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DEbra Bentley

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From: Debra Bentley
To: John Wilson
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: John Willson
G'day John,

I sent this on to the USA website - click on link;

& will pass this on to them & everyone else as well so the truth gets out there regarding John's situation & what is really happening in this Country..

I will also send you a copy of the Affidavit of Mental Capacity I sent to Mark P to try to help John with. I am flat out at the moment helping others & have Court on myself tomorrow.

Give John my best wishes & I hope we can expose the lies & deceptions of these criminal, corrupt Traitors who wish to enslave us all !!

Bless ya mate


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 3:43 PM, John Wilson <> wrote:
John Wilson is in Silverwater Jail!!!!!!
I visited John in Silverwater Jail on fri. 24-7-09  and he asked that I let every one know what is happening, Police came to arrest him on thursday 16-7-09, the fist officer went away, on John asking for a warrant and told him he was trespassing, reply by police (We dont need a warrant we are the police) a couple of hours later they came back in force, as John was videoing all these goings on, they started on the screen door with a crowbar, after damaging the screen door and going to start on the main door, John said  that he was to them to hold of and he will open the door, he put the camera down and opened the door, they than proceeded to attack him, they had him on the ground, one had him in a head lock another jumped on his back and had his knees compressing his chest so he could hardly breath, John said that he thought that he was going to die, the copper that was on top of him said "That will teach you"  all this without a warrent, no charge,they are apparently acting under a new law???

The mental health Act. He was taken to Castle Hill,police station, normaly he would be taken to the local court atHornsby, but since the magistrate keeps running out of court every time John appears, they took him to Parramatta Local court, so they put him in Silverwater jail,the hearing is set down for the 26-8-09 at Parammatta Local Court, and to keep him out of circulation they are going to hear it with a camera link up with silverwater jail, they won't let him have anything in paperwork to defend himself in court. How is that For a totalatarian police State!!!  John has applied for bail, but he thinks that since they want him out of harms way the chances of getting bail are slim, Beside the fact that the Police are acting like terrorist , breaking every law that you can think of, Tresspass,Break and enter, trespass on John, assault, robbery, (they stole his camera with all the evidance,) 

Now John asked me to get this email out to all his list, but since I am not to good with computers and typing, it will take a bit of time, so since John will be out of action until at least the 26-8-09   for any updated re John  email me at and I will try and keep everyone informed, Also John has asked me to try and organize a peacful protest at Parammatta Local Court on 26-8-09, all carrying the Australian flag, and wearing tee shirts with "Trial by Jury is Democracy" or any other slogan, now this is our last chance to fight for our Rights I will try and let everyone know how things progress, pass this on to all your friends etc. the more people we can get the better,

Yours Sincerly,
John Bauskis