This freedom-killer is growing . . .
Mat Staver
A new effort to push Vaccine Passports now has more than 2.8 billion people in its clutches. Recently, Africa joined India in launching a Vaccine Passport.
The Gestapo demands for “Papers please” look like child’s play compared to the control this new program gives the government over every aspect of law-abiding citizens’ lives.
But this is happening in America as well! It is a real and present danger to individual freedom here and around the world. Demand that state and federal governments block Vaccine Passports and mandates. — Mat
When the WHO told member states to launch a COVID Passport, The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was one of the first in line pushing its My COVID Pass.
Africa CDC has a continent-wide program to track and trace travelers “for COVID-19 testing and test results, and vaccination certificates.”
This is a chilling system.
The African program states that the “Public health authority sets restrictions and test requirements.” The government also picks and chooses which “testing laboratories” are approved and monitors them. Travelers have to go to those lab(s) and must have done whichever test the authority has picked out for them. The lab then generates digital test results that are verifiable. Those test results then produce a “clearance code,” and only passengers with that code are allowed to travel.
This is described as “the most significant coordinated international push to enable interoperable credentials among nations and regions.”
Vaccine Passports are not limited to dictators on a foreign continent!
There are 24 states in America plus the District of Columbia that have deployed or are developing similar technology!
There are about 200 million Americans who likely already have access to the American version of a COVID-19 digital vaccine card. This is called the “SMART Health Card.”
It includes a QR code. In January, this SMART Card technology only had 13 states involved, but now, it has 24 states and D.C. in process!
… and who knows how long this program will be voluntary in America!
Our nation is tottering on the edge of tyrannical control over you and millions of other Americans. We need to push back right now against these Vaccine Passports (aka “digital credentials”). Make your voice heard before it is too late by sending urgent faxes to state and national leaders to STOP VACCINE PASSPORTS.
One year ago, the director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. John Nkengasong, called COVID-19 Vaccine Passports “inappropriate" and asserted that “any imposition of a vaccination passport will create huge inequities.”
What changed?
About six months ago, Biden announced his desire to appoint this same Dr. Nkengasong as ambassador-at-large and coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally. This position controls an annual budget of 6.6 billion dollars. Dr. Nkengasong kept his original position as the head of Africa CDC.
So, when the WHO launched a “digital credential” or Vaccine Passport, Africa CDC immediately launched this new program to effectively control all travel of 1.4 billion people!
This is WHY we must be concerned about organizations like the WHO because they are flush with your tax dollars, and they are doing everything they can to push tyranny around the world.
It doesn’t stop there. “G20 countries are working together on a goal for a harmonized interoperable framework for COVID-19 certificates,” All Africa reports. G20 countries encompass 2/3 of the world population and up to 80% of international trade.
We need to demand that freedom be preserved in America and abroad. Losing freedom abroad will affect your right to travel. Billions of people are under a global threat of tyranny, and America is quietly launching our own SMART Health Cards. Urge your state and federal leaders to stop Vaccine Passports and freedom-killing mandates.
Even if you live in one of the 26 states that haven’t officially launched these digital credentials for vaccines, you are not out of the woods. Companies like Walmart, Albertsons, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and other medical facilities are already generating QR codes for every person they inject.
The SMART Health Card Verification app makes it so that anyone who wants to discriminate against someone based on their religious views or their vaccine or medical status can quickly and easily do so!
Very, very few states have protections in place against this discrimination.
Liberty Counsel Action is assisting on many lawsuits and helping thousands of people restore medical privacy and respect religious freedom! It is your support that makes the difference between freedom and tyranny. Thanks to our Challenge Grant, your monthly recurring donation or one-time gift to our organization today can be DOUBLED in impact.
Please pray that people will rise up and demand freedom!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
“Africa: WHO Launches Guidance on Digitally Documenting SARS-CoV-2 Test Results.” All Africa. April 4, 2022. Allafrica.com/stories/202204040154.html.
“Africa & Australia Launch Interoperability of Digital Vaccine Certificates.” GhanaWeb. April 1, 2022. Ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Africa-amp-Australia-launch-interoperability-of-digital-vaccine-certificates-1505489.
Biden, Joseph. “President Biden Announces Intent to Nominate Dr. John N. Nkengasong as Ambassador-At-Large and Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally.” The White House. September 27, 2021. Whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/27/president-biden-announces-intent-to-nominate-dr-john-n-nkengasong-as-ambassador-at-large-and-coordinator-of-united-states-government-activities-to-combat-hiv-aids-globally/.
Ingram, David. “A National Covid Vaccine Card Has Quietly Emerged.” NBC News. January 13, 2022. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/national-covid-vaccine-card-quietly-emerged-rcna11678.
Liberty Counsel. Navy Seal 1 et al v. Biden et al. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT of FLORIDA.” October 15, 2021. Lc.org/PDFs/Attachments2PRsLAs/101521BidenDODEmergencyMotionforTROandPIwithMemo.pdf.
Princewill, Nimi, 2021 “Two of Africa’s Covid Experts Are Leaving the Continent. Is This a Brain Drain or Gain for Africa?” CNN. Updated October 16, 2021. Edition.cnn.com/2021/10/16/africa/africa-health-experts-brain-drain-intl-cmd/index.html.
Muhumuza, Rodney. “Africa CDC Says Vaccine Passports ‘Inappropriate’ for Now.” Yahoo! News. April 8, 2021. Yahoo.com/lifestyle/africa-cdc-says-vaccine-passports-105611852.html.
“Resources & Research.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021. LCAction.org/vaccine.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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