Freedom, Liberation & Peace Web Sites
Site Name: United For Peace Site Description: Website designed to promote Peace rallies in Washington, D.C. San Francisco and 130 other cities across U.S. on Oct. 26, 2002 to stop the war on Iraq before it begins. Other groups listed working against an Iraq War Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Site Description: Information of peace marches, rallies, how one can organize for the Oct. 26, 2002 Peace Rally in San Francisco and Washington,D.C.. Much other pertinent national and international news not necessarily broadcast on mainstream media. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: National Network To END THE WAR Against Iraq Site Description: This Coalition has called for and is leading the organizing of a mass demonstration and march in Washington, and San Francisco. Solidarity rallies to be held in 130 cities on the same day including Denver and Seattle. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: Peace Action Site Description: Practical Positive Alternative for Peace. Promoting Peace Rally in San Francisco and Washington,D.C. on Oct. 26. Information and participation, and other news to stop the war on Iraq, no bombing Iraq. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: FSTV--Free Speech T. V. Site Description: Mission: Working with activists and artists, Free Speech TV uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to advance progressive social change. Launched in 1995. Category: Alternative News & Information + Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: World Puja Site Description: Connecting the Earth through live internet webcasts for PEACE. To use the power and global reach of the internet for purpose of planetary healing. Puja--the power of prayer and meditating together by the world's people. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: Ron Paul's weekly update message phone # for callers - 1-888-322-1414 Phone: Office 203 Cannon HOB, Washington, D.C., 202-225-2831. Callers on his site 1-888-322-1414 Site Description: Weekly message. Hosting his website as a service for his constituents in the 14th District of Texas, and for Americans everywhere who cherish the ideals of liberty, fiscal integrity and constructional government. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace + Alternative News |
Site Name: Slavery's Judgment and the Mark of the Beast Site Description: The Creator's warning to the rulers of the earth and those who support them. Uses Biblical references, political leader's quotes, research material. Category: Spiritual and Inspirational + Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: Earth Dance Global Webcast Site Description: A collective of event promoters for world peace around the planet. Every year, on the same date and time, the collective hold a party to celebrate peace and raise funds and awareness for various charities. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: Welcome to JeffOtto.com Site Description: Discover the Latest in Technology and Health Products, along with ground breaking freedom education for you and your family. Products available and Information and services offered. Among articles for education is the Missing 13th Amendment. Category: Alternative Technology Products and Freedom Education |
Site Name: Choose Peace Now! Site Description: This site and everything on it is a gift from Angels, Masters and humans who care about Creating Peace on Earth as soon as possible. It is a product of the Global Peace Council. Messages by St. Michael and the Angels of Peace. Category: Freedom/ Liberation/Peace |
Site Name: The Sacred Earth Society Site Description: The Sacred Earth Society is dedicated to saving the earth. Sections on NESARA, Bowling for Columbine, a movie by Michael Morris, Peace Marches, Freedom Drive, Stopping War in Iraq BEFORE it starts, etc. Category: Freedom |
Site Name: The Sovereign Society Site Description: The Sovereign Society is headquartered in Waterford, Ireland. They provide proven legal strategies for individuals to protect their wealth and privacy and lower their taxes to to help improve their personal/freedom and liberty. Category: Freedom, liberty |
Site Name: We The People Organization Site Description: Their mission is to preserve and enhance the unalienable rights liberties & freedoms of the people, to teach them that power comes from the people, help people become better informed about our history, what is really going on in government, be better informed and to institutionalize vigilance by the ordinary nonaligned citizen-voter-taxpayer. A good place to start is http://www.givemeliberty.org/rtplawsuit/Update04-Jan-10.htm Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: Center For Research On Globalization (CRG) Site Description: The CRG is an independent research center of progressive writers, scholars and activists committed to curbing the tide of globalization, and "disarming" the NWO. Their objective is to unveil the workings of the New World Order. Many articles--911, America's War, Police State, Globalization, Biotechnology, Crimes against Humanity, United States War Crimes(see News and Information Section), and many others. Category: Freedom, Liberation, Peace. |
Site Name: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior Site Description: Dan Millman's site. Mr. Millman gives seminars, and is author of many books, tapes, and videos. The subjects of his books are: The Peaceful Warrior, Guidebooks, Inspirational, Sports/Training, Children, Audio Programs, Videos. Other menus include a free newsletter, open forum. All books, tapes and videos are available on this site. Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace |
Site Name: International Action Center Site Description: This site is for information, activism, and resistance to U.S. militarism, war, and corporate greed, and linking with struggles against racism and oppression within the United States. Information on web sites i.e. http://www.votenowar.org, http://www.internationalanswer.org. Up-to-date news on all the anti-war rallies and march held world-wide. Category: Freedom, Peace and LIberation |
