ability to spell out the message of heredity in living cells, to put together their own artificial messages in the universal genetic code, and to analyze in complete detail the proteins on which all life depends. New instruments promise to compress into days or hours painstaking research that used to occupy weeks, months, or years.”
·March 7, 1996. Researchers in Scotland have developed a technique for cloning unlimited numbers of genetically undistinguishable sheep. Scientists said it could open the door to mass production of gene-altered animals with desirable traits, such as those with “humanized” organs suitable for transplant. The technique could also reportedly be used to clone human beings. In the first round of experiments, only 5 out of 250 embryos survived to birth, and 3 out of 5 of those died within the first 10 days for unknown reasons (from Leading Edge Research Internet site).
·STAR TRIBUNE (Minnesota) 03/24/91: GENETIC RESEARCHERS HAVE THE ANSWER TO FINEST DAIRY COWS: SEND IN THE CLONES. Since this is a rather long news article, I will leave you with just the headline. The article stated that cattle were being cloned by ABS Specialty Genetics in DeForest, Wisc., and by Granada Biosciences Inc. of Houston. What it does not cover is that the head of Granada was censured by the stock exchange for fraud and he was involved with illegal dealings with Texas A&M and there is probably much more to the story that I don’t know about.
Cloning has become big business, and in June, 1980, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that proclaimed that new forms of life created by man can be patented. There were already over 100 patents pending on new life forms. (I wonder if anybody has tried to look up the patents on what UFO researchers call “Men In Black”? Just curious.)
·The Ecologist, Vol. 23, no. 6, November/December 1993, p. 226, article entitled: “The U.S. Library of Human Parts,” said (bolding mine): “U.S. multinationals such as Pfizer, Bristol Myers and Merck now hold several hundred patents on life-forms, many housed in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in Rockville, Maryland where there are some 60,000 patented or potentially patentable organisms.... Many of the samples stored in ATCC involve tissue or cell lines scraped from living humans or exhumed bodies. These include World Patent No. WO 9208784, or ‘human t-lymphotropic virus type 2 from Guaymi Indians in Panama.’ This patent is claimed by Ron Brown, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and joint U.S. negotiator at GATT, where he is demanding global acquiescence to the patenting of life-forms.”
The World Council of Indigenous Peoples and the Guaymi General Congress are protesting and calling for the banning of such practices. Brown later died in a plane crash; I wonder who owns the patent currently.
Owners used to tatoo their slaves, I suppose now they will patent them.
In 1953, the double helix format of DNA was discovered, by James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins, for which they won the Nobel Prize. Soon test tube babies were a reality. This caused a public outcry so the research was put under cover and many breakthroughs were no longer announced. By the way, AmeriVox now offers telephone cards that are tagged for authentication with a polymerized derivative of your personal DNA pattern in a tracer seal on the card’s back. This type of tagging is planned for your personal identification card, for everybody.
Dr. P. David Beter was a Doctor of Jurisprudence, author of the book Conspiracy Against the Dollar, originator of the term “stagflation”, Intelligence Specialist, practiced law before the U. S. Supreme Court, appointed to the U. S. Export-Import Bank by President John F. Kennedy, etc. He had many intelligence contacts, including some extremely high level (A-6 Classified) contacts.
On May 28, 1979, Dr. Beter made the following statements in his Audio Report (QUOTING):
In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years in biological syntheses—that is, artificial life forms; and according to high intelligence, a stunning break-through took place in Russia some years ago. The Russians refer to this break-through as a “providential discovery”, something they learned almost by accident. They discovered the key to creating what are known as “organic robotoids”. An organic robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature; it looks and acts exactly like a human being and yet it is not human. A robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it is an artificial life form. Robotoids respond to conventional routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they breathe, they bleed if cut; and they can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any other computer, the brain of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses an enormous memory. As a result, robotoids can be programmed to communicate and think in such complex patterns that they act human.
Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks. They don’t grow or reproduce but must be manufactured one by one in the desired form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in months or even weeks, depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism, while it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient. A robotoid can be manufactured on a very short notice, a matter of hours; but after a few weeks or months it suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally. When that takes place, the robotoid has to be removed from service and disposed of. To extend its useful life as much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled down to slow its metabolism between assignments. Organic robotoids are extremely expensive, troublesome creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid capabilities do not exceed those of human beings. All they can really do is simulate human beings; but, my friends, for Intelligence purposes that’s all they have to do!
To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to have a pattern to go by. The pattern required is that of genetic coding taken from a few cells from the body of a human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like cloning, but the technique itself is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced within a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor at his current age. Like any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect copy of the human that is to be simulated; there’s always small discrepancies in appearance and behavior, but these are seldom great enough to arouse any suspicion.
When the initial Russian break-through in robotoids took place years ago, the Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was still functioning. The [Orthodox?] Christian group who now rule Russia [in 1979] were already secretly more powerful than the Bolsheviks, but the final overthrow had not yet taken place. When the robotoid break-through took place, they moved quickly to minimize the amount of information obtained about it while those Bolsheviks still retained positions of power. They also tried to prevent information about it from leaking through Intelligence channels to the CIA, nevertheless partial information did reach the CIA and the late four Rockefeller brothers. By early 1975 the Russians were known to have successfully created at least one organic robotoid in the laboratory. Meanwhile the CIA was coordinating a feverish research effort aimed at accomplishing the same feat. Up to now, robotoid technology in the United States is far behind that of Russia. The American capability in robotoids is not even close to being operational, whereas the Russians are deploying them right now.
.....Last month I revealed that an Intelligence war of “doubles” had erupted in the United States. President Carter, Vice-President Mondale, and their wives had fallen victim to this war of “doubles” as their Easter breaks away from Washington were ending. Now I’m sorry to report that Amy Carter, Billy Carter, Lillian Carter, and Hugh Carter all died soon after Jimmy and Rosalyn did. All of them, including Amy, have been replaced by “doubles”; but instead of the Bolshevik “doubles” who had been waiting in the wings, those we are seeing are Russian organic robotoids. The voice of the Jimmy Carter “double” which was reproduced last month in Audio Letter No. 45 is the voice of a robotoid. That robotoid was the one who was dazzling everyone with his vigorous new image. Only a few months ago Carter had been limping around with what we were told were severe hemorrhoids; but now, out of the blue, here was a Carter who was a powerhouse—hiking, fishing, and jogging ten miles a day....
[Later Beter said:] The Intelligence war now going on is intense, and the situation is changing daily. Bolshevik strategies have been badly jolted by the Russians using their robotoids, and as a result the Bolsheviks are not sure what propaganda line to feed to the public right now. A major shock to the Bolsheviks in recent days has been their loss of the “ad hoc gang of four”. First, I can now report that Brzezinski was with the Bolshevik “double” for the late Vice-President Mondale last month on April 20. They were aboard Air Force II which crashed in the North Atlantic, as I reported last month. Then on May 13 the other three were eliminated—Blumenthal, Brown, and Schlesinger. All four were promptly replaced with Russian robotoids, as has been done with the Carters and the Mondales. A number of other top officials have also been removed and replaced by Russian robotoids. Last month Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was replaced; and on the 1st of May, May Day, the American Association of Newspaper Editors were treated to speeches supposedly by Vance and Brzezinski. In the past, Vance and Brzezinski have always been noted for being at loggerheads on every issue; but this time, as they spoke of the need for a new diplomacy by America, it was as if they were both thinking with the same mind. Many observers were surprised but no one suspected the truth.
As there begin to be more and more Russian robotoids in key positions of the United States Government, there will be more and more surprises. One key public personality I would urge you to watch very carefully now is Walter Cronkite in his television broadcast on CBS Evening News. During this month of May he left on what was said to be a vacation. Today, May 28, he resumed broadcasting. If you are accustomed to watching the Cronkite news program, I suggest that you watch carefully now, look for a change in the slant given the news—it will be subtle, but it will be there.... (END OF QUOTING)
Beter said that robotoid switch-outs took place in the Russian Embassy in Washington and at Camp David. When a quick, secret trip was needed to Moscow or, say, the Robotoid headquarters at Novosibirsk for instance, the procedure was to take a plane to the Bangor International Airport in Maine. From there a flight would be made to the Cosmosphere landing site in east central Quebec Province, Canada, on the north edge of Manicouagan Lake. From there, the Cosmosphere, usually flying at an altitude of about 100 miles and a speed of 9,000 miles per hour, would go to the landing site near Moscow or Novosibirsk or wherever.
