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October 7, 2015 theunhivedmindOne comment

I Don’t Hate Gays

October 5, 2015

Re: Wondering about homophobic articles?!?!

Peter, a gay reader recently asked Ken Adachi,

Editor of the educate-yourself website :

“Why, out of curiosity, do you

promote all the homophobic stuff from Makow et al? ”

Here is Ken’s reply. My afterword follows.

Hello Peter,

Thanks for your note.

I don’t view the criticism of the promotion of homosexuality as homophobic, which means a fear of homosexuals. The word itself was invented by Tavistock and inserted into everyday parlance by Zionist controlled media and homosexual promoters in order to denigrate anyone who opposes the immorality of homosexual behaviour.

If I didn’t concur with Henry Makow’s position that homosexuality is immoral and degenerate sexual perversion, contrary to both Nature and God’s divine plan, then I wouldn’t be posting his articles. Henry Makow is one of the finest intellectuals we have today on the internet to help elucidate and succinctly delineate the deceptions and schemes being imposed upon us in order to devolve mankind into transhumanist robots devoid of all expressions of Godliness. You really are quite blind to the immense value of his writings. You don’t seem to realize that the promotion of homosexual perversion is a well planned and highly funded campaign by our Zionist friends, following their Protocols of Zion playbook, who want to destroy the cohesion, bonding, and moral strength of the nuclear family in America. If homosexuality, or so called transgenderism, or bi-sexuality wasn’t being promoted as ‘normal’ and ‘just another choice’, then we wouldn’t be talking about it.

There is nothing hateful about rejecting the immorality of homosexual union nor the illegitimacy of homosexual marriage. Yes, many homosexuals say they were born that way; or at least they perceive that they were ‘born’ that way. And while we don’t normally have sexual thoughts until we arrive at a certain age of puberty, our inner self identity of maleness of femaleness begins to take shape at a much earlier age.

Our development is affected by our mother/father family environment, which is why the Zionists are trying so hard to destroy it. A certain percentage of criminals attempt to justify their conduct with statements like “I guess I was just born to be bad’ etc. But does that excuse criminal behaviour?

There are also people who develop homosexual predilections as a result of a one sided upbringing, usually by the absence of father, in which the normal emotional and psychological development of the child is adversely affected and sublimated into perverse channels, such as a compulsion to have sex with young children later on in life or homosexual union. There are plenty of people who had previously engaged in homosexual behavior who came to realize that homosexuality is a dead end perversion and found greater meaning and fulfillment in life with the opposite sex.

If you appreciate what I write about, then it’s because I want to support life, decency, justice and moral living. I want to counter the subliminal psychological defeatism being imposed upon us. We become whatever we think we are. Thoughts create reality. When you think positive, you get positive.

Part of the psychological warfare being waged against our citizens is to encourage a defeatist mind set in which the government’s ever greater capitulation to corruption and the Zionist demons who are trying to destroy America and its people, is seen as inevitable and unstoppable — and overwhelming. This is the reason for the unending plethora of Doomsday prediction, of one stripe or another, — which, in case you haven’t notice, NEVER come true.

I want to see America restore itself and kick out the Zionist subversive elements who are trying to destroy this nation. I want to see our country returned to a higher strata of societal mores that we once enjoyed in earlier decades in which its Christian ethos of brotherhood and moral rectitude — such as the Ten Commandments — was embraced and encouraged by the majority. I want to live in a moral nation and in a society that embraces moral principles. Homosexual perversion is immoral, period. Just as having sex with a sheep or an 8 year old boy or 10 year old girl is immoral. You can’t justify immorality just because it’s being promoted as ‘normal.’

Instead of questioning me, maybe you should question yourself. Are you familiar with the concept of a reprobate mind? If not, maybe you should look it up.

Kind Regards, Ken Adachi

Makow Comment-

Thanks Ken.

