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Health Vaccinations

Vax deaths continue to mount up as Oregon woman dies from blood clot after getting J&J vaccine

20 of 26 COVID-positive residents in a Kentucky nursing home outbreak were fully vaccinated a month earlier

The vaccine is the pandemic: Biden to dump 60 million blood clotting Covid-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca on India

Dr. Palevsky Exposes Entire Covid Fraud, 'NOT A VACCINE!'

Famous Indian actor Vivekh dies day after promoting and taking COVID vaccine


Alaskan village bans unvaccinated people from in-person shopping

We must not be forced into vaccinating our children from COVID

Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer confirmed to cause brain damage, neurodegenerative disease

7,157 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 88 Dead: CDC

Denmark permanently stops rollout for AstraZeneca vaccine, citing concerns about blood clots

Nation Faces 'Hand-to-Hand Combat' to Get Reluctant Americans Vaccinated

Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology”

auci Falsehood #2316: It's Not Republicans, It's Millennials That Are Rejecting The Jab

Pause of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Likely to Be Lifted by End of Week: Fauci

THE MARSHALL REPORT: How Many Have To Die Before People Wake Up…It Looks Like We Have Some Numbers…


Situation Update April 15th, 2021: Vaccines KILL Americans while illegal aliens REPLACE them

Former FDA Chief Warns US Will'Struggle' To Reach Herd Immunity As Vaccine Refusals Rise

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: Concerns that all Canadians should know before accepting this injection