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Graeme Whitmeyer

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Dec. 30, 2015

Warning!: This information may awaken you to intense feelings of unrest, followed by the immediate and blind dismissal of exceptionally useful truth, due to considerable measures of thorough practice in developing impeccable cognitive dissonance.


            Peel away layer after layer of carefully embedded propaganda, really think, observe any object of your observation with as much accuracy as possible, and when honestly searching for truth in every moment, you will discover that we have been lied to. We have all been lied to, horrendously. We have allowed this lie to pervade our culture to such an extent that we have grown indolent and brought wrath – a twisted Orwellian vision: a world truly engulfed by ubiquitous enslavement, safely tucked away within our own ignorance. We sit at the brink of a global uninhabitability. We must set aside our differences. The time is now. We must break free… leave the cave. We must see the light of truth in every situation, utilizing an infallible process.


            Let us start by getting things straight about the nature of reality, as morality stands alone, ever-waiting for us to see and hear the light of objective truth. There is no time for squabbling and quibbling amongst ourselves in our combined putative druthers. Choosing to break free from our callowness and thick layers of seemingly-coherent propaganda is an entirely phenomenological experience. It is up to each individual to make their choice of understanding truth. No one can make a discernment for another. We have often exhibited profoundly confused thinking in our making of arbitrary assumptions and conclusions founded solely from some state of severe aporia or apathy, and it has come full circle. Knowing firsthand the pain and sorrow of our incorrectness, we may determine that there must exist a correctness. If there is no objective truth, then that would be the objective truth, that there is no objective truth. To suggest that subjective truth may be possible is to resist every urge in the fiber of our being to take the time required to pause and deliberate the meaning that there is, by necessity, a unifying, objective truth.


            Individual involvement with strife leads to a purely-personal intuitive grasp that there must be Laws, which then, when thought about reasonably, is how we learn. The Law reveals itself through our self-taught a priori lessons derived from phenomenological experience, to develop reason in practice. Proper discernment of absolute truth within one's own contemplation unlocks an innate ability which one must then choose to apply. As such, there is no actual distinction to be made between non-consequentialist or consequentialist moral theories, other-regarders or self-regarders, or any other impasse, including the alleged Euthyphro Dilemma. There can be no impasse if we ascertain real truth.


            In order to perform an applied consequentialism operation, justly, it must be an a priori discernment of proper non-consequentialistic theory as relates to that given experience. What is objectively right requires an observation of a circumstance in which we must then decide what the consequences shall be, and choose to commit to an action which we then draw from our intent of alignment within our choice of what is to be, always, Absolute Law for the ‘best’ possible consequence. Consequentialist moral theory, then, does not exist, per se, as its own separate entity, but rather as the description of an integral necessity of our ability to discern for ourselves what may be considered the most-just intention, in any given event, within our personal responsibility of knowing and living The Eternal Laws of Nature. Non-consequentialism thereby renders the decision making process of applying one’s own consequentialist plan for each situation. We will have to do what is absolutely right, and what is, thus, in our opinion what we determine to be the greatest good in each situation, and we must choose to do so, to attain victory over the forces of evil.


            We may acquire information which allows us to act in harmony and rightness with objective nature – with Creation – utilizing, as our foundation, the structure of Law which governs all in existence. Creation itself, from which all life is born, and from which eternity springs, may be discovered as materializing in the form of The Natural Laws of Creation. If you attempt to view matter to such microscopic levels that you see through the atoms, subatomic particles, quarks, strings, etcetera, then you are continuously defining subdivisions, thereby ‘separate’ entities. The ‘empty space’ will have always been between them, but it is not ‘empty’. There is no emptiness. There will always be the zero static cold of the Light Mind of God (Life/Thought/Essence/Creator and Sustainer of Consciousness). Life and intelligence exists independently of matter. Creation only forever is, as manifest in the inherent design of Natural Law. The Laws just are, and there is not one thing any of us, not even God, can do about it.