In previous writings we have talked about when Russian Cosmos Interceptors destroyed America’s spy satellites in 1977. I was working for Control Data Corporation at that time, doing paperwork for the people who programmed those satellites, and billing Lockheed Skunk Works stealth aircraft development people for using CDC computers (such as the Star 100). Beter revealed that John Paisley, the head of the CIA whose body was supposedly found floating in Chesapeake Bay on October 1, 1978, near the same area when former CIA head William Colby’s body was found floating later, was the one who provided Russia with orbital data and information on which of our satellites were spy satellites. Paisley then was taken to Odessa on the Black Sea for a vacation, and was later living in Leningrad. From there he went to Jerusalem, Tehran, Riyadh, and Cairo and met with Harold Brown, Jimmy Carter, David Rockefeller, Cyrus Vance and others, all robotoids, resulting in the Iranian Crisis and the run-up in gold prices in 1979-1980. I quit Control Data and became a gold dealer in July, 1979. No, I am not wealthy, just wiser.
In June 1979, Beter said the following (QUOTING):
The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is remarkable from head to foot; but the most astonishing thing about them is their ability to simulate human beings—not just in appearance but in behavior. In other words, the most crucial and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its biological computer brain. The developments that were destined to lead to Russia’s breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years ago, in 1947. In that year a Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make three-dimensional photographs called “holograms.” It was a revolutionary scientific discovery, and it was destined to lead to theNobel Prize for Dr. Gabor. He did not receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then, holograms were a reality in numerous laboratories world-wide; and yet most members of the general public still had not heard of holography. And even today, more than three decades after Dr. Gabor’s original discovery, holography is still unfamiliar to the public as a whole. In 1947 Dr. Gabor’s theory pointed the way toward holography, but at that time holograms could not actually be made. What was needed in order to make them was something called “monochromatic light”—that is, light of just one wave length. No one knew how to create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960 the situation suddenly changed—that was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are discussed in public, attention is usually focused on just one of their amazing characteristics—that’s the ability of a laser to produce a narrow, intense beam of light. The beam can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing. Lasers pointed the way toward energy-beam weapons, among other things; and as I revealed long ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly spawned America’s crash program to get to the moon in 1961. But the reason laser beams behave the way they do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are made to order for generating holograms. Like lasers, holography has led to developments that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian breakthrough in biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, you’ll understand why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace.
A hologram is a very unusual kind of photograph. To make one, the film is exposed using a laser and a set of mirrors and lenses; and to make the holograph image on the film visible later on, laser light must again be used. When you look at a hologram, it is as if you were looking through a window at the real object. You can move back and forth, up and down, and see it from different angles in three-dimensional detail. By contrast, of course, a conventional photograph is flat and looks the same from all angles. Holograms are also different in another way. If you tear a normal photograph into several pieces, you ruin it. Each piece contains only a disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with a hologram. If you cut up a holographic film into several pieces, each piece still contains almost the entire image. There is some loss of detail but basically it’s all there. It’s this fact that led years ago to the Russian breakthrough in biological computer brains for their robotoids.
For quite some time, scientists in the Intelligence Community world-wide, studying the human brain, have known one very important fact. That fact is that a portion of a human brain can be removed through accident or surgery and yet the person still retains most of his original memory, so in this respect the memory in a human brain is like a hologram. Nowadays the relationship between holography and human memory is beginning to be understood in the West. For example, Dr. Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist at Stanford University, wrote about it recently in the magazine “PSYCHOLOGY TODAY.” As he pointed out, the implications of holography are enormous, both for brain research and for computers; but this relationship was first recognized not in America but in a research laboratory at Russia’s Siberian Science City, Novosibirsk.
[Beter was speaking in 1979. Since then, there is much more recognition of the importance of
holograms to the understanding of the Universe. See for instance the current best-seller, The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot.]
The reason the Russians have scooped the West in many recent scientific discoveries is not that they are supermen while we are mental midgets; instead it has to do with the way they organize their efforts in science and technology. This organization is totally different from that in the West, and it’s turning out to be far more efficient. For one thing, when it comes to research, communications in Russia are far superior to those in the West. There are more than 5,000 research centers and laboratories in Russia doing research and development of all kinds, and they are all linked together by vigorous communications—not only within each scientific field, but between different fields. There’s also a fundamental difference in what is discussed in Russian technical literature, as compared with the West. In the West, a scientist usually publishes a technical paper only to report a success of some kind. If he carries out a research project that fails, he generally publishes nothing about it; but in Russia, many failures and problems are discussed very openly in the technical literature. As a result, many areas of research meet a very different fate in Russia than in the West. Here in America an elaborate and expensive scientific project may come very close to success but fall through because of a key missing ingredient. When that happens, very little is published about it; but in Russia, the researchers describe their problems and failures; and among the thousands of other scientists nation-wide, one might have the answer. So the Russian system, which is built around cooperation, often produces success; but the Western system, especially in America, is built around jealousy and it often leads to failure. It’s happened many times, my friends, and it happened several years ago in robotoid brain development.
Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids, which are almost exact carbon copies of real human beings. This is done by a process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be copied. It sounds a little like cloning, but it’s not. A clone of a human would itself be a human, but an organic robotoid is NOT human. It’s an artificial life form, like an animal in some ways but like a computerized machine in others. Every Russian robotoid has what is called a “holographic brain”. This brain duplicates essentially the entire memory of a person being copied. The key to doing this is a new technique called an “ultrasonic cerebral hologram”. Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete three-dimensional picture is made of a person’s brain. This is a painless, non-destructive process; and under the proper conditions it can be done without the person even being aware of it.
Last month I revealed that the Russians are using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List” to weed out Bolsheviks here in America, and for roughly three years they have been preparing for this day. They have been secretly making cerebral holograms of the people on the list at every opportunity. This has been done to every person on Rockefeller’s list who has visited Russia or Eastern Europe in the past three years.
When an organic robotoid is made to simulate, for example, our late President Jimmy Carter, two major factors are involved. One is the genetic coding required to simulate Carter’s appearance, voice, fingerprints, and so on. The other is a holographic image of Carter’s brain. This image is a complete record of the neuron patterns which existed in Carter’s brain at the moment the hologram was made. Therefore it contains all of the memory and knowledge Carter had up to that moment.
When a Carter robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of Carter’s brain. However, certain portions of the robotoid computer are caused to deviate from the holographic record. The end result is a biological computer which has to be programmed but which contains essentially all of Carter’s memory, involuntary mannerisms, and the like. As a result, a Carter robotoid will automatically do certain kinds of things without the need for specific programming. For example, a Carter robotoid will seem to recognize old friends. That’s because the computer memory of the robotoid reproduces Carter’s memory of that friend. The holographic process puts it there automatically without the Russian programmers even having to know it’s there.
Organic robotoids are such amazing creatures that they are still a subject of questioning and debate. This is true even among the Russian scientists who made them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have no true instinct for self-preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they are told to do. By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct for self-preservation. Robotoids can be programmed for self-preservation, but they are equally willing (if “willing” is the word) to perform suicide missions, exploratory one-way trips into space. I’ve only one example of this: if a space mission looks too dangerous to risk the life of an experienced cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used. The robotoid copy of the cosmonaut is already trained the moment it’s made, thanks to its holographic memory.
Organic robotoids look and act so much like human beings that it’s hard for us to get used to the idea that they are not human; but the Russians decided several months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ them, and so the silent Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under way. (END QUOTING)
In light of the above, think about this quote from Strategic Investment, April 24, 1996, p. 8: “Clinton is not only gifted at escaping scandals that would overwhelm less nimble men, he is also a formidable campaigner. He has the skills that Nightingale Conant, another purveyor of Personal Development products, promises to buyers of its Mega Memory program...’Imagine meeting 50 individuals and remembering all their names.’ Clinton does that regularly. He has the ‘photographic’ Mega Memory that many people who attend large meetings and wander into stray cocktail parties will pay $69.95 to match.”
Books have been written by White House insiders that tell that Clinton seems to be all things to all people, his stories keep changing day to day, he has an astounding memory for some details and a surprising lack of memory for others, talk show hosts and comedians have made jokes about his hair and appearance changing.
[Another QUOTE from Beter continues:]
Last spring, as I revealed in AUDIO LETTERS Nos. 45 and 46, the Russians began seizing control
of the United States Government. Key officials from President Jimmy Carter on down have been replaced by doubles, and these doubles are not human beings in spite of their appearance and behavior. They are artificial, robot-like living beings called “Organic Robotoids”. When I first revealed these things, I braced myself. I knew that many of my listeners would be unable to absorb them; but my reason for doing it was the one I stated then: Without knowing about the robotoids, events would become impossible to understand. Since that time, robotoids in key positions of power have been causing many surprises in the news these days. The strangest surprises of all have been caused by the Jimmy Carter robotoids [This is still happening, as you know if you pay attention to the news]. In AUDIO LETTER No. 48 two months ago, I detailed the major instability problems the Russians are having with their Carter robotoids. The holographic computer brains of the robotoids include instabilities which were present in the real Carter brain in a way that exaggerates those instabilities. As a result, every so often a Carter robotoid does something so unpredictable that it is dangerous to the Russians. An example was the famous so-called “killer-rabbit incident” of a few weeks ago. A Carter robotoid told the press in all seriousness that he and his family had been attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing. Can you imagine?
