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MKGRANT 'SEXUAL EMERGENCES' - Plaguing the Swimming Pools of Europe

From Muley

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Sept. 23, 2016

15 minute video of what America can look forward to thanks to the immigration and refugee “policies” of their government, namely Obama, Clinton, leftists/socialists congressional democrats and complicit “republicans”.  Listen to this “migrant” pervert in the Netherlands tell what a doctor reportedly told him that he apparently used as an excuse to assault.  WARNING: GRAPHIC ADULT LANGUAGE/CONTENT but necessary to DRIVE THE SERIOUSNESS OF THIS FOREIGN THREAT HOME TO THE POLITICALLY-CORRECT, SQUEAMISH, NAÏVE AND DOWN-RIGHT STUPID CONCERNING THE “RELIGION OF PEACE” AND A GOVERNMENT HELL-BENT ON “TRANSFORMATION”/I.E. GIVING THE COUNTRY TO FOREIGN CRIMINALS AND PERVERTS.  The video before this shows a mob of about 20 young Muslim men encircling a couple of young, white, female “infidels” in a public pool in Vienna where groping & etc. allegedly occurs frequently.  It is so bad the authorities express such and have placed pictograph signs up forbidding the acts of what would be considered sexual assaults if committed by citizens.  Coming to a public pool near you or a theater, beach, grocery store or any other place where “infidels” can be found, compliments of the Bushes, Clintons and Obama.
