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A. W. Mann

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Feb. 2, 2016

Morality as I see it is based on maintaining the integrity of the following and does not necessarily originate in any particular race, culture, or religion:


1.     The body – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual

2.     The sexes – male and female

3.     Race or tribe – pure, not mixed (genetically); honoring their parents and ancestors

4.     Culture – to allow life and growth

5.     Nation – police power is used to enforce laws to protect all the above (life, liberty, and property)


The efforts to break down the integrity of these different categories in America include:


1.     Gnosticism; drugs; vaccines; junk food; chemtrails; microchipped enslavement

2.     Pitting the sexes against one another or blurring the distinction between them (homosexuality, transvestitism, etc.)

3.     Mongrelization; loyalty transferred from one’s ancestors to “Humanity”

4.     Multiculturalism; death and blood sacrifice idealized; war glorified; unlimited immigration

5.     World government; loyalty to the State instead of to family or Race


Regarding the latter, Stalin “insisted that War Aim Number One should be the ‘abolition of racial exclusiveness’” (“Horst Mahler’s ‘Bombshell’ Nr.2/05: War and War Aims,” p.5,  Dr. G. Brock Chisholm of the World Health Organization wrote:  “What people everywhere must do is to practice . . . miscegenation (racially-mixed marriages) in order to create one race in one world under one government” (USA Magazine, August 12, 1955).


Unfortunately, religions have been used by those in power to destroy morality and to transfer all power to a world government.  Not surprisingly, the Jews in power consider themselves to be “above the law” of the goyim.


While many people, including Christians, scoff at being good stewards of the planet, morality must extend to the environment and world in which we live in the realization that we as well as the earth’s resources are mortal and/or finite (commercial/international law could care less about the environment or the well-being of animals or people).  While the earth creates abundance, it can be harmed to the point where there is famine and desolation.  Thus, the goal should be to respect life. Waging war to steal other people’s resources is totally unwarranted (see Andre Damon’s “The U.S. in 2016:  No Money for Social Programs, Cash to Burn for the Military,” 1/13/16,  In fact, all commercial, financial, industrial, and scientific activities that aid and abet war should be criminalized. 


Beheading people who do not believe like us is also unwarranted and stupid since there is enough land on earth  so that people can live separately in peace,  surrounded by people who

look, think, and believe like themselves, without being concerned about others who have religions and cultures that are different.  (See Anet’s chart for cooperation rather than competition in “Before Civilisation we were the Most Social of any Life,” 1/11/16,


Luciferianism is Anti-Life


While common sense tells us that we are responsible for supporting ourselves, some people choose to be greedy and self-centered and exploit others through deceit and cunning.  They want to enslave others so that they can live in luxury without having to work for a living.  For example, the Luciferian Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons, Satanists, and many atheists have no qualms about destroying nature or “life culture” for power and monetary gain.  They want to force people to live on the level of animals, and it offends them that people would desire to live on a higher plane (which they consider to be hypocritical -- trying to be something people are not).  The Communist rabbi, Moses Hess, Marx’s mentor and the father of modern Socialism, “stressed that the Jews had been given the role of changing mankind into a savage animal . . .” (Juri Lina, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Stockholm, 2002, pp. 69-70).  One wonders why they feel it is necessary to do this when they consider us to be animals already.  Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan (LaVey is a Jew) says that Man is just another animal. 


While we disagree with the Luciferians and evolutionists, we should not belittle animals, because many of them are loyal, intelligent, and provide wonderful companionship.  The Bible even uses animals in imagery such as calling Jesus the lamb of God, the Holy Spirit is likened to a dove, and Jesus’ followers are likened to sheep.  Until the 14th century, pets accompanied their owners to Church services according to Manes, a doctoral candidate in medieval literature at the University of Oregon.  John Tyler, the tenth President of the United States, had a grave dug for his horse, The General, when it died.  He placed the following inscription on the headstone:  “Here lies the body of my good horse, The General.  For twenty years he bore me around the circuit of my practice, and in all that time he never made a blunder.  Would that his master could say the same!  John Tyler.”  The millennium is portrayed as a time when the wolf will lie down with the lamb and the calf with a young lion, etc. (Isa. 11:6; 65:25).  If animals can get along with humans and/or one another, why are humans so intent to destroy, enslave and/or kill unnecessarily because they have the power to do so, or just for fun?   While humans have a higher intelligence than animals, unfortunately humans can purposely ignore, repress, or pervert their “higher nature.”   While animals are lower on the scale than humans, at least they obey their instincts (nature) and don’t become perverted in their behavior unless humans purposely train them to act perverted.


The motto of the Satanists, many of whom are Jewish, is “do what thou wilt” – but they seem to make an exception when it comes to freedom of speech.  Murder of innocent victims, usually children, is all right with them.  Another example is the fact that Israel leads the world in organ harvesting.  People’s body parts are treated as commodities and are “harvested” from people while still alive and well, but criticizing or exposing the Jews is taboo.  “Anyone legitimately criticizing Israeli viciousness or expressing solidarity with Palestinian resistance for justice risks arrest, prosecution, imprisonment or assassination” (Stephen Lendman, “British Doctors Accuse Israel of ‘Medical Torture,’” 1/22/16,


While the Jews are freely critical of Protestant Christianity and equate it with Puritanism, the Roman Catholic Inquisition (which was responsible for 50 – 68 million deaths and/or confiscation of all their possessions), and the KKK, Protestant Christianity has been the force that has given the Jews the freedom to make fun of and even blaspheme Jesus.   However, the Jews are intolerant of those who badmouth and expose Jewish Communism, Jewish banking, and anything critical about the Israeli persecution of the Palestinians who are their brothers by blood.


Going back to ancient times, the Luciferians dedicated themselves to death and destruction (the negative rather than the positive), and they sought to turn everything upside down.  For instance, black became white and white became black, good became evil and evil good, love became hate and hate love, freedom became slavery and slavery freedom, surveillance became associated with safety, debtors became creditors and creditors debtors, peace became war and war peace, etc.  Thus, when politicians speak, their words mean one thing to the public and the opposite to those in the know.  The “liberals” demand “diversity,” freedom of speech, and “tolerance” for themselves, but they refuse to allow us the same freedoms (see “Christian Mercenary: Facebook the Ignorant Tyrant,” 1/20/16, christianmerc.  “Liberals” (aka neo-cons) have made a cult of worshipping weakness, evil, the degenerate, and the depraved, and unfortunately, millions of people today have made a religion out of worshipping their “liberal” destroyers and work tirelessly with them to hasten the death of our nation.  Many Christians cooperate with the Jews in this to help fulfill prophecy.  This explains what we see happening in America today.