I am not homophobic. That is a cheap manipulative slur, typical of Communists. I don’t care what gays do in private as long as there is no harm done and they clean up afterward. “Gay rights” is a ruse. The Masonic Jewish (Cabalist, Communist) banking cabal wants to spread this dysfunction to heterosexuals to undermine the heterosexual family. Although only 2% of the population is gay, the goal is to make homosexuality the societal norm. Through their control of the media, education and government, this goal is close to realization. Cabalism is Satanism. The promotion of the homosexual dysfunction is another proof society is satanically possessed.

First Comment from Richard:

I’m glad to see this very clear statement. Everyone who wants to speak their mind about anything that affects other people as they affect us, really needs to sit down and take the time to write down exactly what you think. It helps to make a clear statement up front.


Big Media does it’s best to derail the natural conversations among neighbors. Is there anyone that doesn’t know the Westboro Church of the late “rev.” Fred Phelps and family was as fake as any “reality television” show? YES. Millions of people still think that was real, because CBS/NBC/FOX/NYT/USA TODAY made “news” stories around them as if they were real. Why? The antics of Westboro Church were the media-madufactured image of:

– Christians

– anyone against US wars in the Middle East

– anyone against repeal of DODT; anyone against re-definition of marriage to include homosexuals.

These were ACTORS following their over-the-top parody of the worst stereotypes of ‘ugly American’ ‘haters’.

But they weren’t real!

Scam of the Decade Baptist Church Is Fake,d.cGU

WHEN MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT ARE ON THE SAME PAGE on issues that go against the will of the majority public, is it paranoid to suspect a hidden agenda?

This writer didn’t come from a sheltered life in a vacuum. I first learned of homosexuals from publicity around movies that came out of Hollywood after 1966. By 1969, one of my friends literally convinced himself he was a homosexual during the course of two semesters. It turned out that his literature teacher was grooming him at his home, along with three other students. My friend’s family was a mess, his father was abusive, so he had low esteem. I understand how he was exploited by a bull fruit homosexual whose motive was to use my 9th grade pal for sodomy. It was as simple as that.

Contrary to what MTV and GLAAD and the HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN and PBS tell youth, the ‘Gay Revolution’ came out full force during the early 70’s. ‘Glam Rock’ dominated commercial radio. David Bowie. Freddie Mercury and QUEEN. It’s no accident that most of the 60’s and 70’s bands dressed gay and lived the promiscuous lifestyle even if they weren’t practicing homosexuals. It’s the same ‘tell’ of the gay programming agenda in entertainment media as the fact that male actors, especially black actors and musicians have to appear in drag at least once to move up to ‘superstardom’.

I can’t believe young people today who think they’re gay have never heard of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or Andy Warhol. Connect some dots: homosexuality was already out in the open forty five years ago. In fact, it was as heavily promoted in the years 1969 to 1983 as it has been again since 2008. I leave it to the readers who think they’re gay, to answer the question of what happened next that forced the ‘gay movement’ back to the drawing board for twenty five years.

Hint: it wasn’t ‘haters’. I was living in Houston, which was gay magnet with an est 200,000 homosexuals when it was announced on local news one week that male prostitutes from the center of the gay enclave were filling the charity hospital at an alarming rate with an unknown fatal disease. AIDS exploded during the summer of 1983. First time I heard about it here, 200 were already dead in the Montrose district in Houston alone. Mostly prostitutes, who had sex with up to a dozen men every night in cars and peep shows. Many of their ‘patrons’ were straight married men from other parts of town.” A high percentage of them that lived the cruising lifestyle were already doomed. There was no treatment for HIV.

HIV hasn’t been cured, homosexuals continue to spread amongst themselves. All that’s changed is HIV has been manageable with expensive drugs. That’s a dangerous situation for society. Gay lobbies have suppressed public awareness of the HIV situation and dangers to society.

– See more at:


October 7, 2015 at 4:51 am

I believe Ken Adachi died around twenty years ago and instead a woman is posing under his name and may have connections to FBI Division #5 headed in Colorado.


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