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Health Vaccinations

Denmark Totally Bans AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Reports of Blood Clots

Conform or DIE: Governments refuse to rescue innocent, unvaccinated people from volcano-stricken island

Marines Are Refusing COVID Vaccines En Masse

4th US Site Pauses COVID-19 Vaccinations After Adverse Reactions

TV personality who boasted of being vaccinated, pressuring her mom to do the same dies after receiving jab

Scientists challenge health officials on vaccinating people who already had COVID

Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Site Shut Down After Adverse Reactions Reported

Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Possibly’ Linked to Rare Blood Clots: EU Agency

Vaccine expert calls on WHO to immediately halt all coronavirus mass vaccinations

Critics slam Biden administration’s vaccine passport plan for being “un-American”

The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines

ACLU Warning: ‘There’s a Lot That Can Go Wrong With Vaccine Passports’

At least 2,050 Americans have died after taking the coronavirus vaccine (so far)

HORRIFYING: Man’s Skin ‘Peeled Off’ Due To Reaction From Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine

Govt. stats: mRNA vaccines already killed more people in 3 months than a decade of inoculations – more than 1750 Americans dead

RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID vaccine mandate violates federal law

Florida governor vows to ban ‘vaccine passports’ over privacy concerns

Berlin State Hospitals Pause AstraZeneca Shots for Women Staff Under 55

Ex-Clinton Adviser: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead to ‘End of Human Liberty in the West’