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Urge Illinois: No Satanic 'Christmas' Display

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A Satanic "Christmas" display 4 1/2 feet tall is standing in the rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol for a second year in a row. It features a woman's arm holding an apple that is encircled by a serpent. The monument, titled "Knowledge is the Greatest Gift," resembles Eve taking fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, when the devil's lie of eternal life resulted in the pain and suffering of mankind. According to reports:

"Seasonal decorations are filling the Illinois Capitol rotunda -- a holiday tree, nativity scene, satanic sculpture and Winter Solstice sign... The [Satanic] display gained national attention in 2018 for the Satanic Temple of Chicago's contribution of a sculpture of a woman's left arm, with a snake coiled around it, holding an apple. The statue is a metaphor representing the biblical story of Adam and Eve, according to two leaders of the Temple, who said the apple was to represent enlightenment...

"This is the second holiday season the satanic sculpture is displayed in the rotunda. Its design 'keeps with The Satanic Temple's values of advocating knowledge and rationality over superstition, ignorance, and dogma,' according to a press release..." (; emphasis added)

Satanism is the antithesis of religion, and no government entity should allow the promotion of the Father of Lies. This is contrary to the good of society that they are called to maintain, blurs the lines of good and evil, and breaks the barriers of horror that society has for the devil. Please sign our petition, urging Illinois to honor the Light of the World, not the Prince of Darkness.