In the age of President Trump the public characterization of an American First movement bears the sharpest criticism and condemnation from the Deep State and foreign enemies. Those sincere patriots who retain a valid historic understanding of the post World War II era, recognize that the New World Order was the actual victory of that contrived conflict. With the death of the American Republic, the globalist international community of oligarchs has imposed a planetary enslavement. Part of their goal is to obliterate independent nation states and destroy indigenous cultures. Genuine populism is the foe of this elite demonic crime syndicate, who is promulgating hell on earth.
The struggle to revive an America First policy had many advocates over the last century. One such standout advocate was Willis A. Carto. In the account, an Overview of a Remarkable Career in the Global Public Arena, the remnant of true nationalism had a vigorous defender.
In the account Willis Carto: Champion Of The American Right, the research of George Michael a political science professor who has studied and written extensively about the political right, is featured.
Professor Michael was granted exclusive access to Willis Carto in preparation for his must-read book Willis Carto and the American Far Right, conducting numerous personal interviews which allowed him to obtain a deeper insight into Carto’s views and activities since he became active in the right wing struggle shortly after WWII. Describing Carto as “undoubtedly the central figure in the post-World War II American far right,” Michael outlines Carto’s efforts to promote the various causes associated with the right wing in America.
"Willis Carto is a man who has done more to advance the agenda and causes of the right wing in post-WWII America than any other single individual. Over the years, he has published a variety of newsletters, newspapers, and journals, covering some of the most important and controversial issues facing not only America, but the entire world. Carto has never backed down from or avoided the uncomfortable realities that so many in the media and political establishment cowardly acquiesce to or traitorously facilitate.
Confronting the organized Jewish community, the Israel lobby, race hustlers, cultural Marxism, the war on White America, and false narratives of history – particularly as they relate to WWII – Carto has been, and remains, in the vanguard of authentic American nationalism, populism, and truth-telling. He has been persecuted, stabbed in the back, and slandered – yet he has persevered and today he stands as the most iconic and influential figure in the American right wing."
Relying on the censored internet to obtain accurate information on Carto can be a daunting task. The same can be said about the Liberty Lobby organization and it is even harder to find old publications of The Spotlight. Well, for starters, review the news archive which lists many of the hundreds of articles that have appeared in The SPOTLIGHT since it first went on-line in 1997.
Within the reporting, opinions and activist efforts of Liberty Lobby the most motivated pro American Revolutionary Patriots had a clarion voice that expresses the true nature of political combat and the social society. The problem with the current crop of lobotomized electorate is that their IQ has dropped off the scales of empirical measurement.
The phony outrage over the 'so called' "PC" hate proponents is an essential part of pushing real history into the black hole of condemnation. A direct link between purging the factual chronicles found in the publications from Liberty Lobby and the rapid demise of our western civilization is proof that facing the truth is too frightening for the timid and brain dead.
Contrast this absurd and obscene Newspeak that comes out of the corporatist press, social media and altered state progressives that strive to control the popular culture with the wisdom of Colonel Curtis B. Dall, the former son-in-law of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (and an outspoken critic of FDR’s policies). Mr. Dall signed on as chairman of Liberty Lobby’s Board of Policy, the populist institution’s formal membership organization and this author had the privilege to share a private conversation for over an hour at the 25th Liberty Lobby convention in Washington DC back in 1980.
Colonel Dall confirmed the treason of FDR and the globalist plan of a NWO. The formation of the United Nations and NATO were initial steps to establish the surrender of America as the last bastion of individual natural rights. Defending a Constitutional Republic is essential to achieve an American Populism ethos.
Sadly, President Donald Trump has yielded to the systemic forces of the swamp. Allowing NeoCon Trotsky Bolsheviks and Marxists into his administration is substantiation that the establishment is still in control of government. Appointing number one daughter Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner to positions of power is the single greatest mistake of his presidency. Allowing a Kabbalah cult to make policy in the west wing is just as bad as letting Ilhan Omar wear a hijab as she tries to pass Sharia Law in Congress.
The only difference is that Ilhan Omar, Is ABSOLUTELY Right - The Jews 100% Control The US Government, And It Is NOT "Antisemitic" To Point Out The Truth!
There is no doubt that Liberty Lobby would condemn an Israel-First government purity that demands full allegiance to Zionism. Also, The Spotlight would never endorse an Islamic Imam Sharia Society.
American Populism opposes any faction that places a foreign country or an international body of globalist elites over the legitimate citizens who pledge their only loyalty to our own national sovereignty.
Now that it has been several years since Willis Carto passed on, take the time to discover the validity of the America First movement. Progressives, corporatists and banksters are all globalists.
When Trump delivers a Stephen Miller written speech, reflect upon the authenticity of the message. However, the political reality for President Trump is that he cannot control his own staff, much less his own elected party officials. Do not succumb to false hope, only a Liberty Lobby viewpoint can restore the nation.
SARTRE - March 12, 2019