The Russians want to rid themselves of the nerve-racking problem of the unstable Carter robotoids. Earlier this month, on September 15, an attempt was made to do just that. The alleged President Carter was entered in a foot race, of all things, in the Catoctin Mountains near Camp David. It was a strenuous six-mile course which included much uphill running. Carter robotoid No. 14 was programmed to run at maximum speed and not to let up for any reason. The Russian strategy was simple: Runners who over-exert themselves and who do not stop and rest when danger signs appear can do themselves serious harm. Sudden overheating, dehydration, and heart failure can take place abruptly in extreme cases. Robotoids, as I have explained in past tapes, embody a crude facsimile of human metabolism, their hearts are relatively weak, and they live for only a few weeks or months, depending on the stress problems. They have no self-preservation instinct, so Carter robotoid No. 14 was programmed to run like the wind. It was expected that suddenly without warning he would suffer complete heart failure, collapse, and die on the spot. If the robotoid died before aid could reach him, everyone would just accept it as a tragic accident, and the Russians would be rid of the problem of unstable Carter robotoids. But the day of the race dawned cooler than it had been expected by the planners. Carter robotoid No. 14 did collapse, but did not expire instantly. His face turned a deathly greenish-gray, and he was moaning and incoherent; and yet when the Secret Service men picked him up, his legs kept running as programmed. Finally an ambulance arrived, but Carter robotoid No. 14 did not use it. Instead the robotoid was bundled off in a car to Camp David, and there robotoid No. 14 finally died—too late, and out of public view.
The purpose of the race had been to eliminate the Carter robotoid problem in a way that would leave no questions—that is, sudden death on the spot. But there would have been a storm of questions if Carter’s alleged death had been announced after help arrived and took him away. So after the race, Carter robotoid No. 15 showed up to reassure everyone. He looked nothing at all like the deathly figure who had collapsed just a short while earlier in the race. He looked like a new man, and in a sense he was. The contrast between the dying robotoid No. 14 and the fresh robotoid No. 15 is something you can see for yourself. Just get a copy of Sports Illustrated magazine for September 24, 1979. On pages 16 and 17 you will see the pictures of robotoid No. 14—stricken, stumbling, mouth agape. Then look at the fresh, smiling picture of robotoid No. 15 handing out
trophies on page 19 only a short while later, and then ask yourself: Is this the same man? (END QUOTING FROM BETER)
The September 16, 1996, issue of U.S. News & World Report on page 22 has a “before” picture of President Clinton with a tumor on his neck, and an “after” picture of him after it was removed. It you pay attention to the photos, and notice the nose, ears, chin, eyes you can see that these are pictures of two different individuals. A controversy developed about this time when Bob Dole challenged Clinton to make his medical records public. Clinton is the only President, I am told, who has never made his medical records public. According to a filmed statement by Clinton’s brother, Clinton is a cocaine addict.
At the time Clinton introduced Madeleine Albright as the next Secretary of State, how many of you noticed that Clinton was red-faced, his face was puffy, one eye was swollen more shut than the other, his eyes were blurry, his nose was red and he had trouble with his speech. When I saw him a day or two later on TV, he looked like a fresh, young 28-year old Clinton. Start paying attention to his appearance, and see for yourself!
Soon after the CIA found out about the Russian Robotoids and went on a crash program to catch up, Beter said of this (QUOTE):
In AUDIO LETTERS 46 and 47 I reported that robotoid technology in the United States is far behind that of Russia, but now the Bolshevik and Zionist enemies of Russia have achieved their own surprise. The Rothschild interests, which control both movements, have for many years been deeply involved in biological research of all kinds. They have not succeeded in learning the secrets of the Russian robotoids, but they have achieved success with something similar. They are called “synthetic automatons” or simply “synthetics”. A Rothschild synthetic is similar to a Russian robotoid in certain ways. Each is an artificial life form designed to simulate a human being, but synthetics also differ from robotoids in important ways. For one thing, they are generated by radically different techniques. Both utilize genetic samples from actual humans as their starting point, but beyond that everything is different.
The Russian process is a close relative of recombinant DNA techniques involving bacteria. The details of the process are shrouded in great secrecy, but it enables robotoids to be generated from scratch very rapidly. The Rothschild process, by contrast, does not start from scratch. Instead, certain tissues extracted from cattle are the starting point. The synthetic is then generated in a process that changes the genetic make-up in order to simulate a person being copied. It is the outgrowth of a discovery made 20 years ago in France. The experiment involved two species of ducks called khaki Campbells and white Pekins. The landmark duck experiment of 1959 was reported in a book titled THE BIOLOGICAL TIME BOMB by Gordon Rattray Taylor.
[In March, 1979, Beter said, QUOTE:] Two months ago on the evening of January 26, the life of Nelson Rockefeller ended abruptly. As I revealed five days later in my Audio Letter No. 42, he was murdered—shot once in the head. Last month I reported that Rockefeller’s murder had been only the beginning of a pattern of events. The pattern is that of the Bolshevik purge—that is, a bloody, yet secret, coup d’etat. In the space of only a few weeks, the secret rulership of the United States changed hands. The coup began on January 26 when, as the Bolsheviks put it, Nelson Rockefeller was liquidated; and by February 17, the coup d’etat had been achieved because by that date both David and Laurance Rockefeller had also been executed. Meanwhile, the purge had also eliminated several persons who knew too much about Nelson Rockefeller’s murder. These included: Megan Marshack, Ponchitta Pierce, and Rockefeller family spokesman Hugh Morrow. But there was one disappearance last month that was not according to the Bolshevik game-plan.
As I reported in Audio Letter No. 43, Dr. Henry Kissinger was to be the key man in the new Bolshevik power-group. Kissinger had conspired with others for Nelson Rockefeller’s murder and was positioning himself to pick up the reins of Rockefeller power; but on February 5 the private jet carrying Henry and Nancy Kissinger with their five body guards from London to the United States disappeared over the North Atlantic. I can now reveal that the Kissinger jet suffered a mid-air explosion. The crippled airplane crashed into the sea at the navigational coordinates 54 degrees, 40 minutes, 57 seconds North; 26 degrees, 40 minutes, zero seconds West. No one escaped from the plane, the remnants of which sank in approximately 8,000 feet of water. The exact fate of the Kissinger jet was not immediately known last month but it did soon become obvious that Kissinger was gone for good. As a result, the Bolsheviks here in America were thrown into turmoil. The plans Kissinger had helped set in motion to dispose of the Rockefellers were carried forward. Meanwhile, the ad hoc gang of four emerged as the guiding force of the secret new Bolshevik revolution here in America. These four men have only a small fraction of the power formerly wielded by the four Rockefeller brothers—but they are very dangerous men indeed! These men are: National Security chief ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, Treasury Secretary W. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL, Defense Secretary HAROLD BROWN, and Energy Secretary JAMES SCHLESINGER. Together they are working feverishly toward a complete take-over of America’s industry, banking, agriculture, EVERYTHING; and beyond that their goal is NUCLEAR WAR with Russia—an act of national suicide for the rest of us!
As of now, the Bolshevik coup d’etat—that is, the change in ruling circles—has already been accomplished. What still lies ahead is the full-fledged open revolution to transform American society as a whole into a Bolshevik HELL. Using the excuse of a deliberate war-crisis in the Middle East and resulting oil shortages, the Bolsheviks plan to start closing down American freedoms in a declared ‘National Emergency’. From there the Bolshevik grip around our necks will steadily tighten, gradually choking and strangling us into total submission. As the last gasp of free air is squeezed from our lungs, the blackness of BOLSHEVIK DICTATORSHIP will gather itself around us. Then, those who have been content to ‘Wait and See’ will realize too late that IT CAN HAPPEN HERE.
In Audio Letter No. 14 I described some of the valuable lessons the four Rockefeller brothers had learned from their clandestine support of Adolf Hitler. One of these lessons was that a revolution is best carried out with, and not against, the full power of a nation’s government; and that lesson is not
lost on the Bolsheviks here in America—the former allies of the Rockefeller brothers. Using the excuse of crisis conditions, they will use their governmental authority for revolutionary purposes: Businesses large and small will be nationalized as the Bolsheviks take over America’s means of production. The banks will be closed, cutting off access of millions of people to their life savings. Both corporate and private farms, ranches, orchards, and vineyards will be taken away from their owners nation-wide and collectivized. Engineers of all types will be put to work wherever the government puts them in all-out preparation for war—and the prelude to this is already visible in the job market of today. People without special skills will be herded like cattle from one location to another for agricultural or other tasks; and Millions who are troublesome for various reasons will be sent to Concentration Camps—of which 13 already exist in America in various states of condition.