1.     Those who want to uphold and defend the Constitution are classified as terrorists, while those who want to violate it (even though they have made an oath to obey it) are considered to be patriots.  Since Whites make up the majority of those who want to enforce Constitutional law, they are called terrorists and therefore must be disarmed to prevent them from defending the Constitution.  The government has created and trained ISIS, is arming those who hate our nation and culture, and is allowing terrorists and drug cartels to freely cross our borders and establish a foothold from which they can attack and kill innocent Americans, which will result in martial law and a police state like Communist Russia.  Gangs such as MS 13 and Las Zetas were trained by the U.S. military in the U.S.

2.     While Whites are prevented from acquiring power as Judges, Congressmen, Governors, etc., Black, Mexican, Muslim, and Jewish/Marxist revolutionaries are placed in power, often through the help of Affirmative Action or corporate/banker funding or pulling political strings.

3.     While it is unlawful for the “mentally ill” to carry (own) guns, those in power have inverted the definition of mental illness so that all Whites, supporters of the Constitution, Christians, and ex-military U.S. servicemen are assumed to be mentally ill.  In fact, anyone who opposes the New World Order, the U.N., or the international bankers is considered to be “mentally ill.”

4.     Homosexuality and marriage of homosexuals are now being pushed as the new norm, and the public schools are required not only to teach this lifestyle as being totally normal but are required to hire homosexuals to be teachers and role models for our children.  It is also normal for homosexuals to adopt children or care for them in daycare centers, even though homosexuals are typically sexual predators.

5.     Death is promoted freely in our culture.  “On radio, iTunes, and MTV the Stars are aligned, singing ‘Die Young’ and “Born to Die.’  A former Poison Giant [Monsanto] now supplies a large portion of the nation’s food supply, and a mega Soda Corp. uses fetal stem-cells in the lab to ‘enhance flavor’” (Chris Veritas, “Killing the Culture of Death,” 1/11/16,

6.     While Whites are often accused of causing “mental harm” to nonwhites – even for things that Whites say in private conversations – Whites are condemned or charged with racism if they try to defend themselves from being physically harmed or killed (or raped or beheaded).  In typical Luciferian fashion, Loretta Lynch, the U.S. Attorney General, says that White men (who have a long history of being law-abiding) are more of a threat to the nation than Muslim jihadists who have openly announced their intentions for a massive, coordinated attack on America in which millions will be killed.  This can only mean one thing.  Those in power intend to replace our laws and culture with something fundamentally unchristian, and they expect Whites to react violently.

7.     While Whites, such as Matt Hale, sit in prison for supposedly threatening to kill a judge or government official (he was framed), two Republican advisors, Rick Wilson and Pat Brady, can get away with openly calling for the assassination of Donald Trump.  Louis Farrakhan has openly called for Blacks to kill all Whites.  Other Blacks openly call for the killing of policemen, while the Muslims openly call for killing American servicemen.  Neither Loretta nor the Justice Department, the FBI, DHS, or the fanatical Southern Poverty Law Center have called for any arrests of these people.  However, you can be sure that any White man who calls openly for fellow Whites and/or Christians to kill Blacks or Obama will be arrested immediately and will spend the rest of his life in prison.


The mentally-and-spiritually challenged among us might argue that Whites have it coming to them for the 200 – 400 years of oppressing nonwhites.  This argument just won’t fly, because this is a myth that has been heard so often that many people assume it as fact.  Primitive peoples around the world used the general terminology “White Man” to describe invaders, because that was the simplest way of describing them, and most civilized people around the world picked up on this and began blaming everything on Whites.  However, to give one example, Hernando Cortes was described in Diego Rivera’s book Mexican History (New rev. ed., Mexico City, 1966) as being a little over 5 feet tall, bowlegged, a hunchback, cross-eyed, with a microcephalus skull like that of a monkey with a facial profile similar to a bird, small feet and hands, and ugly (p.xx).  Thus, Cortes couldn’t have been a White man (dysgenics does not occur in pure-bloods, and this was before the invention of GMOs), and additionally, the Spanish conquistadores who invaded Mexico represented the Catholic Church and/or the Catholic monarchs of Spain, not the White Race.  Columbus was a Jew, so Cortes was probably one also.  So, Whites should not be blamed for the actions of nations or religions, nor are Whites the ones who are trying to establish a New World Order.  Whites on the whole do not plan to comply with what David Spangler said:  “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer.  No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation.”  On the other hand, the Jews and the Catholic Church have no problem with establishing a one world government, even if it is Zionist and Luciferian.


America’s Christian Culture Taken for Granted


While many people, especially Jews, argue that America was not founded as a Christian nation, while we do not have a State-sanctioned religion,


“our entire culture was fueled by the twin influences of Christian philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment.  It is certainly true that our form of government is essentially secular in that it is not guided or controlled by any particular religion, but the ethics underlying those governments were heavily informed by Christian ethics. . . The efforts to destroy the bedrock principles upon which the nation was built began under the destroyer of our education system, John Dewey [who played a role in creating the NAACP], who, along with famed ‘History’ professor Charles Beard, worked to tear down America’s founding principles and replace them with socialist-inspired anti-American ideals. . . With the left working so hard to destroy the Christian influence in our American ethics, we have finally gotten to the point where there is simply no respect for life. . . .


“The sanctity for life is based in an individualist’s Christian ethos.  It isn’t a collectivist ideal.  Muslims have no respect for life because the individual is meaningless.  Though certainly less-pronounced, it’s the same for Catholics and Jews.  These religions are more collectivist than the individualistic Protestant ethos upon which the U.S. was founded” (Warner Todd Huston, “The Elimination of Christianity in the West Brings Disrespect for Life,” 1/24/15,


Note that, while the Jews argue that America should be neutral regarding religion, they got Congress to pass Public Law 102-14 in 1991 which asserts that America was founded on the principles of Jewish Talmudic Law (i.e. the Seven Noahide Laws), requiring non-Jews to be judged by Jewish laws (see “Public Law 102-14 and the Jewish Noahide Laws,” 1/22/16,, p.8).  While the Jews feel free to inject their race and religion into politics, they have made sure that Protestants do not have the same right, even though Bible passages such as in Joshua chapter 20 gave us the principles in our government of trial by jury, due process, habeas corpus, innocent until proven guilty, and public trial.   How is it fair or liberal under our Constitution for the Jews to enact Talmudic Law in our nation but reject Bible Law?  It should be obvious that the Talmud and the Bible uphold different laws and values, so it is time that Christians stop believing that their religion is “Judeo-Christian.” If Whites are criticized for trying to make America a White or Christian nation, why should they allow it to become a Jewish/Judaized or internationalized nation?


