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A Patriot- John Wilson- Arrested for Demanding His Rights

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From: DB
To: Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 3:17 AM
Subject: Fwd: : Patriot John Wilson









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A Patriot arrested for demanding his rights

John Wilson who sought his right of trial by Jury has been arrested. 

Australia following the misdeeds of other countries. 

Looking forward to further news.


 Hello Nick,

I was speaking with John Bauskis this morning and he told me that Patriot John Wilson was arrested on Sunday evening and is in the detox ward of the Silverwater Prison in N.S.W. There is a high probability that the goons have drugged John Wilson up to the eyeballs.

John Bauskis has a visitation to the Silverwater Prison at 9am tomorrow morning (Friday 24th of July 2009) to see what assistance John Wilson needs.

Please note when I tried on Sunday evening to phone John Wilson, his phone would not answer.  So, I got onto the Internet and looked under Directory Residential and found his phone number to make certain that I had the correct phone number.  The number I had was correct. However, when I rechecked his phone number on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today it has been removed from the Internet Residential directory, which also includes his address at 19 Elm Court, North Rocks N.S.W.

I will be able to tell you more after John Bauskis visits Patriot John Wilson tomorrow.

I ask all those that truely care about John Wilson to give some consideration to prayer?

Kindest Regards,