These things, my friends, are what the Bolsheviks—including the new ad hoc gang of four—have in mind for us very soon. All they have to do is to hold on to their present power until the coming Middle East crisis unties their hands. Until then they cannot unleash the DICTATORIAL EMERGENCY POWERS they want—and so they are vulnerable. While they are waiting for their hour to come, they know they must not let the American public realize anything about the Bolshevik coup d’etat that has taken place.
Last month I revealed intelligence that the disappearances of Henry and Nancy Kissinger, David and Laurance Rockefeller, and others were all connected to the Bolshevik coup d’etat, so the Bolsheviks dare not let you know that any of these people have dropped out of sight. That is why I said last month: “Doubles or look-alikes may begin to appear on the scene for these people. What is amazing, especially in the case of Kissinger, is that they have been able to stifle public questions for so long in his absence.” (END QUOTE)
[Beter said, in his January 1980 letter, QUOTE:] The Bolshevik Synthetics are programmed by a technique completely different from that used by the Russians with their Robotoids. It is not as good, but it also does not require a cerebral hologram. Bolshevik agents in New York had been able to obtain the genetic samples needed, and on Saturday December 15 there was a new surprise regarding the Shah. He was said to have left Texas that morning for a small island off Panama. Then the invisible Shah seemingly reappeared in the form of a Synthetic, and since that time the Shah’s image has been utilized by the Bolsheviks. As I told you earlier, it was a Synthetic that was seen in the David Frost television interview four nights ago. What happened to the late Shah of Iran is only part of a much larger pattern of recent days.
The Bolshevik deployment of Synthetics began in earnest three months ago, as I reported in AUDIO LETTER No. 51. As a by-product of this, bizarre cattle mutilations are once again taking place in North America. A few years ago there was a rash of these incidents in the western United States. At that time the earliest large-scale experiments were under way with Synthetics. Now, after a lull, the Synthetics are being deployed operationally, and the cattle mutilations have resumed. Right now, however, they are taking place primarily in Canada to minimize attention to them here in the United States. My friends, the cattle mutilations are nothing more than a modern twist on cattlerustling. The Synthetic process uses certain glands and tissues of cattle as raw material, as I explained in AUDIO LETTER No. 51. To obtain these raw materials, the cattle involved have to be destroyed in a very wasteful manner; so the Bolshevik agents who are manufacturing Synthetics do not use their own cattle, instead they let others suffer the losses involved in slaughtered herds. The cattle mutilations may turn into an epidemic that is too big to ignore, because during the past three months the Bolshevik circles have started deploying Synthetics in great numbers. (END QUOTE)
The mutilations DID turn into an epidemic. Linda Moulton Howe and others have gathered many thousands of reports of cows and horses being strangely mutilated. An FBI report, quoted on page 104 in The UFO Coverup by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood, stated: “According to some estimates, by 1979, 10,000 head of cattle had been mysteriously mutilated. Of the states that have been affected by this phenomenon, New Mexico has been unusually ‘hard hit’. Since 1975, over 100 cases have been reported. The New Mexico reports, like those from other parts of the country, describe the mutilations as being characterized by the precise surgical removal of certain parts of the animal, particularly the sexual organs and rectum.”
Some people, listening to the absolute idiotic nonsense that comes out of the mouth of Henry Kissinger, have stated that Kissinger is a horse’s...ah, er, rectum. Well, they are right. Kissinger IS a horse’s rectum.
When you begin to have an inkling of the magnitude of the problem, you will be overwhelmed. If you want to deal with the problems of today, you must face the facts. There IS a GOD, but He is probably not who or what you have been taught. When you begin to wake up to reality, you may wonder what happened to God, where is God in all this? I will now offer you more information on this mind-boggling subject, from higher-level sources, to help you deal with it. What you do, or not, with it, is up to you.
This is from Phoenix Journal #29, End of the Masquerade, Let’s Pluck The Cuckoo Bird, page 38 (for information on obtaining Phoenix Journals, contact Phoenix Source Distributors, Inc., P. O. Box 27353, Las Vegas, NV 89126 or call 1-800-800-5565), [QUOTE:]
·Anybody feel a bit queazy yet? Well, go take a breath of air, get a candy fix or whatever, for we are going to come back and I am going to give you a bit of rundown on cattle mutilations, vampiring “little grays’ and consider asking you to ask Whitley Streiber what else he might like to share with this nation. NO “LITTLE GRAYS” FROM OUTER SPACE, BROTHERS—NO CRIMINAL EVIL ALIENS—CLONING, CATTLE SURROGATE MOTHERS AND NOW VAT-PRODUCED ADULTS—ALL RIGHT ON YOUR PLACE AT THE LOVING HANDS OF THE ELITE SATANIC BROTHERHOOD SET TO TAKE OVER YOUR WORLD. HARKEN UP FOR YOU HAVE NO REAL IDEA OF WHAT IS OUT THERE!
·[From page 93, Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal, Phoenix Journal #24:] These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is requiredis down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity.
There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. They are comprised totally of physical “matter” manifested into what you perceive as physical coalition of these physical matter particles coalesced according to the DNA/RNA holographic blueprint whereby the re-creation will be a projection of that which is being copied at the time of replication.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. V., No. 11 & 12, p. 7 (“The Robotoid Mind”):]
I would like to say, prior to the reader’s intake that we shall be writing in depth regarding what are known as genetic doubles and robotoids as referred to lately. These are new entities and we shall be speaking of such in this upcoming writing but I would prefer to delay further description until later for we are so stacked up with urgent material.
The robotoid mind has no ability to comprehend danger from the larger perspective. It can comprehend its own possible demise, but there is no “Soul” connection to God. Survival is a most elementary emotional connection to God and in times of great stress (i.e., “all men in a foxhole wholly believe in God”) this is through the Soul. Since the robotoids do not have this connection, they simply intensify whatever activity they are focused upon, unless concerned for their own bodily survival.
Thus we have men in high places who are “soulless” and beyond the reach of normal reasoning process. We speak Truth unto them as to what the consequences are of continuing this insane push and it does not penetrate, for the focus is only intensified. So, the maneuvering goes on in attempts to strike what they believe to be our vulnerable point, the crystal and our ground crews. It behooves all ones of this group to stay close within the area and to stay in constant focus of maintenance of your shields. This not the time to question the validity of what is going on about you as to reality, but to come into understanding that it is real and that you do play a most crucial and critical role in the sequential playing of God’s hand in the game being played out.
Though we have all manner of scanners and do track and monitor key players, even then we are also somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satan’s challenging us directly at this stage, but we must all remember that man’s plunge into evil has carried him far beyond even that which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he going to put a stop to one of his humans that would carry his plan forward with the creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he make any effort to protect or salvage these ones. They are way out there on a limb of their own projection; if robotoid, it is a distortion within the original human being that is being followed into manifestation.
The discussion is so that you ones may perhaps grasp the degree of danger that not only you as focused group for God face, but humanity as a whole, for few grasp, accept or even have an inkling of what they are facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well as the presence of those Soulless ones that cannot be reached by God for there is no connection. God does not sanction war or death for it is destructive to the Soul to participate in such; however, for those that are soulless there is the dilemma of man as to what to do when one such as this becomes focused upon thedestruction of God’s real children. How indeed do men of God handle such a situation? How does man know when indeed one such “being” is confronting him face-to-face? One such test is the challenge, “If you are not of Holy God, I command that you stop this instant.” A Soul-connected being will hesitate, even if only for a split second. If you identify yourself with Holy God, then you had better be prepared to defend self, for a robotoid is programmed to destroy that which is of God. It is part of the process. They have not the connection with God that human has with which to identify each other, so they cannot be sure until you declare yourself, unless you are already known to them. That does not mean that you, if you are walking within the shield of God, are left defenseless in a moment such as this. The Presence shall be right at your shoulder and you will be given to know that which you are to do—if you are not in such fear and panic that you cannot instinctively know. Here you could hear words, but the reaction time would not serve you, instead there is a survival instinctual connection that allows for the instant perfect action. Thus we encourage you to constantly acknowledge and recognize the Presence within you and without you. It is within this Presence of Spirit that you live, move and have your entire experience. I can assure you if, in a moment of confrontation, your mind takes you back to a Rocky or a Clint Eastwood scenario, instead of connection to your own instinctive God connection that you have cultivated and prepared by holding self in the present moment, your body is either a write-off or you will have lots of incarceration time to ponder your error in not being prepared as you are being given direction to do.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. VI, No. 4, p. 4 (“We Are Ruled By A Robotoid Army”):]
I am not, herein, going to outlay who is who and what is what—watch, and you will be able to discern. Is Bill Cooper with his 9-foot-alien picture real or false? Would he know if he were not? Likely not!