Unfortunately, too many Protestants perceive our struggle as being only spiritual between God and Satan, not physical.  In agreement with Gnosticism, the Church does not consider anything earthly and/or tangible (the physical body, race, nation, etc.) to be sacred and ultimately worth defending.  The Church has distracted Christians into believing that they should focus on the next life, not this one, and God is portrayed as a monster (Moloch) who will send people to eternal hell-fire after death if they do not believe in Jesus as their savior (human sacrifice) etc.  On top of this, the Church teaches that “God’s Law has been put away” and that God wants us to obey those who have power and authority in government – even though those in power are corrupt, Satanic, refuse to abide by their oath of office, and are slowly but surely introducing international (Talmudic) law over our nation.  For many years, Christian ministers taught that America was blessed because of its financial support of the Jews, but now they condemn America as “Mystery Babylon,” as if to say that America is no longer blessed because Christians haven’t “blessed” the Jews with enough monetary gifts and donations to the cause of Zionism.


While the Church teaches that this world is under the control of “Satan” (so there is really nothing we can do about it), its only message of hope is one of escape from this world to the next where God lives and reigns and where “Satan” has no power or dominion.  Since the Church does not believe that God calls for us to eat right or protect our health, defend our laws or culture, or maintain our national sovereignty, Christians act puzzled as to why they have no power, so they blame everything they reap from what they have sown on “Satan” (which elucidates little or nothing).  They are neutralized by convincing themselves that “Satan” is winning because it was prophecied by God, and therefore prophecy must be fulfilled without any opposition from Christians.  It would therefore be sinful if Christians did not just stand aside and let God do as He wills against “Satan,” because after all, this is a fight between God and “Satan,” and humans are simply collateral damage in this war between gods.


Nord Davis explained that one of the persons responsible for the misguided thinking of Christians today was the Jew, Cyrus Scofield (author of the Scofield Reference Bible), together with his financial backers from Boston, who included John J. Ingalls (a Jew).  They “reasoned, and quite correctly, that America could not be converted from [a] Republic into International Socialism until the vast majority of American Christians could be taught that the church was not to be militant regarding the affairs of state and that God’s Laws, Statutes and Judgments were not valid as a means of governing anything but a theocratic nation.  It was necessary to subvert the First Amendment to the Constitution to mean that the Church was to offer no suggestions and to be silent regarding those affairs of state that affect in a vital way every Christian and his way of life.  This was quite a project for Mr. Scofield since God thought so much of righteous governments that He devoted about 80 percent of Holy Writ to that subject . . .” (“Star Wars,” Topton, N.C., 1993, p.30).  The notorious Jew, Samuel Untermeyer, a man dedicated to Communism/Zionism, also supported Scofield.  Not surprisingly, Scofield wrote in his Bible that the Jews were “all of Israel,” thus setting the stage for Christian support of the theft of Palestine from the Arab people by the Zionists.  Scofield also promoted the Rapture Doctrine (which originated from a Jewish Jesuit) so that Christians would be indifferent to the New World Order taking over the world.  Incidentally, after Scofield died, the best known spokesman for the Scofield Cult was Billy Graham.


For those Christians who haven’t figured it out yet, their Church leaders are not that stupid or obtuse.  Anything that is anti-life is anti-spiritual.  Since life on this planet is encompassed by the word “culture,” since it includes every aspect of our lives – food, religion, education, music, law, health, etc. – maintaining and defending our culture is important.  Ask anyone who is trying to make a vaccine or yogurt, and they will affirm that culture is extremely important.  A culture can easily be ruined by introducing foreign substances into it, yet the Jews in power tell us that combining or homogenizing a multitude of cultures will somehow turn out better or superior to what we have now.  The Jews know, of course that if races and cultures are mixed, this will effectively sever them from their ties to the past (their laws, ancestors and traditions).  Naturally, the Jews won’t admit that the individual races and cultures that have been incorporated into the “pot” will never be the same again.  (Contrary to popular belief, genetics determines not only the physical but also the psychological and spiritual, and the results of interracial marriage are unpredictable, like Russian roulette.  This should be a warning to those who casually eat GMO foods.)


The one worlders are even now admitting that they want to “transcend” what we are and have.  They call it “Transhumanism” since it means breaking all the laws of nature and mixing not only the different races of people, but combining them with plants, animals, and machines.  Needless to say, in this “brave new world” people will have to forfeit their rights based on Nature, Common Law, holy books such as the Bible or the Koran, the Constitution, etc. etc. since one’s genetic, historical, and legal ties will be erased, allowing those in power to create any laws that they want.  Besides, the debtor is compelled to be the slave of (and obey) the creditor.  Those in power are even now trying to “tease” us into this new reality by forcing GMO foods and vaccines on us.  The Jews have already succeeded in creating the myth that the U.S. was created for the purpose of being a “melting pot,” so the tradition has already been established that “melting” peoples and cultures together is desirable and has succeeded in making our nation great.  Americans tend to get so caught up in this propaganda that they forget that this “melting” is intrinsically ANTI-LIFE and will result in total enslavement, at best.


Although most Americans have been brainwashed into believing that it is wrong, or hateful, to condemn the “melting pot” ideal, note what Ben Klassen writes and see if what he says makes sense:


“Back on the farm in Canada when I was a kid, we used to throw all our leftover scraps from the table into a big pail, along with soap water from washing the dishes, as well as any other garbage that ensued.  We called it the slop pail and fed it to the hogs, the only animal that would tolerate such garbage for food.  The slop pail might also have been called the Melting Pot, the current racial image the Jewish press and power establishment is trying to slop off on the White people of America – as the American Dream. . . . [but this] has changed into what for the White people is a horrible nightmare” (The White Man’s Bible, 1981, p.108).


This Jewish Utopia is a quagmire where everybody is equal -- with the Whites on the bottom and the Jews calling the shots at the top of the heap.  The “refuse” are proud to be hyphenated-Americans, and the Whites are ashamed to be White.  We encourage human refuse to immigrate and get on the welfare bandwagon, and we provide them with enough government benefits so they can multiply like rats – at the expense of hard-working Americans who often make less money than those on the government dole.  This has turned “survival of the fittest” on its head,


“in which the weak, the misfits, the helpless, yes, even the morons and the idiots, are sustained and subsidized by those who are more capable of carrying the burden.  In other words, those who in a primitive state of mankind would have been culled out by the ruthless but cleansing Laws of Nature are now saved to reproduce.  A more ‘humane’ civilized society fails to cull them out and instead carries the misfits along on the backs of those who are stronger.  Those who can cope subsidize those who cannot cope, and strangely enough, it is the latter who breed more prolifically” (Ibid., p.112).


