POOF Report - JULY 12, 2009
From: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
Subject: The War's End
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:51:22 -0400
Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get Lyrics
The Dramatics
Some people are made of plastic
You know some people are made of wood
Some people have hearts of stone
Some people are up to no good
Aaaaah, but baby, I'm for real
I'm as real as real can get
If what you're looking for
Is real loving
Then what you see
Is what you get
Ha, whatcha see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get (is whatcha get)
Whatcha see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get (is whatcha get)
I said, what you see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get, now baby (is whatcha get)
And the real thing is the best thing yet
(Is the best thing yet)
You know some people
Are made of lies
To bring you down
And shame your name
But baby, I have good intentions
(Good intentions)
'Cause breaking hearts just ain't my game
All I want to do is love you
And sugar I won't pin you with regret
If what you're looking for
Is real lovin' (real lovin')
Then what you see
Is what you get
I say again
Whatcha see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get (is whatcha get)
Look at me
Whatcha see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get (is whatcha get)
I mean, what you see (whatcha see)
Is whatcha get, now baby (is whatcha get)
And the real thing is the best thing yet
(Is the best thing yet)
Greetings and Salutations;
The lyrics above must be included with this newsletter to have full understanding of these final writings. Many months ago, I was told, 'everything you will see from now on is correographed, do not be fooled'. I was made aware of something called the 'system', a thing that oversees, watches all money movement across the planet, and has been doing it for years. Nothing new about it. This brought about the retrieval of all stolen funds done thru the years by all the little cabals, each one working for what they thought would be the takeover of the planet, to do with the 'useless eaters' what they wanted. However, everytime black on black ops created the next novel thing to complete their operations, it was monitored, unbeknownst to they who thought they were completely unseen. They have been completely naked for years, yet never realizing it. Perhaps dimly in your memory you remember something called 'the beast', a massive computer in europe, everyone denies exists. I assure it does, but even it is monitored...as are all who practice to deceive. Worrisome, eh? Not so much, someone had to be watching your back against the nasties out here.
I want you to realize that, 'all that has been hidden is now being revealed' and the fear is ramping up beyond belief. This is a time for every last reader to bolt their feet to the ground and hold on, as your years of belief will be challenged like you never thought possible. The dropping of all this money, kicking off the new global banking system is but the doorway, that begins putting the Truth before every nose out here. This will cover Every old structure that's been extant since time began. As has been said, 'the truth will set you free but, first it may piss you off'. There are buckets of info that have been collected thru the years, many looonnng years, archives you have no idea that even exist. The weight of all of this will silence the wicked forever, as an informed world will never allow itself to be plunged into darkness again.
Now, not only did all of the leaders come together at the g8 for the new trade zones, but the 'financial disaster has been averted' and there is only one way for that to happen, too bad it took the week for everyone to go thru their instructions. However, after over 100 years of the messy business, it was not a surprise. What you may not have known about was the big meeting happening right here in the us, of which other folks around the world attended. Folks, again months ago, I was informed, when the time came to do this, they would be bypassing the big problem child banks, get deliveriesdone, then come back and take said banks, chop them up in pieces and sell them off to the highest bidders. The meeting in the us was the 'chop them up meeting'. This stuff goes clear back to the 70's andeveryone onboard is an expert having done it before. The world is not waiting for anyone who isn't compliant, as the time has come to move on.
I need to say something else here because it's time for you to know. All this crap about stolen gold going hither and yon needs to be known. There are 2 forms of gold out here, the 'ancient or sacred gold' and the 'profane' which is being dug out of the ground and jewelry is being made of. The ancient can not be touched on the pain of death, even the bush cabal realized there are some places they dare not go. This gold serves more than to just back up the new system, it also serves as a planet stablizer, and if you understand energy, you know what I'm talking about. It is placed in the zones where that requirement is paramount. "They" aren't telling you what kind of cosmic stuff is coming at this planet, as their attempt was to have you unprepared and ignorant, while they run down their rat holes and let you be victimized by natural forces. So typical, as they wanted to be the one's who are the only one's left to be on the planet. Not going down that way.
The main point to all I have been doing these years is to take you back to the real subject matter going on here. Nothing exists or could ever have come into existence without the power of pure unconditional love. Man has a hard time with that, which is why the greeks had to break it down into different types, that pure stuff boggles the concious mind. Trying to stuff the infinite into the tiny logic circuits of the human mind is an impossibility, besides if it were taught out here that God isn't some grey haired bearded old man sitting on a throne, judging everything you do, they couldn't control you, threaten you with burning in hell, forever and ever and ever. Gosh even the master taught about the power of love and talking tothe creator like that was the best friend you could ever have...'if you just had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains'. Open that heart and let it rip, you will need that now. In these times you need not concern yourself with obama or anyone else, if you comprehend what I'm telling you. This is not about 'we' it is about 'I'.
All this goes with why I started with the moniker 'Truth Warrior', the sword cuts in both directions and to wield it correctly, one can't be operating in fear, reacting everytime someone tries to scare you to stop your actions, because they are uncomfortable. A warrior also must be able to stand on his own two feet and hold the ground, despite the withering assault thrown at him, inexhaustible energy mustbe available and that doesn't come out of a bottle. It comes from something called(my words) synchronistic vibrosity, staying totally in the moment of what is required. No room for the ego to operate as there is no time to 'think'. This takes one to another place, leaving the world of beliefs to the next world of knowing and there are no words to describe knowing.
In response to the endless questions about the 'WE' people constantly beating you to death, I take these words from Carlos Castanada tho I edit a bit for these times;
"I transform myself daily in order to read your messages. Restraining myself with inexhaustible effort. You're petty, wasteful, opinionated, corrosive, conceited, morose, ponderous, and ungrateful. You have an inexhaustible capacity for self indulgence and worst of all, you have an exculpatory idea of yourself, with nothing whatever to back it up. I can sincerely say that, your mirror presentation, makes me feel like vomiting. It is a rare opportunity for a warrior to be given a genuine chance to be impeccable in spite of his basic feelings. You gave me such a
unique chance to act on giving freely and impeccably, rejuvenating me, renewing my wonder. Our association is indeed of incalculable value to me. For this, I am(truth warrior, poofness) forever in your debt."
I am poised to depart this place, you who are of need, reach me while you can thru this email address for a consultation, donations needed and accepted at www.paypal.com account 2goforth@safe-mail.net
Love and Kisses,