            There is a ‘first’ eternal Life which must have always existed, due to the impossibility of a ‘nothing’. Life Eternal must exist. I call the ‘first’ eternal life God, designed only through the Spirit of Creation (Container and Sustainer of Nature). Life eternal has always existed, and it is only possible that there exists One life form who is the most qualified to describe to us the inexorable truth of Law, and He/She/It is the only One capable of creating that which we define as a ‘being’ – as a life. Life cannot begin in one of our experimental Petri dishes. We can create clones, in our expertise of the perversion of Law, but they will not have a Life, a Soul, the Gift bestowed only from our Creator God. Alas, with our modern science (tragedy) only accepting theories which do not include anything independent of matter, how can we then begin to formulate a way to detect such a loving and pure essence as the ‘matter’ of our soul, if it is not physical? We must first act upon the premise that soul exists, in order to begin its discovery through the use of one device or another – the process of one experimentation or another.


            The only reasonably-conceivable ‘beginning’ to God is as first and as having always known Himself as the eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Creator of All Life within Creation, and has only ever known being all these ‘omni’ prefixes as having existed within the confines of Natural Law. There may be room for improvement of ourselves through living in an increasing-accordance with the Laws of Nature, forever developing our harmony and balance thereof – but there is absolutely no room for adding to, nor for the omission of any detail which springs forth, eternal, from the spirit of Creation, which is in perfection of its wholeness, since Law is not created by any being. God is the best at knowing and living the exact laws of nature in their entirety. God, as benevolent bestower of all life within the creation, created all life to contain within itself a thought-signature fragment of Himself and of His divine thinking (you might as well say ‘Her’, for God is male/female energy of the Creator of All Life, the Living Spirit Being, Within All Life), to come again unto the unity and oneness of the singular consciousness of God, with the Spirit of Creation. Accomplishing this requires the final cooperation of all units in coordination and strict adherence to the Laws of Nature.


            It does not trivialize God to place him as, somehow, being ‘beneath’ the Creation. The Laws of Creation He adheres to as sacred and holds dear, and are just that: Laws. God is the one who is in a position to best describe inexorable truth, that, as He must remain within the confines of certain behavioral limits, we too must learn to act in accordance with His wisdom, in harmony and balance, accepting such a responsibility with the honorable consecration it deserves. We are blessed when we see and hear truth. Natural Law requires no personal enforcement to be true and certainly needs no authority other than itself to be real. We have a choice, then, to either accept The Laws as they are, or to attempt a futile struggle against them, frothing-about and bashing into the inescapability of our already-made choice – to live as being subject unto Law. No adjustments are feasible for correctly expanding or detracting from Law. There is, furthermore, no room for revision upon the layout of The Law’s truth and meaning as given forth, unto us beloved children, by God. Life, within The Creation, will always be bound by the eternal Laws of Nature.


            The Laws of God and Creation are a type of divine command theory, except, who is creating these laws? God Aton (pronounced “Ought’n”) does a fine job of outlaying the proper social responsibilities and personal choices of how we learn to think and how we may well best act, in any situation. But, did He create the laws? No. That is where this differs from any lie of mankind – any sour-tweak… any misunderstanding. The Laws simply are. It does not matter what we want to believe. There is nothing, no power, no force in all of reality which can change one iota of Natural Law. Only by working within the laws of Creation (The Laws being inexorable, eternally perfect, and inescapable) does God become well-defined. There cannot be an ‘outside’ of The Law, so, in no way is He limited from being omnipotent. What it means, upon further inspection, is simply this: that being omnipotent takes the form of an ‘updated’ definition (for us) of still having to work within, or ‘under’ the natural laws of Creation, which, remember: no one created. There is evidence of their existence within all of Creation. We just need to know how to find it.


            The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, and his water crystal experiments, can help lead the way, and is, of course, currently not accepted by mainstream science. The whole idea is that water reflects, objectively, any input, albeit the environment, written word, or even our thoughts! After affecting water, we can freeze it, thaw it some, and view water crystals with a dark field electron microscope that has photographic capabilities. It will either form a beautiful crystallized structure or not. Only through our choice to align our behaviors, thoughts, deeds, environments, actions, and events with that which would make the water reflect into a purely crystalline form, will come the cure for all suffering (or at least preventative measures for achieving complete peace within The Natural Laws of Balance and the intent of Creator God’s idea and plan for us).