“The obvious consequence of this is that [the lazy and shiftless and] those of lower intelligence are expanding in numbers while those of higher intelligence are shrinking [as the money they earn which they would normally use to have children of their own is siphoned off and given to the ‘less fortunate’ so that they can have children instead]” (Ibid., p.113).


The obvious conclusion is that western civilization is breeding itself down – which is national and racial suicide.  The Jews are, of course, deliberately accelerating the process so that America will be swept aside in the dustbin of history and the Catholic Church is cheering this on.   If this process is admirable and worthy of emulation, why don’t the Israelis, the Arabs, the Chinese, and the Japanese follow suit?


Klassen continues:


“History has proven over and over again that no multi-racial or polyglot society has survived for long.  Just as . . . a healthy body will not and cannot tolerate any alien organisms in itself, so also a society cannot survive admixture with alien elements. . . Any society whose elements are composed of two or more differentiated races will perpetually be at war within itself until it destroys itself.  Usually the dregs of such a society will destroy the best elements, and the former will survive to occupy the real estate in a more primitive social structure.  Anarchy, poverty, and misery will then become its normal lifestyle” (Ibid., p.102).


While most Whites in America have adjusted to the multiracial reality of the nation, the Jews can’t resist creating divisions and agitating the Blacks against the Whites.


“Today America has . . . become a vast conglomerate of conflicting pressure groups that have no common goal, objective, interest, or anything else.  We are now divided into hundreds of divisive power groups all at war with each other. . . . We are divided by hundreds of religions . . . and above all, Judaism, whose tribe now rules and ravages the country.  We are divided by political parties, by labor unions, religious groups, class warfare, by homosexuals, feminists, you name it.  Each one has a power group fighting for its own separate interest.  Today we are undoubtedly the most heterogeneous, the least homogenous, the most fragmented nation on the face of the earth.  Such a nation cannot be governed for long, nor can it exist for long.  When the French [Jewish sculptor] gifted us with the Statue of Liberty [which holds a copy of the Jewish Talmud in her hands] which said [written by a Jewess] ‘Give me . . . the wretched refuse of your teeming shore,’ we swallowed a philosophy that was as deadly as any of the refuse itself.  Remember, any organism that cannot excrete its refuse soon dies.  Any organism that is willing to ingest the refuse of others is absolutely insane and doomed to die” (Ibid., pp. 105-106).


Unfortunately, the Church has given its stamp of approval to multiculturalism and race-mixing, meaning that the Church cannot be counted on to oppose world government in which Luciferianism, totalitarianism, and death will be uplifted and enforced as the highest values.


Secularizing/Commercializing the Nation


Since our nation has become a hodgepodge of races and cultures, the Jews feel it is only fair to all that none of the deities of the people should be given dominance over the rest (except for their own), and so they believe that religion should be neutral so as not to offend anyone.  (See “Noahide Law . . . but isn’t Israel secular?,” 1/23/15, which reveals that there is no clear separation of Synagogue and State in the Zionist State of Israeli.)  This is accomplished by secularizing the schools and government in America, although the Jews are making an exception at the moment by allowing the Muslims to keep their own law and religion since this will assist them in tearing down Christian culture to make way for what the Jews have in store for us in the New World Order.


The worship of money is about as secular as one can get, because it does not require anyone to be a formal member of any religion.  Money is neutral and is accepted as currency by everyone in commerce.  Thus, Karl Marx stated in his book, A World Without Jews (1960) that money, coincidentally, is the secular god of the Jews (p.41).  So, in other words, as Karl Marx stated, Christians have become Jewish when they become materialistic.  Supposedly, if we all worship money (focus on commerce), we’ll ignore our differences in religious belief.  As “God’s Chosen People,” of course, the Jews have nominated themselves to be in charge (the “high priests”) of the money god.  That means that economics (commerce, materialism) is in reality a religion.


Secularism, we’re now discovering, is connected to humanism, Luciferianism, and Transhumanism.  The secularists, like the Gnostics, want to rise above “evil” human nature.  To them, Man is just a selfish, materialistic animal with no connection to God.   Corporations, although declared by our courts to be “persons” with as many rights as human beings, have only one reason or purpose for existence – to make profits for their investors.  The ends always justify the means.  Thus, the secularization of society is not for the purpose of protecting people’s rights to believe as they choose, but to bring everyone down to a common denominator – selfish materialism.  Having a conscience or displaying human qualities of mercy, charity, or humanitarianism clash with making profits and is usually based on a belief in a higher power than the State, so human qualities of love, loyalty, and compassion are deemed to be “sins” against the god of commerce (Money, Profits, or Mammon), the god of corporations.  Is it any wonder that corporations are even now researching the possibility of Transhumanism where human emotions and weaknesses can be transcended or outlawed since they interfere with profit-making?


Human life is not sacred to Mammon, so war, abortion, and even murder are justified in a “survival of the fittest” or for the good of the many.  Humans are just as expendable and exploitable as animals.  This presents a very real problem when determining a code of morals or ethics.  The idea of “all men being created equal” becomes meaningless.  Relations between people would be based on commerce (making profits), nothing more.   By mixing the genes of animals and humans, the Jews can argue that the distinction between Man and animals has been erased, and therefore Man has no more rights than other animals.  This would open up a whole new field in international law, providing a new avenue of employment for the Talmudic Jews against the goyim when the latter have been alienated from themselves and Nature.


It should not be too difficult for most “goy” to figure out that the secularizing of American society is only Phase I.  Phase II is when the Jews impose their Luciferian religion on the nation (and ultimately the world) after they have bankrupted all goy nations and eliminated their religious competition.