The “Big Boys” are getting ready to SHOW YOU a whole bunch of very “Earthly” spaceships and little and tall aliens. They are going to even bomb some of your cities to bring you into terror of our presence—for they know that with our presence—GOES THEIR DOMINANCE! Through causing the mass of mankind to fear God’s Hosts, you bring further confusion and destruction upon selves.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. VII, No. 6 & 7, p. 1 (“Bush Is In His 28th Cycle of Robotoid”):]
Herein you will simply have to believe me when I tell you that there are replacement ones for your top leaders—and hundreds of “not so top” personages. The 28th George Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January at Camp David. He was tested and “smoothed” on the 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NOT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God—he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-masters—right out of Moscow—would not be monitored. I ask that, for the moment, you accept this which I tell you and then we can discuss how this can be true for, of course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has been given to you-the-public as far back as 20 years past—regarding genetic/holographic robotoids which bear identical memory patterns but are subsequently “programmed”. I have written of it in one of the more recent Journals but will repeat the information as I have time. Suffice it for now, please accept that which I tell you is not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads of instances—right now!
There are several places of top security where these transferences are made and replica holographic information is garnered for necessary multiples. Camp David has been the prime location for it is used as the Presidential Retreat and often social gatherings, such as birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplomats, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your government seems so indisposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia.·[Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 4 & 5, p. 9 (“The world’s leaders are Replicas, Ronald Reagan was slain”):]
You say, “...but there was to be one ‘slain’ only to rise again and call himself God and THEN we would know by the sign.” There is no way to slay the leaders, dear ones, they are replicas of the originals and there are dozens to take their places and you will never know. You killed Ronald Reagan and yet, you know not that he was dead! All the signs were there, including the running of your important and critical government by astrologers and still, you missed of it.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, p. 12 (“Robotoids: The world is inhabited with reproductions of programmed evil.”):]
The world is inhabited by reproductions of programmed evil with density of darkness and no lighted souls to traverse the heavens for they are birthed of the whore of Babylon who rests her feet on theheads of God’s precious Creation/creations and laughs at the blindness of the lambs. Man realizes not that he walks and serves that which bears no soul essence within the breasts—he follows reproductions of genetic fabrications in blindness. He realizes not that simply through Truth and confrontation with that Truth shall the evil replicas fall to the wayside.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 6 & 7, p. 14 (“Robotoids”):]
Your top military leaders go forth to the “front”? They basically go nowhere. How is it that your military hierarchy are still in Washington in the war room? They cannot get very far from Camp David is “WHY”. Look at the evil cover-up—even calling Camp of Evil replication, “DAVID”.
·[Shrouds Of The Seventh Seal, pp. 92-93:]
Even a robotoid who comes within the lighted places of God Truth, shall be given soul by that Grace abounding. An awakened humanity can SEE the robotic replicas as produced by Satanic instruction. For instance—compare the one Cheney and that one, Powell—as they meet with their brother, the 30th replica of Bush on the morrow. All have been wined, dined and exchanged at Camp David whilst you believe them to be “studying the military situation” in Saudi Arabia. The flaws in the replicas are so obvious that you do not even have to look carefully. These ones are programmed to tell you exactly that which will pull you into the beast’s claws as dead-ahead as a machine can move.
·[Phoenix Express Vol. VIII, No. 8 & 9, p. 2 (“Robotoids—Puppet Masters”):]
Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time—a new twist of sick humor perhaps—”the puppet pulling the human’s strings!”
·[Creation, The Sacred Universe, Phoenix Journal #21, p. 192 (“Robotoids”):]
When I get opportunity to remind you about Russian Robotoids, you will perhaps stop calling us kooks and “your enemies”—we outlined, in the 1970’s, the entire picture and availability of Russian Robotoids and duplicates. [Ah ha, you caught me! Yes we had some receivers as far back as that and one of the best, which I shall still leave unnamed a bit longer—was killed for his efforts.] If your leaders are of Russian control, dear hearts—you will come under the control of Russia, no more and no less—and, you already have placed in your councils—controlled substitutes. These ones are further programmed by pulsed beams and will function according to the overall Global Plan 2000. [H: I ask that someone in the group send R.S. copies of the tapes of our meeting when W.H. was with us for I believe it was at that session I discussed Yeltsin/Gorbachev. One reason that there is so much confusion is the Soviet Union this day is because Gorbachev is a many-times-replaced robotoid and Yeltsin is NOT. This infuriates the Khazar Elite and they will destroy the world along with Russia if that is what is required to gain control. I shall not go into this further for it is like a death contract on my people. I would hope that you ones can figure some manner in which we can make available some of our sessions such as the ones when “visitors” are in our midst. The load is simply too great for me to insist so please bear with us for our staff is at the breaking point and I am vastly increasing output, as you can see. I must leave it to the publisher to decide what to do about the problem of such quantities of material. Dharma and I plan to continue as fast as we can pour it out upon you.]
·[Blood And Ashes, Phoenix Journal #18, p. 83 (“Genetic Replicas of Humans”):]
In the late part of the 1970s the existence of man-made genetic replicas of human beings was made public. The revealers were locked away instantly and the key tossed. It was disbelieved although motion pictures were made as sci-fi and the subject buried under threat of penalty of death to disclosers. They, however, did (and do) exist and were pressed into service right before your eyes. You didn’t even blink at them—no sir, you just gobbled up the lie, chewed it and swallowed it in total.
When first revealed to you they were referred to as “Synthetics” and in honor of the daring Truth-Bringers we shall continue to label them as such. I request that herein you not ask me for details of the replicas for they are not the point of my story and they will be covered at a more appropriate writing—just know that they DO exist and currently they are used continually to cover the shadow/parallel governments of your nations. Suffice it here to simply state that they do exist and were utilized in the April launch. One reason the preparation time of early astronauts was so lengthy for public consumption was to facilitate perfecting duplication of all segments, including the astronauts. Actually, the duplicates need not be perfect for plans are well laid in case of discovery an alteration can be instantly orchestrated if necessary. People cannot describe a suspect if at the scene of a murder, on oath—you certainly are not paying attention to anything that would cause you to suspect illusion if it remotely resembles the real thing.
“Little Gray Aliens” in underground secret bases? Oh, my friends, you have no conceivable idea what wondrous secrets are in your underground secret bases. Tuesday morning, April 14, genetic replicas called “Synthetics” of the then late astronauts, Young and Crippen, were readied at White Sands. They were programmed to take a computerized ride on the training shuttle Enterprise. The Young and Crippen entities boarded the Enterprise which was mounted on top of the launched 747. After rocket fuel was loaded for the shuttle, the 747 took off and headed west, avoiding commercial air traffic. The launched 747 headed out over the Pacific until it was several hundred miles west of Los Angeles. Then it turned back east toward the California coast. On television you were told that the non-existent Columbia was re-entering from orbit.
·[Burnt Offerings and Bloodstained Sands, Phoenix Journal #23, p. 212 (“Humanoid Robotoids/RNA, DNA Doubles”):]
I will, however, tell you when the Bolshevik use of these “doubles” became mandatory and proliferation blossomed. Now, in addition, you always desire speaking of the “little gray aliens”—OK, get ready, for this is wherefrom came the technology for reproduction of the robotoids. It is NOT like the projections the UFO “crowd” pronounce nor are the secret Majestic 12 uncoverings truthful (the documents are total fabrication).
When I tell you that the problem of “little gray aliens” on your place is not coming this day from the cosmos—believe it. It is the evil on your own placement—now locked into your Earth density, which is your problem. Your immediate perpetrators and expressionists are the Zionists in dispersement throughout the governments and financial communities, along with, of course, the scientific.
Any more recently “transported” “little gray aliens” which are seen regularly and reported by ones who see them and cannot be denied, are mostly reproductions. You are watching the very duplicates made functional by Satan himself come to, what appears, life. It is not the same kind of “life” given through Creator in soul manifested, physical matter. Therefore, KNOW that he can reproduce replicas ad nauseam from genetic blueprints and programming but he still only has robotoids and robotoids continually give him a great deal of trouble for they are easily identified once people realize there is such a thing. It is the ignorance of the fact of it that kept the secret secure. You witness, say, Mr. Bush acting in a such and such manner and looking particularly young—then over the weekend he is changed and appears either more youthful or older—but definitely “different”. You simply mark it up to “a bad night’s sleep or too much to think about or responsibility” or any number of excuses for the change. Even your magazines and newspapers note the changes and simply comment on the incredible duplicity of the man. No, you are now encountering your 29th replica of George Bush. And with him must come a new Barbara Bush lest the show be spoiled. These duplicates become weak in strain and, under stress, are incapacitated quite rapidly as would be a “growing organism” placed in a stressed environment.
