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Mah 20, 2016

Decorated hero Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Ret., was recently fired from his position as a teacher at Hampden-Sydney College for holding the very un-PC position that boys and girls should use separate facilities. Now Senator Ted Cruz is urging every American to stand in solidarity with Gen. Boykin and shaming Hampden-Sydney College and every other fascist liberal institution in America for their ruthless assault on free speech.

Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin, USA, Ret. is an American hero. He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force. A decorated warrior, he commanded Delta Force and he commanded all the Army’s Green Berets as well as the Special Warfare Center and School.

Hampden-Sydney College has fired General Boykin. At a time where young people are desperately seeking hope and inspiration, you would think General Boykin (who had taught there nine years) would be one of their most valued faculty. But instead, he fell victim to the PC police.

Referring to President Obama’s push to allow grown men into girls’ bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms, General Boykin joked, “…the first man who goes in the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery.” That levity, in today’s precious academic world, was a firing offense.

Three observations: first, our universities are losing their souls. College should be about learning, and that requires a diversity of views. When I was a student in the 1980s and 90s, surrounded by college and law school faculty members who were militant leftists and even Marxists, I didn’t curl up in a ball and plead for a “safe place.” Confronting opposing views helped me learn what I myself believe, and helped me understand better how to persuade others. That’s the essence of education. Raising coddled, solipsistic children who cannot handle dissent represents a complete failure and abdication of the university mission.

Second, free speech matters. If you disagree with someone, disagree with them. Don’t silence or punish them. Censorship is the refuge of the weak-minded (those who cannot defend their views) or the tyrannical (those who simply want to force submission and compliance). If you think it’s a good idea for men and boys to be taking showers with little girls — whether you’re the President, a presidential candidate, or a university apparatchik — tell us why. Make the case, with reason and logic, don’t just respond as jack-booted thugs.

Third, young people need heroes like General Boykin. Ironically, Hampden-Sydney’s motto is Huc venite iuvenes ut exeatis viri, which translates to: Come here as boys so you may leave as men. This storied institution, founded the year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, has decided that warriors and heroes are no longer welcome on its faculty. If you love our country, this should bother you greatly.

Stand with General Boykin and against the evil fascist agenda of liberals in America today. Tell them that we will no longer tolerate their assault on our liberty.

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