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Court bans ‘Choose Life’ license plate as ‘patently offensive’ in shocking ruling

Tom Tillison / Biz Pac Review

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May 28, 2015

Because supporting life is so… controversial?

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled last week that “Choose Life” license plates are “patently offensive.”

Taking it a step further, the appeals court overturned a lower court ruling, saying New York had the right to ban the specialty plates based on a Department of Motor Vehicles policy designed to prevent road rage, according to The Daily Caller.

Because supporting life is so… controversial?

Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco said the court “denied free speech in favor of government censorship.”

“Pro-adoption organizations should have the same speech rights as any other organization,” Tedesco said. “The state has wrongly gotten away with speech discrimination against our client for more than 10 years.”

Life News posted a link to the story, along with a sample plate:



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