Site Name: VoteNoWar.org Site Description: This site is dedicated to the will of the people. When Congress rejects the will of the people, the people must act themselves! No one will stop this war but the people.The U.S. Congress failed to listen to the overwhelming number of people who expressed their opposition to a war on Iraq in a massive outpouring of calls, e-mails and faxes to their elected officials.We believe that it is unconscionable to send young people in the U.S. armed forces into combat in an illegal war that serves only the interests of Big Oil. Instead of spending $200 billion of taxpayers' money on another war in the Middle East, the funds should be used to create jobs and finance education, housing, healthcare and other vital human needs. We join with the millions who want to take action to prevent a senseless war that is likely to lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. This path of the Bush Administration can only lead to an escalation of violence that endangers people everywhere. The Congress votes for war. We Vote No War . Category: Freedom, Liberation, and Peace |
Site Name: Cities for Peace Site Description: Cities for Peace is a rapidly growing effort to get City Councils and other civic bodies to pass resolutions against a war on Iraq. Civic and religious leaders, educators, peace activists, business leaders and individuals from all sectors are coming together across the country to say "no" to Bush's call for war. We the people of the U.S. are wary of a military venture against a country that has not attacked us. We are fearful that a war will lead to the deaths of thousands of Iraqis and US troops. We see this as a potentially dangerous distraction from fighting terrorism and we are aware that such a war would have devastating consequences on our city budgets and on local capacity to meet the current needs of our own communities in these difficult economic times. Category: Freedom, Liberation, Peace |
Site Name: Patriots for Peace Site Description: This site was started as a way to visibly spread the message that one in fact can be a patriot of America and also oppose our government’s leadership model, their approach to Iraq, and their willingness to promote war unilaterally instead of fostering dialog and cooperation with other nations. Many people have similar feelings. Unfortunately, the subject was by and large taboo in the aftermath of 9/11. "Either you are with us or against us," seemed to define the way fellow citizens were supposed to think. This simple statement out of Washington just didn't resonate well. We ARE patriots! We do cherish and love the freedoms we have here and have benefited from them. This is an extraordinary country! The people running this site believe that the future of the world lies in our ability to develop strategies that will promote goodwill, understanding and peace. Category: Freedom, Liberation, Peace |
Site Name: The Liberty Committee Site Description: Four years ago, a small group of men and women, united by their determination to restore liberty in the United States, formed The Liberty Committee. These men and women recognized that socialists have, for decades, been actively involved in our nationallegislative process; patiently, methodically, relentlessly working to make us subjects of thegovernment, instead of the government being subject to us. The founding members of The Liberty Committee came together to fight these collectivists and reclaim our country from their clutches. Rep. Ron Paul is the founder and chairman of The Liberty Committee. Category: Freedom, Liberation and Peace |
http://www.patriots for peace.org Site Name: Patriots for Peace Site Description: Patriotsforpeace.org is a new organization dedicated to accelerating the wide-spread use of a visualloy consistent message of peace. Log onto the site and download posters, etc. for printing and distribution. The site also has a forum, andlists on the main menu: discussion, images, topics, submitting an article. They have daily news articles for reading or downloading. Category: Freedom Liberation an Peace. |
Site Name: The Hunger Site
Site Description: The Hunger Site is owned and operated by Tim Kunin and Greg Hesterberg, co-owners of Charity USA.com. Long-time friends and activists, they bought The Hunger Site in mid-August of 2001. Greg and Tim are dedicated to maintaining the site's position as a leader in online activism and a dynamic force in the fight to end world hunger. Originally launched in June 1999, The Hunger Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific humanitarian need; the eradication of world hunger. On average, over 220,000 individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the "give free food" button and help feed the hungry.
Category: Freedom, Liberation and Peace
Site Name: Hello Peace--Hello, Salaam! Hello, Shalom! Hello, Peace
Site Description: What is Hello Peace? Hello, Peace! is a free phone service that lets Israelis and Palestinians start talking again. Now you - Palestinian or Israeli - can talk with someone on the other side. If you're in Israel, the West Bank or Gaza, you can pick up the phone and talk to someone on the other side about reconciliation, tolerance, and peace.
Category: Freedom, Liberation & Peace
Site Name: Billion For Peace
Site Description: A global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to creating a collective consciousness of Peace on Earth. Our vision is to create a worldwide network of at least one billion people who are committed to achieving peace in their own lives, in their communities, and across the globe. BillionforPeace.org was founded on the rich tradition of "We the People" coming together to create change in the world. Throughout modern history, groups bound to a common cause have carried out peaceful demonstrations, prayer vigils, online activism, memorial events and global meditations that have successfully brought humanity together, either in person or in spirit, through the media and the Internet.
Category: Freedom, Liberation and Peace