            I would like to test whether The Laws, given to us as a guide for our social behavior and personal conduct, as given forth by Creator God Aton of Light, in Phoenix Journal number twenty-seven, could act as a formula for the formation of beautiful, crystallized structures or not. You see, part of the lie perpetrated upon us is to hide that we actually have real, tangible contact with our Creator God. God has attempted to communicate to us tangibly in the form of radio signal code transmissions, straight to a few beloved scribes’ brains. I realize how farfetched that sounds. But, there is nothing I can do about it. I do not make the rules. I do not choose for God what He can and cannot do. I am here to tell you that God has communicated to us by way of the Phoenix Journals (a way He chose, and perhaps, not a way many of us would have preferred!), in which He also claims that we each have a God-Spirit Within us, to commune with Him personally, at any time.


            The way to act correctly is clearly laid out within Phoenix Journal number twenty seven, and one way to help prove that is to observe its effects upon water. Water does not ‘choose’ to react. Water reacts objectively to any stimuli, and, as such, does not have the free-will required to perform incorrect judgments. Water only reflects its judgment to be the truth of the Laws of God and Creation.


            We can discern truth with our God-given life and reasoning abilities. We can also choose to ignore the natural laws of Creation and remain blind in our self-imposed disability. Thus, when each situation arises in our lives, which calls upon us to stop and think, “Hmmm… what should I do?” we have the ability to communicate with our own spirit of life within, and to know the answer in the formulation of our thoughts, since to accurately do so means that they are in-tune with the truth of the processes of attained knowledge of absolute right and wrong, given the assumption that what is right is what causes harmony, peace, abundance, and balance within Natural design, and as such, what would manifest as the ‘intent’ of water, or more clearly: Creation – instead of anything else.


            To see if the prescriptions are objectively accurate in every instance or not, we can test every possibly-contrived scenario, in all our efforts, with the use of personal, portable, crystalline-detectors. Through the combined use of several million of us testing our ideas, limits, and validity of the Laws of God and Creation, with the help of such personalized versions of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water crystal experiments, we will know when we are creating things which would form uncrystallized structures. Perhaps we may uncover a unity to most of the divisions we may have made in error, especially when regarding the philosophical concepts we have previously distinguished as being a dilemma or as being mutually exclusive.


            There are many wonderful teachers in life, but none are greater than the life energy signature of our very own ‘I am’ presence within, which will always give us the truth of the Laws, by its very nature. Furthermore, it will always be up to us to ask and to receive, from our own spirit of life and consciousness within. If one does not receive the absolute truth, then one did not accurately witness the message the soul knows. Socrates had it right when he described that concept, and this bit of information is like gold to psychology as it perfectly explains what ego truly is. Ego is our muddled interpretation of our voice of God within, or worse, our willful rejection thereof. To practice never breaking The Law is to practice listening to the truth within ourselves, for only when we abide within The Natural Laws of Creation are we more capable of hearing our Soul Within. We align ourselves with whatever it is we choose, as granted to us by right of The Law of Free-Will, but choose to raise the frequencies of vibration of God’s energy within your physical vessel, through abiding within Law, and you will be granted entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, naturally; that is: a conscious existence independent of a material body, through the transformation of our genetics which we undertake as we learn and grow spiritually. In other words, there is a set of behavioral codes which infallibly prescribe justice for conduct in every possible case we may ever imagine, programmed right into our very genetic code. I do not wish to describe in detail the process of ascension toward the perfection of Law and Oneness with God. Suffice it to say that if you do your own research there is a plethora of information available on the subject.


            There is no need to go any further than to the natural, absolute laws which govern all in existence, and which govern even God, for there is no other path to take – no possible way. Even if all else shall fade, the Laws of Balance are forever. If there is a way to add to them or subtract from them as we see fit, then they are not Laws. Also, I would like to note that if I am incorrect, I would very much like to know what the correct truth is. Honest discernment is carefully given in all conceivable merit with regard to pursuit of truth. Please, attempt to provide counter-arguments, as this information is virtually unknown to the public. It would be a pleasure to provide legitimate reasons to any antagonist of this moral theory, which is perfection in the form of The Laws of God and Creation. It is high time we cast out, from each our own selves, the chaff of ignorance. Thank you for your time. May you be blessed in Heavenly love and joy!

Graeme Whitmeyer