Henry Kissinger is another one to watch closely—he is changed-out frequently, also, for he bears the responsibility of orchestrating the Plan for New World Order. So, if Kissinger is a biggie and is also robotoid, WHO is the PUPPET-MASTER? You guessed it! The prince of deceivers, himself. You were told that—in the ending—Satan would be given total rule over the planet and you now have a very real entity deceiving you as a mass populace of the planet.
“Well, why don’t you do something about it—you who claim to be of the Light?” We are—we are bringing you Truth just as fast as you will accept it—for when you know and accept Truth—you will also be given to know how to counter that which is imitation of life. You who are creations of God Source are not “imitations of life” but experiencing fragments of the Creator’s Self. Satan’s army is now land-locked; unfortunately, it is on the same land upon which God’s Creations are also experiencing. So be it for it is the schoolroom of soul progression. You are simply living out the prophecies as you perceive them to be.
You see, even the prophecies of one Nostradamus are coming into focus—the Mongol in the blue turban let us say—this represents the Khazar element of the anti-Christ with the flag colors of blue represented by the “turban” (which was the color, or flag, of identification in the ages past). The Soviet Union appeared to have been killed and is now to rise again more deadly than ever. Even the Pope of Rome is a duplicate playing the role of deceiver.
Ah, but WHEN did it become necessary to begin to bring doubles into public perfection? With the death of David Rockefeller.
·[Shrouds of the Seventh Seal, Pheonix Journal # 24, p. 93:]
How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holographic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and programming of the manufactured entity. I have spoken of this procedure prior to this and will not take precious time to repeat and repeat for those who simply do not wish to go back and effort at gaining the information. You see, I, Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you understand the mechanism by which it works. You are “willing victims” of the lie and YOU will awaken or sleep on—it is up to you. Our commission is to outlay the Truth unto you—YOURS IS TO CONFIRM AND ACKNOWLEDGE—OR NOT, AS YOU WISH. There are technical advances upon your planet, already in use by the Elite, which would boggle your senses—robotoids are simplistic in relative comparison. [END QUOTING FROM JOURNALS] More specific details of how cloning is done is given on pages 89-92 of Operation Shanstorm—Counter Attack From Behind the Feathered Curtain, Phoenix Journal #28.
I began this document with quotes from Dr. Michael Wolf from his book, The Catchers of Heaven. Dr. Wolf is Chancellor Emeritus of The New England Institute for Advanced Research, and maintains memberships in The New York Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the latter as a patron member. He is a highly intelligent scientist who worked on Star Wars projects, Neurotoxic Weapons for Biotoxic Warfare at Lawrence Livermore Lab, and other Above Top Secret projects, including the creation and programming of human clones. One project was Project Sentinel, a U. S. Government project to replace U. S. Marine “grunts” (who are the first to go into battle) with human robots. He worked with Dr. Edward Teller on Reagan’s SDI [Star Wars] program, and came to realize it would not work as presented and said: “So we, most of us at least, quit the project and petitioned Congress to cut its funding. We knew that the then Soviet ‘evil empire’ possessed chemical ground lasers effectively powerful enough to shoot down the S.D.I. umbrella. As a matter of fact, they convinced most of us by shooting down a few ‘ferret’ (spy) ‘birds’ (satellites), and temporarily rendering ineffective several jet pilots, again with their chemical ground lasers.”
One of the first clones he created was a J-typing Omega E-Delta-Two, or JOE for short. JOE spent 365 days growing in the tank. These first clones were a failure, because they had a conscience. “The brass were still waiting for me, the project’s senior scientist, to give an explanation for J.O.E’s seemingly clear failure to kill a dog, a harmless and gentle animal. I rather incautiously, and
injudiciously, began a little, insecure attempt to explain J.O.E.’s inability to carry out a clearly immoral order....Gentlemen, this is an unbelievable advance in science, the full, not partial ability to read accurately genetic codes—but not just to read them, to redo, remodel, reconstruct-dash-manipulate, reconstruct and plan genetic codes, not just cloning, but to create a viable human-like and incredibly ability-endowed superior human, a powerhouse of mind and muscle, but human nevertheless.
“Shall we negotiate with God Himself on the question of, if one believes, the insertion of a soul or spirit? He does have a conscience. You see a failed experiment, gentleman; I see the more evolved human of the future, a gift, a treasure. There are no adjectives or words to even partially explain the significance of this J-Type.
“You should stare at an already-arrived future with joy and a sense of pride! We now possess techniques in a new type of genetic engineering, certainly more than enough for the J-Type’s in vivo creation. How could you be disappointed? How could any of you feel failure? Please answer me!”
“We wanted a soldier! You made him want to be a [expletive deleted] saint!” A moralist. A man of the highest ethics. We wanted a killing solder, an absolute obeyer of orders, any and all orders, a fighter who fights, kills without moral or ethical inhibitions. This is we wanted....” and that is what they got. Wolf ended the chapter by saying, “Oh they were right: ‘mad scientist’ and ‘fugitive from himself’, and all. I hate the word official. (And unofficial, too.)
“The best way, the best scenario, is the production of a motion picture, placing within it as much truth as possible; yet, viewed by the public as ‘fiction.’ Then, it is only ‘fictional’ that a governmental group has cloned a human.
“A cover-up is good when you wish to keep secrets. But when should you have to keep secrets?”
One of the leading agricultural cloning research centers is the University of Missouri. Hatonn said of this school, on page 75 of Phoenix Journal #72 (Candlelight) in a chapter about cloning: “Busy school, isn’t it? And one of the most controlled of the Elite-managed educational research centers on your globe.”
When I graduated from high school, I was offered a scholarship from U. of M. but I did not take it. I recently received a letter from a reader of CONTACT newspaper who attended UOM at the same time Farouk El Baz attended. Farouk, the man who chose the Apollo moon landing sites, obtained his MS ’61 and PhD ’64 from the University of Missouri. The chairman of the civil engineering department at the time is now on the board in charge of architects’ and surveyors’ licenses and is a personal friend and neighbor of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan. He read one of my newsletters and called it “unadulterated hogwash”. He said, “There is no way that any secrets can be kept for long.”
One of the best ways of keeping a secret from someone is to brainwash him so that he cannot see it right in front of him. Something I continually come up against is trying to deal with “highly educated” people.
Let me try to make it simple enough so that even the highly educated can understand. The government keeps secrets. The government tries to control everything, and one thing they definitely control is education. Think about it; schools have to have licenses, teachers have to have “degrees” of brainwashing, text books are censored and controlled, programs are controlled by government funding or lack thereof. Education IS BRAINWASHING. THE MORE EDUCATED YOU ARE, THE MORE BRAINWASHED YOU ARE. YOU WILL BE ESPECIALLY BRAINWASHED IN THE AREA OF YOUR “EXPERTISE”. I continually see highly educated people who can sometimes see the hoaxes and brainwashing in areas outside their “expertise”, but cannot see it in their own areas of learning. Ah well.
Farouk El Baz is currently Director of the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University. The gentleman above on the license board said he met Farouk when Farouk “was examining satellite and U2 aerial photos of the Sarah [sic] Desert looking for sand dune shifts. Using ground-penetrating radar he has discovered ancient river beds under the sand.”
I receive a newsletter from Jerusalem Ministries International of Everett, Washington, and Jerusalem. They are currently working on a project to excavate what they believe are underground caverns in the Qumran area (site of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) that may contain ancient writings and artifacts. Using ground-penetrating radar, infra-red, resisocity, seismic and electromagnetic techniques they believe they have found a “Paleochamber”. Their best results came from a technique called “Molecular Frequency Analysis” of which they state in their newsletter: “We used what was first developed by NASA in the Moon-Space program, but was offered to us by a private company doing frequency research. The instrumentation is the reading of the Atomic Frequency of the Nucleus of an Atom. The ability to read the represented molecular atoms results in identification of specific materials. My/our understanding is NASA can do this to a depth of about sixty feet from the Space Satellites. We were told the ‘picture analysis’ if done on site would result in a very high accuracy to a depth of almost three times the Satellite ability.” They state that “If what we were told is further confirmed in excavation, by us or others, then what is suggested by all the clues will more than be worth the effort.”
Did you know that satellites could identify specific materials by their atoms, from Space, to a depth of sixty feet below the ground? This is the un-classified information, what are they able to do that they are keeping secret? And do you really think they are looking for sand dunes, old roads, and river beds?
Good Day. Calvin Burgin
7. "Hello Central!" (Oct. 24, 2007)"How Can One Tell A Human Clone From A Souled-Being?"