Henry Ford (Sr.) stated that reeducation is important in this process.  The Jews want to secularize (commercialize) the public schools so that no mention will be made that indicates that culture and patriotism are in any way connected with the deeper principles of the Anglo-Saxon religion or should be enshrined in our laws.  Jewish liberals have eliminated prayer in school and Bible studies during breaks in school, but sex education, homosexuality, and Islam can be freely taught in public schools.  Children are also not to be taught to identify the Jewish race or its psyche.  Then, in the colleges and universities where Jewish control is almost absolute, students can be educated further by filling their minds with Jewish revolutionary ideas and at the same time be filled with contempt for everything, every aspect of life, having to do with Christianity and the White Race (see “The Most Unsafe Place in America,” 1/12/16,  While our laws have allowed the freedom to disparage other cultures and religions, the Jews and Muslims don’t like it when theirs are the ones being castigated, so, while they want the right to continue tearing down Christianity, they claim it is “anti-Semitic” or blasphemous if we return the “favor,” and they expect everyone to accept this double standard.  That’s poor sportsmanship.  As Ford said, let it be a fair struggle.  Let everyone know the origins of the ideas being propagated (no flying under false flags or colors).  While Muslims are open about their intent, it isn’t fair for the Jews to attack Whites and prevent people from being able to examine principles on their own merit as well as be informed of the racial and/or religious identity and origin of the principles which are being propagated.


The Bible says that a tree is known by its fruit.  Secularizing the nation has naturally resulted in increased homosexuality, pornography, drug use, and violent crime.  While people are not perfect, by incorporating a standard of morality in the nation’s laws the nation functioned better than under secularism (the law of the jungle).  Under the latter, Man is too much an animal to actually have the right to install a system of morals or be allowed to govern himself.  To secularists, having a national standard of morality apart from law would be hypocritical and would be attacked by them as being religious in nature or foolish since it relies on personal honor and integrity – i.e. values which secularists scoff at.


While the Jews argue that opposition to homosexuality is based on religious grounds or prejudice, they ignore natural law.  Homosexuality is ultimately a transgression of natural law, not just religious law.  Homosexuality is a rebellion against nature (i.e. against the nature of life itself).  Teaching children in school that homosexuality is natural and normal behavior is like teaching them that beheading those who disagree with their beliefs is perfectly fine, even in someone else’s culture.  However, the Jews don’t respect natural law if it is not incorporated into the laws of government and enforced by the police power (i.e. they don’t believe in self-government or personal honor as Whites do).


Interestingly, Chaim Weizmann admitted at the World Zionist Conference in New York on May 9, 1942:  “And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy’s fortress.  Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy.”  The Protocols of Zion (No. 17) says:  “The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the patriarch of an international Church.”  Is it coincidental that those who call loudest for secularizing the nation are following the Communist agenda which states that breaking down our standard of morality will enable them to take over our nation and establish their own version of right vs. wrong, enforced by the Noahide Laws?   Is it just a coincidence that demoralize means “corrupt, pervert, debauch, deprave, pervert, debilitate, and weaken?”  Secularization carries with it not only the meaning of “unsacred,” but also “draining of emotional or intellectual vitality.”  When all is said and done, do Communism and Luciferianism intend to give us more freedom, or do they just want to enslave us physically, mentally, and spiritually?  And why is it that Whites and Christians are open-minded about not forcing their religion on others, yet the Jews and Muslims want to enforce their religious laws (Noahide or Sharia) on Christians?


The Catholic Church is Anti-Life


The Bible has only been allowed free course in the West for 500 years, and only during this time has freedom prospered.  D’Souza has written a book called What’s So Great About Christianity, and he has produced a movie called “America:  Imagine the World Without Her.”  He explains why ultimately we cannot have Western civilization and all that we value from it without Christianity.  He responds to Karl Marx, saying that atheism is the opiate of the morally corrupt because it frees people to live any way they please.   We know, however, from reading the Protocols of Zion that, while the Jews are liberal about breaking their oath to our Constitution now and rebelling against Christian moral standards, if they achieve their goal of world government, they intend to “rule with a rod of iron” (i.e. not allow us the freedom to rebel against their laws as we have allowed them to do with ours).  Their liberality will disappear.  D’Souza also explains why it is a pernicious myth that English colonists “stole” America from the Indians or that settlers and soldiers “stole” the Southwest from Mexico.  The fact that D’Souza is from India gives his words added weight since his observations are objective since he is not a White man.


The Protestant revolt against the Catholic Church ended the Dark Ages during which time knowledge was withheld from the people and the Bible was forbidden to be read by the common people, under penalty of death.  The Catholic Church admits that Christian history prior to 1198 A.D. has been suppressed and is hidden in Vatican vaults and is therefore publicly unknown today.  Serfdom was the lot of most people during the Middle (Dark) Ages.  However, many Blacks, Arabs, Jews, and Mexicans seem eager to destroy Western civilization with all its freedoms and return the world to the Dark Ages. 


The Catholic Church is today trying to get nations to renounce their sovereignty, disarm, and submit to universal (Papal) authority.  Nationalism is equated with egoism and selfishness rather than freedom from Roman Catholic dictates.  Pope Boniface VIII’s papal bull, Unam Sanctum, is still in effect:  “Moreover, we declare, affirm, define, and pronounce that it is altogether necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


“Liberty of conscience . . . . is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost’” (Bill Hughes, The Secret Terrorists, Tangerine, Florida, 2002, p.120).


“When constitutional freedoms are gone, there is nothing to restrict government from doing anything it wants, and deadly governmental persecution is the result” (Ibid., p.118).


Catholic tribunals began to be established in 1983 which recorded the names and activities of non-Catholics in preparation for the coming inquisition.  Thus it is no surprise that almost all Protestant pastors are afraid to speak out against Rome.  Perhaps many of them know that the Catholic Church slaughtered the unarmed Bible believers in Paris in the St. Bartholomew Massacre of August 24, 1572.  The blood ran for a week, and the Protestant movement in France was destroyed.  While most Americans might consider that to be ancient history and that the Catholic Church would never do something like that today in our more civilized age, Monica Farrell’s book, Ravening Wolves (Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1942) details how the Roman Catholic Church raised an army called the Ustashi and savagely butchered 1,700,000 Serbs (Eastern Orthodox) between 1941 – 1945.  All possible methods of murder and torture were used, and yet the West did nothing to stop it.   In fact, what the Catholic priests did was so gross that the Nazis did what they could to put a stop to it.   A full account, with pictures, is given by Avro Manhattan in his book, The Vatican’s Holocaust (2nd Ptg., Springfield, Missouri, 1988).


While the Catholic Church assails the greed of the West, despite the billions in aid that have been generously given by the West to foreign nations, the Vatican’s real estate holdings in the West exceed all others, and it also has a large corporate presence.  Avro Manhattan, one of the foremost authorities on the Catholic Church, wrote in The Vatican Billions:  “The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence.  She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.”  The Catholic Church, of course, feels no obligation to share its wealth with the world to eliminate poverty and suffering.


