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NaturalNews Articles for March 11, 2015

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March 11, 2015












Merck's mumps vaccine clinical tests were totally fabricated, say scientists

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media have been tireless in their recent efforts to discredit and demonize those who dare question the safety or efficacy of vaccines, and particularly those who choose not to have their children vaccinated. What seems...

Looming financial collapse of Greece spells beginning of the end of global debt Ponzi scheme

(NaturalNews) The European nation of Greece is in deep financial trouble, and it doesn't look like its neighbors are going to open up their treasuries to bail it out this time around. More than that, what the country's new leadership is planning could...




Militant Australian vaccine and fluoride fanatics seek to eliminate all forms of free speech

(NaturalNews) Perhaps the only country in the world more committed than the U.S. and England to poisoning its own citizens with deadly chemicals in the name of "public health" is Australia, where bitter establishment fogies are angrily resisting all forms...




Food truck company overvalued at $25 MILLION foreshadows coming market crash

(NaturalNews) There are a number of signs pointing to an impending economic crisis of a global nature, as we have been reporting for months, but perhaps none so poignant and obvious as a $25 million truck that produces -- wait for it -- grilled cheese...




This natural plant extract could cure rare brain tumors, study shows

(NaturalNews) A chemical extracted from milk thistle seeds may function as a non-invasive treatment for a rare hormonal condition caused by a brain tumor, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich...




Foods that promote Candida overgrowth and lead to a leaky gut

(NaturalNews) Obviously, there's sugars. Most everyone who has studied Candida knows that any and all sugars feed yeast. On the other hand, all whole foods contain sugars, and every creature needs sugar to survive, including us. The trick is to eat the...




Foods and supplements that heal the thyroid

(NaturalNews) Fresh, raw, organic produce heals. Produce heals everything. Other than that, foods high in iodine and foods that are high in selenium are known to aid thyroid function. The thyroid gland requires iodine to function. Iodine taken by itself...




FDA refuses to label GMOs despite Americans' overwhelming support for labeling

(NaturalNews) A powerful, knowledge-suppressing lobby exists in the US, and it has a stranglehold on the decision making of government officials who oversee food safety. This powerful industry alters the nature of food, patents the changes, profits en...




Russia tells West to fear its nuclear arsenal

(NaturalNews) During the Cold War, the concept of MAD -- mutually assured destruction -- kept the former Soviet Union and the West from starting World War III. In recent months, Russian military officials have taken to reminding the U.S. and its allies...




Thanks, President Obama, for the endless wave of costly entitlement handouts mired in schemes and scams

(NaturalNews) It doesn't matter whether you are an opponent of Obamacare, as most Americans are, according to numerous surveys since the law's passage by Congress and subsequent rewrite and legitimization by the U.S. Supreme Court. You're going to pay...




Illinois restricts birth freedom, criminalizes professional midwifery care

(NaturalNews) The state of Illinois is unkind to health freedom, especially for birth choice. In fact, there are very limited choices for giving birth in Illinois. An expectant mother is literally forced to give birth the way the state has mandated. In...




Four cups of coffee per day can cut endometrial cancer risk by 18%

(NaturalNews) While there has been a lot of research both in favor and against one of America's favorite drinks, this latest bit of research leaves you feeling a little less guilty after having that second, or third, or even fourth cup of coffee. The...




Big Pharma lobbies FDA to approve twice rejected women's libido pill

(NaturalNews) With its "female sexual dysfunction" drug twice rejected by the FDA as risky and ineffective, Sprout Pharmaceuticals has turned to political lobbying to secure the drug's approval. Following the blockbuster success of the erectile dysfunction...




GM soy kills baby rats in just three weeks, study reveals

(NaturalNews) The best food on store shelves to buy is that food which DOES have holes and nicks where the insects ate some. That proves it's edible. Recent documentaries show entire fields of genetically modified corn that all looks plastic, with not...




Venezuela's food supply collapses, headed toward 1000% inflation as Health Ranger launches non-electric food grow system that produces food for pennies

(NaturalNews) The coming global food crisis really hit home for me last year. I saw droughts destroying crops across California and food inflation worsening almost everywhere. Collapsing water supplies and radical weather patterns have only accelerated...