----- Original Message -----
From: DG
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:34 PM
Subject: Hello Central
Hello Patrick, I read your update last week in regards to what Atonn was explaining to you about the population of the drones are without souls and there was only a small percentage of souled beings of about 50 million. That really sounds a very small amount of souled beings and I wondered if I have any friends or family that would not have a soul. Can a person tell them apart (drones), and can they procreate with a person with a soul and have child born with a soul? This is the first I heard that they were cloned since the days of Noah and to have the world population to hit over 5 billion, yet only 50 million people with souls. I personally dont know of one person whom does not know right from wrong and I only hope my family and relatives are not clones. What about the other people out there that may read this article and they may like to know whom are clones or not.
Thanks for your time Patrick.
Love and light
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 5, 2007
Dear DG:
Finally, I am answering your letter. Thank you for writing. Others have asked similar questions. How can one tell a human clone apart from a regular human? As you know, Creator Source created humans and gave each one a fragment of Himself, a spark of Light, for Creator Source is pure Light energy. This fragment or spark is the soul or God Spirit within each human being. It is the real you that is sheltered and given physical expression via the 3D human body. We, our God Spirit within, wear our human body as a suit of clothes or a uniform, and leave it when we move on in physical death to other dimensions.
Human clones are made by other humans from the DNA of a single cell, where a replica of the physical body is reproduced. That clone is only physical and has no soul, therefore, it has no God-connection. Clones can mate and reproduce clone children. A clone and a souled-human can mate and, again, only reproduce clone children.
Humans have no means to create a soul in another human clone, therefore, human clones have no soul and no concept of right and wrong, no conscience and no compassion. They have survival instinct and are greatly concerned about their own death, but not the welfare and death of others.
This explains why so many people today have no values, no morals, no ethics and are prone to violence. Clones make great soldiers, policemen and policewoman and other law enforcement people, attorneys, judges, doctors, teachers, preachers, priests, etc. They are more easily programmed through our mind-control type education and military training than are souled-humans with a freewill. Clones have no freewill, only a sense of survival, and will act accordingly through conditioned behavior.
Clones have no aura, thus, a souled-human with an aura has no sense of repelling or attraction, as is the case with another souled-human, though you certainly would sense the low frequencies of a clone involved in evil activities. The eye is the window of the soul. In the eye of another souled-human you can sense the Light emanating from the soul, the God Spirit within. As I said earlier, the human clone has no soul or God Spirit within, so there is no God-connection to the eternal Light of Creator Source. Therefore, there is no spiritual discernment. The eyes of a human clone may appear dull, blank, hollow, dark, vacant, lifeless, empty with no vibrancy or Light. They have no reaction to or understanding of spiritual energy, concepts or conversation.
The human clone acts robotically and is incapable of changing programming or thinking outside of "the box". Repetitive work and actions are not a problem. A human adult clone today can be made from a single cell in less than thirty-six hours. I am not joking. Russia had perfected cloning by the mid 1970's, and the Rothschilds were close behind in cloning technology.
All is not lost, if one is a human clone. Creator God can give a clone a soul. He can change a whole army of clones into souled-humans with a freewill to choose. Quoting from Phoenix Journal #24, p. 92 "Even a robotoid (clone) who comes within the Lighted place of God Truth, shall be given soul by that Grace abounding". From Noah's time on cloning was done for evil intent, but Creator God can change the potential outcome by giving clones a God Spirit, a conscience and a freewill to choose differently.
There are several references to cloning in the Phoenix Journals. Four are as follows:
1. PJ #24 pp. 93-94
2. PJ #28 Chapters 8 and 9
3. PJ #29 pp. 13-15
4. PJ #126 pp. 1-21
I hope this helps to answer your questions.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: FB
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 6:46 AM
Subject: Hello, Central! How Can One Tell A Human Clone From A Souled Human? Another query
I always appreciate you taking the time to answer so many questions with long explanations, thanks!
I have another query about cloning, I read once a document about 'Andy Pero' a supposed ex super-soldier being trained in secrecy to accomplish surhuman feats, etc.
Well at some point he said something that really intrigued me, he said that the male genitalia acts like an antenna and when procreating the semen provides the genetic material and the head of the penis transmits the soul to the new born. I was wondering if this is true or not?
Because if it is, it would mean that artificial insemination creates only human clones without souls?
I would really like to know the truth about this subject?
Thank you
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 6, 2007
Dear FB:
Thank you for writing. This information from Andy Pero is total nonsense. Human reproduction creates a new body, but the soul comes from Creator God by contract to enter the new body. You, as a higher spiritual being, choose your parents prior to entering you 3D human body. In no way can 3D humans create souls or place them into human physical bodies.
The facts of reincarnation have began so twisted by the Darkside, that the people have little Truth today concerning it.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 8:35 AM
Subject: Clones and auras
Hi Patrick
Thank you for continuing the debate about human cloning.
This past week I personally watched about 30 people have their aura photos taken at a health expo. All people who were photographed has auras.....if some people had no auras, then it would be reasonable for people in this technological field to pick that up, the same goes for people who see auras.
In spirit,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 6, 2007
Dear D:
As you know, your Mighty I AM Presence above you creates your aura, which records as light and color in a photograph. This is different from the electrical field resulting from the electrical nervous system and electric cell structure of all human physical bodies. This electrical field is not your aura but it can record on a photograph and appear as light energy. I believe it may be difficult to identify a clone via a photograph for this reason.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
8. "Hello, Central! MuKasey is a Clone!
----- Original Message -----
From: D
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Dear Patrick, It came to me this am. The reason Mukasey can\'t answer the question about waterboarding is...he doesn\'t understand the question!! As far as he|(the clone) is concerned it is \'just business\'. Without compassion and love in his heart, it is part of \'anything that promotes the agenda\' is ok. He is a good little clone, he will do what the puppetmasters want.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 9, 2007
Dear D:
You have made a very wise statement, that can only come from discernment of Truth. I am pleased that you and many others are becoming more aware of the clones that control us and of their capabilities.
Clones have no compassion and feel no pain for another person's plight, because they have no God-connection to the energy of love, the very foundation of Creation. No one assumes positions of authority and power in today's evil society without being screened for their total allegiance. to the One World Order agenda. Clones make the best choices for such positions, because they offer no freewill resistance.
Do you feel those congressmen and women asking Mukasey the questions about waterboarding were souled-beings or clones? Remember, clones can be programmed to "appropriate" actions and responses.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
To: "bellringer" <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 8:55 PM
Dear Patrick,
Am I correctly understanding the situation here on Earth Shan regarding clones? Is it the case that most, if not all clones, will physically perish when Mother Earth cleanses, other than clones who may have soul essence granted them through requests to Creator Source, or at Creator's choosing? Is there any other purpose to producing them other than to be programmed to serve evil intent? Since clones make up 3/4 of the current remaining population on this planet, are there any special circumstances you are aware of that allows a souled being to be birthed into a clone family? We see alot of people who seem like clones and seem like they can express compassion. Can the appearance of compassion be programmed like an act? One of our birth father's claims he is an athiest and has no soul. This person lives very much in "the box" and is most uncomfortable around our Light and any mention of Truth. Could this person be a clone and still be a partner in the birth of some children with souls?
In Love and Light,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 10,2007
Dear A& CM
Thank you for writing. Yes, clones will perish when Mother Earth cleanses.
A clone with a soul is no longer a clone, therefore, all clones are "uncreated" by Creator God, when they have served their purpose.
Yes, clones are basically used for evil intent, but they are here for our lessons in soul growth, as well. You ask about a souled being birthed into a clone family. This could happen by request of the soul to experience in a clone family. Much of the clone area is a mystery to us, but Creator God works in strange ways to us many times.
Any action, thought or reaction can easily be programmed into any clone. Your atheist father is most likely a souled being that has allowed his Light to be nearly extinguished. This is often the case, but know that with Aton anything is possible. We are wise to understand clones, and we treat them with kindness and compassion, as we do all humans, for it may be through our responses that a clone finds Truth and Light and is given a soul.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
(Updates for January 5, 2007)
1. (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "DR"
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 11:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Hi Patrick,
I am struck with amazement at the people who believe ANYTHING they see, just because it appears on \"mainline television\"!
I do not in any way discredit your material on human clones. But, with the technology that is readily available today to ANY person, ANYWHERE, that film on TV of Paulsen could have easily been a fraud -- without even considering the possibility of clones!
First of all, how do we know the film was made today? With the doubtless MILLIONS of miles of film made by the media over the years, today\'s film of Paulsen could have been a replay of ANY meeting where Paulsen was present in the past! It could have even been a film that has never been shown to the public before!
