Canadians march against abortion, the ‘greatest human rights injustice of our age’
Anthony Murdoch
Because of the urgency and importance of life issues like abortion and euthanasia, we have a duty to hold our legislators to account.’
OTTAWA, Ontario, May 13, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Thousands of Canadians are marching to the steps of the nation’s Parliament Hill in Ottawa today to peacefully protest against government-sanctioned abortion on demand and euthanasia in the 2021 Canadian National March for Life.
The National March for Life began at 1:15 p.m. EST. According to event organizers, this march is a “scaled down version,” with groups “of organizers and local grassroots intent on attending” to demand “legal protection for every human being from conception to natural death.”
According to Debbie Duval, National Capital Organizer of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), the Canadian National March for Life is “at its core” a protest against the “greatest human rights injustice of our age.”
“Because of the urgency and importance of life issues like abortion and euthanasia, we have a duty to hold our legislators to account,” Duval told LifeSiteNews.