Twins Die Minutes after Measles Vaccination
Dr. Mercola
Avika and Anika Sharma were given the vaccinations at a private nursing home by Dr. Satyaveer Singh. Within about 15 minutes, both little girls were dead.
Dr. Singh disappeared shortly after the incident, which is under investigation.
According to Indian MSN News:
"The Indian Medical Association's local president Dr Santosh Aggrawal, who visited the hospital after the incident, confirmed that the health of the twins deteriorated after being administered the vaccine.
"The doctor had a fresh supply of the vaccine. Still there could be something wrong with the batch of vaccines. Similar deaths have been reported from Kanpur and Lucknow," he added."
In related news, Australia is having vaccine problems of its own, as officials recently confirmed that the seasonal flu vaccine, Fluvax, caused convulsions in 99 children. The rate of seizures was 50 times higher than would ordinarily be expected with a vaccine.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Oct. 13, 2010
Every Vaccine Carries a Risk of Injury and Death
Australian Children Suffered Seizures After Flu Vaccine
How Much Risk are You Willing to Take?
Did You Know Safety Studies Have Never Been Done?