Islam:  A Tool of the Vatican


Alberto Rivera stated that the Vatican created Islam to destroy all who do not submit to the Pope (the Vatican believes the U.S. will lose World War III, according to Rivera).  The Vatican used Muslims in the past to invade the Canary Islands and southern Spain (Hughes, p.75).  The Popes have also called Muslims “brothers and sisters in faith in our God.”


Why would the Pope use the Muslims?  According to Breitbart, “58% of Muslims in America reject the 1st Amendment Right of Americans to criticize Islam.  Of those, 46% want that ‘blasphemy’ punished while another 12% want those ‘blasphemers’ killed” (“New Muslim Majority City Council Member in Michigan Issues Warning,” 2015/11/11).  To be fair and objective, however, I will offer several sources which state that ISIS was created and funded by the CIA, a Jesuit/Catholic organization:

1.     “’ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.  It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name’” (“Pact with the devil:  Israel gives weapons and free medical care to Syrian jihadists,” 12/21/16, p.6,  “Israel has admitted that it has a long history of carrying out false flag attacks, where its soldiers dress up as Arab terrorists” (p.7).  Keep in mind that many Jews can speak Arabic fluently and can pass as Arabs, just as many Jews can pass as Whites.  For example, Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, was born of two Jewish parents, his real name is Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon), and he works for the Mossad and CIA.

2.     Jim Stone writes that:  “. . . Saudi Arabia probably was complicit in 911 because it is a Jewish outfit.  They build a huge number of mosques around the world, probably for ONE REASON:  To provide a venue for controlling Islam.  If the Jews want to destroy Europe via an Islamic invasion, why not use Saudi Arabia as a front for getting the mosques built?  You know, the CIA runs those mosques. . . and . . . the CIA has 50,000 agents pretending to be imams in mosques around the world” (“Saudi Arabia is Kikedom West,” 9/28/15,

3.     Professor Chossudovsky writes:  “CIA training camps were set up in Pakistan . . . In the 10-year period from 1982 to 1992, some 35,000 jihadists from 43 Islamic countries were recruited by the CIA to fight in the Afghan jihad.  ‘Advertisements, paid for from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers around the world offering inducements and motivations to join the Jihad.’  Lest we forget, Osama bin Laden . . . was recruited by the CIA in 1979 . . .” (Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, “The Ultimate War Crime: America’s ‘Global War on Terrorism,’” 11/1/15, p.5,   “. . . [A] large number of ISIS mercenaries are convicted criminals released from Saudi prisons on condition they join the ISIL.  Saudi death row inmates were recruited to join the terror brigades” (Ibid., p.9).


On the other hand,


“If Western leaders and media claim that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, how does one explain away the fact that Muslim governmental officials – not ‘ISIS’ – in nations as diverse [as] Brunei, Somalia, and Tajikistan have openly and formally expressed their hostility for Christmas (and thus Christianity)?  How does one explain away the fact that Muslims – not ‘ISIS’ – terrorized and slaughtered Christians on Christmas in nations as diverse as Bangladesh, Belgium, the Congo, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Philippines, Syria, the West Bank, and even the United States?”  (“A Gruesome Christmas Under Islam,” 1/18/16,


The burden is on “innocent” Muslims to do something about speaking out and reining in fellow Muslims if they do not agree with what they say and do.  One can listen to a Muslim leader denounce ISIS and say that Islam is a religion of peace (see “Isis/Daesh the Enemy of Islam,” Video:  5:56 minutes,  If more Muslims don’t speak out against this, Americans will assume that all Muslims wish to terrorize our nation and impose Sharia law on us all.


However, it is important to keep in mind that most of the non-western, non-Protestant-Christian cultures around the world are “macho”-oriented and male-dominated and consider women and animals to be subject to them to meet all their needs without resistance or complaint.  They have created a god to serve and worship in their own male chauvinist image, and so they serve themselves as much as they serve their god, which to them is an ideal religion.  If one can call male dominance a religion, it is a competition between males for power, so their religion is far removed from a religion of love and compassion.  To the simplistic mind of the Muslims, the core principle of their political-theocratic order is male supremacy and “survival of the fittest.”  War between themselves and with others is therefore seen to be proof of masculinity, and it greatly perturbs their fragile psyches when they see women living in freedom in western countries as equals with men.  Oddly enough, then, rape is seen to be a religious duty among Muslims to let women know that men are in charge.  Christians are therefore viewed as a threat to the natural order of things in which males are supposed to win in the struggle of the survival of the fittest.  Consequently, it is not surprising that Muslims see Christianity as weak, impotent, unnatural, and even feminine – the perfect target for exploitation and destruction by male, virulent Muslims.


The Jews know full well that Muslims who wage jihad in the U.S. are breaking the law.  Note the following law passed a few years ago:


“A new law makes it a federal crime to damage religious property or interfere with a person’s free exercise of religion.  The measure – recently approved by Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan – amends the U.S. Code . . . The law’s penalties include a fine and up to life imprisonment if death results from the activity; a fine and a prison term of up to 10 years if serious bodily injury results; and a fine and imprisonment of up to one year in other cases” (Kathy Palen, “New Law Sets Criminal penalties for Obstructing Free Exercise of Religion,” Religious Freedom Alert, August 1988).


When Obama, the “neocons,” and the Muslim Brotherhood deliberately bring Muslims to America to kill non-Muslims, they are all lawfully defined as belligerents.  Note:


“None of these rights, guaranteed to peaceful citizens by the Constitution, belong to them after they have become belligerents against their own government.  They thereby forfeit all protection under that sacred charter which they have thus sought to overthrow and destroy” (William Whiting, War Powers Under The Constitution Of The United States, 10th ed., Glorieta, New Mexico, 1971, p.51).


The Mossad and CIA trained and funded Al Qaeda and now ISIS, making the CIA and Mossad terrorist organizations.  The CIA is also the group behind the MK Ultra experiments in mind control.  The Jesuits, of course, run both the CIA and Mossad.  It is therefore unfair to blame all Muslims for what the CIA-recruited Muslims are doing, just as it is unfair to blame Whites for everything bad that the Jews have done or blame Protestants for everything bad that the Catholic Church has done.  I might add that all Jews should not be blamed for what their leaders do, but again, they need to speak out and put it on the record like Henry Makow, Brother Nathanael, and Pam Geller.


Whites Should not be Accused of Jewish Actions


Since most people do not differentiate between Jews and Whites, and many people tie our religions together as “Judeo-Christianity,” the White Race as well as Protestant Christianity have been unfairly attacked.  While the Jews dogmatically assert that America was not founded as a Christian nation, they want Americans to assume that our nation is governed and controlled by Whites, making Whites and Christians responsible for what the Jewish “neo-cons” are doing in our government.


