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Citizens for Health: 2012 Highlights - So Far...

Citzens for Health

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Aug. 21, 2012

August 21, 2012


Dear Citizen for Health,

Thank you so much for your ongoing commitment and participation. You are the lifeblood of CFH, and nothing we've accomplished would have been possible without your involvement and support.

Autumn approaches and the threats to your health freedoms persist, regardless of the season. But it is a time for change, and we are working on maintaining a robust issue agenda while we re-design our website in order to present our campaigns and information in a more user-friendly way. Current campaigns include labeling of GMOs and GE foods; calling attention to the health risks associated with exposure to radio frequency radiation, on the rise thanks to the growing use of utility "smart meters"; and countering the long-held practice of water fluoridation.

There's much to do, and we certainly don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing this fall!

To rally you for the next stage of the fight for health freedom, we'd like to call your attention to CFH's most popular website campaigns/articles thus far in 2012. If you missed them the first time around, check them out now:

--An Open Letter To Consumer Reports

--The Questions Of Fluoridegate

--Citizens for Health joins "Just Label It" campaign

--Record-Breaking One Million Americans Tell FDA: We Have A Right To Know What's In Our Food

--NDI Groundhog Day: Let's Start A New Day! The FDA agreed to withdraw and revise their highly suspect NDI Guidance thanks to the outpouring of opposition generated by CFH and its allies, but there's no guarantee the revision will be any more acceptable. Keep an eye out for updates as we monitor the FDA in anticipation of its revised "guidance".

We hope those of you who missed any of the above posts enjoy the opportunity to read them now, and those that caught them the first time around enjoy reading them again.

If you find such content edifying, and you appreciate our effort to provide opportunities to take action on the issues important to you, won't you consider taking a moment now to make it possible to continue our important work? Click here to contribute to Citizens for Health with the confidence that any amount is helpful, whether $5, $50, or $500. And, don't forget you can budget a small amount per month - and still make a big impact - by becoming a sustaining contributor. Choose an amount you can afford to spare, and it will be automatically processed each month until you decide to cancel.

Regardless of the way you choose to participate in our work to preserve our health freedoms, your involvement is sincerely appreciated.

Yours in wellness,

The Citizens for Health Team