J.D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) As the debate over California's anti-parental choice, mandatory vaccination bill SB 277 continues, it has become apparent that one of the measure's key sponsors and advocates, state Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, has been co-opted by medical interests that would love to see the bill become law.
First, a little history: SB 277 is a measure that would remove all parental objections to vaccines, both philosophical and religious, to vaccinate all children who attend public or private schools in the state. Homeschooled children would be exempt under a current version of the bill, but a vast majority of California families can't afford to dedicate a bread-winning parent to that effort.
As for Pan, consumer advocate Tim Bolen reports that he is pushing his measure despite opposition from tens of thousands of California parents.
"Tens of thousands of parents of vaccine injured children, in California, woke up one morning, not long ago, to find that their Democratic Party controlled legislature had given up any semblance of representing the people that elected them," he wrote on his blog, the Bolen Report. "They had become only about special interest. Money talks."
As parents were busy trying to raise children, earn a living and pay their bills, Pan and his allies were scheming to pass their anti-choice vaccination measure under the guise of preventing another small outbreak of measles like the one that originated earlier this year at Disneyland, Bolen wrote.
Setting up a monopoly
He added:
But now, as, not only parents of vaccine injured children are finding out, parents in general, civil rights advocates, families, churches, protectors of liberty, and anyone not in the Democratic Party grab-everything-in-sight controlled government in California, are finding that their legislators apparently represent ONLY THOSE that write checks to those same Democratic Party legislators.
Pan, a state representative who recently became a freshman Democratic senator, "is Big Pharma's, bought and paid for top lobbyist in California - a lobbyist with a vote on the Senate floor, and the ability to directly introduce legislation," Bolen points out. Therefore, it only made sense that he would pick up the work he was attempting to get done in the California Assembly.
Pan's allies have even gone as far as rigging the Senate Judiciary Committee in order to get SB 277 out to the full Senate. Pan is not working simply to pass SB 277; he has authored scores of bills, some of which deal with the imposition of medical authoritarianism in the Golden State.
"Wave of vaccine violence"
As Bolen notes, one of these bills is SB 435, the "Medical Home: Healthcare Delivery Model." Here is an interesting snippet contained in the measure:
It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt from state antitrust laws and to provide immunity from federal antitrust laws, pursuant to the state action doctrine for, any activities undertaken pursuant to this act that otherwise might be constrained by those laws.
Bolen commented, "In other words, it looks to me, Pan is setting up his sponsor with a monopoly, and protecting that sponsor, using State law, from being sued in an anti-trust action filed by the US Justice Department, or by the bill's victims."
The advocate says a team is examining all of Pan's proposed legislation and whether said bills have any connection to many of his Big Pharma donors. He believes that if connections are indeed found, Pan could be in violation of state political patronage laws.
Meanwhile, Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, sees much danger ahead if SB 277 and other measures like it pass in California and elsewhere. The California measure "will unleash a wave of vaccine violence against children, posing a grave risk of permanent neurological injury to genetically vulnerable children who can't efficiently eliminate the many toxins found in vaccines," he writes in this report.