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Dan Breeden & Samuel Clemens - in response to the note on control of public opinion

From Dick Eastman

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May 21, 2012

Dick, Samuel Clemens had the answer.

"The person who reads newspapers is misinformed.

The person who does not read newspapers is uninformed."

One simply needs to ignore ALL mass media

The thing about blogs is that there is no profit in them. When one removes the profit motive, one is a lot more likely to find the truth.

The Net has removed the cost for truth-tellers to get their ideas and beliefs out to the general public.  A person simply needs to use logic, history and corroboration to select what information he will chose to believe.

So, on balance, one will be exposed to more truth reading writers who have no financial motivation than reading writers who do have financial motivation.

Roy Tov and Brother Nathanael are good examples of writers who are practically destitute but refuse to abandon their quest.

People are getting a LOT more selective in  what they believe. I've coined a new term;

"Window of legitimacy"

Look at how long the story about the sinking of the Maine was believed.

Then, look at Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Twin Towers, weapons of mass destruction.

Then look at the story where Iran was going to kill some high-level Saudi.

Each new fabrication has an increasingly short window-of-legitimacy.

Now, people are even starting to anticipate GOV lies.

Look at the Kinnebunkport memo. Then, there is the anticipated false-flag with the U.S.S. Enterprise. You can bet your last dime that the sailors on the Enterprise would be completely unaware of the story of the U.S.S. Liberty if it weren't for the net.

Don't give up blogging because you see no result.  There ARE results even if you get no replies.

If you want to get more attention, just write up all your ideas on paper and nail them to the door of the FED.