Second, film tampering is commonplace today. To insert images into a film or movie is easy with today\'s commonplace technologies. How real does it look when a movie hits the theaters where cartoon figures have been inserted by computer into a movie of real people? Have your \"doubting Thomases\" obtained the original film they saw today and had it analyzed for tampering?
I guess I\'m different from many people. I don\'t trust the \"mainline media\" one iota! It is plain and simply a PROPAGANDA MACHINE for the government! In fact, I can\'t stand to watch most of it because it\'s just a \"soap opera\" to distract the American people from the REAL news.
The media often gets on a \"band wagon\", like the current sitcom about Britney Spears! This is intended to get the people all worked up over some celebrity and, while people are obsessed with that, the media can then just conveniently \"overlook\" reporting what\'s REALLY happening on Planet Earth! But, in fact, it actually amounts to governmental control of the media!
AND, this is EXACTLY what NESARA is all about. Government censuring of the media is diametrically opposed to the provisions of the First Amendment and absolutely will NOT be allowed once our constitutional Republic is restored to us as the founding fathers intended it to be!
In Love and Light,
2. (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leowanta" <leowanta10@gmail.com>
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Siterun Contact Request from Leowanta.
Sender Message:
check it out....on the Nightly Business News, last night, there was an interview on tv with Ed Lazear, Chairman of the Economic Advisory Counsel to the President... it was him at the meeting yesterday, not Paulson, so LaZear stated...Paulson and Lazear could pass for twins they look so much alike...
i believe Paulson was shot....Bush failed to put up a picture on the web yesterday....but he did it after some posts were made about the missing picture...it could be any picture in the past....
Paulson is suppose to give a public speech Monday....we\'ll see if LaZear shows up.
thanks for all you info
3. (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:37 AM
Dear Patrick,
C. and I both felt that the website at
would be a helpful tool to anyone that is serious minded about studying the clone reality. The site has a wealth of photos, each worth a thousand words. In the section "photos", there is a search bar. This tool shows photos of Today, Last Week, Last Month, and 3 months ago. The pop up box gives date, location, and event plus a zoom tool. Anyone can type in Henry Paulson, Laura Bush, Hillary or Bill, or most any political personna and see "certain obvious changes" in those 3 months.
Our best to you both. Your are in our thoughts and prayers!
In Love and Light,
Anton and Cynthia MIller
4. (Reply)
Original Message -----
From: SJM
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:40 AM
Subject: Great Reporting
Hello Mr. Bellringer,
Greetings to u.
Don't let the "slammer" get u down. Mr. Story had over 50 million hits on his last story. Imagine getting slammed at least 500,000 times on that site!
Keep up the great work.
5. (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: NKI
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:55 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Dear Patrick,
One thing I love about your website is the wide spectrum of ideas and information you draw from. Amidst all the H.Paulson controversy, you bring us the inspiring sight of the Dancing Horse video (1/4/08)which made my morning. Thank you!
----- Original Message -----
From: JM
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
You state: "the people of Earth Shan are now under a barrage of media disinformation, lies and distortion of the Truth as never before. Full
Darkside attack is in process against the Truthbringers of our day, and against those, who would receive Truth from the Lighted Realms of higher dimensions."
You are contributing to this disinformation. I contacted Treasury today (wednesday), and was informed that Paulson was NOT dead, in fact had been seen walking around TODAY. Check your stories BEFORE you print them.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 2, 2008
Dear JM:
What makes you think the U.S. Treasury of the Federal Reserve fiat money scam are going to tell you the Truth about anything? Russia killed Henry Paulson in retaliation for his fraud and for the CIA/MI5 attempted assassination of Putin. They killed Bush, Jr's prize horse as a signal to him. My military sources are reliable, my friend.
Do they now have a Paulson clone or a Paulson look-a-like? Check it out!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 4:08 PM
Subject: Paulson
Like you, i very much would like Story's reports to be true. i called the US Treasury at 2:00 pm today, and deliberately called someone 'down the chain' to get someone who just comes to their office every day like everybody else, and would not be part of a coverup. She told me (and i listened very carefully to her tone so as to detect any subterfuge) that she had seen Paulson in the halls that day! This lady was not lying!
It is absurd to attempt to gloss over this by saying that now they have trotted out a clone! Do you realize how IMPOSSIBLE it would be to (even through cloning) duplicate these unique individuals?
To begin with, a clone would have to be at least nearly as old as whomever they were to portray - there is no technology that can clone an individual and suddenly make it 50 years old and have all of the mannerisms and intelligence of the original individual!
If your military 'sources' are telling you that what we are now seeing is a Paulson 'clone' then i've got a condo on Venus you might be interested in.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 2, 2008
Dear JM
So you believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Arabs did 9/11, and the "Rapture", too!
You certainly know nothing about Fourwinds, about me, the Phoenix Journals and Truth to any degree. Quite sad!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
---- Original Message -----
From: JM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 12:48 PM
Subject: Paulson
Check out the photo of paulson, bush and cheney taken this afternoon in DC - must be a "clone" - huh, Patrick,
can't be the REAL paulson, cause your "reliable military sources" said he was dead!
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 4, 2008
Dear JM:
You are so "sirian-ray-Mc-Coy"! In case you haven't figured it out yet, Fourwinds is an alternate new website. As Christopher Story just wrote, "Make up your mind which sources you trust, but don't please, burden us with your unbelief".
As I told you earlier, you obviously know nothing about cloning! Be wise and go learn.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Belrlinger
----- Original Message -----
From: James McCoy - sirianray@starband.net
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 12:12 PM
Subject: Paulson
Let's stop all this stupid banter and get real Patrick.
According to Story, they were going to claim he died of a heart attack. Now, when he appears, oh, well, since according to your 'sources' the real paulson is dead, then this obviously is a clone.
This is absolute NONSENSE, and is a pathetic attempt to cover for the bogus story put out about his death.
This is your Truth? This is your 'alternate news'? This is absolute garbage, hiding behind a new age 'know it all' facade. Sooner or later, even the poor pudding heads who are waiting for their 'prosperity packets' are going to wise up to your bullshit and you will have nothing left but that empty face staring back at you from the mirror.
You have insulated yourself from REALITY with all your clone fantasies and bogus payouts which you don't deserve.
God help you when this mad fantasy is finally pulled away and you are forced to see the REAL TRUTH of what you have done to your life and the lives of others who believed in you.
----- Original Message -----
From: James McCoy - sirianray@starband.net
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: Paulson
"Is Henry Paulson dead? My military sources, some of whom participated in the incident in which Paulson was killed, say this is true."
Do you realize what this statement makes you, Patrick?
Do you realize the implications FOR YOU if what you are saying is true?
You had better retract this lie quickly.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: James McCoy
DATE: Jan. 6, 2008
Dear James McCoy:
If you do not like what you read on Fourwinds, why do you keep returning and stressing yourself? Because you insist on cluttering up our email with your foolishness, we are giving both your name and email address for all the world to see. Maybe someone else will challenge your ignorance of Truth.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: Diane Gilbert
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 11:08 PM
Subject: Paulson seen on TV with Bush?
Less than a month ago, I saw a stunning performance of Celine Dionne singing a duet with Elvis Presley, very much alive and well, at the peak of his career, dressed all in white. Together they sang "I Can't Help Falling in Love With You." This was done, onstage, in front of a live audience. They cheered and went wild. It WAS Elvis Presley, in 3 dimensions, not a look-alike dressed like him. It was Elvis at one of his live performances, decades ago. How did that happen?
It was all done with a holographic image projected into thin air. I've seen this technology before, about a year ago, in a product demonstration at a technology fair. It looks SO REAL, it is 3-dimensional.
Robotoids and clones
From: RB
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services
Sender Message:
I can\'t believe I\'m even going to dignify this cloning stupidity with a question but even if cloning of humans was in fact a perfected science and full grown adults at that (NONSENSE), wouldn\'t they have to have cloned him in 1946 when he was born, 62 years before this supposed hit, 62 years before they new that he would eventually take his post, 62 years before the science is, as you say, where it is now???
Good lord, do people actually contribute to your loony cause?
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Jan. 7, 2008
Dear RB:
You, obviously, have rushed in where angels fear to tread, because you have not done your homework on cloning.
I gave you 82 pages in the "Hello, Central!" article on cloning, but you have chosen either not to read it or not to believe that Creator God could be right about such information. Even though you ask a kindergarten level question, I shall answer it again for you. As I wrote in the "Hello, Central!" last week, (quoting), "Today an adult human clone can be produced in less than 36 hours, and the brain is then down-loaded with the desired information".
This my friend, is not my fairy-tale thinking, but this information comes straight out of the Phoenix Journals from Creator God Aton of Light. It is high time that you decide what it is that you wish to believe, as Truth, for the time for your deciding is quickly running out on our very sick planet.
In Love and Light,