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Dec. 20. 2013












Video: Radiation Rising, Elevated And Concern Watch All Across The US – 33 Of Them!

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:45 AM PST

The nuclear emergency tracking center shows two RADCON 5 alerts in the United States as the screen shots below indicate, one in Reno, Nevada and another in Grand Junction Colorado, with RADCON 4 alerts in Harlingen and San Antonio TX and Idaho Falls, ID. 11 RADON 3′s throughtout the country which means “elevated” levels of radiation are being seen on monitors, and 17 RADCON 2′s, which means “rising” according to their charts.

Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a natural sweetener

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:41 AM PST

In response to growing awareness about the dangers of artificial sweeteners, what does the manufacturer of one of the world's most notable artificial sweeteners do? Why, rename it and begin marketing it as natural, of course. This is precisely the strategy of Ajinomoto, maker of aspartame, which hopes to pull the wool over the eyes of the public with its rebranded version of aspartame, called "AminoSweet".

Billion dollar race: Soviet Union vied with US in ‘mind control research’

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:36 AM PST

Competing with the US during the Arms Race, the Soviet Union put extensive effort in unconventional research seeking to outflank its rival in understanding behavior control, remote influencing and parapsychology, a new survey has revealed.

15 Tips To Stay Comfortable During A Winter Power Outage

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:33 AM PST

Yes, winter is coming. And with winter comes the wind, the snow, the ice and the extreme cold. And, more likely than not, winter will also bring the occasional power outage. Have you asked yourself what you would do if the power went out for a day or two or for even a week? What would you do? Could you fend for yourself? Could you keep yourself warm in the winter and cool in the summer? What about food? Would your refrigerated and frozen items spoil? And yikes! What would you do about money if credit cards and ATMs no longer worked? Did I mention that in all likelihood you would not have internet access either?

Russian hackers stole 54 million Turkish citizens’ ID data: Claim

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:22 AM PST

Russian hackers have seized 54 Turkish million citizens’ ID data because Turkey’s political parties and the country’s Supreme Election Committee (YSK) share voters’ personal information, a prominent research company manager has said. “I have heard about it. Hackers in Russia hold 54 million Turkish citizens’ ID numbers, addresses, father names,” the general manager of KONDA research company, Bekir Ağırdır, said last week in Ankara at a meeting to evaluate upcoming local elections in the country, according to a report on online news portal T24.

Number of Kids on Rx Drugs Tripled and Its Implications

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 04:14 AM PST

According to Consumer Reports, “The number of children taking powerful antipsychotic drugs has nearly tripled over the last 10 to 15 years, according to recent research.” Whooaah! Has anyone done a retrospective study to find if there’s a correlation between antipsychotic drug taking and the increase in violent crimes by members of society younger than 20 years of age?