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Friend: Clintons accuse others of evil they do


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Friend: Clintons accuse others of evil they do

'Whatever she says negative about another person is about her'

As part of her strategy to win the White House in November, Hillary Clinton has slammed Donald Trump as "temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified" to be president of the United States.

It's a good talking point, but it's a classic case of projection, according to Bill Clinton's childhood friend, who has known Bill and Hillary for decades.

"Hillary: The Other Woman," the explosive new book exposing the horrifying history of Bill and Hillary Clinton, is available now at the WND Superstore.

"When you hear Hillary attack someone personally, it is Projection 101," Dolly Kyle said during a recent appearance on "The Larry Elder Show."

Elder, who is also a WND columnist, shared a story from Dick Morris, a former Bill Clinton adviser and campaign manager. According to Elder, Morris once asked the Clintons for more money, and Hillary shot back, "That's all you people care about." To which Morris, who is Jewish, replied, "By 'you people,' I hope you mean political consultants."

Given that the Clintons have allegedly used their Clinton Foundation and their connections to enrich themselves, Kyle considers that to be another case of projection.

"As I was saying, projection," Kyle laughed. "Whatever she says negative about another person is about her."

Kyle, who exposes many of the Clintons' secrets in her tell-all book, "Hillary The Other Woman," also accused her former romantic partner Bill Clinton of projecting. She said Bill accused her of needing security, which was really his want and need.

In fact, Kyle believes it was Bill's need for security that made him a good match for Hillary, because she allowed him to move in with her and supported him, just as his mother had supported their family.

"His growing-up image was of the woman having a stable job, bringing home the paycheck, and worthless men coming and going," Kyle charged.

While Bill, whom Kyle said was always a "moocher," got what he wanted from Hillary, Kyle believes Hillary got exactly what she wanted from Bill: a man whose coattails she could ride into the White House. It was a marriage of convenience. Kyle thinks that was why, rather than leaving Bill over his repeated infidelities, Hillary attacked and demonized the women who accused her husband of assault.

"Hillary: The Other Woman," the explosive new book exposing the horrifying history of Bill and Hillary Clinton, is available now at the WND Superstore.

That, and the fact she couldn't control Bill

"I don't really think that she understood at first that he was a sex addict," Kyle told Elder. "I don't think she understands sex addiction to this day."


But Kyle knew Bill was a sex addict, because he had admitted it to her. However, at the time of his admission, Kyle could not imagine her romantic partner was a rapist. Therefore, she was "sickened" when she first heard the accusations come out.


hillary-other-woman233"Trust me, when I found out that Billy had raped and sexually assaulted all these women, it literally made me sick at my stomach," she said.


Kyle believed these accusers, just as Hillary advised people to do. In fact, that was the impetus for Kyle's authorship of "Hillary The Other Woman." Last December, she saw Hillary on television saying women who claim to have been raped or sexually assaulted should be believed.


"It made me so angry I wanted to throw a shoe at the television screen!" Kyle exclaimed. "I mean, this woman is a lying hypocrite. And here she is saying we should support women who have been raped. Yeah, unless Billy Clinton raped them! So I started writing the book."


It's the NATIONWIDE SENSATION that's rocking the 2016 election. "Hillary: The Other Woman," the explosive new book exposing the horrifying history of Bill and Hillary Clinton, is available now at the WND Superstore.