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The information they are looking for is a CIA trap and will be used to try and eventually shut your site down! DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP!


OK, pretty thought prevoking stuff. Great piece of intimidation, presumably from one or more of the alphabet agencies. My friend in Mexico, who is operating her own web site with 'alternative views' (meaning she might just be one of those 'Owners) is pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. This is her very interesting reply and commentary:


Rumors are running wild. This one is a fear message though. It is counter intel. From what I've seen the past few days, the hactivists are not going to let the internet be shut down. I do believe however we will end up with a different internet.

All website owners need to take some precautions. Daily backups and an alternative host to move to quickly if required are the two most important. Web site owners that deal with controversial contents should think of anonymous off-shore hosting.

Two other initiatives are noteworthy.

The first is a drive to adopt peer to peer domain name services. This will be hard to stop by tptw as vast swathes would need to be carved out of the internet, but, when they do that, another node or tentacle will just take over. Another effort under way currently, is a (dashnet) -net, not a (dotnet) .net. New names are already available as we speak.

So, the technical people (geeks, hackers, hacktavists and site owners) out there are seriously mitigating against a wholesale grab or shut down of the internet. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY HACKERS WORK TOGETHER - in the UK, US, All the Spanish Countries, Germany, Spain, activists from China and the eastern bloc. THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LITTLE BACKROOM SITES OUT THERE THAT HAVE HACKER TOOLS WITH FULL INSTRUCTIONS AS TO HOW TO USE THEM delivered as a free download. They are openly inviting anyone who wants to take part in the current operation Avenge Assange to download, and they teach them how to take part.

It is a well orchestrated war. Makes me think of David Icke's statement: "We are many, they are few." This massive 'counter-corpgov' hydra sends out 'shooting instructions' to the people out there and they are aiming at all big companies that are part of the wikileaks coverup (and this may be a multi-layered coverup). So, the instruction goes out ... 'in 10 minutes we shoot XXXXX Corp - and keep shooting'. And these companies are finding themselves under massive distributed denial of service attacks.

The biters are being well and truly bit!

The sites may be hardened against it, but an attack like this costs much money and resources. So, the more the big companies insist on crucifying wikileaks and its founder, the more money they lose in attacks. Imgine someone shooting a watercanon at your house just when they want to? Cracks will open up eventually. This is going on around the clock with the 'target' being changed unannounced and with 10 minutes notice - so, I dare say there are some big corpgov's out there with their technical staff really sweating.

These hactivist 'white hats' (depending on where you stand in this issue) are being fired upon in return. As the war grows apace, sites are down all over (on both sides) and, more for the army than tptw corps, others take their place. This (hacker army) is indeed a multiheaded hydra.

It is a good time to figure how vulnerable one is personally and how much online work one is dependant on.

Twitter is being used as the information distribution point. It has a huge worldwide youth following that twitters and tweets. Facebook has just come out and said that they will not close their wikileaks pages. So, the tide is turning but it is a very interesting uprising against tptw.

I know these hackers - activists, hacktavists and angry youth - are healthy youngsters. They do not live on coka-cola, bread and crisps - the traditional youth food - any longer, but rather an apple and fruit juice and whole wheat bun. So, they are a healthy bunch, hidden behind floppy clothes and anonymity.

Wikileaks themselves will carry on with more than 1,000 mirror sites world wide and growing, in web areas that the powers simply have no power over. The clever techs do not work for the government. Some of the Latin American countries are using their own government servers to mirror wikileaks. Do remember this mirroring is quite sophisticated and all of these sites will update automatically as wikileaks decides to distribute more info.

The 2nd in command at wikileaks is arguably the world's best hacker and has a great ability to tell others very simply how to demonstrate on the net.

Also Julian Assange is 'offering' himself up for something. I do not know what it is, but there are layers and layers of intrigue here. I would not be surprised if this whole storm is worthy of a John Le Carre-style novel.

This situation is also a two-edged sword for tptw. They cannot shut down the internet as massive portions of ordinary commerce runs over the internet. If they do, they will for sure cause an immediately economic implosion the likes of which the world cannot even imagine. I can remember manual bookkeeping and sales systems as I've studied many of them to computerize them. But what will happen to a bank if their computer systems suddenly disappear? Now most of them have a protected 'intranet' but this cannot function without data from the 'extranet', and this part uses internet infrastructure.

Because I find this technical stuff quite fascinating in terms of how people can use it, I have a hard time to remain 'unconnected emotionally' because I want to pick up a piece of software and fire off a few shots myself.


Many have said something along the lines of 'when the people really get mad, they will vastly outnumber the illuminasti and their minions' - the implication being that it is potentially then a 'no contest' in favour of the people. Well, I don't know about you, but I never suspected that the internet would be the major battleground. But it sure is beginning to look that way!

Xavier Hermes

Dec. 8, 2010