The White Man has not had enough power to oppress the third world or the other races.  The British and European monarchs have been and are mixed-blooded (Jewish), and their loyalties are to the Illuminati and banking establishment.  Their actions should not be interpreted as representing the nature or the collective will of the White Race.  Preston James explains how the Jews took over:


“In the 1600s, the KM [Khazarian Mafia] murder[ed] the British Royals and substitute[d] their own fakes.  In the 1700s, they murder[ed] the French Royals.  Right before WW1 they murder[ed] Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WWI.  In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and . . . murder[ed] the Czar and his family in cold blood . . . Right before WW2, they murder[ed] the Austrian and German Royals.  Then they . . . [got] rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower[ed] the Japanese ruler” (James, “Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia,” 3/11/15, p.7).


Preston James continues:


“The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. . . .  It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent.  The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.


“The Rothschilds start[ed] the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals . . .” (James, “Hidden History,” pp. 7-8).


The Jews invented Communism and terrorism.  Hughes says that Jacob Schiff and the Rothschilds were Jesuits.  The Bushes and Clintons have always followed the Jesuit agenda.  (Alberto Rivera says that the Illuminati is the most important branch of the Jesuit Order.)


For the record, the Jewish international bankers were essentially responsible for slavery in America, the “Civil War,” World Wars I and II, and every war since. The Jewish Mossad orchestrated 911 as well as Fukushima.


“Israel and its Sayanims . . . have claimed that Israel is America[‘s] best friend and . . . true ally in the Mideast.  The exact opposite is true.  Israel is America’s secret avowed enemy that attacked America on 9-11-01 and has been actively engaged in espionage to asset strip Americans of their hard earned wealth for many years.  This is not what friends do to friends” (Preston James and Mike Harris, “Putin’s Dilemma – Is it Time to Cut the Head off the Khazarian Mafia?,” 1/14/15,, p.2).


“The attack on America on 9-11-01 was an engineered staged Gladio-style False-flag attack run by Israel on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia with the cooperation and support of the U.S. Administration . . .” (Ibid.).


Despite the trillions of dollars we have spent on war in the Mideast, and despite the tremendous loss of life of innocent people, the Jewish “neocons” created and are now paying the passage of ISIS militants to America, thus refuting the whole purpose of going to war in the Mideast in the first place.  And now they want us to go further into debt as a nation to deal with the crisis which they have caused?


Black Anti-Life “Gains” in South Africa


Since many Blacks use South Africa as proof that White racism is inherently anti-life, let us briefly discuss this.  First of all, most Americans don’t realize that the Whites did not steal the land from Blacks in South Africa when they moved there.  The land was vacant.


Second, while the media has described Mandela’s terrorist war against the Apartheid government of South Africa as a “people’s struggle,” it calls the Palestinians “terrorists” who oppose the Zionist/Communist, bandit state of Israeli.   Why is it that the Jews consider what they do to be a “struggle,” while those who oppose them are “terrorists?”  Again, this is an example of the word game Luciferians play.  Here in America, the terrorist activities of Blacks and Muslims are ignored, and law-abiding Whites are the ones who are called “terrorists.”  This proves that the media is not objective or neutral in reporting, and by no means can it be claimed that Whites control the media when the media is anti-White.


Mandela’s handlers were two Communist Jews – Joe Slovo and Albie Sachs.  The African National Congress was funded and run by Communist Jews.  Like Obama, Mandela received the Peace Prize, in keeping with Communist-Luciferian dialectics.


Under Verwoerd, the third Prime Minister of South Africa, the rate of income growth among the Blacks was greater than among Whites.  The Blacks thought that was wonderful.  But Verwoerd was assassinated and replaced by the Illuminati puppet, John Vorster – who made the regime oppressive and gave Apartheid a black eye. 


Are Blacks in South Africa better off now under Marxist Communism than they were under Apartheid?  Much of the following information was obtained from “Nelson Mandela was a Terrorist,” 12/5/13,  You decide if Communism and anti-Apartheid have created a utopia in South Africa. 


1.     The government is Communist as Mandela was on the Communist Party’s Central Committee.  The Communist Party of China is openly financing a leadership school to train future Communist zealots to rule South Africa.

2.     The Blacks in power are able to persecute, torture, or murder anyone who challenges their power because of the enormous wealth they have personally accrued for themselves through theft.  They could care less about making life better for their own people who worked with them to get Blacks into power.

3.     U.N. Agenda 21 policies are herding the people into densely populated urban centers.

4.     The South African version of Common Core (Agenda 21) has made students illiterate, both White and Black.  Supposedly, this reverses “white privilege” – bringing Whites down to the level of Blacks.  How this helps Blacks is something worth considering.

5.     Farms of Whites have been turned over to the “disadvantaged,” so 98 percent of the farms no longer produce anything.  The police do nothing to protect White farms from Black invaders.

6.     Although Whites are in the minority, making up only 10 percent of the population, Affirmative Action policies are in place.  Under Communism, Blacks have minority rights in the U.S. and majority rights in South Africa:  “Heads I win, tails you lose.”  Since Whites are denied employment, there are roving blackouts and other electrical problems.  The electrical grid could completely fall apart in the next few years.  How this will benefit Blacks while hurting Whites is a mystery.

7.     The unemployment rate doubled to 48 percent from 1991 – 2002.  Today it is around 60 percent.

8.     One-fourth of the population live in shacks without electricity or running (or clean) water, and 40 percent have no telephone.  Forty percent of the schools have no electricity.

9.     The roads are in a state of disrepair.

10.South Africa is the rape and murder capital in the world.  Gays and lesbians are also murdered.  So much for the myth that only Christians are opposed to homosexuality.

11.The AIDS/TB infection rate is 20 percent, and life expectancy has dropped by 13 years.

12.South Africa is becoming a Marxist “papers please” society, unlike when Whites were in power.

13.Skilled Whites are denied work and are forced to sleep on the streets of Pretoria, the city of their forefathers.  They have also been denied government benefits even though Whites pay most of the taxes.

14.Self-defense of self and property is not a guaranteed right.  It is extremely difficult for Whites to obtain firearms, even though they are often the ones victimized.  Parents can’t allow their children to play outside, because they will be kidnapped and put into sex slavery rings.  (Blacks never had to worry that Whites would do this to Blacks’ children.)

