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Health Vaccinations

Top US Health Official Not Sure Herd Immunity Will Be Reached in Coming Months

Rutgers Becomes First US College To Make COVID Jabs Mandatory For Students

VAX COLLAPSE: Vaccine mandates are causing catastrophic logistics failures in international shipping

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Mother Vaxxed, Newborn Dies

French survey reveals nearly 3 out of 4 people reject COVID vaccine passports

Waking Times article condemns government for trying to condition people to believe that vaccination will grant them “freedom”:

More than 20 countries halt use of AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus jab after suspicious deaths from blood clots

Will Getting the Jab Affect Your Freedom? Vaccine Passports Could be Coming to the U.S.

The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-to-be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD

Once the coronavirus vaccine death wave kicks in, expect far fewer Democrats in America

Italy Launches Criminal Manslaughter Investigation After Teacher Dies Hours After Getting AstraZeneca Vaccine

SORCHA FAAL: Boxing Legend Marvelous Marvin Hagler KO'd To Grave As COVID Vaccine Disaster Deepens

U.S. And Its Five Eye Partners Use 'Persuasion', Sabotage And Disinformation To Gain Vaccine Supremacy

Covid-19 swab test burst woman’s brain membrane resulting in leaked spinal fluid

Eight European nations pause AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccinations after reports of “serious” blood clot

Biden Threatens More Restrictions, Says ‘There Will be Things You Can’t Do Once Fully Vaccinated

FRAUD: Canadian chamber of commerce emailed 200,000 business owners and posted an article on their website promoting......

Exponentially Rising Body Count from Mass-Jabbing for Covid

The Pfizer vaccine for Covid-19 has the same ingredient used in executions.