15.South Africa’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk status.  This is largely due to the fact that the Jewish-owned South African Reserve Bank is corrupt.  As the following article reported:


“300 tonnes of gold valued at over R300 billion was stolen from the SARB, with the help of insiders as part of a bigger looting exercise valued at a massive R2.25 trillion” (“Insiders Looted Gold Worth $200b from South African Reserve Bank,” 11/25/14, p.2,


Most Blacks, like Whites, don’t seem to understand the power of money, and therefore they are too lax and open-minded about allowing a private corporation to control their money and economy.  Lenin stated:  “The establishment of a central bank is 90 percent of communizing a nation.” 


Although the lives of Whites are threatened in South Africa just as much as the people in Syria, the U.S. government turns down requests of White South Africans who want to escape this abuse and come to America.  White Europeans, White South Africans, and Christians from the Mid-East are not welcome in America as refugees.


Final Thoughts


Blacks who so casually and thoughtlessly accuse Whites of enslaving their ancestors should wake up to the fact that Whites have been victims too.  Flack wrote in The Adoption of the 14th Amendment (1906) that “The 14th Amendment popularly thought to have been adopted to raise Indians and Blacks in the eyes of the law to the level of Whites did just the opposite, lowered Whites to the level of Blacks and Indians, making national slaves out of all.”  If Whites were in power and controlled the government, why would they do this to their own Race?


It is important to realize that Blacks are wasting their energies attacking Whites because they are ignoring the source of all their problems and complaints – the Jewish international banksters and Jewish-run corporations.  Just because it is in one’s power to kick an innocent dog or kill an innocent bird or squirrel doesn’t mean that one should, just because it is in one’s power to do so.  By the same token, attacking and killing Whites to vent anger and frustration does absolutely nothing to harm or dismantle the Jewish banking establishment which runs our lives.  We have a culture of Corporate supremacy, not White supremacy, and these corporations are all run by Jews, not by Whites!  Blacks should heed what Chris Rock says in the last video shown on “Gangs in London:  Can You Guess the One Thing that Joins Them all Together” (12/29/15,, YouTube 5:43 min.).


There is one way that we can defeat the plans of the Rothschilds.  They know that when different races, religions, and nationalities are placed together, their different beliefs, cultures, and ways of thinking will result in hostility and killings.   Since it doesn’t look like we are going to be able to keep the races and nations segregated from one another, we are going to have to reach out and try to maintain peace with each group reining in the radicals of their own people.  As the old saying goes, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”  Whites will work together with Blacks and Muslims against their common enemy, but only if they stop teaching their children that the White Man is their enemy and that White racism (“hate”) is the source of all their problems.  If racism is at fault, blame Jewish racism, not White racism.  The two are not synonymous.  Muslim leaders should respect our laws and way of life, not try to impose their laws or religion on us, and punish anyone professing Islam who is acting without authority against the West.  If they didn’t plan on abiding by our laws, they should not have immigrated to the United States.  If the natural leaders of these different groups do not come to an agreement for the sake of peace, the Rothschild “Mafia” will win – and all of us non-Jews will lose. 


This planet is big enough for all of us to live in peace without going to war against one another, and none of us is going to go to “Hell” or displease God, or Allah, if we don’t convert everyone to our religion!   So, if we don’t blaze a new path to get along with one another soon, the Rothschilds will win and convert the whole world into a prison or graveyard.  That option should be enough motivation for all of us to cool down the “hot heads” among us and extend the olive branch.  My guess is that the Rothschilds are betting on the fact that we will not succeed in this.  It is encouraging that some American Indian tribes have reached out to American patriots and ranchers in support of their fight against federal tyranny over property rights (Dave Hodges, “Ammon Bundy Breaks his Silence with Dave Hodges . . . ,” 1/12/16,


Blacks and Muslims should also consider the big picture.  They have bigger problems to worry about than White racism or people that don’t have the same religious beliefs as they do.  For example:


1.     Thanks to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Stream (circulation of ocean currents) in the Atlantic stopped as of June 12, 2010, bringing on a new ice age (just as the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” portrays).  The changing climate is resulting in worldwide crop failures and famine, and this will only get worse.

2.     Coincidentally, we also entered a 206-year-cycle of cold weather in 2010, because the energy from the sun has been reduced.  This is a natural cycle, not man-made (see the 11 min. video called “The Coming Mini Ice Age” in the article “Alternative 3 – Too Dangerous to Air,”  Muslims who are used to living in 110 degree temperatures will find it very hard to adapt, and the severity of this cold weather is expected to increase with each passing year.  They might want to consider moving back to the Mideast, Africa, or Asia if they don’t like the cold weather.

3.     With Fukushima continually emitting radiation into the ocean, all life in our oceans is dying, and this will probably be irreversible (see “75% of world’s fish have been wiped out by mankind . . . Collapse of marine ecosystems now imminent,” 1/26/16,  The oceans can no longer be relied on as a food source.

4.     Planet X (Nibiru) will continue causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as it approaches earth.  Many people expect it to be visible to all by the end of this year.  Volcanic eruptions may block sunlight, and those who breathe the ash and toxic fumes will get sick.  (See also “New Madrid Earthquake Could Shake Foundations of America,”  If EMP or earthquakes shut down nuclear power plants, they could “blow,” and the radiation would be much greater than what we’re getting from Fukushima.

5.     With the radiation from Fukushima, the chemtrails, and World War 3 looming over us, it seems rather silly to be concerned with politically-correct speech and ensuring that we all have the same religious beliefs.  Can you imagine the German soldiers in World War 2 being concerned about their opponents having the same religious beliefs while they were dodging bombs and bullets?

6.     We are on the verge of a worldwide economic collapse.  Instead of making sure that everyone is politically-correct and not hurting their feelings, they should be stocking up on food and other essentials so that they will survive.


Nonwhites are being intentionally distracted from the real issues, such as large corporations, and are fighting White racism instead.  Meanwhile, their Jewish corporate overlords have built deep underground shelters that are stocked with food and provisions to allow them to survive for 10 – 20 years.  Won’t Muslims feel silly when they realize that they should have taken Nature into consideration in their plans of building a caliphate.   Converting others to Islam won’t mean much if most of their converts are doomed to die anyway, and Allah will not be there to step in to save the lives of those who have dedicated their lives to killing.   


One more thought to consider is that while civilization is on the verge of collapsing, so is Nature.   Nature can easily override or foil the best of plans, so Nature should never be taken for granted.  In the final analysis, Nature is not impressed by “macho” characters whose attentions are focused only on themselves rather than on respecting Nature, obeying natural law, and serving their fellow men.   Nature will have the final word.

A.W. Mann